Free SCM for Matlab 64 bit version on Windows [closed] - windows

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Closed 5 years ago.
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When Matlab is installed in its 64 bit version, it can use only 64 bit source control systems. Is there a source control system that's free, works with 64 bit Matlab and runs on Windows?
It can be a system that supports only one developer. It can be 32 bit itself, if it'll work. It will be installed on the same machine as the Matlab in use, which is a Win7 Ultimate x64 machine.

I'd recommend mercurial using the TortoiseHg interface. There is a 64bit windows version available for download. It includes a set of windows shell extentions so it works nicely from the explorer window.
It's easy to set up and use and it's saved me on numerous occasions. Mercurial works well with binary files so MATLAB mat files and fig files can all be placed in version control. I'd say it's essential i you're using guide. In developing GUI's with guide there have been occasions where guide has crashed and was unable to reopen the fig file again. Fortunately a quick roll back in Mercurial to the last previous working version and I was back working again.
To be honest I've never really been that impressed with MATLAB's integration with SCM, it just seems to be a tacked on option rather than integrated. Something like NetBeans shows how you can integrate SCM in the development environment. So I wouldn't try to get MATLAB "to use" SCM rather just use Mercurial (or whatever you choose) alongside MATLAB.
Oh and it's free as well.

I've been using git to track my matlab code and it's been very useful. If you do go this route, make a .gitignore file and put the following in it
The reason for the first one is that you don't want to archive your autogenerated backups. Since .mat and .fig files can be large and are generally generated by your code, I don't archive them either. One exception is gui figs; I create a gui directory and put a new .gitignore file in it with
which tells git not to ignore .fig files in that directory

For SVN, I have written a Matlab-GUI for committing (and checking differences in) code for when I'm too lazy to launch another application to commit my changes (or for when there is no nice, free client, like on OS X).
You could do something similar for any other version control system, and then you don't need to worry about whether Matlab supports it.

You might be interested in using Subversion or Git, which are tried-and-true, general-purpose SCMs.


How to detect unnecessary Windows\Installer file [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i have search a lot to find out How to detect unnecessary Windows\Installer file !
I am sure lot of you have faced this issue previously and solve it somehow.
Now when i look at my ---
directory on Windows Server 2008 R2 i can see it took already 42 GB out if total 126 GB.
Now what i would like to know can i just delete all the files from that Installer directory or i have to detect which file can be removed !
Do anyone knows any solution for this issue !
How do you define unnecessary?
Specialized system case: You want the minimum footprint and are willing to sacrifice functionality that you don't expect to use.
If all is well, each the files in C:\Windows\Installer are a local cache of an installed Windows Installer package, patch, transform, etc. They are necessary for uninstallation, auto-repair or on-demand installation to succeed. If you will never need any of those things on these machines (i.e. if you are bringing them up on demand as VMs, and would rebuild them rather than uninstall something), then unless the app itself invokes Windows Installer APIs itself, it may be relatively safe to remove files from C:\Windows\Installer. In addition, you could call the Windows Installer API MsiSourceListEnum to find other caches of files that are used for these same purposes. It may be similarly safe (or unsafe) to remove those files.
More usual case: You'd rather not rebuild the system
If you suspect there are unreferenced files in that folder left over from prior upgrades or uninstallations, you can try to use Windows Intstaller API calls to verify this. At a very low level, you can call MsiEnumProducts (or possibly MsiEnumProductsEx) to find the product codes of all installed products, and MsiGetProductInfo/Ex(szProduct, INSTALLPROPERTY_LOCALPACKAGE, ...) to find its cached .msi file and INSTALLPROPERTY_TRANSFORMS for a list of its transforms. Then MsiEnumPatches/Ex to find all patch codes and MsiGetPatchInfo/Ex (again with INSTALLPROPERTY_LOCALPACKAGE and/or INSTALLPROPERTY_TRANSFORMS) to list the .msp and .mst files it references. In theory, the full set of all files referenced here should match up with the full set of files in C:\Windows\Installer. (Or there are more references to look for...)
(Before you write anything to do this, consider that there are probably apps out there that automate this, or are even smarter about it, such as the one referenced in another answer.)
You could not delete them all.
There is a good answer about your problem, I test in my lab. It works for me.
Notes: If possible, you had better copy this folder to anther disk (such as E:)

