Captcha replacement - ajax

I stumbled upon where the user needs to drag and drop a box with a number into another box to prove that he is human.
How do you implement this? Any free library to do this?

It appears to be this one:
How do you implement this?
Of course, you can implement the functionality on your own (see other answers), but this plug-in seems to be highly configurable :)
Any free library to do this?
Yup, see link above.

I suggest using jQuery library with jquery UI official plug-in.
Here is a demo and code:

You should take a look at JqueryUI. The have a direct drag and drop implementation.


What Library and widgets should I use in order to develop a kind of side-sliding bar?

I want to develop something like this
Pic of a side sliding bar
I have researched and there are ressources like NavigationDrawer and ActionBarSherlock for similar Tasks but I haven't found anything like this. SlidingDrawer could help but I have read, it's yet deprecated, isn't it? So, is there anything actual? Thank you
Ok, I have looked around and I found approaches to implement what I want
Here and here.

Is there a website that provides code for the Like, Tweet, +1 and Share buttons?

I've found a Wordpress plugin which provides code for all these buttons but I want to put them on my website (which doesn't run Wordpress).
Is there somewhere which provides the code or do I have to do them all separately?
I'm trying to add them to this website: Compress My Code.
There's lots of plug-ins for that available out there if you care to search.
My personal preference is the "SexyBookmarks" which look a bit like this:
And here's how you add them.
I've found this which seems to have everything I need, thanks for the other answer too though :)

javascript library with easy and comprehensive ajax widget set

I am looking for a javascript library that provides a comprehensive set of widgets that covers most HTML elements and also has a good grid table. The out of the box look and feel must be good. Ajax will be nice as well or else must have ability to attach event handlers.
Any ideas?
Dont say jQuery please.
Anyway jquery is suited for normal needs , i won't personally recommend you any other thing but for the question part you can either go for Mootools OR YUI
Go for a look over here
Is there a reason why not jQuery? It's arguably the best one out there...but anyways, some alternatives are Prototype, MooTools and Dojo...but if you're shying away from jQuery because it's "hard" or some other similar reason, you're not going to have much more luck with any other library out there...all pretty much the same thing...

Need to replace all the <asp:DropDownList> with telerik equivalent

I need to replace all the <asp:DropDownList> with telerik's equivalent control
what is the effective way to achieve this?
thanks for your support!
That would be their combobox, friend. Check the demos here:
The Q1'13 version has introduced the RadDropDownList control.
I think it's the most effective way to resolve your problem!

jQuery splitbutton

Has anyone taken the jQuery split-button buttonset() functionality to make a ready-to-use SplitButton plug-in with the dropdown-menu functionality already built-in, and which is also theme-savvy?
Look at this tutorial: It may help you.
