Tile Collision Question - tiles

I'm working on tile collision. Currently, I just draw the tile map the normal way (two for loops) and there is no scrolling. Right now, to check if my player is over a tile, I use tileX = (int)person1v.X / 16;
tileY = (int)person1v.Y / 16;
However, I want to detect collision before I hit the tile so it could act as a wall. How do I detect collision before even making the move?

If the player moves 3 pixels at a time then check for:
leftTile = (int)(person1v.x - 3) / 16;
And for the tile to the right:
rightTile = (int)(person1v.x + 3 + 16) / 16;

well instead of moving him first and checking for collision afterwards, check for collision for the future position of the character and if there is no collision then change the character's position.


Collision detection on enemy with wall when there is none

I am trying to develop basic enemy AI on a simple platformer game after following Shaun Spalding's gamemaker 2 platformer tutorials on youtube. My code is the exact same as his on the tutorial but for some reason, when my enemy detects collision with the wall he turns around as he is suppose to and then detects another collision where there is none, causing him to turn around again.
This is my code:
// Horizontal collision
if (place_meeting(x+hsp, y, oWall)) {
while (!place_meeting(x+sign(hsp), y, oWall)) {
x += sign(hsp); // slows down I think
hsp = -hsp;
x += hsp;
The -hsp part is where he turns around. Somehow, he is detecting another collision as soon as he does so, even though the value of hsp is inverted. Can anyone possibly point me in the direction of why this may be occuring?
(Value of hsp initialized at 3 and never changed only for inversion).
Is it turning back to the wall after a short while, or is it stuck and is flickering to left and right rapidly? Both could involve that the collision point isn't updating well.
When I face with collision problems, I'll use a crosshair sprite, and draw it at the same position as where it should be colliding. that way I've a visible view of the 'collision point'.
Another cause could be the sprite's origin point, that determines at which position the x and y appears, and that the sprite by turning collides with the wall itself. Keep in mind that the origin point is at the center of it's collision mask, to avoid been stuck in a wall.
EDIT: Another possibility: the collision point still checks inside the sprite.
For that, you could also try using an offset that keeps the collision point away from the sprite collision, but to let that work, you'll need to keep the inverse direction away from your horizontal speed. Something like this:
// Horizontal collision
_offset = 15; //moves the collision point away to check in front of the sprite. value depends on the size of the sprite.
_dir = 1; //the direction, should only be 1 or -1
//hsp should no longer be used to inverse, use a new variable (like _dir) instead
collisionPoint = (hsp + offset) * _dir;
if (place_meeting(x + collisionPoint , y, oWall)) {
while (!place_meeting(x+sign(collisionPoint), y, oWall)) {
x += sign(collisionPoint); // slows down I think
_dir = -_dir
x += hsp * _dir;

SAT Collision detection - Corners fix

I'm building a game and I'm currently working on the physics.
I'm using the SAT algorithm to detect collisions. The collisions are between the character (AxisAlignedBoundingBox) and some rectangles (with rotation).
Everything works fine, except the collision near to a corner in specific situations. (This is a pretty known problem but I didn't find any good solutions).
On Example 1, in the second scene the character should move upwards (stay on the obstacle).
It happens to move left.
On Example 2, in the second scene the character should not get up. Sometimes it gets.
I know why this is happening, because of dx and dy, the Minimum Translation Vector isn't always the wanted one.
There are several solutions to this problem, but not a really good one (in terms of solving the problem and not creating others!).
I'm willing to even use a totally different algorithm from the beginning.
Please give me a hint about an algorithm better than the SAT, or some workaround.
A picture is worth many words.
The image has two boxes to test the red and the black..
Note how the center of the black box is always on the darker red box when it is just touching.
You can simplify any AABB test by increasing the size of one box by the size of the other. As long as you referance the boxes position by their centers all works well.
// x,y are box centers
var bBox = { w : 100 , h : 50, x : ?, y ? }; // black
var rBox = { w : 200 , h : 200, x : ?, y ? }; // red
to test if bBox is inside rBox
if(bBox.x > rBox.x - (rBox.w + bBox.w)/2 &&
bBox.x < rBox.x + (rBox.w + bBox.w)/2 &&
bBox.y > rBox.y - (rBox.h + bBox.h)/2 &&
bBox.y < rBox.y + (rBox.h + bBox.h)/2)
// boxes are touching.
Also works if boxes are moving. You just test if the vector of bBox movement intersects any of rBox's 4 sides.

how can I implement a slow smooth background scrolling in sdl

I am trying to implement background scrolling using SDL 2.
As far as I understand one can only move source rectangle by an integer value.
My scrolling works fine when I move it by one every iteration of the game loop.
But I want to move it slower. I tried to move it using this code
moved += speed;
if (moved >= 1.0) {
moved -= 1;
Here moved and speed are doubles . I want my background to move something like ten times slower, therefore I set speed to 0.1. It does move ten times slower, but the animation is no longer smooth. It kind of jumps from one pixel to another, which looks and feels ugly when the speed is low.
I am thinking of making my background larger and scrolling it using an integer. Maybe when background is large enough the speed of 1 will seem slower.
Is there a way to scroll not a very large background slowly and smoothly and the same time?
What I would do is have a set of floats that would track the virtual screen position, then you just cast the floats to integers when you actually render, that way you don't ever lose the precision of the floats.
To give you an example, I have an SDL_Rect, I want to move it every frame. I have two floating point variables that track the x and y position of the rect, every frame I would update those x and y positions, cast them to an integer, and then render the rect, EX:
// Rect position
float XPos = 0.0f;
float YPos = 0.0f;
SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, 64, 64};
// Update virtual positions
XPos += 20.0f * DeltaTime;
YPos += 20.0f * DeltaTime;
// Move rect down and to the right
rect.x = (int)XPos;
rect.y = (int)YPos;
While this doesn't give you the exact result you are wanting, it is the only way that I know of to do this, it will let you delay your movement more precisely without giving you that ugly chunkiness in the movement, it also will let you add stuff like more precise acceleration too. Hope this helps.

