Menuhandler for REALbasic ListBox.ActiveCell - realbasic

I have a Listbox where all cells are editable.
While the user is typing text in the ActiveCell (Textfield) she may decide to paste text.
I would like to examine the paste-text and perform different paste operations depending on whether it is multiline or not.
Is there any way to create an EditPaste MenuHandler specifically for ListBox1.ActiveCell?

You should be able to use the keyboard async command and intercept the paste command in the Listbox.CellKeyDown event. Then take a look at the clipboard object to see what text it has in it.
Kind of a kludge, but I can't think of any other way to do it since the ActiveCell handles cut/copy/paste on its own without intervention.


How do I not show the paste bar / Clear the clipboard?

I'm writing a Silverlight+XNA game and when the user has something in their clipboard they can see less of the screen. I'd really like to be able to not show this clipbaord but I can't see any way (though it does seem to go away after some amount of time)
I've tried an empty string and Clipboard.SetText(null) but that throws an exception.
Unfortunately, there is no way to either clear the clipboard from code or influence the display of the SIP beyond setting an InputScope.
The best you can do for now is to update your design to allow for the amount of space which the SIP may use. :(
While more complicated, you could create your own text input keys as buttons, and instead of using a textbox, use buttons templated to look like textblocks, with background as you show above, and all... When the user taps the "button" that is a "textblock", you set a flag that says which textblock the keypad buttons send their numbers to.
Or, if the only spot you are sending inputs to (as it appears now that I look at your UI again), there is no need for the button template as the input space, or the flag. Just create buttons for user to tap for input, and send that input to the textblock that appears to be where your answer is. You could make the buttons whatever size you want, that way, as well, so you control how much of the screen is visible. Another thing you could do is make the buttons semi-transparent, so you could have even more background image showing.
Another thought - send the buttons all to the same event handler (except the backspace button), and have the code for that event handler look like this:
Button btn = sender as Button;
textblock.Text += btn.Content;

How can I make a console-like textbox?

I am making a program called "BasicSys". It is a BASIC System simulator that uses a textbox for the console. So far I have everything working great but I need to have the text box act like a command prompt window. It needs to be able to ask for input and retreive the value without allowing the user to modify anything outside of the prompt space (the space where the user should only be able to type is after a ":" or a ">"). Some feilds are password feilds that require either no echoing or having the chartacters replaced by *'s. Is it possible to make a console out of a textbox?
P.S. I also want to know if there are any small BASIC v2 compilers for Win32 so BasicSys can compile and run BASIC programs.
Depending on how realistic you want it to be you can use the API to open a real console window and interact with it. There are many examples available that you can find by searching such as this one. My suggestion though would be to fake it with a multi-line textbox. It would not be very tricky. Set an index every time you draw the prompt, then as long as the cursor is positioned after the index the textbox is read / write. If the user scrolls backwards make the textbox read only. It should be fairly simple using the KeyDown event and setting the ReadOnly property True / False to get a passable "command" window.

Rich Edit Control: Prevent Rich Formatting?

How do you prevent the user from changing anything other than the text in a Win32 Rich Edit control?
(i.e. They shouldn't be able to change the formatting of any text, add graphics, etc.; if they copy-paste new text, only the text should be kept, and associated formatting should be discarded.)
I've never found a particularly elegant way to handle this: what I've done in the past is:
1) Catch WM_KEYDOWN messages for the control and discard all formatting keys (Ctrl+E,J,R,L,1,2,5,+, and Ctrl+Shift+A,7)
2) Catch all paste operations by catching WM_COMMAND messages with an id of ID_EDIT_PASTE, and replace the paste message with a message EM_PASTESPECIAL,CF_UNICODETEXT to the control. (This is with MFC: Depending on what framework or language you're using, this may require catching Ctrl+V and similar rather than ID_EDIT_PASTE.)
Not pretty, I conceed, but it seems to work.
This answer is probably a bit late but for anybody else looking for an answer to this questions, the best way that I've found have total control of paste operations in a Rich edit control is to provide an implementation of IRichEditOleCallback::QueryAcceptData and then return S_FALSE to stop them all together or to filter out certain clip board formats by changing the lpcfFormat parameter.
The CRichEditView::QueryAcceptData function in MFC provides an excellent example of how this can be done. This will work for all kinds of paste operations including drag and drop so is the best way to get full control of what happens.
Even later :)
seems to do the trick: paste pastes plain text, and the formatting hot keys are disabled.
SES_EMULATESYSEDIT: When this bit is on, rich edit attempts to emulate the system edit control (default: 0).
You still retain some of the "bonus" features of the richedit, such as scrollbars on demand.
Note: While this will prevent the pasting of richly formatted text into the RichEdit control, it will also prevent you from programatically formatting the text; all rich formatting is disabled.

