Find does not work in Expect Send command - bash

I run this bash command to display contents of in a Weblogic domain directory.
find $(/usr/ucb/ps auwwx | grep weblogic | tr ' ' '\n' | grep security.policy | grep domain | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/weblogic.policy//' -e 's/security\///' -e 's/dep\///' | awk -F'/' '{print "/"$2"/"$3"/"$4"/"}' | sort | uniq) 2> /dev/null -exec ls {} \; -exec cat {} \;
I tried incorporating this in an expect script and also escaped some special characters and double quotes too but it throws an error "extra characters after close-quote"
send "echo ; echo 'Weblogic' ; find \$(/usr/ucb/ps auwwx | grep weblogic | tr ' ' '\n' | grep security.policy | grep domain | awk -F'=' '{print \$2}' | sed -e 's/weblogic.policy//' -e 's/security\\///' -e 's/dep\\///' | awk -F'/' '{print \"/\"\$2\"/\"\$3\"/\"\$4\"/\"}' | sort | uniq) 2> /dev/null -exec ls {} \\; -exec cat {} \\;
I guess it needs some more escaping of special characters or probably I dint escape the existing ones correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.

give us the syntax error find or bash threw on the other side.
and try adding an extra \ or 2 before the semicolons at the end.
The problem with expect is the number of layers of escapes you need when it get's ugly.
In the awk statement, go escape all the doublequotes ( " -> \" )
and get me an error message :)

If you have a command line with complex quoting that you know works in bash then it's often easier to just go ahead and use bash. Like this:
set cmd {find $(/usr/ucb/ps auwwx | grep weblogic | tr ' ' '\n' | grep security.policy | grep domain | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/weblogic.policy//' -e 's/security\///' -e 's/dep\///' | awk -F'/' '{print "/"$2"/"$3"/"$4"/"}' | sort | uniq) 2> /dev/null -exec ls {} \; -exec cat {} \;}
spawn /bin/bash -c $cmd
expect ... whatever is appropriate ...
Notice that I used the Tcl {} operator instead of "" around the command string. This operator is like single quote in bash, it means "literal string, do not interpret the contents in any way" and is appropriate here because I want to pass this string verbatim to the spawned bash subprocess.

There is a " missing at the end of your send line.


Echo command containing both double and single quotes

I have this command
cp $(ldd MyApp.out | awk '{print $3}' | sed -E '/^$/d') lib/
and at some point, I want to echo it into a file but a naive approach echo command_above doesn't work.
If I put the command into single quotes, then $3 expands to whitespace.
Is it possible to print that command char-by-char as it is after echo command without any expansion and substitution?
The common approach is to use the << operator to read until some delimiter:
# "cat" just prints what it reads
cat << 'EOF' > output_file
cp $(ldd MyApp.out | awk '{print $3}' | sed -E '/^$/d') lib/
Use xargs to pass file names list to cp
ldd MyApp.out | awk '$3!=""{print $3}' | xargs -d'\n' -I{} cp {} lib/
For debugging and logging purposes you can use set -x or set -v:
set -v # dump commands below
cp $(ldd MyApp.out | awk '{print $3}' | sed -E '/^$/d') lib/
set +v # stop dumping

I want my script to echo "$1" into a file literally

This is part of my script
echo "ls /SomeFolder | grep $1 | xargs cat | grep something | grep .txt | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/;$//';" >>
This echos everything nicely into my script except $1 and $2. Instead of that it outputs the input of those variables but i want it to literally read "$1" and "$2". Help?
Escape it:
echo "ls /SomeFolder | grep \$1 | xargs cat | grep something | grep .txt | awk '{print \$2}' | sed 's/;\$//';" >>
Quote it:
echo "ls /SomeFolder | grep "'$'"1 | xargs cat | grep something | grep .txt | awk '{print "'$'"2}' | sed 's/;"'$'"//';" >>
or like this:
echo 'ls /SomeFolder | grep $1 | xargs cat | grep something | grep .txt | awk '\''{print $2}'\'' | sed '\''s/;$//'\'';' >>
Use quoted here document:
cat << 'EOF' >>
ls /SomeFolder | grep $1 | xargs cat | grep something | grep .txt | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/;$//';
Basically you want to prevent expansion, ie. take the string literaly. You may want to read bashfaq quotes
First, you'd never write this (see, and you don't need greps+seds+pipes when you're using awk):
ls /SomeFolder | grep $1 | xargs cat | grep something | grep .txt | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/;$//'`
you'd write this instead:
find /SomeFolder -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*$1*" -exec \
awk '/something/ && /.txt/{sub(/;$/,"",$2); print $2}' {} +
or if you prefer using print | xargs instead of -exec:
find /SomeFolder -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*$1*" -print0 |
xargs -0 awk '/something/ && /.txt/{sub(/;$/,"",$2); print $2}'
and now to append that script to a file would be:
cat <<'EOF' >>
find /SomeFolder -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*$1*" -print0 |
xargs -0 awk '/something/ && /.txt/{sub(/;$/,"",$2); print $2}'
Btw, if you want the . in .txt to be treated literally instead of as a regexp metachar meaning "any character" then you should be using \.txt instead of .txt.