Is there an IDLE-like editor for ruby on Windows or Ubuntu? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to introduce my young cousin to a bit of programming. Ideally ruby, as that's what I'm familiar with. However finding a suitable text editor is a real pain. All I need of the editor is the ability to type a few lines of code, press 'Run' and get some results (or not, as the case may be). The simpler the editor the better, I don't need Netbeans, Eclipse etc. What I want to avoid is the necessity of using the terminal to run scripts, TextWrangler, Textmate and IDLE for Python can do this.
Unfortunately I need something that will work on Windows, or Ubuntu, otherwise I would have just installed Textmate on his laptop.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You can do this in SciTE, which is bundled with the Windows Ruby installer or can be downloaded here. Click Tools > Go or press F5. It's an all-around good (and fast) editor with not a lot of bells and whistles.
This might require some configuration to make sure SciTE knows where your Ruby executable is. I believe the configuration for this is in Options > Open > command.go.*.rb.
On Ubuntu... How about the good old Gedit application? The Tool Launcher Plugin will enable you to run any external task (including the execution of the current open file.
Many thanks for all the suggestions, though having tried multitudes of editors, the option I've went with is Geany.
I couldn't get ScITE to work properly with standard input on either Windows or Ubuntu.
Ruby is a great language that could also be attractive to absolute beginners, however, the fact that the ruby installer does not include a basic editor that can be used in a self contained manner (to write and run scripts) really hinders its use for beginners.
This struggle to find an editor that could be used for writing and running ruby scripts almost had me resorting to python!
redcareditor has a "run" option under plugins -> execute
it's quick and dirty :)
I've used SciTE before for that sort of purpose. It reportedly works on Linux as well as Windows, but I haven't tried the Linux version myself.
Take a look at FreeRIDE for an IDE-type solution. You can also run code directly from the SciTE editor.
Well, on Windows, you can get E-Text Editor. It's basically a TextMate clone for Windows that runs TextMate commands and snippets.
30 day trial, then a little under $50 for full version.
I have no affiliation with the creators/owners of E-Text Editor
I use two editors that way, one is old school but only for Windows: Textpad , it also lets you enter parameters. Because of its popularity and power i'm trying to switch to Sublime Text, it is multi OS.
It takes some effort getting used to because i worked with textpad for many years but is is very powerfull and for Ruby development it is now my favorite workhorse. You can also find many tutorials and Youtube demos because of it's popularity.

Windows GUIs for git [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am aware of this question, but it is a bit old now, and some of the answers seem outdated.
Question: please write one answer per GUI you have used, including pros and cons (for example, as far as I can tell, with git gui, you can't manage the stash).
(This is not exactly a "Windows" standalone Git GUI, but still quite advanced)
Considering that since then, Eclipse is in the process of mirroring all its projects in Git repositories, EGit (based on JGit) have made some progress and are part of the Eclipse ecosystem, and is on par with its Mercurial counterpart.
You can contribute to EGit there.
This Tutorial is quite complete.
alt text
So far I've been happiest with Git Extensions.
Fairly complete access to git commands
Doesn't hide git specifics like the index (unlike Tortoise)
Good branch visualization
Visual Studio integration in addition to standalone GUI or shell integration
Actively developed
UI is rough around the edges in looks and usability.
As for the GitHub for Windows - I have used it for a little time and it's pretty nice. Very esthetic and quite straight forward. It's even better when working with repositories located on GitHub (however I used it with other targets as well).
Today I switched to completely new client for Windows made by Bitbucket named SourceTree. As I understand it's a port from Mac client and thanks to that it looks and feels great. It has LOADS of options and tools (I have not familiarized myself with many of them) and it's constantly developed ( ). They released the Beta version on 19.03.2013 and they have some really nice plans for future (Mercurial support as well!). I do think that it's worth a look.
Have a look at Atlassian SourceTree. It's a free Git Client for Windows & Mac.
I'm using it since the beta. And it's really the best tool ive ever used for git in my opinion.
Say goodbye to the command line – use the full capability of Git and Mercurial in the SourceTree desktop app. Manage all your repositories, hosted or local, through SourceTree's simple interface.
More informations under:
I've been using SmartGit for a few days now, and I have to say I'm very impressed. I'm not a git-genius, but so far I haven't had to break out the CLI for anything.
And the UI is just... pleasant, frictionless. There aren't any of the "couldn't they just have done this?" annoyances that I've found with others.
Another option now is Github for windows. But only really if you are syncing with GitHub. I've been using this for a few weeks, and I do find I need to fire up a shell from time to time. Its also unclear what commands its actually issuing. I keep ending up in the middle of a broken rebase - but I have no idea why its rebasing! But for frictionless use 99% of the time its great.
I've used the following
GitHub for Windows - required me to download installer which took a long time for me to install. UI was too basic for me and at that time was very slow even when using a local repository.
SourceTree - UI looks goods but under delivers on features when compared to GitEye and SmartGit.
Collabnet GitEye (site) - UI is famililar to Eclipse users just like me. Worked great and especially had a credential store (SecureStore) which inspired some confidence in how it handles storing of passwords plus SSH key management.
SmartGit (site) - offers personal and commercial versions but even the personal version is an absolute pleasure to use. Staging files, looking at logs, reverting, committing, pushing etc. The features were sufficient for me.
I'd recommend the last two especially SmartGit since the UI is user friendly and pushing to more than 1 repository is much easier.
My answer is not really that verbose but please try to download and see for yourself.
With visual studio there is Git Source Control Provider which is a Visual Studio Extension. More into in this SO question Using Git with Visual Studio

