NSSearchField not working as expected - cocoa

I'm trying to follow Marcus Zarra in his book 'Core Data'. In the book, he makes a small sample application, but it doesn't give much help when things don't work out...
He starts out by visually designing three entities, and then adding array controllers for each entity to the main nib.
Second, he adds a tableview and some other visual components to show data from the array controllers.
So far, I have managed to follow, but now he adds a search field to the gui, and binds it to the same array controller as one of the tableviews. Expected behavior would be for the tableview to get filtered when typing in the search field, but nothing happens.
How do I find out what's wrong?
The relevant parts from the nib is as follow:
NSArrayController Recipes
- Mode = Entity
- Enitity Name = Recipe
TableView w/TableColumn
- Value Bind To Recipes
-- Controller Key = arrangedObjects
-- Model Key Path = name
Search Field
- Predicate Bind To Recipes
-- Controller Key = filterPredicate
-- Model Key Path = name
-- Display name = predicate
-- Predicate Format = keyPath contains $value
There are no relevant messages in the console.

The book example is wrong and will be fixed in the next printing. You can remove the Model Key Path entirely as it is never read and change the predicate format to:
name contains[c] $value


DOORS DXL issue looping through a filtered dataset

I have a script in which I filter the data in a module by a certain attribute value. When I then loop through these objects, for now, I am displaying the absolute number of the objects in an infoBox. However, the script is displaying absolute numbers of objects that are not in the dataset. Upon further investigation, I found that the extra absolute numbers were for each table within the entire module. I can't figure out why the script would include these tables when they are not in the filtered module data. I have even tried manually filtering the module on this attribute value then use the "Tools -> Edit DXL" to loop through the resulting items and it still displays the numbers for the tables that are not included. Why would it do this?
Here's my code:
bm2 = moduleVar
Filter fltr = contains(attribute "RCR_numbers", sRCRNum, false);
filtering on;
set(bm2, fltr);
for oObj in document(bm2) do {
absNum = oObj."Absolute Number";
infoBox("Object #" absNum ".");
I have also tried removing the document cast so it says "for oObj in bm2 do" instead, but this doesn't change the output. Why is the code giving me objects that are not in the filter? Any help would be greatly appreciated since this is a high priority issue for my project and I'm out of ideas myself.
In the DOORS 9.6.1 DXL Reference Manual you can see that:
for object in document
Assigns the variable o to be each successive
object in module. It is equivalent to the for object in module loop,
except that it includes table header objects, but not the row header
objects nor cells.
So, you must either use for object in module or, within your existing loop, test the hidden attribute TableType - this will be set to TableNone for anything that is not part of a table, table headers included.

Can we dynamically set the value of "list" attribute of <apex:relatedList> component?

I am trying to design a generalized detail page for an object.
In the controller class I find the list of all child relations of that object.
I then want to create for each child relations found and for accomplishing this I will have to dynamically set the value of list attribute within it.
For example :
<apex:relatedList subject={!ObjName} list="{!relatedListName}" />
But the problem here is that list attribute only accepts String literal, so can't implement it. Please suggest a way for this requirement to be accomplished.
Yes, you can dynamically set the value of the "list" attribute on a relatedlist tag, and you do so via Dynamic Visualforce. This question has since been asked and concisely answered here on the Salesforce Stack exchange for any future browsers:
Here is the general solution:
In a custom controller, add a function to dynamically generate the RelatedList markup. I will assume from your wording that you have already accessed the full list of child relationships in your controller, so in order to spit out all the lists in one block, I would use something like this:
public Component.Apex.OutputPanel getDynamicList()
Component.Apex.OutputPanel outPanel = new Component.Apex.OutputPanel();
for(String id : childNames) {
Component.Apex.RelatedList relList = new Component.Apex.RelatedList();
relList.list = id;
return outPanel;
In the middle there, you can dynamically set any string to the "List" value, and by iterating through your list of strings, you are adding related list objects over and over again. (To simply add one list, remove the for loop, and make the "id" string value whatever specific relationship you wish to display).
Then on your visualforce page, you can render this block out using a dynamic visualforce tag:
<apex:dynamicComponent componentValue="{!DynamicList}" />
(as you may know, the formulaic value field will dig up the getter automatically)
Great success!
I would suggest trying apex:dataTable or apex:repeat to build your own list display. You will likely need a wrapper class to handle passing attributes and values from the sObject to the page.

