EJB3 + JEE6: What is a persistent Timer? - ejb-3.0

I'm just about to use the new EJB3 TimerService (as part of Java EE 6), and as usual, I'm impressed by the brevity of JavaDoc :)
Do you know what is the effect of the persistent property of the TimerConfig object?
JavaDoc TimerConfig says: The persistent property determines whether the corresponding timer has a lifetime that spans the JVM in which it was created. It is optional and defaults to true.

The persistent property means that the container is required to persist the timer state to a database. This is important if you need to guarantee that the timer will fire even if the server is taken offline (intentionally or crash). When the server comes back online, it is required to execute missed timers. Setting a timer as persistent also has the side-effect of ensuring that the timer only executes in one server JVM (but not necessarily the one that created it), whatever that means for your product. For example, in a clustered server environment, this typically means that even if EJB module is running on 3 JVMs, exactly one JVM will execute the timer.
persistent=true was the only option available prior to EJB 3.1. Some timer operations are not critical enough to warrant this level of reliability, so the option was added to allow non-persistent timers. Setting a timer as non-persistent also has the side-effect of ensuring it runs in the JVM in which it was created. This can be useful for updating an in-memory cache or static HTML.


Is there a way to update cached in-memory value on all running instance of a serverless function? (AWS,Google,Azure or OpenWhisk)

Suppose I am running a serverless function with a global state variable which is cached in memory. Assuming that the value is cached on multiple running instances, how an update to the global state would be broadcasted to every serverless instance with the updated value?
Is this possible in any of the serverless framework?
It depends on the serverless framework you're using, which makes it hard to give a useful answer on Stack Overflow. You'll have to research each of them. And you'll have to review this over time because their underlying implementations can change.
In general, you will be able to achieve your goal as long as you can open up a bidirectional connection from each function instance so that your system outside the function instances can send them updates when it needs to. This is because you can't just send a request and have it reach every backing instance. The serverless frameworks are specifically designed to not work that way. They load balance your requests to the various backing instances. And it's not guaranteed to be round robin, so there's no way for you to be confident you're sending enough duplicate requests for each of the backing instances to have been hit at least once.
However, there is something also built into most serverless frameworks that may stop you, even if you can open up long lives connections from each of them that allow them to be reliably messaged at least once each. To help keep resources available for functions that need them, inactive functions are often "paused" in some way. Again, each framework will have its own way of doing this.
For example, OpenWhisk has a configurable "grace period" where it allows CPU to be allocated only for a small period of time after the last request for a container. OpenWhisk calls this pausing and unpausing containers. When a container is paused, no CPU is allocated to it, so background processing (like if it's Node.js and you've put something onto the event loop with setInterval) will not run and messages sent to it from a connection it opened will not be responded to.
This will prevent your updates from reliably going out unless you have constant activity that keeps every OpenWhisk container not only warm, but unpaused. And, it goes against the interests of the folks maintaining the OpenWhisk cluster you're deploying to. They will want to pause your container as soon as they can so that the CPU it consumed can be allocated to containers not yet paused instead. They will try to tune their cluster so that containers remain unpaused for a duration as short as possible after a request/event is handled. So, this will be hard for you to control unless you're working with an OpenWhisk deployment you control, in which case you just need to tune it according to your needs.
Network restrictions that interfere with your ability to open these connections may also prevent you from using this architecture.
You should take these factors into consideration if you plan to use a serverless framework and consider changing your architecture if you require global state that would be mutated this way in your system.
Specifically, you should consider switching to a stateless design where instead of caching occurring in each function instance, it occurs in a shared service designed for fast caching, like Redis or Memcached. Then each function can check that shared caching service for the data before retrieving it from its source. Many cloud providers who provide serverless compute options also provide managed databases like these. So you can often deploy it all to the same place.
Also, you could switch, if not to a stateless design, a pull model for caching instead of a push model. Instead of having updates pushed out to each function instance to refresh their cached data, each function would pull fresh data from its source when they detect that the data stored in their memory has expired.

WorkManager for CUD operations for an Android Room database based on "persistence" of work?

I was looking at saving some data to my Room database and was reevaluating as there are some places in my repositories where I am extending AsyncTask (I'm still using Java) and wanted to check on the state of things to see if it was a good time to swap them out. I saw this reference in the Android developer site on Approaches to background work.
All persistent work: You should use WorkManager for all forms of
persistent work. Immediate impersistent work: You should use Kotlin
coroutines for immediate impersistent work. For Java programming
language users, see Threading on Android for recommended options.
Long-running and deferrable impersistent work: You should not use
long-running and deferrable impersistent work. You should instead
complete such tasks through persistent work using WorkManager.
I started using WorkManager for an API which needed to be called, but for which I could not rely on network connectivity. Because I'm using Room, which is persistent, it seems like I should be using WorkManager.
It defines persistent work as:
Persistent work: Remains scheduled through app restarts and device reboots.
A database insert/update/delete is persistent by this definition. Scheduled throws me off a little, as I want it to be immediate, but according to this chart that would still apply.
Is anybody using WorkManager as the mechanism for CUD operations in their repositories and if so, do they have an example?
It would be great to see how this all works in an update fragment. If a single item is selected and I am viewing it in a fragment, when changes are made I would need to update the database using a Worker class and view the data using a LiveData object, correct?
Inserts and returning the id (or object) would be interesting to see as well.

Is there a way to update the number of concurrency in ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer?

I developing an application which using the spring-kafka package and changing the amount of data it handled in run time.
I want to let the system the ability to change in run time the number of concurrency depend on the pressure the system feel (something that I will defined).
Right now the my solution is to doStop and doStart the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer explicitly but I look for a clean way which not damage the stream and not touch an internal methods of the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer explicitly
You don't need to interact with these internal methods; use stop() and start(), which are public, instead.
You cannot change the concurrency dynamically, only by stopping and starting the container, changing the concurrency while stopped.

bulkahead pattern vs Semaphore in Hystrix

Can you explain me what mean:
"Essentially, there are two basic strategies which Hystrix supports: offload the work somewhere else (using dedicated thread pool) or do the work in the current thread (relying on semaphores). Using dedicated thread pools, also known as the bulkhead pattern, is the right strategy to use in most use cases: the calling thread is unblocked, plus the timeout expectations could be set as well. With semaphores, the current thread are going to be busy till the work is completed, successfully or not (timeouts are claimed to be also supported since 1.4.x release branch but there are certain side effects)."
My questions:
1) Why the timeout expectations could be NOT set as well in semaphore? I think semaphore has method "tryacquire" that Waits for timeout : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.html#tryAcquire(long,%20java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)
"timeouts are claimed to be also supported since 1.4.x release branch but there are certain side effects" , what's the effects?
2) Using dedicated pool meaning that there is a thread pool for each service?

creating a pojo/ejb with spring 3 that always runs in the background

I have created apps in the past that would have web pages that would call the persistence layer to get some query results or to insert, delete, etc against a db. However, nothing was left running in the background except for the persistence layer. Now I need to develop an app that has an process that is always running in the background, which is waiting for messages to come thru a zeromq messaging system (cannot change this at this point). I am a little lost as to how to setup the object so that it can always be running and yet I can control or query the results from the object.
Is there any tutorial/examples that covers this configuration?
You could use some kind of timer, to start a method every second to look at a specific ressource and process the input taken from that.
If you use Spring than you could have a look at the #Scheduled annotation.
If your input is some kind of java method invokation, than have a look at the java.util.concurrent Package, and concurrent programming at all. -- But be aware of the fact, that there are some restictions one creating own Threads in an EJB environment.
