How is fseek() implemented in the filesystem? - performance

This is not a pure programming question, however it impacts the performance of programs using fseek(), hence it is important to know how it works. A little disclaimer so that it doesn't get closed.
I am wondering how efficient it is to insert data in the middle of the file. Supposing I have a file with 1MB data and then I insert something at the 512KB offset. How efficient would that be compared to appending my data at the end of the file? Just to make the example complete lets say I want to insert 16KB of data.
I understand the answer varies depending on the filesystem, however I assume that the techniques used in common filesystems are quite similar and I just want to get the right notion of it.

(disclaimer: I want just to add some hints to this interesting discussion)
IMHO there are some things to take into account:
1) fseek is not a primary system service, but a library function. To evaluate its performance we must consider how the file stream library is implemented. In general, the file I/O library adds a layer of buffering in user space, so the performance of fseek may be quite different if the target position is inside or outside the current buffer. Also, the system services that the I/O libary uses may vary a lot. I.e. on some systems the library uses extensively the file memory mapping if possible.
2) As you said, different filesystems may behave in a very different way. In particular, I would expect that a transactional filesystem must do something very smart and perhaps expensive to be prepared to a possible rollback of an aborted write operation in the middle of a file.
3) Modern OS'es have very aggressive caching algorithms. An "fseeked" file is likely to be already present in cache, so operations become much faster. But they may degrade a lot if the overall filesystem activity produced by other processes become important.
Any comments?

fseek(...) is a library call, not an OS system call. It is the run-time library that takes care of the actual overhead involved in making a system call to the OS, technically speaking, fseek is indirectly making a call to the system but really it is not (this brings up a clear distinction between the differences between a library call and a system call). fseek(...) is a standard input-output function regardless of the underlying system...however...and this is a big however...
The OS will more than likely to have cached the file in its kernel memory, that is, the direct offset to the location on the disk on where the 1's and 0's are stored, it is through the OS's kernel layers, more than likely, a top-most layer within the kernel that would have the snapshot of what the file is composed of, i.e. data irrespectively of what it contains (it does not care either way, as long as the 'pointers' to the disk structure for that offset to the lcoation on the disk is valid!)...
When fseek(..) occurs, there would be a lot of over-head, indirectly, the kernel delegated the task of reading from the disk, depending on how fragmented the file is, it could be theoretically, "all over the place", that could be a significant over-head in terms of having to, from a user-land perspective, i.e. the C code doing an fseek(...), it could be scattering itself all over the place to gather the data into a "one contiguous view of the data" and henceforth, inserting into the middle of a file, (remember at this stage, the kernel would have to adjust the location/offsets into the actual disk platter for the data) would be deemed slower than appending to the end of the file.
The reason is quite simple, the kernel "knows" what was the last offset was, and simply wipe the EOF marker and insert more data, behind the scenes, the kernel, is having to allocate another block of memory for the disk-buffer with the adjusted offset to the location on the disk following an EOF marker, once the appending of data is completed.

Let us assume the ext2 FS and the Linux OS as an example. I don't think there will be a significant performance difference between a insert and an append. In both cases the files node and offset table must be read, the relevant disk sector mapped into memory, the data updated and at some later point the data written back to disk. What will make a big performance difference in this example is good temporal and spatial locality when accessing parts of the file since this will reduce the number of load/store combos.
As a previous answers says you may be able to speed up both operations if you deal with data writes that exact multiples of the FS block size, in this case you could skip the load stage and just insert the new blocks into the files inode datastrucure. This would not be practical, as you would need low level access to the FS driver, and using it would be very restrictive and not portable.

One observation I have made about fseek on Solaris, is that each call to it resets the read buffer of the FILE. The next read will then always read a full block (8K by default). So if you have a lot of random access with small reads it's a good idea to do it unbuffered (setvbuf with NULL buffer) or even use direct syscalls (lseek+read or even better pread which is only 1 syscall instead of 2). I suppose this behaviour will be similar on other OS.

You can insert data to the middle of file efficiently only if data size is a multiple of FS sector but OSes doesn't provide such functions so you have to use low-level interface to the FS driver.

Inserting data in the middle of the file is less efficient than appending to the end because when inserting you would have to move the data after the insertion point to make room for the data being inserted. Moving these data would involve reading them from disk, writing the data to be inserted and then writing the old data after the inserted data. So you have at least one extra read and write when inserting.


What reliability guarantees are provided by NTFS?

