how to create a WIN CE 6.0 LCDdriver? - visual-studio

this is vinoth. i am going to develop a new lcd driver which is for the external lcd panel(240*400 resolution) for win ce6.0 . am new t0 win ce programming . i dont know how to make changes all in the bsp and registry.if any one finds the answer pls help me. it would be very help ful for me.

This is a very heavy task. Are you sure your OEM does not provide an easy way to adjust the BSP to your display?
You have a sample display driver in the BSPs that ship with Platfrom Builder.
Did your board come without any display support? Maybe you only need to change some registry settings to make your display work.

I agree with Shaihi - this is a very big task, especially if you've not done drivers before. The first thing to check is to see if the BSP contains a display driver already and possibly all you need to do is adjust it for your resolution, color depth etc. If not, you need to check with the silicon vendor for whatever display controller you're using (be it in the processor or a separate controller) and see if they have a Windows CE reference driver that you can use as a starting point.
If you're starting from nothing with no resource but a data sheet, you have a couple months of work ahead of you.


virtual basic application registry

i have made a windows application with a build in button with using visual studio as my application maker and virtual basic as my language.
i need help making the button change a registry folder in the hive due to one of our program that we got has a bug and the folder is miss named..
[Hkey_local_user\software\microsoft\(ERX). It needs to be ETRX
i know how to change it manually but cant be doing this to all 68 computers ,that is a big no-no and will take a long time.
can someone make me a blueprint on how i need to make this am not much of a programmer type plus no link helps me.
Don't want to sound lazy or unhelpful, but this link will explain it clearer and faster!:)

Best way to access web camera in Java

I need to access web camera using Java. This is what I want to do
Access web cam
Now the user can see web cam working because his face is visible on screen
(have heard some libs are there which doesn't show the video output of webcam)
when user click save button, take a snapshot and save it
I have tried number of ways to do this, from a long time.
JMF - Now it is dead
FMJ - Now it is dead too
VLCJ - too much because I am not creating a music/video player and it expect VLC to be installed
Xuggler - too much and hard work
JMyron - didn't work
JavaFX - I thought it could do it, but seems like it can't
I am even satisfied if the library is just ONLY doing the above mentioned, because that's enough for me. But I expect it to be simple too. Really great if it is not using DLLs, because it is not platform independent if it does. Really appreciate if it can DETECT the camera, without manually passing the camera name and other info as have do in VLCJ (because there might be thousands of camera brands, so I can't create a list of thousand elements in it). And, I am creating a desktop application, not web app.
If you know a library like this, please be kind enough to let me know. Other libraries (which might not suit to all of my requirements, but suits to the basic requirement) also welcome. Please help
I think the project you are looking for is: (I'm the author)
There is an example working exactly as you've described - after it's run, the window appear where, after you press "Start" button, you can see live image from webcam device and save it to file after you click on "Snapshot" (source code available, please note that FPS counter in the corner can be disabled):
The project is portable (WinXP, Win7, Win8, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi) and does not require any additional software to be installed on the PC.
API is really nice and easy to learn. Example how to capture single image and save it to PNG file:
Webcam webcam = Webcam.getDefault();;
ImageIO.write(webcam.getImage(), "PNG", new File("test.png"));

Possible to generlize XP sysprep?

Is is possible to generalize sysprep an xp image, similar to how win 7 does when you check the generalize box.
Meaning that, if I load the correct drivers for another model before syspreping, I would be able to use that image on another model computer than what it was orginally syspreped on. The 2 models would not be simial either.
I know that it wouldn't be the exact same thing if it is even possible.
If you need more info please let me know.
Thank You all for your help.
Unfortunately, no. Windows XP was not designed for disk duplication on different hardware. This article shows that you can only use disk duplication on similar hardware, and this page shows the exact needs for it to work properly.
(for disclosure)
Windows Outreach Team - IT Pro
The Springboard Series on TechNet

