CSS3 Continuous Rotate Animation (Just like a loading sundial) - animation

I am trying to replicate an Apple style activity indicator (sundial loading icon) by using a PNG and CSS3 animation. I have the image rotating and doing it continuously, but there seems to be a delay after the animation has finished before it does the next rotation.
#-webkit-keyframes rotate {
from {
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
to {
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
#loading img
-webkit-animation-name: rotate;
-webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s;
-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
-webkit-transition-timing-function: linear;
I have tried changing the animation duration but it makes no difference, if you slow it right down say 5s its just more apparent that after the first rotation there is a pause before it rotates again. It's this pause I want to get rid of.
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

Your issue here is that you've supplied a -webkit-TRANSITION-timing-function when you want a -webkit-ANIMATION-timing-function. Your values of 0 to 360 will work properly.

You also might notice a little lag because 0deg and 360deg are the same spot, so it is going from spot 1 in a circle back to spot 1. It is really insignificant, but to fix it, all you have to do is change 360deg to 359deg
my jsfiddle illustrates your animation:
#myImg {
-webkit-animation: rotation 2s infinite linear;
#-webkit-keyframes rotation {
from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
to {-webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);}
Also what might be more resemblant of the apple loading icon would be an animation that transitions the opacity/color of the stripes of gray instead of rotating the icon.

You could use animation like this:
-webkit-animation: spin 1s infinite linear;
#-webkit-keyframes spin {
0% {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg)}
100% {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg)}

If you're only looking for a webkit version this is nifty: http://s3.amazonaws.com/37assets/svn/463-single_spinner.html from http://37signals.com/svn/posts/2577-loading-spinner-animation-using-css-and-webkit

Your code seems correct. I would presume it is something to do with the fact you are using a .png and the way the browser redraws the object upon rotation is inefficient, causing the hang (what browser are you testing under?)
If possible replace the .png with something native.
see; http://kilianvalkhof.com/2010/css-xhtml/css3-loading-spinners-without-images/
Chrome gives me no pauses using this method.

I made a small library that lets you easily use a throbber without images.
It uses CSS3 but falls back onto JavaScript if the browser doesn't support it.
// First argument is a reference to a container element in which you
// wish to add a throbber to.
// Second argument is the duration in which you want the throbber to
// complete one full circle.
var throbber = throbbage(document.getElementById("container"), 1000);
// Start the throbber.
// Pause the throbber.


Trying to make the buttons clickable and canvas to draw on top of background image

I have this jsfiddle script that I am having trouble to do the following:
Respond to button click.
To show the box drawn on the canvas
I know that I could make this work if I add "z-index: -1" to
var sss = `
.container:before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 200%;
height: 200%;
top: -50%;
left: -50%;
background: url("${url}") 50% 50% no-repeat;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
-moz-transition: all 1s;
-ms-transition: all 1s
-o-transition: all 1s;
transition: all 1s;
$(`<style id="dynastyle" type='text/css'>${sss}</style>`).appendTo("head");
But I don't want to do that for a peculiar reason that is too complicated to explain here.
Does anyone know how to get this to work? To be honest, I have no idea why the button is not clickable. enter link description here
Also, I need to be able to draw on top of the canvas. BTW, I don't want to draw the image in the canvas.
After tweaking it for a few hours, I finally got it working. Basically I needed to do the following:
enclosing the buttons in a div that has the position attribute and z-index'd (I used 1, I believe that the default value is 0, giving 1 to the buttons makes it bigger than the 0 for the background image).
place the canvas in a different div and use absolute position to overlay it on top of the div that has the background image and use z-index 1.
When all these two things are done, I can remove the z-index on the dynamic style for the background image. What has giving me a lot of trouble during this was that I keep forgetting to add the position attribute on the elements involved in the layering.

Css transition all Vs specific transition [duplicate]

