How do i start with Gomoku? - algorithm

I read about Gomoku that it can be implemented using Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithms. So, i read these algorithms and now understand how the game will be solved. But when i sat to down to code, I am facing problem how to approach it.
As in ,
How to design the prototype functions like getNextMove or Max(Move) ?
How will the next move searched?
Till when should i apply the minimax algorithm.
I know i can find the code online, but i want to do it myself.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

the minimax algorithm presented in the textbook is usually applied on simple games, e.g. tic-tac-tou, where the final states are reachable within only several turns between min player and max player. However, for Gomoku, it is impossible to reach all final states. Why do we need to reach final states? We need an evaluation for a move, i.e. whether a move is good or not.
So your first step is to design an evaluation function of a move, which tells you how much value you will properly gain if you do one move. e.g. you have a 3 in a row, the move along that row to make a 4 will be very valuable.
Suppose that you have a very clever evaluation function, then you can find an optimal move each time without any search. So before you do any min-max, alpha-beta, you'd probably design a good evaluation function. A good example is Emacs' gomoku source code, which has a good AI player without using any search.
Next you move to min-max and alpha-beta.
It seems that I didn't answer your questions. Actually I don't need. I assume that you know the details of min-max or even alpha-beta search for tic-tac-tao. By designing the evaluation function, you will have a better understanding of gomoku and you design search algorithm for it just as you can do for tic-tac-tou now.


what kind of algorithm do I need to solve the wood blocks jigsaw game?

I'm writing a computer program to solve the wood blocks jigsaw game. Do you guys know which computer algorithm do I need? In this game: blocks with different shapes has to fit with each other in 2D window - without leaving paces below.
Depends on the exact rules of the game. If you know all the pieces in advance and you can choose their order as well, then you can implement a custom algorithm, which would first plan matching the pieces and then match the matches until the whole plan is figured out.
If you know what the pieces and you know their order, but you cannot control their order, then you can do some backtracking calculation for the future events.
If you do know what the pieces are, but you do not know their order, then you can backtrack all the separate cases in a similar fashion as above.
If you do not know what the pieces are, nor their order, then you will need to define a heuristic, which would be a probabilistic value that you will be able to correctly place the next item and compute possible variations in a very similar fashion as the alpha-beta pruning known in chess computation.
By the way, if you do a backtracking approach, then you can still use a heuristic and pruning.

Optimal algorithm to find exit of a maze with no information

I have to determine a way for a robot to get out of a maze. The thing is that the layout of the maze is unknown, and the position of the exit is unknown too. The robot also start at an unknown position in the maze.
I found 3 solutions but I have a hard time knowing which one should I use, because in the end it seems that the solutions will purely be random anyway.
I have those 3 solutions :
1) The basic "human" strategy(?), where you put your hand on a wall and go through all the maze if necessary. I also keep a variable "turn counter" to avoid situation where the robot loop.
2) Depth first search
3) Making the robot choose direction randomly
The random one seems the worse, because he could take forever to find the exit (but on the other hand he could be the fastest too...). I'm not sure about the other two though.
Also, is there a way to have some kind of heuristic? Again the lack of information makes me think that it's impossible, but maybe I'm missing something.
Last thing : When the robot find the exit, he will have to go back to his start position using A*. This means that during the first part, where he looks for the exit, he will have draw a map of the maze that he will use for the 2nd part. Maybe this can help too chose the best algorithm for the first part, but yeah I don't see why one would be better.
Could someone help me please? Thanks (Also, sorry for my english).
Problems like this are categorised as real-time search, perhaps the best known example is Learning Real-Time A*, where you combine information about what you've seen before (if you've had to backtrack or know a cheaper way to reach a state), and the actions you can take. As is the case in areas like reinforcement learning, some level of randomness helps balance exploration and exploitation.
Assuming your graph is undirected, time invariant, and the initial and exit node exist in the same component, then choosing a direction at random at each vertex is equivalent to a random walk on a graph.
Regardless of whether the graph is initially known or not, this is a very well understood field of mathematics, equivalent to an absorbing Markov chain, the time to reach the exit state in such cases has a Discrete phase-type distribution - often quite slow, but it's also worth noting that in pathological cases it's possible to design a maze where a random walk will outperform DFS.
#beaker is right in that the first two you suggested should lead the the same result. However, you may be able to improve on the search a little by keeping track of any loops you find. If the Robot finds itself in a spot it has already visited and needs to backtrack once coming to a dead end there may be no need go back so far if there is a shortcut it has found. Also use the segments that have been mapped on the way out and apply Dijkstra's algorithm or A* on it to find the most efficient way back. There may be a faster way back on an unexplored path but this would be the safest way to have a quick result.
Obviously this implementing the checks for loops to prevent unneeded back tracking will make thing more complicated to implement. Though for the return to the start using Dijkstra's algorithm should not be as complex.
If you are feeling ambitious now that found the exit you could use this information and give the robot a sense of direction though in a randomly generated maze that may not help much.