Core Data KVC example

Sorry to impose, but I would really appreciate it if someone would take a look at this and show me how to get this done:
Core Data works as expected with data associations between the Source list entry(s) and the upper right textField.
So does textField2 (lower right) if you manually type in a string.
I want to append a string in the lower textField, in this case a generic "Hello!" (implemented in the setText method) and have it also maintain it's association with the source list entry.
To summarize: textField2 - manually type in a string, it works as expected. Append the coded string, and it does not maintain it's association with the source list entry.
Here's the sample project.
Thanks again for the help.
Here's how I updated setText: method in MyDocument class:
NSString *newValue = [[output stringValue] stringByAppendingString:#"Hello!"];
[[setText selection] setValue:newValue forKey:#"textField2"];
I think your assumptions on value setting direction was wrong. Object does not take a value from the text field. It's the text field that takes value from the object. Hence I create newValue by taking current value of output text field and appending something to it. Then I take [setText selection] object (the one currently selected) and set it's textField2 property to new value. This setValue:forKey method automatically updates the output test field with new value of textField2 property.

How do I swap items in a VB6 collection?

If I have a collection of forms (myForms) and I want to switch the position of two forms in the collection (say items 3 and 4 for example), I would expect that the following code would work:
Dim temp as Form
Set temp = myForms(3)
Set myForms(3) = myForms(4)
Set myForms(4) = temp
But that doesn't work. It fails at the third line with the error "Controls property is read only." If I change the line to:
myForms(3) = myForms(4)
I get a type mismatch error instead.
If myForms is a standard collection:
Dim myForms as New Collection
(which is actually different from the controls collection) and you've added the forms using:
myForms.Add frmOne, myForms.Add frmTwo
etc then (yes) you do need to use the Add and Remove methods because of the way the collection references the added objects.
Otherwise the interpretation is that you actually want to replace one form with another and this is not allowed. You can't say:
Set frmOne = frmTwo
unless these are actually variables of type Form.
Why do you need to switch the order? Are you referencing the item numbers somewhere? Would using a Dictionary to collect the forms and reference them by a key be useful?
PS. The type mismatch is simply because both items are objects and need to be 'Set'.
You can't actually swap around items in the controls collection in VB6. You need to use the Add and Remove functions associated with each. Check out this article:
Hope this helps!

Automatically generated predicate row templates for to-many key?

In my Core Data managed object model, I have an entity Foo with a to-many relationship (with a to-many inverse) to entity Baz named baz. Baz has a string property named "tag". When I use [NSPredicateRowEditorTemplate templatesWithAttributeKeyPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"baz.tag"] inEntityDescription:FooDescription] to create the row editors for an NSPredicateEditor, the result contains (as expected) a row template like
[Popup: baz.tag] [Popup: Contains|is|is not|...] [TextField]
When I select "Contains" from the popup, a query with the predicate works as expected. If I choose any of the other popups (e.g. "is"), I get the following error: "to-many key not allowed here". Can I use [NSPredicateRowEditorTemplate templatesWithAttributeKeyPaths:inEntityDescription:] or do I have to build the row editor manually?
It looks like the automatically generated template (using [NSPredicateRowEditorTemplate templatesWithAttributeKeyPaths:inEntityDescription:]) cannot produce the correct operators. The solution is to create the template manually using [NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate initWithLeftExpressions:rightExpressionAttributeType:modifier:operators:options:]. For the given example:
id template = [[NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate initWithLeftExpressions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:#"baz.tag"]] rightExpressionAttributeType:NSStringAttributeType modifier:NSAnyPredicateModifier operators:keywordOperators options:0];