I wonder what kind of reliability guarantees NTFS provides about the data stored on it? For example, suppose I'm opening a file, appending to the end, then closing it, and the power goes out at a random time during this operation. Could I find the file completely corrupted?
I'm asking because I just had a system lock-up and found two of the files that were being appended to completely zeroed out. That is, of the right size, but made entirely of the zero byte. I thought this isn't supposed to happen on NTFS, even when things fail.
NTFS is a transactional file system, so it guarantees integrity - but only for the metadata (MFT), not the (file) content.
The short answer is that NTFS does metadata journaling, which assures valid metadata.
Other modifications (to the body of a file) are not journaled, so they're not guaranteed.
There are file systems that do journaling of all writes (e.g., AIX has one, if memory serves), but with them, you tend to get a tradeoff between disk utilization and write speed. IOW, you need a lot of "free" space to get decent performance -- they basically just do all writes to free space, and link that new data into the right spots in the file. Then they go through and clean out the garbage (i.e., free up parts that have since been overwritten, and usually coalesce the pieces of a file together as well). This can get slow if they have to do it very often though.

Data structure and algorithm for representing/allocating free space in a file

I have a file with "holes" in it and want to fill them with data; I also need to be able to free "used" space and make free space.
I was thinking of using a bi-map that maps offset and length. However, I am not sure if that is the best approach if there are really tiny gaps in the file. A bitmap would work but I don't know how that can be easily switched to dynamically for certain regions of space. Perhaps some sort of radix tree is the way to go?
For what it's worth, I am up to speed on modern file system design (ZFS, HFS+, NTFS, XFS, ext...) and I find their solutions woefully inadequate.
My goals are to have pretty good space savings (hence the concern about small fragments). If I didn't care about that, I would just go for two splay trees... One sorted by offset and the other sorted by length with ties broken by offset. Note that this gives you amortized log(n) for all operations with a working set time of log(m)... Pretty darn good... But, as previously mentioned, does not handle issues concerning high fragmentation.
I have shipped commercial software that does just that. In the latest iteration, we ended up sorting blocks of the file into "type" and "index," so you could read or write "the third block of type foo." The file ended up being structured as:
1) File header. Points at master type list.
2) Data. Each block has a header with type, index, logical size, and padded size.
3) Arrays of (offset, size) tuples for each given type.
4) Array of (type, offset, count) that keeps track of the types.
We defined it so that each block was an atomic unit. You started writing a new block, and finished writing that before starting anything else. You could also "set" the contents of a block. Starting a new block always appended at the end of the file, so you could append as much as you wanted without fragmenting the block. "Setting" a block could re-use an empty block.
When you opened the file, we loaded all the indices into RAM. When you flushed or closed a file, we re-wrote each index that changed, at the end of the file, then re-wrote the index index at the end of the file, then updated the header at the front. This means that changes to the file were all atomic -- either you commit to the point where the header is updated, or you don't. (Some systems use two copies of the header 8 kB apart to preserve headers even if a disk sector goes bad; we didn't take it that far)
One of the block "types" was "free block." When re-writing changed indices, and when replacing the contents of a block, the old space on disk was merged into the free list kept in the array of free blocks. Adjacent free blocks were merged into a single bigger block. Free blocks were re-used when you "set content" or for updated type block indices, but not for the index index, which always was written last.
Because the indices were always kept in memory, working with an open file was really fast -- typically just a single read to get the data of a single block (or get a handle to a block for streaming). Opening and closing was a little more complex, as it needed to load and flush the indices. If it becomes a problem, we could load the secondary type index on demand rather than up-front to amortize that cost, but it never was a problem for us.
Top priority for persistent (on disk) storage: Robustness! Do not lose data even if the computer loses power while you're working with the file!
Second priority for on-disk storage: Do not do more I/O than necessary! Seeks are expensive. On Flash drives, each individual I/O is expensive, and writes are doubly so. Try to align and batch I/O. Using something like malloc() for on-disk storage is generally not great, because it does too many seeks. This is also a reason I don't like memory mapped files much -- people tend to treat them like RAM, and then the I/O pattern becomes very expensive.
For memory management I am a fan of the BiBOP* approach, which is normally efficient at managing fragmentation.
The idea is to segregate data based on their size. This, way, within a "bag" you only have "pages" of small blocks with identical sizes:
no need to store the size explicitly, it's known depending on the bag you're in
no "real" fragmentation within a bag
The bag keeps a simple free-list of the available pages. Each page keeps a free-list of available storage units in an overlay over those units.
You need an index to map size to its corresponding bag.
You also need a special treatment for "out-of-norm" requests (ie requests that ask for allocation greater than the page size).
This storage is extremely space efficient, especially for small objects, because the overhead is not per-object, however there is one drawback: you can end-up with "almost empty" pages that still contain one or two occupied storage units.
This can be alleviated if you have the ability to "move" existing objects. Which effectively allows to merge pages.
(*) BiBOP: Big Bag Of Pages
I would recommend making customized file-system (might contain one file of course), based on FUSE. There are a lot of available solutions for FUSE you can base on - I recommend choosing not related but simplest projects, in order to learn easily.
What algorithm and data-structure to choose, it highly deepens on your needs. It can be : map, list or file split into chunks with on-the-fly compression/decompression.
Data structures proposed by you are good ideas. As you clearly see there is a trade-off: fragmentation vs compaction.
On one side - best compaction, highest fragmentation - splay and many other kinds of trees.
On another side - lowest fragmentation, worst compaction - linked list.
In between there are B-Trees and others.
As you I understand, you stated as priority: space-saving - while taking care about performance.
I would recommend you mixed data-structure in order to achieve all requirements.
a kind of list of contiguous blocks of data
a kind of tree for current "add/remove" operation
when data are required on demand, allocate from tree. When deleted, keep track what's "deleted" using tree as well.
mixing -> during each operation (or on idle moments) do "step by step" de-fragmentation, and apply changes kept in tree to contiguous blocks, while moving them slowly.
This solution gives you fast response on demand, while "optimising" stuff while it's is used, (For example "each read of 10MB of data -> defragmantation of 1MB) or in idle moments.
The most simple solution is a free list: keep a linked list of free blocks, reusing the free space to store the address of the next block in the list.

