OOP vs PP for algorithms - algorithm

Which paradigm is better for design and analysis of algorithms?
Which is faster? Because I have a subject called Design and Analysis of Algorithms in university and have a time limit for programs. Is OOP slower than Procedure programming? Or the time difference is not big?

Object-Oriented programming isn't particularly relevant to algorithms. Procedural programming you will need, but as far as algorithms are concerned, object-oriented programming is just another way to package up procedural programming. You have methods instead of functions and classes instead of records/structs, but the only relevant difference is run-time dispatch, and that's just a declarative way to handle a run-time decision that could have been handled some other way.
Object-Oriented programming is more relevant to the larger scale - design patterns etc - whereas algorithms are more relevant to the smaller scale involving a small number (often just one) of procedures.

IMO algorithms exist separat from the OO or PP issue.
Neither OO or PP are 'slow', in either design-time or program performance, they are different approaches.

I would think that Functional Programming would produce cleaner implementation of algorithms.
Having said that, you shouldn't see much of a difference whatever approach you take. An algorithm can be expressed in any language or development paradigm.
Update: (following comments)
Apparently functional programming does not lend itself to implementing algorithms as well as I thought it may. It has other strengths and I mostly mentioned it for completeness sake, as the question only mentioned OOP (object oriented programming) and PP (procedural programming).

the weak link is liekly to be your knowledge - what language & paradigm are you most comfortable with. use that

For design, analysis and development: definitely OOP. It was invented solemnly for the benefit of designers and developers.
For program runtime execution: sometimes PP is more efficient, but often OOP gets reduced to plain PP by the compiler, making them equivalent.

The difference (in execution time) is marginal at best.
Note that there is a more important factor than sheer performance: OOP provide the programmer with better means to organize his code which results in programs that are well structured, understandable, and more reliable (less bugs).

Object oriented programming abstracts many low level details from the programmer. It is designed with the goal
to make it easier to write and read (and understand) programs
to make programs look closer to the real world (and hence, easier to understand).
Procedural programming does not have many abstractions like objects, methods, virtual functions etc.
So, talking about speed: a seasoned expert who knows the internals of how an object oriented system will work can write a program that runs just as fast.
That being said, the speed advantage achieved by use PP over OOP will be very marginal. It boils down to which way you can write programs comfortably.
An interesting anecdote comes to my mind: in the Microsoft Foundation Classes, message passing from one object to the other was implemented using macros that looked like BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP() and END_MESSAGE_MAP(), and the reason was that it was faster than using virtual functions.
This is one case where the library developers have used OOP, but have knowingly sidestepped a performance bottleneck.

My guess is that the difference is not big enough to worry about, and the time limit should allow using a slower language, since the algorithm used would be what's important.
The purpose of the time limit should IMO be to get you to avoid using for example a O(n3) algorithm when there is a O(n log n)

To make writing code easy and less error prone, you need a language that supports Generics - such as C++ with STL or Java with the Java Collections Framework. If you are implementing an algorithm against a deadline, you may be able to save time by not providing your algorithm with a nice O-O or Generic interface, so making the code you write yourself entirely procedural.
For run time efficiency, you would probably be best writing everything in procedural C - see e.g. the examples in "The Practice Of Programming" - but it will take a lot longer to write, and you are more likely to make mistakes. This also assumes that all the building blocks you need are available in their most up to date and efficient from in procedural C as well, which is quite an assumption these days. Most likely making use of the STL or the JFC will in practice save you cpu time as well as development time.
As for functional languages, I remember hearing functional programming enthusiasts point out how much easier to use their languages were than the competition, and then observing that those members of the class who chose a functional language were still struggling when those who wrote in Fortran 77 had finished and gone on to draw graphs of the performance of their program. I see that the claims of the functional programming community have not changed. I do not know if the underlying reality has.

