Save simple data in Magento's DB w/o Model - magento

I'm looking to save some data in the Magento database without hassling with creating a new EAV object (or even a DB table if I can avoid it). Is there any place that you all know about that Magento will let you store serialized data?
If it matters, the data is a serialized set of SKUs that I need to retrieve. I know that I could create a new model, or possibly even create an attribute as a flag on each product, but those are both really overkill for my purposes.

First, it's possible to setup a simple, non-EAV model with Magento. You still need to do some configuration and setup, but it's much less complicated than a full on EAV store.
Second, if you're storing information specific to users you can throw it in a session object. I can't recall the syntax right now (will update later), but search through your codebsae for ::getModel followed by the phrase "session".
Third, you still have access to all the old PHP tools you'd normally have. Writing/reading out of a file or memcached space (or bringing in a third party Model library) is another option.

If you just want to run some database queries directly then you can do so with the underlying Zend Db abstractions.


How to retrieve the data from database without using apache jackrabbit datastore?

I have integrated the jack rabbit with Oracle database and I am storing the
Data using Jackrabbit, if I don't want to retrieve the data using the
Jackrabbit, in what way I can get the data. In database data is storing in
blob type.
The way Jackrabbit stores the data in the DB is an implementation detail, and it does not magically map this into a "nice" DB schema if that's what you mean. (The hierarchical nature and all the JCR features make this impossible). It's a bit like having a Unix file system and then asking how can I read the low level inodes etc. from the file system implementation - you really should not.
Last but not least note that while it is running nothing else (except for a Jackrabbit cluster setup) must write to the DB (the tables used by Jackrabbit) as this will easily lead to data corruption.
As #TedTrippin already mentioned above, an ORM framework would make things much easier. But if you really want to do it manually in Oracle, the approach would be:
Study the code of the OCM, then get the content according to the logic of associations and relations from Oracle, probably not in one but multiple queries per document; eventually with user-defined functions, which are supported in Oracle and might make things easier.
Would be interesting to know the background of your questions. You tagged it with "Spring" and "CMS". I don't see any reason why you would want to access the data directly from Oracle, it's tedious. In case you want to provide an API for the content to an external system, or in case you have lost a CMS that was once in front of and just using the Jackrabbit repo as a content store, you could still use such ORM / OCM framework standalone to make it easier to access the data.

ADOX Rearrange Or Insert Columns Rather than Append them in Access Vb6, VB.Net or CSharp

I need to insert a field in the middle of current fields of a database table. I'm currently doing this in VB6 but may get the green light to do this in .net. Anyway I'm wondering since Access gives you the ability to "insert" fields in the table is there a way to do this in ADOX? If I had to I could step back and use DAO, but not sure how to do it there either.
If yor're wondering why I want to do this applications database has changed over time and I'm being asked to create Upgrade program for some of the installations with older versions.
Any help would be great.
This should not be necessary. Use the correct list of fields in your queries to retrieve them in the required order.
BUT, if you really need to do that, the only way i know is to create a new table with the fields in the required order, read the data from the old table into the new one, delete the old table and rename the new table as the old one.
I hear you: in Access the order of the fields is important.
If you need a comprehensive way to work with ADOX, your go to place is Allen Browne's website. I have used it to from my novice to pro in handling Access database changes. Here it is: Go to Access Tips then scroll down to ADOX Code.
That is also where I normally refer people with doubts about capabilities of Access as a database :)
In your case, you will juggle through creating a new table with the new field in the right position, copying data to the new table, applying properties to the fields, deleting original table, renaming the new table to the required (original) name.
That is the correct order. Do not apply field properties before copying the data. Some indexes and key properties may not be applied when the fields already have data.
Over time, I have automated this so I just run an application to do detect and implement the required changes for me. But that took A LOT of work-weeks.

Data Synchronization from Relational Database to Couch DB

I need to synchronize my Relational database(Oracle or Mysql) to CouchDb. Do anyone has any idea how its possible. if its possbile than how we can notify the CouchDb for any changes happened on the relational DB.
Thanks in advance.
First of all, you need to change the way you think about database modeling. Synchronizing to CouchDB is not just creating documents of all your tables, and pushing them to Couch.
I'm using CouchDB for a site in production, I'll describe what I did, maybe it will help you:
From the start, we have been using MySQL as our primary database. I had entities mapped out, including their relations. In an attempt to speed up the front-end I decided to use CouchDB as a content repository. The benefit was to have fully prepared documents, that contained all the relational data, so data could be fetched with much less overhead.
Because the documents can contain related entities - say a question document that contains all answers - I first decided what top-level entities I wanted to push to Couch. In my example, only questions would be pushed to Couch, and those documents would contain the answers, and possible some metadata, such as tags, user info, etc. When requesting a question on the frontend, I would only need to fetch one document to have all the information I need at that point.
Now for your second question: how to notify CouchDB of changes. In our case, all the changes in our data are done using a CMS. I have a single point in my code which all edit actions call. That's the place where I hooked in a function that persisted the object being saved to CouchDB. The function determines if this object needs persisting (ie: is it a top level entity), then creates a document of this object (think about some sort of toArray function), and fetches all its relations, recursively. The complete document is then pushed to CouchDB.
Now, in your case, the variables here may be completely different, but the basic idea is the same: figure out what documents you want saved, and how they look like. Then write a function that composes these documents and make sure this is called when changes are made to your relational database.
Notifying CouchDB of a change
CouchDB is very simple. Probably the easiest thing is directly updating an existing document. Two ways to implement this come to mind:
The easiest way is a normal CouchDB update: Fetch the current document by id; modify it; then send it back to Couch with HTTP PUT or POST.
If you have clear application-specific changes (e.g. "the views value was incremented") then writing an _update function seems prudent. Update function are very simple: they receive an HTTP query and a document; they modify the document; and then CouchDB stores the new version. You write update functions in Javascript and they run on the server. It is a great way to "compress" common actions into simpler (and fewer) HTTP queries.

Magento Product Import - Beyond CSV/XLS

I want to move an entire catalog from one magento store to another store on another server. I realize I can import via csv, but I also want to maintain product relationships, grouped product relationship, config product relationships and images. The only way I can think to do this is to write my own script using the Magento API. Is there another more straight forward way of doing this?
I just found this extension, we'll see if it does the job:
Export the DB directly and you would retain all this information. This would also be significantly faster for large sets of objects.
If that feels too dirty, your API solution will contain all the data, but will take longer to import/export.

Can Core Data content be edited directly?

I've been using Core Data for about a week now, and really loving it, but one minor issue is that setting default values requires going through and setting up a temp interface to load the data, which I then do away with once I have the data seeded. Is there any way to edit values in a table, like how you can use phpMyAdmin to manipulate values in a MySQL database? Alternately, is there a way to write a function to import seed values from something like a Numbers spreadsheet if it doesn't detect the storedata XML file?
For your first question, you could edit the file directly but it's highly recommended you don't. How to edit it depends entirely on the store type you selected.
Regarding importing or setting up pre-generated data, of course: you can write code to manually insert entity instances into your Managed Object Context. There's a dedicated section on this very topic in the documentation. Further, if you have a lot of data to import, there's even a section on how to do this efficiently.
Is there any way to edit values in a
table, like how you can use phpMyAdmin
to manipulate values in a MySQL
Xcode has a means of creating a quick and dirty interface for a data model. You just drag the data model file into a window in interface builder and it autogenerates an interface for you. This lets you view the data without having to have your entire app up and running.