How files are copying at the low level?

I have a small question:
For example I'm using System.IO.File.Copy() method from .NET Framework. This method is a managed wrapper for CopyFile() function from WinAPI. But how CopyFile function works? It is interacts with HDD's firmware or maybe some other operations are performed through Assembler or maybe something other...
How does it look like from the highest level to the lowest?
Better to start at the bottom and work your way up.
Disk drives are organized, at the lowest level, in to a collection of Sectors, Tracks, and Heads. Sectors are segments of a track, Tracks are area on the disks itself, represented by the heads position as the platters spins underneath it, and the head is the actual element that reads the data from the platter.
Since Tracks are measured based on the distance that a head is from the center of a disk, you can see how towards the center of the disk the "length" of a track is short than one at the outer edge of the disk.
Sectors are pieces of a track, typically of a fixed length. So, an inner track will hold fewer sectors than an outer track.
Much of this disk geometry is handled by the drive controllers themselves nowadays, though in the past this organization was managed directly by the operating systems and the disk drivers.
The drive electronics and disk drivers cooperate to try and represent the disk as a sequential series of fixed length blocks.
So, you can see that if you have a 10MB drive, and you use 512 byte disk blocks, then that drive would have a capacity of 20,480 "blocks".
This block organization is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Once you have this capability, you can tell the disk, via the disk driver and drive controller, to go to a specific block on the disk, and read/write that block with new data.
A file system organizes this heap of blocks in to it's own structure. The FS must track which blocks are being used, and by which files.
Most file systems have a fixed location "where they start", that is, some place that upon start up they can go to try and find out information about the disk layout.
Consider a crude file system that doesn't have directories, and support files that have 8 letter names and 3 letter extension, plus 1 byte of status information, and 2 bytes for block number where the file starts on the disk. We can also assume that the system has a hard limit of 1024 files. Finally, it must know which blocks on the disk are being used. For that it will use 1 bit per block.
This information is commonly called the "file system metadata". When a disk is "formatted", nowadays it's simply a matter of writing new file system metadata. In the old days, it was a matter of actually writing sector marks and other information on blank magnetic media (commonly known as a "low level format"). Today, most drives already have a low level format.
For our crude example, we must allocate space for the directory, and space for the "Table of Contents", the data that says which blocks are being used.
We'll also say that the file system must start at block 16, so that the OS can use the first 16 blocks for, say, a "boot sector".
So, at block 16, we need to store 14 bytes (each file entry) * 1024 (number of files) = 12K. Divide that by 512 (block size) is 24 blocks. For our 10MB drive, it has 20,480 blocks. 20,480 / 8 (8 bits/byte) is 2,560 bytes / 512 = 5 blocks.
Of the 20,480 block available on the disk, the file system metadata is 29 blocks. Add in the 16 for the OS, that 45 blocks out of the 20,480, leaving 20,435 "free blocks".
Finally, each of the data blocks reserves the last 2 bytes to point to the next block in the file.
Now, to read a file, you look up the file name in the directory blocks. From there, you find the offset to the first data block for the file. You read that data block, grab the last two bytes. If those two byte are 00 00, then that's the end of the file. Otherwise, take that number, load that data block, and keep going until the entire file is read.
The file system code hides the details of the pointers at the end, and simply loads blocks in to memory, for use by the program. If the program does a read(buffer, 10000), you can see how this will translate in to reading several blocks of data from the disk until the buffer has been filled, or the end of file is reached.
To write a file, the system must first find a free space in the directory. Once it has that, it then finds a free block in the TOC bitmap. Finally, it takes the data, write the directory entry, sets its first block to the available block from the bitmap, toggles the bit on the bitmap, and then takes the data and writes it to the correct block. The system will buffer this information so that it ideally only has to write the blocks once, when they're full.
As it writes the blocks, it continues to consume bits from the TOC, and chains the blocks together as it goes.
Beyond that, a "file copy" is a simple process, from a system leverage the file system code and disk drivers. The file copy simply reads a buffer in, fills it up, writes the buffer out.
The file system has to maintain all of the meta data, keep track of where you are reading from a file, or where you are writing. For example, if you read only 100 bytes from a file, obviously the system will need to read the entire 512 byte datablock, and then "know" it's on byte 101 for when you try to read another 100 bytes from the file.
Also, I hope it's obvious, this is a really, really crude file system layout, with lots of issues.
But the fundamentals are there, and all file systems work in some manner similar to this, but the details vary greatly (most modern file systems don't have hard limits any more, as a simple example).
This is a question demanding or a really long answer, but I'm trying to make it brief.
Basically, the .NET Framework wraps some "native" calls, calls that are processed in lower-level libraries. These lower-level calls are often wrapped in a buffer logic to hide complicated stuff like synchronizing file contents from you.
Below, there is the native level, interacting with the OS' kernel. The kernel, the core of any operating system, then translates your high-level instruction to something your hardware can understand. Windows and Linux are for example both using a Hardware Abstraction Layer, a system that hides hardware specific details behind a generic interface. Writing a driver for a specific device is then only the task of implementing all methods certain device has to provide.
Before anything gets called on your hardware, the filesystem gets involved, and the filesystem for itself also buffers and caches a lot, but again transparently, so you don't even notice that. The last element in the call-queue is the device itself, and again, most devices conform to some standard ( like SATA or IDE ) and can thus be interfaced in a similar manner.
I hope this helps :-)
The .NET framework invokes the Windows API.
The Windows API has functions for managing files across various file systems.
Then it depends on the file system in question. Remember, it's not necessarily a "normal" file system over a HDD; It could even be a shell extension that just emulates a drive and keeps the data in you gmail account, or whatever. The point is that the same file manipulation functions in the Windows API are used as an abstraction over many possible lower layers of data.
So the answer really depends on the kind of file system you're interested in.

