How to get the FPS from a JavaFX scene? - performance

I am currently writing a small graphical performance test benchmark for JavaFX.
Thus, I need to get the current FPS at which the JavaFX scene is being refreshed.
So far, I haven't found a solution how to accomplish this.
Does anyone know if there is some kind of event that I could use in order to get the FPS?

I don't think there is a specific event that gives a frame rate. This reference/example might help. It shows the frame rate when running -- JavaFX FPS Meter . It has a link to source code.


Saving a frame/picture using Tango Camera

I have a question. Is there a way to take a picture, or save current frame while a tango app is running and how can i achieve this kind of behaviour
I just used ReadPixels and gave as parameters the dimensions of the screen; it worked in Unity

MonoMac Application & OpenGL - Weird frame times

I am trying to create an application with an OpenGL view using MonoMac. Setting up an application and an NSOpenGLView was fairly simple...
...but for some reason I cannot get a consistent frame rate rendering OpenGL. The issue I am having is that 9 out of ten frames have perfect performance and every tenth frame or so I am getting a massive frame time spike (about 60ms-80ms for a single frame). The time of the slow frame correlates with the size of the control (and even more so using retina backing buffer).
I have been digging and have come up with nothing that works for my case.
I tried to use NSOpenGLView with CVDisplayLink and rendering on the main thread with timers and DrawRect.
I tried MonoMacGameView also both versions. Actually MonoMacGameView has consistent performance but only draws when my window does not have a background color.
I reimplemented the run loop to do my own NextEvent polling just to find out that that is not the issue...
So, my current hunch is that it has something to do with layer backed rendering in Cocoa views but I really cannot figure out what is causing this.
Any hint as to what is causing this delay?
I found a solution which produces pretty good results:
Do not use NSOpenGLView or MonoMacGameView.
Use the approach described in the example on this page:
To enable retina support export the ContentScale property on the deriving class and set that depending whether you are running on retina screen or not
In conclusion, using a core animation layer is the only viable solution.

HTML5 Fullscreen API & performance

I'm coding an app around video content and am currently playing around with HTML5's fullscreen API (I know it is still in very early stage).
Because of what my application does, the video itself isn't the only part that goes fullscreen: several elements alongside go fullscreen too, and I have noticed a great drop in performance there. The video streams ok, but other graphical elements suddenly get painfully slow. For example, a hover style typically takes about a good half second before showing up. A simple change in subtitles (I use popcorn.js) causes the video to freeze for a fraction of a second.
Any one knows why this is so? Do you experience the same? Thanks for your precious feedback.

Custom SLider for video on iPad

I have a custom UISlider and use the currentPlaybackTime to change values of an MPMoviePlayerController object.
The problem is when i scrub at a fast rate using the slider, it doesn't respond as fast as i would like..
Is there any better way to have a fast interactive scrubber for ipad? targeting from OS 3.2
Well there are two issues, only one you can control directly.
Multimedia-content is commonly compressed using some kind of delta-compression, hence quick and exact seeking is not a trivial task to cope with. As that is common and since you can not directly change that, you will have to live with it.
the only way to increase responsiveness for seeking on the content-side (when encoding) is reducing the gop-size - that is, less p-frames between the i-frames.
when using a slider or a similar control, you could, instead of directly connecting the current playback position with it, handle any manual changes in an indirect fashion. You could run a timer based job that, whenever the slider/scrubber has been moved, tries to adjust the playback position towards that new value. Once the player is seeking, prevent the scrubber from getting feedback from the current playback location but allow it once the player is in playing state again. That way the user does not directly experience the clunky seek feedback.

how to create animation of sparkling effect for iphone using cocos2d or Quartz core

I am creating one application in that i want to give background effect like there are number of starts and something like we are in universe and some starts are getting lighted for few seconds then some other starts etc.
I got one open gles animation of Explosion , but I want that kind of effect using quartz core or Cocos2d so that I can implement other things easily.
if any one do have any idea or any sample for the sample please suggest me.
Thanks in advance
If I understand you question correctly (that is not quite clear) you can use some particle effect to simulate most of the "cosmic" lighting, starts, comets even galaxy.
Please have a look at , it is particle tutorial