Creating Windows Print Driver

I'm looking to create a print driver that will monitor jobs sent to a particular printer and add in a small amount of text to each page. I have downloaded the WDK and have the bitmap example working, but the monitor examples are complicated. The WDK documentation seems to be lacking any explanation of the samples. I also don't see any Visual Studio templates for Windows Drivers (not sure if they are supposed to be installed as part of the WDK or not).
I think what I'm struggling the most with is seeing the overall approach. Since this is printing to a printer (not file), I'm assuming I still need to use the printer's driver somehow. So does that make what I'm trying to do a "Filter Driver"? As you can tell, this is not something I've done before, so any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
What exactly do you need to add in? You can use the Mini Driver in the WinDDK and just hijack one of the commands.
If you need to add in something more you'll probably want a port monitor like Redmon (or we are about to release one) that can take your job and route it to some application that modifies the data and then routes to the final printer.
If you just need to insert some items at the very start (inject some PCL or something) then you can use the Windows separator page and insert the data at the start of the stream.
If you give some more detail about what exactly you need to modify or insert I can probably help a little more.

A Good, Free screen sharing program for pair programming?

I am looking for a good, free (preferred) screen sharing program that works well for pair programming and code review sessions for Windows (Vista x64, Server 2008). It should allow either person take control of the screen and be fairly responsive for text editing over decent broadband connections. Additional features like the ability to draw/mark/annotate the other persons screen would be nice.
Edit: This will be used by developers in remote locations.
TeamViewer from works very well. We use it for pair programming between London and Ukraine.
We use Skype for voice.
TeamViewer uses extremely low bandwidth - 4kbyte/sec on average for programming in Visual Studio 2008 # 1024x768 resolution.
Can swap roles from hotseat to viewer with a button.
The remote view of the screen can be resized to fit in a smaller area with no loss in usability.
Windows Shared View works for me. It allows you to only share certain windows and even shows where your "attendees" mouse is. It would be best to use that in connection with some sort of voip connection so that you don't have to type questions/responses back and forth.
I have checked some hours now for a good one.
Best and the simplest thing i have found.
Free, no strings found so far.
No need to waste time installing or registering anything.
Works perfect with "share are only" if you have multimontor setup.
Most other software shares full screen default, and you cannot choose which monitor you share.
You need to be aware that it does not encrypt data. Check FAQ.
But if you have to run voice over Skype/Mymble/Whatever separate anyway..
What harm can a hacker do by simply getting 50% of the conference ?
Pff.. Oh you wished for screen sharing.. this one does not have it.
So try:
It has that multimonitor "bug" and you need to install a simple pluginlike thing.
But "take control" is there and it's very simple also.
Most other software has bundled unneccesary functions like calendaring, document system, filesharing which i already have solutions for.
It's like developing games on excel macros..
unneccesary.. developers please learn that already !
I haven't actually tried it yet, but it looks promising. Check out DimDim. They have a free web service and a VMWare image on Sourceforge.
If you're using eclipse, you might wanna try ECF. There's a video presentation available here.
Try Mikogo at
very easy to setup. no problems with Firewalls etc etc
And my final suggestion, but this is not one I've tried. Go to Crossloop
On OSX, I've used vim and a multi-user GNU screen session - this gives much better responsiveness than VNC, screen-sharing, etc. I guess you could use these with Cygwin?
I like to use Screen Hero, which allows both users to use the mouse on the shared screen:
or Zoom:
For a poor-man's solution, you can use the free edition of RealVNC. On the server, un-check all of these boxes:
Would a VNC client not do the trick, combined with a one of those screen overlay apps people use for presentations (screenpen rings a bell)?
Another option is to use VNC, but use reverse connections. Have a look at this I use this in conjunction with No-IP to get a fixed address.
Do you need this to be remote?
You could just have two monitors set to mirror and 2 USB keyboards/mice
If it is remote then VNC is the way to go, I would use UltraVNC if you are looking for a free version, it has more features (chat, file transfer) than the free version of VNC - it also has a video driver hook that means it suffers less from any weird screen issues than regualr VNC.
If firewalls are a problem you can simply set up a VPN (which is probably a good idea anyway - although ultra can do encryption).
How about any of the services like Joel's
Have you looked at the collaboration module that comes with netbeans? Its very useful for pair programming!
For multi-platform simplicity, I would suggest for screen share (you can even view a remote
screen using iOS!)
getting a phone headset, and using the phone for audio.