How do you create a textbox in visual Studio with c#?

I feel kind of silly asking this question as it seems really simple, but how do I create a text box that I can type in instructions and stuff like that. I don't need the user to be able to change it, it is just to give instructions. I tried the label, but it only allows one line. I need something that can allow about a paragraph or so. Similar to the box in an installer that describes what the program does. What did I miss?
You can use a label but set its AutoSize property to false. This allows you to size the label as you wish and it will automatically wrap the text to fit.
You can also anchor the label to the parent form to have it automatically resize and reflow the text if the user resizes the parent form.
You want a text box, but set its Read Only property to TRUE, and maybe Enabled to FALSE

How to paste text from one app to another using Cocoa?

I have read about NSPasteBoard in the Apple documentation, and how it allows for applications to write into the PasteBoard and allow other applications to read that text and use it.
Could someone tell me how to paste text from am application (that sits in the status bar) into a NSTextField that is inside a different application.
What I am trying to do is something similar what Snippet and SnippetsApp do.
If I am completely stupid and missed the obvious in Apple Docs, could you please point me to the right path :)
Could someone tell me how to paste text from am application (that sits in the status bar) into a NSTextField that is inside a different application.
Pasting is what happens in the receiving application. Writing to a pasteboard is copying.
Furthermore, you can't assume that the user will want to paste into an NSTextField. It may be an NSTextView, or a textarea in a WebView, or a Carbon EditText or MLTE control, or some other text editor such as a Qt or wxWidgets text editor. They may even be using an app with a list view that lets them paste text directly into it.
So, there's no programmatic way to directly tell an application “here's some text — paste it, please”. You have to copy it to the general pasteboard and then forge an event that should generally cause the frontmost app to paste. Charlie's suggestion of ⌘V is one way, albeit tricky; the Dvorak layout puts V on another key, while the “Dvorak QWERTY ⌘” layout puts V-with-⌘ (as opposed to V-without-⌘) on the same key as QWERTY's V.
To forge that ⌘V event, look into CGEventTap. You'll need to use the CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent function to create the event itself, and since that function takes a key code, you'll need to look up the proper key code for the V part of the ⌘V combination, which will require going through Text Input Source Services or Keyboard Layout Services, depending on the layout.
You might at this point think of using Accessibility to find the Paste menu item in the Edit menu and send it an AXPress message, but “Paste” and “Edit” are only English's words for those concepts; if you did this, your app would not work in any other language. You could go by order (third menu, sixth menu item), but then your app would not work in applications without a File menu, or without a Redo menu item, or with two Undo menu items (Photoshop). Forging a ⌘V event really is the way to go.
Here's some working code to post the ⌘+key event (assuming a known keycode):
// some common keycodes
#define KEY_CODE_x ((CGKeyCode)7)
#define KEY_CODE_c ((CGKeyCode)8)
#define KEY_CODE_v ((CGKeyCode)9)
void DCPostCommandAndKey(CGKeyCode key)
CGEventSourceRef source = CGEventSourceCreate(kCGEventSourceStateCombinedSessionState);
CGEventRef keyDown = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, key, TRUE);
CGEventSetFlags(keyDown, kCGEventFlagMaskCommand);
CGEventRef keyUp = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, key, FALSE);
CGEventPost(kCGAnnotatedSessionEventTap, keyDown);
CGEventPost(kCGAnnotatedSessionEventTap, keyUp);
Generally the only way is to write it to the NSPasteboard and then switch to another app and use some Carbon functions to press "Command-V"...