Steve314 said it well. OOP is more about the design patterns and organization of large applications. It also lets you deal with unknowns better, which is great for user apps. However, for analyzing algorithms, most likely you are going to be thinking functionally about what you want to do. In that case, I'd stick to more simple PP and not try to create a fully OO design, when you care about the algorithm. I'd want to work with C or Matlab (depending on how math intensive the algorithm is). Just my opinion on it.

I once adapted the Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search algorithm so that I could have an object that would take a character at a time and return a match/no-match status. It wasn't a straight-forward translation.


Is there a language that takes advantage of massively parallel computers?

There's a company that have/are developing a very parallel computer called Parallella. It looks like it has lots of potential, but it runs some C style language.
Q. Has anyone written a language specifically to take advantage of massively parallel computers like this?
Clause 1. It has to be a managed garbage collected language.
Clause 2. It has to make it very easy to write parallel code without requiring the developer to look after low-level locking.
Clause 3. Bonus points for functional languages.
Clause 4. Super bonus points for languages with lambdas.
There are a definitely languages that have been designed to deal with the rising popularity of parallel computing. Parallel processors have sky rocketed in popularity since the death of Moore's Law. Support for better parallel computing in programming languages has followed quickly in its path.
My personal recommendation would be either Haskell or Clojure. Both are functional languages which have made great strides in parallel and concurrent computing leveraging their functional nature to gain advantages. Haskell has a really nice book called Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell by Simon Marlow. I've read it and it's excellent. Clojure has also been built from the ground up with concurrency in mind. An interesting new player in this space is Julia, but I can't say I know much about it at all.
As for clause 1, I don't know what a managed language means. EDIT: What you're calling a managed language is more commonly called garbage collected language. You might want to use that term to help get more effective answers. Also all the languages I recommended have garbage collection.
As for clause 2, Haskell definitely makes parallel computing fairly automatic without any worrying about low level concepts or locking. There is a simple function called 'par' which allows the programmer to annotate two computations to be executed in parallel. The semantics guarantee that the expressions be evaluated when they're necessary and since the computations are functional they are guaranteed not to interact in non-thread-safe ways.
As for clause 3, you're on the right track to be looking for a functional language. Functional subcomputations have automatic thread safety which pays big dividends when it comes to ensuring parallel execution doesn't cause problems. It can't cause any if the computations are functional.
As for clause 4, good luck finding a functional language that doesn't have lambda ;) EDIT: It's not, strictly speaking, part of the definition of a functional language because there is no formal definition for what a functional programing language is. Informally I think a lot of people would mention it as one of the most important features. Concatenative languages or languages that are based on tacit programming (aka point-free style) can be functional and get away with not having lambda. I wouldn't be surprised if the K language didn't have lambda despite being functional. Also, I know for sure combinatory logic (which is the basis for K) does not have lambda. Though combinatory logic is just a theoretical basis and not a practical programming language.

Examples where compiler-optimized functional code performs better than imperative code