How genetic algorithm is different from random selection and evaluation for fittest?

I have been learning the genetic algorithm since 2 months. I knew about the process of initial population creation, selection , crossover and mutation etc. But could not understand how we are able to get better results in each generation and how its different than random search for a best solution. Following I am using one example to explain my problem.
Lets take example of travelling salesman problem. Lets say we have several cities as X1,X2....X18 and we have to find the shortest path to travel. So when we do the crossover after selecting the fittest guys, how do we know that after crossover we will get a better chromosome. The same applies for mutation also.
I feel like its just take one arrangement of cities. Calculate the shortest distance to travel them. Then store the distance and arrangement. Then choose another another arrangement/combination. If it is better than prev arrangement, then save the current arrangement/combination and distance else discard the current arrangement. By doing this also, we will get some solution.
I just want to know where is the point where it makes the difference between random selection and genetic algorithm. In genetic algorithm, is there any criteria that we can't select the arrangement/combination of cities which we have already evaluated?
I am not sure if my question is clear. But I am open, I can explain more on my question. Please let me know if my question is not clear.
A random algorithm starts with a completely blank sheet every time. A new random solution is generated each iteration, with no memory of what happened before during the previous iterations.
A genetic algorithm has a history, so it does not start with a blank sheet, except at the very beginning. Each generation the best of the solution population are selected, mutated in some way, and advanced to the next generation. The least good members of the population are dropped.
Genetic algorithms build on previous success, so they are able to advance faster than random algorithms. A classic example of a very simple genetic algorithm, is the Weasel program. It finds its target far more quickly than random chance because each generation it starts with a partial solution, and over time those initial partial solutions are closer to the required solution.
I think there are two things you are asking about. A mathematical proof that GA works, and empirical one, that would waive your concerns.
Although I am not aware if there is general proof, I am quite sure at least a good sketch of a proof was given by John Holland in his book Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems for the optimization problems using binary coding. There is something called Holland's schemata theoerm. But you know, it's heuristics, so technically it does not have to be. It basically says that short schemes in genotype raising the average fitness appear exponentially with successive generations. Then cross-over combines them together. I think the proof was given only for binary coding and got some criticism as well.
Regarding your concerns. Of course you have no guarantee that a cross-over will produce a better result. As two intelligent or beautiful parents might have ugly stupid children. The premise of GA is that it is less likely to happen. (As I understand it) The proof for binary coding hinges on the theoerm that says a good partial patterns will start emerging, and given that the length of the genotype should be long enough, such patterns residing in different specimen have chance to be combined into one improving his fitness in general.
I think it is fairly easy to understand in terms of TSP. Crossing-over help to accumulate good sub-paths into one specimen. Of course it all depends on the choice of the crossing method.
Also GA's path towards the solution is not purely random. It moves towards a certain direction with stochastic mechanisms to escape trappings. You can lose best solutions if you allow it. It works because it wants to move towards the current best solutions, but you have a population of specimens and they kind of share knowledge. They are all similar, but given that you preserve diversity new better partial patterns can be introduced to the whole population and get incorporated into the best solutions. This is why diversity in population is regarded as very important.
As a final note please remember the GA is a very broad topic and you can modify the base in nearly every way you want. You can introduce elitarism, taboos, niches, etc. There is no one-and-only approach/implementation.

How to simulate battle between two players?