Invisible, interactable objects in AS3 -- how to code efficient invisibility?

Alpha invisibility.
I currently define circular regions on some images as "hot spots". For instance, I could have my photo on screen and overlay a circle on my head. To check for interaction with my head in realtime, I would returnOverlaps and do some manipulation on all objects overlapping the circle. For debugging, I make the circle yellow with alpha 0.5, and for release I decrease alpha to 0, making the circle invisible (as it should be).
Does this slow down the program? Is there another way to make the circle itself invisible while still remaining capable of interaction? Is there some way to color it "invisible" without using a (potentially) costly alpha of 0? Cache as bitmap matrix? Or some other efficient way to solve the "hot spot" detection without using masks?
Having just a few invisible display objects should not slow it down that much, but having many could. I think a more cleaner option may be to just handle it all in code, rather then have actual invisible display objects on the stage.
For a circle, you would define the center point and radius. Then to get if anyone clicked on it, you could go:
var xDist:Number = circle.x - mousePoint.x;
var yDist:Number = circle.y - mousePoint.y;
if((xDist * xDist) + (yDist * yDist) <= (circle.radius * circle.radius)){
// mousePoint is within circle
} else {
// mousePoint is outside of circle
If you insist on using display objects to set these circular hit areas (sometimes it can be easier visually, then by numbers), you could also write some code to read those display objects (and remove them from being rendered) in to get their positions and radius size.
added method:
// inputX and inputY are the hotspot's x and y positions, and inputRadius is the radius of the hotspot
function hitTestObj(inputA:DisplayObject, inputX:int, inputY:int, inputRadius:int):Boolean {
var xDist:Number = inputX - inputA.x;
var yDist:Number = inputY - inputA.y;
var minDist:Number = inputRadius + (inputA.width / 2);
return (((xDist * xDist) + (yDist * yDist)) =< (minDist * minDist))
An alpha=0 isn't all that costly in terms of rendering as Flash player will optimize for that (check here for actual figures). Bitmap caching wouldn't be of any help as the sprite is invisible. There's other ways to perform collision detection by doing the math yourself (more relevant in games with tens or even hundreds of sprites) but that would be an overkill in your case.

Rotating an image with the mouse

I am writing a drawing program, Whyteboard -- http://code.google.com/p/whyteboard/
I have implemented image rotating functionality, except that its behaviour is a little odd. I can't figure out the proper logic to make rotating the image in relation to the mouse position
My code is something similar to this:
(these are called from a mouse event handler)
def resize(self, x, y, direction=None):
"""Rotate the image"""
self.angle += 1
if self.angle > 360:
self.angle = 0
def rotate(self, angle=None):
"""Rotate the image (in radians), turn it back into a bitmap"""
rad = (2 * math.pi * self.angle) / 360
if angle:
rad = (2 * math.pi * angle) / 360
img = self.img.Rotate(rad, (0, 0))
So, basically the angle to rotate the image keeps getting increased when the user moves the mouse. However, this sometimes means you have to "circle" the mouse many times to rotate an image 90 degrees, let alone 360.
But, I need it similar to other programs - how the image is rotated in relation to your mouse's position to the image.
This is the bit I'm having trouble with. I've left the question language-independent, although using Python and wxPython it could be applicable to any language
I'm assuming resize() is called for every mouse movement update. Your problem seems to be the self.angle += 1, which makes you update your angle by 1 degree on each mouse event.
A solution to your problem would be: pick the point on the image where the rotation will be centered (on this case, it's your (0,0) point on self.img.Rotate(), but usually it is the center of the image). The rotation angle should be the angle formed by the line that goes from this point to the mouse cursor minus the angle formed by the line that goes from this point to the mouse position when the user clicked.
To calculate the angle between two points, use math.atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1) which will give you the angle in radians. (you may have to change the order of the subtractions depending on your mouse position axis).
fserb's solution is the way I would go about the rotation too, but something additional to consider is your use of:
img = self.img.Rotate(rad, (0, 0))
If you are performing a bitmap image rotation in response to every mouse drag event, you are going to get a lot of data loss from the combined effect of all the interpolation required for the rotation. For example, rotating by 1 degree 360 times will give you a much blurrier image than the original.
Try having a rotation system something like this:
display_img = self.img.Rotate(rad, pos)
then use the display_img image while you are in rotation mode. When you end rotation mode (onMouseUp maybe), img = display_img.
This type of strategy is good whenever you have a lossy operation with a user preview.
Here's the solution in the end,
def rotate(self, position, origin):
""" position: mouse x/y position, origin: x/y to rotate around"""
origin_angle = self.find_angle(origin, self.center)
mouse_angle = self.find_angle(position, self.center)
angle = mouse_angle - origin_angle
# do the rotation here
def find_angle(self, a, b):
answer = math.atan2((a[0] - b[0]) , (a[1] - b[1]))
answer = 0
return answer
