Play a video using gtk+ - user-interface

Any suggestion regarding how to play videos using GTK+?
Lancy Norbert Fernandes

For Playing Videos on GTK+ and other GTK Bindings you have a lot of options.
Option: Use A Third-Party Library
1- Try using ogmrip-gtk , A set of Gtk Interface, which allows you to use the open-source OGMRip library as a Gtk-Widget.
2- You may use another library, gstreamer. Also can be used easily with Gtk.
3- You may use LibVLC - gtk. A GTK wrapper for LibVLC (ever used the VLC Media Player?). Personally , I like this a lot.
Option: Using Code from Open-Source Software
1- The Banshee media player is open-source and although it uses Gtk#, you may have no trouble converting the code to GTK+.
2- See the MPlayer or Totem Player Source Code. (or any other for that matter, here is a list )
Option: Use A Process
1- I've heard the MPlayer Command Line is pretty simple. Here's a guide.
With GTK+ there are always a lot of new and innovative (not to mention open-source) ways to do stuff. So always keep looking for better ways. I am personally a great fan of the GTK+ toolkit and have found that there is nothing you cannot do with it.

GStreamer integrates well with GTK+.


How do I use OGG with SDL_Mixer?

I can't seem to get SDL_Mixer to initialize with OGG support enabled. I know that I must link with libogg, libvorbis and libvorbisfile but it still won't work. I have .dylibs, .frameworks and .as of these three libraries and I've tried them all.
I'm copying the dylibs/frameworks into the Frameworks folder of the app package in the build phases tab.
I have Runpath Search Paths set to #executable_path/../Frameworks in the build settings tab.
But Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_OGG) keeps returning the error OGG support not available.
I'm using the latest Homebrew versions of all of the mentioned libraries. I'm not sure what else to try.
I have a finished game with 300MB of wavs as the music.
I’ve managed to mix some Objective C with C++ and get some sound playing with AVAudioPlayer but it’s horrendous code. I’m having to cast to void * to make sure my music player class is compatible with my C++ code base. The garbage collector is so annoying. All it does is get in your way. You have to fight it with bridge casts.
I’d really like to use SDL_Mixer or a simple C library.
I got the Objective C music player fully implemented but I just can’t stand Objective C. I found a brilliant library called stb_vorbis. I’ve used a few of the other stb libraries so I knew this one would be great. Playing the audio data from this library is actually pretty easy. All I really had to do was call stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved inside of SDL2’s audio callback. I didn’t have to do any mixing because I only need to play music. The implementation was so simple that it actually worked perfectly the first time I ran it! This because stb_vorbis and SDL2 are both C libraries so they just make sense (unlike Objective C which should be burned).
If you just want to play music and either can’t use SDL_Mixer or don’t want to use SDL_Mixer then you can just feed the data from stb_vorbis into SDL2’s audio callback.

Xamarin.Forms video streaming library that supports RTSP video feeds

I am using Plugin.MediaManager NuGet package to provide cross-platform video player for my app. However, it does not support playing RTSP video streams. Is there any other library that supports this?
I have looked around and the most common ones are platform-specific libraries such as KXmovie and Managed Media Aggregation but I am a little intimidated by the thought of having to port and/or recompile them.
The best case is if there is a Xamarin.Forms compatible NuGet package available. Failing that, an iOS library that requires binding, but not recompiling. As a last resort, something that needs to be compiled and linking manually, but works out of the box.
OK so the resounding conclusion is that one does not exist with Xamarin bindings. I will start with this project on GitHub and see if I can compile and generate the bindings myself.
A bit late, but there is now. LibVLCSharp supports RTSP (and many other stuff).

Desktop Environment in Ruby

I want to create a very simple window manager for Ubuntu using Ruby. Where should I start?
I am somewhat familiar with Qt (from when I used to use C++), but I don't mind using other frameworks.
There's this great presentation, presenting several toolkit alternatives. It's in Portuguese, but it should not be hard to understand the toolkit names and screnshots :)

Is there any framework that allows me to develop applications for Qt and GTK?

I am thinking about something that would allow to develop applications independent of the GUI library, but allow Qt and GTK being plugged in as needed.
I'd just use Qt. It includes a Gtk-like style, mimics Gtk standard dialogs and even uses Gtk file dialogs if run under Gnome, so basically it integrates itself into Gtk as good as anything (except Gtk of course), or at least it integrates itself better into Gtk than Gtk does into Qt.
You can try to use wxWidgets but you tend to get "lowest common denominator" if you go that route. Your better bet is to design your software such that you can plug in an implementation of the necessary "views" in the desired toolkit, and keep your core UI toolkit independant.
Obviously this is more work, but if there is a strong business need, then so be it.
I don't know of any framework doing something like that (I don't know how it could possibly be done without suffering from a heavy "lowest-common-denominator" syndrome), but I do "cross toolkit" development (applications that use more than one GUI toolkit) and I wrote an article about why and how to do it:
You can try Tk, which supports themes. There is a tile-qt and tile-gtk theme. There is a 2010 Google Summer of Code project to improve these themes. And, of course, when you use Tk you also get support for Windows and OSX out of the box.
Qt is a framework, it uses GTK underneath (at least on Unix).
There was a mobile toolkit that let you write everything in JS but compiled to the native code on each platform. I forget the name but it was a victim of the iPhone lockdown.

Create a small 'window-form' application that runs anywhere

I work in the embedded world, using mainly C and no GUI at all (because there is no display screen).
Moving over to the non-embedded world, in which I have nearly no experience, what is the best programming environment (langauge/IDE/etc) for me to build a simple window-form application that will run on all the common platforms: windows/linux/mac-os ?
I do not want to build a web-app.
I have my eye on Python and one of it's widget libraries, QT or WxWidgets. Is that a good option ?
I like GTK+ personally but that or any of the ones you mentioned should be OK. I don't know which is the best in terms of least RAM usage.
Both wx and QT have embedded/universal versions where the widgets are drawn directly.
They can both be called from python,but if you have a very small system python or py2exe might not be available.
Unless you want to embed HtmlWindow I'd go with wxWindows... works everywhere without problems so far for me.
I have both worked with PyQt and wxPython extensively.
PyQt is better designed and comes with very good UI designer so that you can quickly assemble your UI
wxPython has a very good demo and it can do pretty much anything which PyQT can do, I would anyday prefer PyQt but it may bot be free for commercial purpose but wxPython is free and is decent cross platform library.
Qt is a good choice to start with. In my opinion it has a best (easy to use, simple & informative) API Documentation. Package also includes many examples - from very basic to complex. And, yep, it`s truly crossplatform.
Check Qt Licensing page, the library is free only for GPL projects.
I`m using QDevelop as text editor, but there are many other alternatives - Eclipse, KDevelop, Code:Blocks, VS plugin & etc.
Why not use swing and java? It is quite cross platform, and looks reasonable for form apps. If you squint a bit and ignore the java, its quite pleasant - or alternatively, use one of them dynamic languages on the JVM (Groovy is my recommended one).
What kind of application is it going to be? Have you considered a web-based application instead? Web-based apps can be super flexible in that sense - you can run them on any platform that has a modern browser.
By far the simplest choice for creating native cross-platform applications is REALbasic. Give it a try and you'll have a working app for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux in minutes. No run-times or other stuff to worry about.
I think you should try Html Application.It is something like web page it contain DHTML,java script,ActiveX but it is execute like .exe .
Sorry for advice you html application.I just know it can run on windows only.