I've got two players and I want to simulate a game between them. Both have some attributes (power, intelligence...) and different actions. The outcome of some action is based on attribute values and some luck factor.
Construct a game tree of all possible moves for both players
game tree would probably have limited depth
Every level would belong to different player
Use some heuristics at leaf nodes to find out probability of wining for player who has to make a move
propagate probabilities up (like minimax algorithm does)
choose a move with highest probability
continue at the beginning of this algorithm
So, basically this is minimax algorithm. I've got few question though:
How to take luck factor in account?
When I make one move, do I have to run whole algorithm again? (building the tree with +1 depth and new root node, calculate new probabilities...)
Any other idea for simulating a battle?
You should look into Monte Carlo Tree Search, it sounds as it if will fit in great with your problem.
Rather than using a heuristic, it runs a full game using random players at each branch before expanding the tree. The good thing about this is, that you're actually building a tree of probabilities, AND you do not have to expand the tree to the end or some cutoff with heuristic like MinMax.
MCTS is also the current best method in the game GO, and currently best at playing games with unknown rules. For extra effect, you can use some finite state machine agents instead of random players to make the probability more accurate. And you can also reduce branching factor by using a decider that skips certain branches, using a machine learning derived heuristic. (But that's something you'd do last to increase the speed of the technique)
If you can do MinMax, you can do MCTS without too much trouble :) And MCTS can play far more complex games than MinMax ever will, because of its greatly reduced complexity in comparison. (Good if you intend to expand the rules of the game continously)
Have a look here if you're interested:
And yes, you have to do this at every move for every player. So both MinMax and MCTS will be slow; all game tree based techniques are slow.
With MinMax you can however preserve some of your tree; move to the branch that is your new state, and remove its parent and the subtrees that are connected to it. Then expand one depth futher in the subtree that remains. But this is speculation; I have never had time to do that before :) (You'll be preserving errors in your probability calculations however)
Good thing about these techniques, is that when you've built them they work. Machine learning techniques runs a lot faster, but requires hours if not days of training prior to the use ;)
While generally your algorithm makes sense there is no way we can guarantee that this algorithm is the best one. For example let's imagine two games:
In first game each player has 2 actions: fire with a gun and strike with a sword. In this game each step doesn't affect other steps so building a move tree won't make any sense here. Each player just have to choose the weapon and keep firing/striking and shouting 'with the shield or on it!' till death or win.
Second game has also third action - steal opponent's shield. In this case move tree will make more sense since it is pretty clear that if you've decided to steal enemy shield anyway then it will make more sense to steal it before striking with a sword.
So whether you need this move tree or not highly depends on your game rules.
The main option regarding luck factor as I see is whether to include it's influence into move tree or not. It depends on whether luck factor affects every action in the same way. If it is true then luck factor can be omitted while calculating move tree and then applied when you will calculate outcome of chosen action. Otherwise if luck factor affects different actions in different manner (for example even complete loser is able to shot an enemy with a gun but kill with a spoon skill requires good luck) then luck factor should be taken into account while calculating probabilities in move tree.
Whether you need or not to recalculate the entire tree after each node depends on whether you can predict result of chosen action with 100%. For example in chess you can predict that if you decided to move a pawn then that pawn will definitely move where you decided to. This allows you on each step take chosen branch in move tree and calculate one more move for each scenario in it instead of recalculating the full tree from nothing. But this is not applicable if player can decide to shoot with a gun but because of he's unlucky day he will shoot himself in a leg.
What you are asking for is very "vast"...but has been done by many developers.
I would advise that you starting reading a book about Game Design like this one:
... and also search in and for examples of games implementations.
Good luck,

N-Puzzle with 5x5 grid, theory question

I'm writing a program which solves a 24-puzzle (5x5 grid) using two heuristic. The first uses how many blocks the incorrect place and the second uses the Manhattan distance between the blocks current place and desired place.
I have different functions in the program which use each heuristic with an A* and a greedy search and compares the results (so 4 different parts in total).
I'm curious whether my program is wrong or whether it's a limitation of the puzzle. The puzzle is generated randomly with pieces being moved around a few times and most of the time (~70%) a solution is found with most searches, but sometimes they fail.
I can understand why greedy would fail, as it's not complete, but seeing as A* is complete this leads me to believe that there's an error in my code.
So could someone please tell me whether this is an error in my thinking or a limitation of the puzzle? Sorry if this is badly worded, I'll rephrase if necessary.
So I"m fairly sure it's something I'm doing wrong. Here's a step-by-step list of how I'm doing the searches, is anything wrong here?
Create a new list for the fringe, sorted by whichever heuristic is being used
Create a set to store visited nodes
Add the initial state of the puzzle to the fringe
while the fringe isn't empty..
pop the first element from the fringe
if the node has been visited before, skip it
if node is the goal, return it
add the node to our visited set
expand the node and add all descendants back to the fringe
If you mean that sliding puzzle: This is solvable if you exchange two pieces from a working solution - so if you don't find a solution this doesn't tell anything about the correctness of your algorithm.
It's just your seed is flawed.
Edit: If you start with the solution and make (random) legal moves, then a correct algorithm would find a solution (as reversing the order is a solution).
It is not completely clear who invented it, but Sam Loyd popularized the 14-15 puzzle, during the late 19th Century, which is the 4x4 version of your 5x5.
From the Wikipedia article, a parity argument proved that half of the possible configurations are unsolvable. You are probably running into something similar when your search fails.
I'm going to assume your code is correct, and you implemented all the algorithms and heuristics correctly.
This leaves us with the "generated randomly" part of your puzzle initialization. Are you sure you are generating correct states of the puzzle? If you generate an illegal state, obviously there will be no solution.
While the steps you have listed seem a little incomplete, you have listed enough to ensure that your A* will reach a solution if there is one (albeit not optimal as long as you are just simply skipping nodes).
It sounds like either your puzzle generation is flawed or your algorithm isn't implemented correctly. To easily verify your puzzle generation, store the steps used to generate the puzzle, and run it in reverse and check if the result is a solution state before allowing the puzzle to be sent to the search routines. If you ever generate an invalid puzzle, dump the puzzle, and expected steps and see where the problem is. If the puzzle passes and the algorithm fails, you have at least narrowed down where the problem is.
If it turns out to be your algorithm, post a more detailed explanation of the steps you have actually implemented (not just how A* works, we all know that), like for instance when you run the evaluation function, and where you resort the list that acts as your queue. That will make it easier to determine a problem within your implementation.