I have a question about rendering speed for the css3 transition property.
Suppose I have a number of elements:
div, span, a {transition: all}
div {margin: 2px}
span {opacity: .5}
a:hover {background-position: left top}
div:hover {margin: -100px}
span:hover {opacity: 1}
a:hover {background-position: -5px top}
It's much more efficient to target all of the transitions for all of those elements using one declaration div, span, a {transition: all}. But my question is: would it be "faster" in terms of the smoothness and quickness of the animation rendering to target each element's specific transition property? For example:
div {margin: 2px; transition: margin .2s ease-in}
span {opacity: .5; transition: opacity .2s ease-in}
a {background-position: left top; transition: background .2s ease-in}
div:hover {margin: -100px}
span:hover {opacity: 1}
a:hover {background-position: -5px top}
My logic in asking this is that if the css "engine" has to search for "all" transition properties even if there is just one single property for an element, that it might slow things down.
Does anyone know if that's the case? Thanks!
Yes, using transition: all could cause major drawbacks in performance. There can be a lot of cases where the browser would look if it needs to make a transition, even if user won't see it, like the color changes, dimension changes etc.
The simplest example I can think of is this: http://dabblet.com/gist/1657661 — try to change the zoom level or the font's size and you'll see that everything become animated.Of course there couldn't be a lot of such user interactions, but there could be some interface changes that can cause the reflow and repaints in some blocks, that could tell the browser to try and animate those changes.
So, in general, it's recommended that you won't use the transition: all and would use the direct transitions instead.
There are some other things that can go wrong with the all transitions, like the splash of animation on page load, where it would at first render the initial styles for blocks and then apply the style with an animation. In a lot of cases it wouldn't be the thing that you want :)
I've been using all for cases where I needed to animate more than one rule. For example, if I wanted to change the color & background-color on :hover.
But it turns out that you can target more than one rule for transitions, so you never need to resort to the all setting.
.nav a {
transition: color .2s, text-shadow .2s;

CSS3 Transitions: Is "transition: all" slower than "transition: x"?

I have a question about rendering speed for the css3 transition property.
Suppose I have a number of elements:
div, span, a {transition: all}
div {margin: 2px}
span {opacity: .5}
a:hover {background-position: left top}
div:hover {margin: -100px}
span:hover {opacity: 1}
a:hover {background-position: -5px top}
It's much more efficient to target all of the transitions for all of those elements using one declaration div, span, a {transition: all}. But my question is: would it be "faster" in terms of the smoothness and quickness of the animation rendering to target each element's specific transition property? For example:
div {margin: 2px; transition: margin .2s ease-in}
span {opacity: .5; transition: opacity .2s ease-in}
a {background-position: left top; transition: background .2s ease-in}
div:hover {margin: -100px}
span:hover {opacity: 1}
a:hover {background-position: -5px top}
My logic in asking this is that if the css "engine" has to search for "all" transition properties even if there is just one single property for an element, that it might slow things down.
Does anyone know if that's the case? Thanks!
Yes, using transition: all could cause major drawbacks in performance. There can be a lot of cases where the browser would look if it needs to make a transition, even if user won't see it, like the color changes, dimension changes etc.
The simplest example I can think of is this: http://dabblet.com/gist/1657661 — try to change the zoom level or the font's size and you'll see that everything become animated.Of course there couldn't be a lot of such user interactions, but there could be some interface changes that can cause the reflow and repaints in some blocks, that could tell the browser to try and animate those changes.
So, in general, it's recommended that you won't use the transition: all and would use the direct transitions instead.
There are some other things that can go wrong with the all transitions, like the splash of animation on page load, where it would at first render the initial styles for blocks and then apply the style with an animation. In a lot of cases it wouldn't be the thing that you want :)
I've been using all for cases where I needed to animate more than one rule. For example, if I wanted to change the color & background-color on :hover.
But it turns out that you can target more than one rule for transitions, so you never need to resort to the all setting.
.nav a {
transition: color .2s, text-shadow .2s;

CSS 3 animation pausing (so to speak)

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to pause (or put adjust the timing of an event at a certain point) a CSS3 animation?
Lets say I had a circle that bounced, and I wanted it to take 2 seconds to reach its highest point, and either pause (or put a long time) it at its highest point, then depending if it is paused/frozen or on a long interveral have it return to its original positition. Thanks for any help in advance.
CSS Animation Keyframes may solve your problem.
-webkit-animation: bouncepause 10s infinite;
#-webkit-keyframes bouncepause {
0% {
5% {
95% {
100% {
I included only -webkit- vendor prefixes to keep it simple.

CSS3 non-linear Animation paths

how do you do non-linear animation with css3?
Basically, if I need to bring a box in from out of the view port, and its a straight down path, then its easy enough to do with the following code:
transition: transform 0.5s ease-in;
-- And some JS to trigger the animation with a transform: translate3d(0,300px,0);
But what happens when the element is rotated? Say by 25 deg? Then for the animation to look somewhat natural, it'll need to progress in a 25 deg offset line, and cannot just be top-down, or left-right animations...
I hope I'm making sense here... Look at the demo here http://jsfiddle.net/YMHT4/8/
I'm trying to get the blue box to animate in on a slanted path...
I'm not sure if I'm understanding correctly, but if you're trying to do what I'm thinking, then the answer is quite simple:
function ani()
if (!state)
$('#otherbox').css('-webkit-transform', 'translate3d(100px,150px,0) rotate(25deg)');
$('#otherbox').css('-webkit-transform', 'translate3d(0,0,0) rotate(25deg)');
If you change both x and y in translate3d(x,y,z), then both dimensions will animate, and you will get a diagonal path animation.