One of the promises of side-effect free, referentially transparent functional programming is that such code can be extensively optimized.
To quote Wikipedia:
Immutability of data can, in many cases, lead to execution efficiency, by allowing the compiler to make assumptions that are unsafe in an imperative language, thus increasing opportunities for inline expansion.
I'd like to see examples where a functional language compiler outperforms an imperative one by producing a better optimized code.
Edit: I tried to give a specific scenario, but apparently it wasn't a good idea. So I'll try to explain it in a different way.
Programmers translate ideas (algorithms) into languages that machines can understand. At the same time, one of the most important aspects of the translation is that also humans can understand the resulting code. Unfortunately, in many cases there is a trade-off: A concise, readable code suffers from slow performance and needs to be manually optimized. This is error-prone, time consuming, and it makes the code less readable (up to totally unreadable).
The foundations of functional languages, such as immutability and referential transparency, allow compilers to perform extensive optimizations, which could replace manual optimization of code and free programmers from this trade-off. I'm looking for examples of ideas (algorithms) and their implementations, such that:
the (functional) implementation is close to the original idea and is easy to understand,
it is extensively optimized by the compiler of the language, and
it is hard (or impossible) to write similarly efficient code in an imperative language without manual optimizations that reduce its conciseness and readability.
I apologize if it is a bit vague, but I hope the idea is clear. I don't want to give unnecessary restrictions on the answers. I'm open to suggestions if someone knows how to express it better.
My interest isn't just theoretical. I'd like to use such examples (among other things) to motivate students to get interested in functional programming.
At first, I wasn't satisfied by a few examples suggested in the comments. On second thoughts I take my objections back, those are good examples. Please feel free to expand them to full answers so that people can comment and vote for them.
(One class of such examples will be most likely parallelized code, which can take advantage of multiple CPU cores. Often in functional languages this can be done easily without sacrificing code simplicity (like in Haskell by adding par or pseq in appropriate places). I' be interested in such examples too, but also in other, non-parallel ones.)
There are cases where the same algorithm will optimize better in a pure context. Specifically, stream fusion allows an algorithm that consists of a sequence of loops that may be of widely varying form: maps, filters, folds, unfolds, to be composed into a single loop.
The equivalent optimization in a conventional imperative setting, with mutable data in loops, would have to achieve a full effect analysis, which no one does.
So at least for the class of algorithms that are implemented as pipelines of ana- and catamorphisms on sequences, you can guarantee optimization results that are not possible in an imperative setting.
A very recent paper Haskell beats C using generalised stream fusion by Geoff Mainland, Simon Peyton Jones, Simon Marlow, Roman Leshchinskiy (submitted to ICFP 2013) describes such an example. Abstract (with the interesting part in bold):
Stream fusion [6] is a powerful technique for automatically transforming
high-level sequence-processing functions into efficient implementations.
It has been used to great effect in Haskell libraries
for manipulating byte arrays, Unicode text, and unboxed vectors.
However, some operations, like vector append, still do not perform
well within the standard stream fusion framework. Others,
like SIMD computation using the SSE and AVX instructions available
on modern x86 chips, do not seem to fit in the framework at
In this paper we introduce generalized stream fusion, which
solves these issues. The key insight is to bundle together multiple
stream representations, each tuned for a particular class of stream
consumer. We also describe a stream representation suited for efficient
computation with SSE instructions. Our ideas are implemented
in modified versions of the GHC compiler and vector library.
Benchmarks show that high-level Haskell code written using
our compiler and libraries can produce code that is faster than both
compiler- and hand-vectorized C.
This is just a note, not an answer: the gcc has a pure attribute suggesting it can take account of purity; the obvious reasons are remarked on in the manual here.
I would think that 'static single assignment' imposes a form of purity -- see the links at http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/2860 or the wikipedia article.
make and various build systems perform better for large projects by assuming that various build steps are referentially transparent; as such, they only need to rerun steps that have had their inputs change.
For small to medium sized changes, this can be a lot faster than building from scratch.

