Time-limited computation in Ruby - ruby

I want to run a task in Ruby for up to (say) 10 seconds, and kill that task if it has taken longer. This is to prevent hanging of an external process. What's the best way of implementing this? In particular, how would I write the function for_up_to_10_seconds below?
loop do
for_up_to_10_seconds do
# something

The Timeout class from the standard lib is what you're looking for: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Timeout.html
loop do
Timeout.timeout(10) do
# something


How to reschedule in rufus-scheduler?

I'm writing a Telegram-Bot's server in Ruby, and I want to repeat running some code. But the problem is the code I want to repeatedly run is dynamic, how can I reschedule it?
I'm not sure I am answering to your question, but it's fairly easy to reuse a block with different schedules.
require 'rufus-scheduler'
s = Rufus::Scheduler.new
job = lambda do
puts "hello #{Time.now}"
s.in('1s', &job)
# later on, rescheduling...
s.in('2s', &job)
s.join # just so that the example doesn't end here
You can also use a Handler and schedule it multiple times: https://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler#scheduling-handler-classes

Any way to snipe or terminate specific sidekiq workers?

Is it possible to snipe or cancel specific Sidekiq workers/running jobs - effectively invoking an exception or something into the worker thread to terminate it.
I have some fairly simple background ruby (MRI 1.9.3) jobs under Sidekiq (latest) that run fine and are dependent on external systems. The external systems can take varying amounts of time during which the worker must remain available.
I think I can use Sidekiq's API to get to the appropriate worker - but I don't see any 'terminate/cancel/quite/exit' methods in the docs - is this possible? Is this something other people have done?
Ps. I know I could use an async loop within the workers job to trap relevant signals and shut itself down ..but that will complicate things a bit due to the nature of the external systems.
Async loop is the best way to do it as sidekiq has no way to terminate running job.
def perform
main_thread = Thread.new do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
# ...
$redis.set some_thread_key, 1
watcher_thread = Thread.new do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
until $redis.del(some_thread_key) == 1 do
sleep 1
until !!main_thread.status == false do
sleep 0.1
[main_thread, watcher_thread].each(&:join)

How do I loop the restart of a daemon?

I am trying to use Ruby's daemon gem and loop the restart of a daemon that has its own loop. My code looks like this now:
require 'daemons'
while true
listener = Daemons.call(:force => true) do
users = accounts.get_updated_user_list
TweetStream::Client.new.follow(users) do |status|
puts "#{status.text}"
Running this gives me the following error (after 60 seconds):
undefined method `restart' for #<Daemons::Application:0x007fc5b29f5658> (NoMethodError)
So obviously Daemons.call doesn't return a controllable daemon like I think it does. What do I need to do to set this up correctly. Is a daemon the right tool here?
I think this is what you're after, although I haven't tested it.
class RestartingUserTracker
def initialize
#client = TweetStream::Client.new
def handle_status(status)
# do whatever it is you're going to do with the status
def fetch_users
def restart
users = fetch_users
#client.follow(users) do |status|
EM.run do
client = RestartingUserTracker.new
EM::PeriodicTimer.new(60) do
Here's how it works:
TweetStream uses EventMachine internally, as a way of polling the API forever and handling the responses. I can see why you might have felt stuck, because the normal TweetStream API blocks forever and doesn't give you a way to intervene at any point. However, TweetStream does allow you to set up other things in the same event loop. In your case, a timer. I found the documentation on how to do that here: https://github.com/intridea/tweetstream#removal-of-on_interval-callback
By starting up our own EventMachine reactor, we're able to inject our own code into the reactor as well as use TweetStream. In this case, we're using a simple timer that just restarts the client every 60 seconds.
EventMachine is an implementation of something called the Reactor Pattern. If you want to fully understand and maintain this code, it would serve you well to find some resources about it and gain a full understanding. The reactor pattern is very powerful, but can be difficult to grasp at first.
However, this code should get you started. Also, I'd consider renaming the RestartingUserTracker to something more appropriate.

Parallelism in Ruby

I've got a loop in my Ruby build script that iterates over each project and calls msbuild and does various other bits like minify CSS/JS.
Each loop iteration is independent of the others so I'd like to parallelise it.
How do I do this?
I've tried:
Thread.start {
# do stuff
puts "foo"
but Ruby just seems to exit straight away (prints "foo"). That is, it runs over the loop, starts a load of threads, but because there's nothing after the each, Ruby exits killing the other threads :(
I know I can do thread.join, but if I do this inside the loop then it's no longer parallel.
What am I missing?
I'm aware of http://peach.rubyforge.org/ but using that I get all kinds of weird behaviour that look like variable scoping issues that I don't know how to solve.
It would be useful if I could wait for all child-threads to execute before putting "foo", or at least the main ruby thread exiting. Is this possible?
Store all your threads in an array and loop through the array calling join:
threads = myarray.map do |item|
Thread.start do
# do stuff
threads.each { |thread| thread.join }
puts "foo"
Use em-synchrony here :). Fibers are cute.
require "em-synchrony"
require "em-synchrony/fiber_iterator"
# if you realy need to get a Fiber per each item
# in real life you could set concurrency to, for example, 10 and it could even improve performance
# it depends on amount of IO in your job
concurrency = myarray.size
EM.synchrony do
EM::Synchrony::FiberIterator.new(myarray, concurrency).each do |url|
# do some job here
Take into account that ruby threads are green threads, so you dont have natively true parallelism. I f this is what you want I would recommend you to take a look to JRuby and Rubinius:

What is the best way to periodically export a counter from a loop in Ruby

I have created a daemon in Ruby which has a counter incrementing inside of a loop. The loop does its business, then sleeps for 1 second, then continues. Simplified it's something like:
loop do
response = send_command
if response == 1
counter += 1
Every 5 minutes I would like to call a method to database the counter value. I figure there are a few ways to do this. The initial way I considered was calling Time.now in the loop, examining it to match 5 minutes, 0 seconds, and if that matched, call the sql function. That seems terribly inefficient, however, and it could also miss a record if send_command took some time.
Another possibility may be to make available the counter variable, which could be called (and reset) via a socket. I briefly took a look at the Socket class, and that seems possible.
Is there an obvious/best way to do this that I'm missing?
If you just want to save every 5 minutes, you could just use a Thread. Something like:
Thread.new do
sleep 5*60
Note that the thread have access to counter if it is defined in the same block as the loop. you could also use an object and have the #counter declared insidd.
If you prefer to access remotely, you can do it with a socket or use a drb approach, that is probably easier. This drb tutorial seem to fit your requirements: http://ruby.about.com/od/advancedruby/a/drb.htm
I'd have the counter be updated every time through the loop, then periodically have something read that and update the database.
That makes a simpler main loop because it doesn't have to pay attention to how long it's needed to wait before exporting the value.
And, it's very common and normal to have a periodic task that samples a value and does something with it.
Creating a simple socket would work well. Ruby's Socket code RDoc has some samples for echo servers that might get you started.