Optimizing locations of on-disk data for sequential access

I need to store large amounts of data on-disk in approximately 1k blocks. I will be accessing these objects in a way that is hard to predict, but where patterns probably exist.
Is there an algorithm or heuristic I can use that will rearrange the objects on disk based on my access patterns to try to maximize sequential access, and thus minimize disk seek time?
On modern OSes (Windows, Linux, etc) there is absolutely nothing you can do to optimise seek times! Here's why:
You are in a pre-emptive multitasking system. Your application and all it's data can be flushed to disk at any time - user switches task, screen saver kicks in, battery runs out of charge, etc.
You cannot guarantee that the file is contiguous on disk. Doing Aaron's first bullet point will not ensure an unfragmented file. When you start writing the file, the OS doesn't know how big the file is going to be so it could put it in a small space, fragmenting it as you write more data to it.
Memory mapping the file only works as long as the file size is less than the available address range in your application. On Win32, the amount of address space available is about 2Gb - memory used by application. Mapping larger files usually involves un-mapping and re-mapping portions of the file, which won't be the best of things to do.
Putting data in the centre of the file is no help as, for all you know, the central portion of the file could be the most fragmented bit.
To paraphrase Raymond Chen, if you have to ask about OS limits, you're probably doing something wrong. Treat your filesystem as an immutable black box, it just is what it is (I know, you can use RAID and so on to help).
The first step you must take (and must be taken whenever you're optimising) is to measure what you've currently got. Never assume anything. Verify everything with hard data.
From your post, it sounds like you haven't actually written any code yet, or, if you have, there is no performance problem at the moment.
The only real solution is to look at the bigger picture and develop methods to get data off the disk without stalling the application. This would usually be through asynchronous access and speculative loading. If your application is always accessing the disk and doing work with small subsets of the data, you may want to consider reorganising the data to put all the useful stuff in one place and the other data elsewhere. Without knowing the full problem domain it's not possible to to be really helpful.
Depending on what you mean by "hard to predict", I can think of a few options:
If you always seek based on the same block field/property, store the records on disk sorted by that field. This lets you use binary search for O(log n) efficiency.
If you seek on different block fields, consider storing an external index for each field. A b-tree gives you O(log n) efficiency. When you seek, grab the appropriate index, search it for your block's data file address and jump to it.
Better yet, if your blocks are homogeneous, consider breaking them down into database records. A database gives you optimized storage, indexing, and the ability to perform advanced queries for free.
Use memory-mapped file access rather than the usual open-seek-read/write pattern. This technique works on Windows and Unix platforms.
In this way the operating system's virtual memory system will handle the caching for you. Accesses of blocks that are already in memory will result in no disk seek or read time. Writes from memory back to disk are handled automatically and efficiently and without blocking your application.
Aaron's notes are good too as they will affect initial-load time for a chunk that's not in memory. Combine that with the memory-mapped technique -- after all it's easier to reorder chunks using memcpy() than by reading/writing from disk and attempting swapouts etc.
The most simple way to solve this is to use an OS which solves that for you under the hood, like Linux. Give it enough RAM to hold 10% of the objects in RAM and it will try to keep as many of them in the cache as possible reducing the load time to 0. The recent server versions of Windows might work, too (some of them didn't for me, that's why I'm mentioning this).
If this is a no go, try this algorithm:
Create a very big file on the harddisk. It is very important that you write this in one go so the OS will allocate a continuous space on disk.