most suitable language for computationally and memory expensive algorithms

Let's say you have to implement a tool to efficiently solve an NP-hard problem, with unavoidable possible explosion of memory usage (the output size in some cases exponential to the input size) and you are particularly concerned about the performances of this tool at running time. The source code has also to be readable and understandable once the underlying theory is known, and this requirement is as important as the efficiency of the tool itself.
I personally think that 3 languages could be suitable for these three requirements: c++, scala, java.
They all provide the right abstraction on data types that makes it possible to compare different structures or apply the same algorithms (which is also important) to different data types.
C++ has the advantage of being statically compiled and optimized, and with function inlining (if the data structures and algorithms are designed carefully) and other optimisation techniques it's possible to achieve a performance close to that of pure C while maintaining a fairly good readability.
If you also put a lot of care in data representation you can optimise the cache performance, which can gain orders of magnitude in speed when the cache miss rate is low.
Java is instead JIT compiled, which allows to apply optimisations during runtime, and in this category of algorithms that could have different behaviours between different runs, that may be a plus. I fear instead that such an approach could suffer from garbage collector, however in the case of this algorithm it's common to continuously allocate memory and java heap performance is notoriously better than C/C++ and if you implement your own memory manager inside the language you could even achieve good efficiency.
This approach instead is not able to inline method invocation (which induces a huge performance penalty) and doesn't give you control over the cache performance. Among the pros there's a better and cleaner syntax than C++.
My concerns about scala are more or less the same as Java, plus the fact that I can't control how the language is optimised unless I have a deep knowledge on the compiler and the standard library. But well: I get a very clean syntax :)
What's your take on the subject? Have you had to deal with this already? Would you implement an algorithm with such properties and requirements in any of these languages or would you suggest something else? How would you compare them?
Usually I’d say “C++” in a heartbeat. The secret being that C++ simply produces less (memory) garbage that needs managing.
On the other hand, your observation that
however in the case of this algorithm it's common to continuously allocate memory
is a hint that Java / Scala may actually be more suited. But then you could use a small object heap in C++ as well. Boost has one that uses the standard allocator interface, if memory serves.
Another advantage of C++ is obviously the use of abstraction without penalty through templates – i.e. that you can easily create generic algorithmic components that can interact without incurring a runtime overhead due to abstraction. In fact, you noted that
it's possible to achieve a performance close to that of pure C while maintaining a fairly good readability
– this is looking at things the wrong way: Templates allow C++ to achieve performance superior to that of C while still maintaining high abstraction.
D might be worth a look, seeing as how it tries to be a better C++.
From a superficial glance, it has better source code readability than C++ does, so that's one of your points covered.
It also has memory management, which makes playing with algorithms a bit easier.
And templates
Here is a stackoverflow discussion comparing the performance of C++ and D
The languages you noticed were my first guesses as well.
Each language has a different take on how to handle specific issues like compilation, memory management and source code, but in theory, any of them should be fitting to your problem.
It is impossible to tell which is best, and there is likely no major difference if you are familiar enough with all of them to work around their respective quirks.
And obviously, if you actually find the need to optimize (I'm not sure if that's a given), that's possible in each language. Lower level languages obviously offer more options, but are also (far) more complex to actually improve.
A single note about C++ vs Java: This is really a holy war, and if you've followed the recent development you'll probably have your own opinion. I, for one, think Java offers enough good aspects to make up for its flaws, usually.
And a final note on C++ vs C: According to my knowledge, the difference usually amounts to a sufficiently low percentage to ignore this. It it doesn't make a difference for the source code, it's fine to go with C, if C++ could make for easier-to-read source code, go with C++. In any case, the choice is kind of negligible.
In the end, remember that money spent on a few hours of programming/optimizing this could as well go into slightly superior hardware to make up for missed tiny details.
It all boils down to: Any of your options is fine as long as you do it right (domain knowledge).
I would use a language which makes it very easy to work on the algorithm. Get the algorithm right and it could very easily outweigh any advantage from fine-tuning the wrong algorithm. Don't be scared to play around in a language normally thought of as slow in execution speed if that language makes it easier to express algorithmic ideas. It is usually much easier to transcribe the right algorithm into another language than it is to eek-out the last dregs of speed from the wrong algorithm in the fastest executing language.
So do it in a language you are comfortable with and which is expressive. You might surprise yourself and find that what is produced is fast enough!

Is there a functional algorithm which is faster than an imperative one?

