Where can i find the .cache folder on a linux hosting - caching

I am trying to add a rss feed into an HTML page. After some searching found something called simplepie.
On trying i get an warning
Warning: ./cache is not writeable.
Make sure you've set the correct
relative or absolute path, and that
the location is server-writable. in
xxx/inc/simplepie.inc on line 1780
On checking for the cache folder on the server i couldnt locate the folder. I am on a linux server. Would creating a cache folder be enough or do i need to get the hosting company to look into it

In addition to creating the folder, you will need to make it writable by the user that the script will run as. You may need the hosting company's help on this. Otherwise, you can make it world-writable, though if you can restrict it to just allow the user the script runs as, then that would be best.


Not Able to Find SCCM MPcontrol log location in Site Server

I am not able find the mpcontrol.log in one of site server.
Searched in location E:\SMS_CCM\Logs ,but failed get the log.Actually What is the purpose of the folder SMS_CCM?
[Please check below screenshots]
From which drive and which folder i can get the log.
Check E:\SMS\Logs.
Note that the mpcontrol.log file will only exist on your management point, not your distribution points (not sure if they're one and the same in your infrastructure, just going by the info provided)

Laravel running on a remote host

I am looking at learning Laravel, it looks great but my one concern is how to get it running on a remote host where I have limited (non root) access.
Is it just a case of uploading the files via ftp or are there any other tricky config things that need done.
Probably your best bet is simply copying all app files, but be aware it may take quite long (many files) if your only access is FTP, with risk of incomplete transfer. May be better (but not necessary) to transfer a single compressed archive file and extract it via PHP zip extension or exec() and tar command if available (you can find many tutorials on the web).
Last but not least, you could try to run composer via PHP script - take a look here for example - but that could be much harder than expected (it didn't work for me some time ago because the hosting service had proc_open disabled).
Also, in your case you most likely have permission to access only your own web root directory and you can't change the document root configuration, therefore probably you won't be able to place "non-public" elements outside the document root as recommended, so at least remember to set file permissions properly.
Most important, remember to check the requirements first (note that starting from version 4.2 Laravel will require PHP 5.4).

How to list files in a directory on an https server

I have set up a connection with a rather large https server and I am able to download files if I know their name and location.
However, what I would like to do is search through the https file server and only pull out html files. I know how to do this in normal directories, but is there a way to list out files and directories in an https file server kinda like you would do an ls or dir?
I am unfamiliar with http servers in general so explanations are appreciated.
To list files, or be able to access them using HTTP from that list, you have to have a CGI, or some sort of plugin, that will give you a listing of the directories available.
That isn't something that is allowed by default as it can be a major security hole on a system. Imagine the problems someone could cause if they could browser through the /etc hierarchy on a *nix system and retrieve the password information, or through database files, etc.
So, by default no browsing of the file system is allowed. You can enable that many different ways, depending on the HTTPd server and the modules supplied with it or that have been added.
Writing such an interface isn't that hard either, but its better to rely on pre-built wheels, rather than reinvent your own.

copying large files over

I have a dedicated server where I host a large website. We need to do an upgrade on the website and I want to create a development copy on a testurl (on a different cpanel account) but same server.
The files are around 1GB in total size and 70,000 in number.
I have tried WS FTP pro but it has only copied 10% in around 20 hours.
What's the easiest and quickest method to create a replica on my development URL?
I am a newbie so please give detailed instructions.
I would think the easiest method would be this:
Create the new account in WHM
Login via SSH
Navigate to your existing account folder
Copy the files to the new account folder
This should be pretty easy for you, as long as you know how to access your server via SSH. It's pretty simple:
Login via SSH
Type su and enter your root password (this is only necessary if you SSH into your server using an account other than root - a good practice, in my opinion)
Find and navigate to your source account. I'm assuming you're probably setup to have your web accounts in the /home folder, so try typing something like cd /home/source_folder
Once you're in the correct source directory, type cp -R * /home/destination_folder
That's pretty much it. The -R option recursively copies all the files from your source to your destination, and if you're copying a HUGE number of files, you might consider adding --verbose after the -R option so you can see it working. I apologize in advance if I've gone a little more granular than needed.

What is my Eclipse-RCP application storing in $HOME/.eclipse, and how do I prevent it?

When I run my Eclipse RCP application, it creates a whole lot of directories in my $HOME/.eclipse directory. What is this?
I don't want the files there, how can I hinder them from getting there? The rational for this: the application must run very clean and only leave files at one specific location (not $HOME/.eclipse).
I'd figured it was controlled by osgi.instance.area so tried to set this to different values (a directory, #none, #noDfault etc...) but can't stop the application from creating directories in $HOME/.eclipse. -data and other arguments works as expected.
On my system the only thing that is stored in .eclipse is the Equinox Secure Storage. Here is the blurb on the doc page for that:
By default, secure storage is located in your home directory. On Windows that typically resolves to "C:\Documents and Settings\.eclipse\org.eclipse.equinox.security". This location is selected to allow multiple Eclipse-based applications to share the same secure storage.
If you would like to modify the location of the default secure storage, you can use the "-eclipse.keyring " runtime option. The is a path to the file which is used to persist the secure storage data.
Here is the online reference.