What is the most common version control software for Windows? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Coming from a UNIX background, with some knowledge of CVS and git, I have gotten my Windows development skills up in just about every area. But I still have no idea if there is a single VCS that Windows devs "have" to know.
Is there one used above all others?
The makers of FinalBuilder used to do a survey every year of their (mostly Windows-based) customers. I can't find anything more recent than their 2008 survey, but here's what it looked like then.
As you can see, there isn't just one you have to know. However, you'd be a fool not to familiarize yourself with Subverion and Sourcesafe.
If I were to predict how it has changed since then, I'd guess that Subversion has added users, SourceSafe has lost a bit of ground to Team Foundation, and that Git now shows up, but with only minor numbers.
TortoiseSVN (svn) has tight integration with explorer, and most devs I know that run Windows and use subversion also use Tortoise.
Not really specific to Windows I think, but Subversion (SVN) is a must.
Short answer, is SVN.
For free:
CVS is pretty much dead.
Subversion has the best integration with windows (explorer, visual studio, eclipse, command line, WebDAV, etc...) it also has GUI's for other platforms.
With Git you're relegated to use the command line exclusively.
Not Free:
Perforce is okay, but whatever you do, don't use Visual Sourcesafe and risk your entire repository getting corrupted at some point in time and not realizing it until much later.
Yes, TortioseSVN runs quite well on windows. There's also a Tortoise for git! Though I am not too sure if it's as easy as its SVN cousin.
In general, the same types of source control that you use on UNIX may also be used on windows. There are certainly ones to avoid on windows - VSS immediately comes to mind.
Before DVCS, all the cool kids used SVN; everyone else used VSS or TFS.
DVCS is turning into an interesting competition as Git clearly has the edge in functionality but Mercurial has the edge in Windows integration. Poor Bazaar doesn't seem to be getting a look in.
VisualSVN ties into VS as well and uses TortoiseSVN for a backend. It's $50 per license iirc. Works pretty well. If you're looking for a good tie-in with Visual Studio also check out AnkSVN.
We use msys-git quite successfully on windows. The GUI tools are not great. I use the command-line and it works fine. My colleagues use git-extensions which integrate into visual studio. It seems to work ok.
The other option to me would be SVN. It has great windows support.
I would agree: Subversion. But I an quite sure, it will be succeeded by git some day.

Suggestions for porting linux application to windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to port an application written under linux to windows. Currently I'm using Cygwin but I'm curious if there are any other options that don't force me to release my source since I'm not in the position to do so right now. Are there any other options short of having to completely re-write it or buying a license?
MinGW doesn't have as many licensing restrictions as Cygwin, but it might require more effort to get your code to run under it.
Please give us more information about your application. Simple commandline utility? Uses KDE libraries? Uses linux kernel extensions? etc etc. For internal use only? For use on corporate desktops? For use by end-users? These all will change our suggestions.
I'll also suggest using MinGW.
The basic process of porting:
Install MinGW and MSYS
Run your Makefile.
Likely you'll get an error, fix it (either by changing code or by commenting it out)
Recompile via Makefile.
Repeat 2-4 until you compile with no errors.
Then test your application, and track down any bugs you might have introduced.
I am by no means an expert. Saying that, if you're not going to release your application, I believe you can use it with GPL'd stuff internally. It is only when you started distributing your binaries that you are bound by the GPL to release your source along with the binary, or by user request. E.g. a company could modify some GPL'd source code, and use it internally so long as they don't distribute the code or application outside of the company.
So it depends on what you plan to do with your app.
You might be able to use cygwin for now just to get it to a working point, and then gradually replace pieces of the app with native windows code until you've completely de-cygwin'd it.
I know that's probably not what you're looking form, but I thought I'd throw that out there. They should have a couple law/licensing classes shoved into CS degrees these days.
There is also a commercial license for Cygwin.