I'm searching for an algorithm (or an argument of such an algorithm) in functional style which is faster than an imperative one.
I like functional code because it's expressive and mostly easier to read than it's imperative pendants. But I also know that this expressiveness can cost runtime overhead. Not always due to techniques like tail recursion - but often they are slower.
While programming I don't think about runtime costs of functional code because nowadays PCs are very fast and development time is more expensive than runtime. Furthermore for me readability is more important than performance. Nevertheless my programs are fast enough so I rarely need to solve a problem in an imperative way.
There are some algorithms which in practice should be implemented in an imperative style (like sorting algorithms) otherwise in most cases they are too slow or requires lots of memory.
In contrast due to techniques like pattern matching a whole program like a parser written in an functional language may be much faster than one written in an imperative language because of the possibility of compilers to optimize the code.
But are there any algorithms which are faster in a functional style or are there possibilities to setting up arguments of such an algorithm?
A simple reasoning. I don't vouch for terminology, but it seems to make sense.
A functional program, to be executed, will need to be transformed into some set of machine instructions.
All machines (I've heard of) are imperative.
Thus, for every functional program, there's an imperative program (roughly speaking, in assembler language), equivalent to it.
So, you'll probably have to be satisfied with 'expressiveness', until we get 'functional computers'.
The short answer:
Anything that can be easily made parallel because it's free of side-effects will be quicker on a multi-core processor.
QuickSort, for example, scales up quite nicely when used with immutable collections: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort#Parallelization
All else being equal, if you have two algorithms that can reasonably be described as equivalent, except that one uses pure functions on immutable data, while the second relies on in-place mutations, then the first algorithm will scale up to multiple cores with ease.
It may even be the case that your programming language can perform this optimization for you, as with the scalaCL plugin that will compile code to run on your GPU. (I'm wondering now if SIMD instructions make this a "functional" processor)
So given parallel hardware, the first algorithm will perform better, and the more cores you have, the bigger the difference will be.
FWIW there are Purely functional data structures, which benefit from functional programming.
There's also a nice book on Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki, which presents data structures from the point of view of functional languages.
Another interesting article Announcing Intel Concurrent Collections for Haskell 0.1, about parallel programming, they note:
Well, it happens that the CnC notion
of a step is a pure function. A step
does nothing but read its inputs and
produce tags and items as output. This
design was chosen to bring CnC to that
elusive but wonderful place called
deterministic parallelism. The
decision had nothing to do with
language preferences. (And indeed, the
primary CnC implementations are for
C++ and Java.)
Yet what a great match Haskell and CnC
would make! Haskell is the only major
language where we can (1) enforce that
steps be pure, and (2) directly
recognize (and leverage!) the fact
that both steps and graph executions
are pure.
Add to that the fact that Haskell is
wonderfully extensible and thus the
CnC "library" can feel almost like a
domain-specific language.
It doesn't say about performance – they promise to discuss some of the implementation details and performance in future posts, – but Haskell with its "pureness" fits nicely into parallel programming.
One could argue that all programs boil down to machine code.
So, if I dis-assemble the machine code (of an imperative program) and tweak the assembler, I could perhaps end up with a faster program. Or I could come up with an "assembler algorithm" that exploits some specific CPU feature, and therefor it really is faster than the imperative language version.
Does this situation lead to the conclusion that we should use assembler everywhere? No, we decided to use imperative languages because they are less cumbersome. We write pieces in assembler because we really need to.
Ideally we should also use FP algorithms because they are less cumbersome to code, and use imperative code when we really need to.
Well, I guess you meant to ask if there is an implementation of an algorithm in functional programming language that is faster than another implementation of the same algorithm but in an imperative language. By "faster" I mean that it performs better in terms of execution time or memory footprint on some inputs according to some measurement that we deem trustworthy.
I do not exclude this possibility. :)
To elaborate on Yasir Arsanukaev's answer, purely functional data structures can be faster than mutable data structures in some situations becuase they share pieces of their structure. Thus in places where you might have to copy a whole array or list in an imperative language, where you can get away with a fraction of the copying because you can change (and copy) only a small part of the data structure. Lists in functional languages are like this -- multiple lists can share the same tail since nothing can be modified. (This can be done in imperative languages, but usually isn't, because within the imperative paradigm, people aren't usually used to talking about immutable data.)
Also, lazy evaluation in functional languages (particularly Haskell which is lazy by default) can also be very advantageous because it can eliminate code execution when the code's results won't actually be used. (One can be very careful not to run this code in the first place in imperative languages, however.)