Write all your objects into that file. Make sure that each object is the same size (or give each the same space in the file and note the length in the first few bytes of of each chunk). Use an empty harddisk or a disk which has just been defragmented.
In a data structure, keep the offsets of each data chunk and how often it is accessed. When it is accessed very often, swap its position in the file with a chunk that is closer to the start of the file and which has a lesser access count.
[EDIT] Access this file with the memory-mapped API of your OS to allow the OS to effectively cache the most used parts to get best performance until you can optimize the file layout next time.
Over time, heavily accessed chunks will bubble to the top. Note that you can collect the access patterns over some time, analyze them and do the reorder over night when there is little load on your machine. Or you can do the reorder on a completely different machine and swap the file (and the offset table) when that's done.
That said, you should really rely on a modern OS where a lot of clever people have thought long and hard to solve these issues for you.
That's an interesting challenge. Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve this out of the box, either. Corbin's approach sounds reasonable to me.
Here's a little optimization suggestion, at least: Place the most-accessed items at the center of your disk (or unfragmented file), not at the start of end. That way, seeking to lesser-used data will be closer by average. Err, that's pretty obvious, though.
Please let us know if you figure out a solution yourself.

How do you write the end of a file opened with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING?

I am using VB6 and the Win32 API to write data to a file, this functionality is for the export of data, therefore write performance to the disk is the key factor in my considerations. As such I am using the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH options when opening the file with a call to CreateFile.
FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING requires that I use my own buffer and write data to the file in multiples of the disk's sector size, this is no problem generally, apart from the last part of data, which if it is not an exact multiple of the sector size will include character zero's padding out the file, how do I set the file size once the last block is written to not include these character zero's?
I can use SetEndOfFile however this requires me to close the file and re-open it without using FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING. I have seen someone talk about NtSetInformationFile however I cannot find how to use and declare this in VB6. SetFileInformationByHandle can do exactly what I want however it is only available in Windows Vista, my application needs to be compatible with previous versions of Windows.
I believe SetEndOfFile is the only way.
And I agree with Mike G. that you should bench your code with and without FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING. Windows file buffering on modern OS's is pretty darn effective.
I'm not sure, but are YOU sure that setting FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH give you maximum performance?
They'll certainly result in your data hitting the disk as soon as possible, but that sort of thing doesn't actually help performance - it just helps reliability for things like journal files that you want to be as complete as possible in the event of a crash.
For a data export routine like you describe, allowing the operating system to buffer your data will probably result in BETTER performance, since the writes will be scheduled in line with other disk activity, rather than forcing the disk to jump back to your file every write.
Why don't you benchmark your code without those options? Leave in the zero-byte padding logic to make it a fair test.
If it turns out that skipping those options is faster, then you can remove the 0-padding logic, and your file size issue fixes itself.
For a one-gigabyte file, Windows buffering will indeed probably be faster, especially if doing many small I/Os. If you're dealing with files which are much larger than available RAM, and doing large-block I/O, the flags you were setting WILL produce must better throughput (up to three times faster for heavily threaded and/or random large-block I/O).