grep search with filename as parameter

I'm working on a shell script.
here, the OUT variable is my filename.
I'm using grep search as follows:
l=`grep "$pattern " -A 15 $OUT | grep -w $i | awk '{print $8}'|tail -1 | tr '\n' ','`
The issue is that the filename parameter I must pass is test.log.However, I have the folder structure :
I would ideally like to pass the filename as test.log and would like it to search it in all log files.I know the usual way to do is by using test.log.* in command line, but I'm facing difficulty replicating the same in shell script.
My efforts:
l=`grep "$pattern " -A 15 $OUT$var | grep -w $i | awk '{print $8}'|tail -1 | tr '\n' ','`
However, I did not get the desired result.
Hopefully this will get you closer:
for f in "${1}*"; do
grep "$pattern" -A15 "$f"
done | grep -w $i | awk 'END{print $8}'

echo -e cat: argument line too long

I have bash script that would merge a huge list of text files and filter it. However I'll encounter 'argument line too long' error due to the huge list.
echo -e "`cat $dir/*.txt`" | sed '/^$/d' | grep -v "\-\-\-" | sed '/</d' | tr -d \' | tr -d '\\\/<>(){}!?~;.:+`*-_ͱ' | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | sort -us -o $output
I have seen some similar answers here and i know i could rectify it using find and cat the files 1st. However, i would i like to know what is the best way to run a one liner code using echo -e and cat without breaking the code and to avoid the argument line too long error. Thanks.
First, with respect to the most immediate problem: Using find ... -exec cat -- {} + or find ... -print0 | xargs -0 cat -- will prevent more arguments from being put on the command line to cat than it can handle.
The more portable (POSIX-specified) alternative to echo -e is printf '%b\n'; this is available even in configurations of bash where echo -e prints -e on output (as when the xpg_echo and posix flags are set).
However, if you use read without the -r argument, the backslashes in your input string are removed, so neither echo -e nor printf %b will be able to process them later.
Fixing this can look like:
while IFS= read -r line; do
printf '%b\n' "$line"
done \
< <(find "$dir" -name '*.txt' -exec cat -- '{}' +) \
| sed [...]
grep -v '^$' $dir/*.txt | grep -v "\-\-\-" | sed '/</d' | tr -d \' \
| tr -d '\\\/<>(){}!?~;.:+`*-_ͱ' | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' \
| sort -us -o $output
If you think about it some more you can probably get rid of a lot more stuff and turn it into a single sed and sort, roughly:
sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/\-\-\-/d' -e '/</d' -e 's/\'\\\/<>(){}!?~;.:+`*-_ͱ//g' \
-e 's/ / /g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' $dir/*.txt | sort -us -o $output

Use each line of piped output as parameter for script

I have an application (myapp) that gives me a multiline output
With grep and sed I can get my parameters as below
myapp | grep '|' | sed -e 's/^[^|]*//' | sed -e 's/|.*//'
But then want these myparamx values as paramaters of a script to be executed for each parameter. myparam1 myparam2
Any help greatly appreciated
Please see xargs. For example:
myapp | grep '|' | sed -e 's/^[^|]*//' | sed -e 's/|.*//' | xargs -n 1
May be this can help -
myapp | awk -F"|" '{ print $2 }' | while read -r line; do /path/to/script/ "$line"; done
I like the xargs -n 1 solution from Dark Falcon, and while read is a classical tool for such kind of things, but just for completeness:
myapp | awk -F'|' '{print "", $2}' | bash
As a side note, speaking about extraction of 2nd field, you could use cut:
myapp | cut -d'|' -f 1 # -f 1 => second field, starting from 0