How long does it take for you to be comfortable with Haskell?

I'm an OK C/C++ programmer. I find Haskell very intriguing. But it seems to me, that although it's relatively easy to write clean Haskell code, as it mimics math (which I'm very comfortable with) pretty well, it's very hard to write clean code in Haskell that runs fast.
A faster version of quicksort of Haskell is very long and scary, which has no resemblance to the naive but short (two lines), clean and intuitive implementation. The long and scary version of Haskell is actually still much slower than the shorter and simpler C counter part.
Is it because the current Haskell compiler is too dumb or is it just impossible for mortals (other than SJP of course) to write fast Haskell code?
You ask two different questions: learning and performance.
It took me about a month to become comfortable with functional programming using recursion, pattern matching, map, filter, and fold. I did all that with ML but it translated to Haskell very easily.
It took me two or three years to wrap my head around monads, but that's because I read the wrong stuff. I think there are better tutorials now. But if you're beginning, avoid monads for a while.
It took me several months to get good at creating new type classes, but using the existing ones was easy.
I'm still not sure I have the hang of lazy evaluation. But I love Haskell's purity and tend to treat lazy evaluation as an unhappy accident that only a few people (like John Hughes) know how to exploit.
You've observed a performance problem only because you've adapted an algorithm loaded with mutation, which Tony Hoare designed for imperative languages, and tried to translate into Haskell. In Haskell as in any other functional language the expensive operation is allocation. Try writing a merge sort and you'll find it's simple and performs very well.
How do you avoid making similar mistakes in the future? Have a look at Chris Okasaki's book Purely Functional Data Structures. Great book, and it will help you learn the 'functional way of doing things' without giving up performance.
There is a very specific reason why quicksort ain't so quick in Haskell. It is a God-like example of an algorithm that has brilliant hackery woven into how it works - what I mean by hackery in this case is the kind of techniques that a true Haskell devotee would regard as unnecessarily dangerous and non-mathematical. The original implementation made every effort to break the rules that Haskell imposes on itself: the genuine quicksort works by overwriting storage slots with new information. This is very painful to do in Haskell, which finds it much easier to make whole new copies of existing information.
So although that naive two line Haskell version captures something of the essence of quicksort (it does the same number of key comparisons), it isn't really quicksort. It's missing a large portion of the genius that went into it, which took full advantage of the ability to tweak the state of existing values. So it makes large numbers of intermediate copies of pieces of the list.
Speculation: could a Haskell compiler analyze your code, applying the same reasoning as Hoare (inventor of quicksort) and figure out that it could optimize it by completely reimplementing it in a stateful way? Possibly.
The point is not to write fast Haskell code, but to write Haskell code fast. When you get there and you need to make your code fast(er), start optimizing (or use the FFI, you don't have to forget your C++ skills). In Haskell you are looking for elegance, reliability and maintainability first. I'd add profiling to my Haskell-fu, so you don't waste time optimizing that which is not used. And remember not to optimize prematurely.
So, to answer the question in the title, you will likely feel fairly at home with the basics of Haskell within a short time. Especially if you're already familiar with functional programming. The things that really make Haskell stand out, such as laziness, type classes, type families, and of course the dreaded monads (and arrows) are likely to require more time to understand and get used to. There are good resources for learning the language, many freely available, together with a helpful community, so I'd say you'd likely be well on your way to feeling comfortable within a week or two of semi-serious study ;-)
I think it's worth it though, just like some people argue that it's worth learning Lisp even if you'll never actually use it for anything. It's worth it because it makes you a better programmer--it makes you think differently. I'd argue Haskell has a similar effect.
The reason is that mathematical foundation of computers is different from mathematical foundation of Haskell and functional languages in general.
To get taste of problems compiler is facing... Translate Haskell program to C, keeping it as close to original as possible, then try to optimize that C code (without rewriting it from scratch in C-way)
It's not dumb, but functional languages are not made for performance, and concise mathematically simple notation doesn't come for free.
