Log invoked commands of make - makefile

Is there a way to log the commands, make invokes to compile a program? I know of the parameters -n and -p, but they either don't resolve if-conditions but just print them out. Or they don't work, when there are calls to 'make' itself in the Makefile.

make SHELL="sh -x -e"
will cause the shell (which make invokes to evaluate shell constructs) to print information about what it's doing, letting you see how any conditionals in shell commands are being evaluated.
The -e is necessary to ensure that errors in a Makefile target will be properly detected and a non-zero process exit code will be returned.

You could try to log execve calls with strace
strace -f -e execve make ...

Make writes each command it executes to the console, so
make 2>&1 | tee build.log
will create a log file named build.log as a side effect which contains the same stuff written to the screen. (man tee for more details.)
2>&1 combines standard output and errors into one stream. If you didn't include that, regular output would go into the log file but errors would only go to the console. (make only writes to stderr when a command returns an error code.)
If you want to suppress output entirely in favor of logging to a file, it's even simpler:
make 2>&1 > build.log
Because these just capture console output they work just fine with recursive make.

You might find what you're looking for in the annotated build logs produced by SparkBuild. That includes the commands of every rule executed in the build, whether or not "#" was used to prevent make from printing the command-line.
Your comment about if-conditions is a bit confusing though: are you talking about shell constructs, or make constructs? If you mean shell constructs, I don't think there's any way for you to get exactly what you're after except by using strace as others described. If you mean make constructs, then the output you see is the result of the resolved conditional expression.

Have you tried with the -d parameter (debug)?
Note that you can control the amount of infos with --debug instead. For instance, --debug=a (same as -d), or --debug=b to show only basic infos...


Bash: How to create a test mode that displays commands instead of executing them

I have a bash script that executes a series of commands, some involving redirection. See cyrus-mark-ham-spam.
I want the script to have a test mode, where all the commands run are printed instead of executing them. As you can see, I have tried to do that by just putting "echo" on the front of each command in test mode.
Unfortunately this doesn't deal with redirection - any redirections are still done, so the program leaves lots of temp files littered about the place when run in test mode.
I have tried various ways to get round this, like quoting the whole command and passing it to a function that either prints it or runs it, but either the redirections work in test mode, or they don't work in run mode.
I thought this must have come up before, and wonder if there is a known solution which does not involve every command being repeated with an if TEST round the pair?
Please note, this is NOT a duplicate of show commands without executing them because neither that question, nor its answers, covers redirection (which is the essence of this question).
I see that it is not a duplicate but there is not general solution to this. You need to look at each command separately.
As long as the command doesn't use arguments enclosed in spaces, like
cmd -a -b -c > filename
, you can quote it:
echo 'cmd -a -b -c > filename'
But real life code is more complex, sure.

fish shell evaluate make return code

I'm trying to write a script in Fish that runs a Make recipe and then executes all of the resultant binaries. The problem I'm having is that I would like to have the script exit with an error code if the make command encounters an error. Whenever I try to capture Make's return value, I end up with its output log instead.
For example:
if test (make allUnitTests) -eq 0
echo "success"
echo "fail"
returns an error because "test" is seeing the build process, not the terminating condition.
I wrote the script so that I could easily make Jenkins run all my unit tests whenever I trigger a build. Since I haven't been able to get the above section of the script working correctly, I've instead instructed Jenkins to run the make command as a separate command, which does exactly what I want: halting the entire build process without executing any binaries if anything fails to compile. Thus, at this point my question is more of an academic exercise, but I would like to add building the unit test binaries into the script (and have it cleanly terminate on a build error) for the benefit of any humans who might check out the code and would like to run the unit tests.
I played a little with something like:
if test (count (make allUnitTests | grep "Stop")) -eq 0
but this has two problems:
I'm apparently piping stdout when I need to pipe stderr. (Come to think of it, if I could just check to see if anything was written to stderr, then I wouldn't need grep at all.)
Grep is swallowing all the log data piped to it, which I really want to be visible on the console.
You are misunderstanding the parentheses - these run a command substitution. What this does is capture the output of the process running in the substitution, which it will then use as arguments (separated by newlines by default) to the process outside.
This means your test will receive the full output of make.
What you instead want to do is just run if make allUnitTests without any parens, since you are just interested in the return value.
If you would like to do something between running make and checking its return value, the "$status" variable always contains the return value of the last command, so you can save that:
make allUnitTests
set -l makestatus $status
# Do something else
if test $makestatus -eq 0
# Do the if-thing
# Do the else-thing

Redirection standard error & ouput streams is postponed

I need to redirect output & error streams from one Windows process (GNU make.exe executing armcc toolchain) to some filter written on perl. The command I am running is:
Make Release 2>&1 | c:\cygwin\bin\perl ../tools/armfilt.pl
The compilation process throws out some prints which should be put then to STDOUT after some modifications. But I encountered a problem: all prints generated by the make are actually postponed till end of the make's process and only then are shown to a user. So, my questions are:
Why has it happen? I have tried to change the second process (perl.exe) priority from "Normal" to "Above normal" but it didn't help...
How to overcome this problem?
I think that one of possible workarounds may be to send only STDERR prints to the perl (that is what I actually need), not STDOUT+STDERR. But I don't know how to do it in Windows.
The Microsoft explanation concerning pipe operator usage says:
The pipe operator (|) takes the output (by default, STDOUT) of one
command and directs it into the input (by default, STDIN) of another
But how to change this default STDOUT piping is not explained. Is it possible at all?

Help with aliases in shell scripts

I have the following code, which is intended to run a java program on some input, and test that input against a results file for verification.
java Program ../tests/test"$#".tst > test"$#".asm
spim -f test"$#".asm > temp
diff temp ../results/test"$#".out
The gist of the above code is to:
Run Program on a test file in another directory, and pipe the output into an assembly file.
Run a MIPS processor on that program's output, piping that into a file called temp.
Run diff on the output I generated and some expected output.
I made this shell script to help me automate checking of my homework assignment for class. I didn't feel like manually checking things anymore.
I must be doing something wrong, as although this program works with one argument, it fails with more than one. The output I get if I use the $# is:
./test.sh: line 2: test"$#".asm: ambiguous redirect
Cannot open file: `test0'
Ah, I figured it out. This code fixed the problem:
for arg in $#
java Parser ../tests/test"$arg".tst > test"$arg".asm
spim -f test"$arg".asm > temp
diff temp ../results/test"$arg".out
It turns out that bash must have interpreted a different cmd arg for each time I was invoking $#.
enter code here
If you provide multiple command-line arguments, then clearly $# will expand to a list of multiple arguments, which means that all your commands will be nonsense.
What do you expect to happen for multiple arguments?

How do I pause to inspect results of sh commands run by a Makefile?

So, I have a Makefile which runs different commands of how to build S/W. I execute make from within a MSYS / MinGW enviroment.
I found for example, the sleep <seconds> command, but this only delays the execution. How can I make it wait for a key being pressed, for example?
You can use the read command. When you are done you press enter and your script/makefile continues. It's a builtin bash command, so it should work also on MinGW.
My proposition doesn't stop execution but halts and resume display on capable terminals:
Use ctrl-S for halting display, and ctrl-Q for resuming.
You don't need to modify your Makefile.
Pipe the output of the build through more (or less)
make <make command line> | more
Or output everything to a file while still watching make progress on screen with your friend tee. I normally prefer this to less or more for bulkier projects.
make <make input arguments> 2>&1 | tee /some/path/build.log
