Removing a solution platform from Configuration Manager - visual-studio

I have a solution in VS2008 containing C# and C++/CLI projects. There are 3 "solution platforms" in my solution:
Mixed Platforms
I never want to "just build the C# ones" or "just build the C++ ones", I always want to build all projects. So the solution platforms metaphor is meaningless to me, I'll leave it on Mixed Platforms or whatever as long as they all build.
Now VS sometimes automatically switches the current solution platform to Any CPU (I'm not sure when or why). This means that pressing F7 will only try to build the C# projects, which is obviously no good. So I have to switch back to Mixed Platforms and try again.
So how to workaround this irritating problem? I have tried 2 ways:
In Configuration Manager, remove the Any CPU and Win32 solution platforms. This worked until I added a new project and Visual Studio very kindly added them back in... :/
In Configuration Manager, check all checkboxes for all projects in all configurations in all solution platforms. This becomes a nightmare to manage with many projects in the solution.
Any other ideas?

See the msdn:
Removing a Platform
If you realize that you have no need for a platform, you can remove it
using the Configuration Manager dialog box. This will remove all
solution and project settings that you configured for that combination
of configuration and target. To remove a platform
On the Build menu, click Configuration Manager.
In the Active solution platform box, select <Edit>. The Edit Solution Platforms dialog box opens.
Click the platform you want to remove, and click Remove.

At least on Visual Studio 2005: After removing it from configuration manager, it is also necessary to edit .vcproj as text file and remove any references to Platform manually.


Configuration With Same Name Already Exists

I have a solution with 10+ projects (VS2010 SP1). I have the following configurations defined in the solution:
This allows me to easily setup specific settings for each deployment scenario. However, for some reason I can't get things setup as I'd like. Please see this screenshot:
Notice the highlighted projects/configurations. I am unable to create a "Debug-QA" configuration for these projects (by selecting <New> in the cell for that particular project). When I try to add a new "Debug-QA" configuration to the DataUtility project, for instance, Visual Studio yells at me:
This configuration could not be created because a solution configuration of the same name already exists.
I know it does! I'm trying to add the configuration to the project! What am I missing here? I want all projects to have all 5 configuration. I have the same problem when trying to match up (create) platforms (for instance, adding an "Any CPU" platform to the DataUtility project).
Make sure you're using the drop down list from the grid (not the one at the top of the dialog), and do not check the "Create new solution configurations" checkbox when adding your new project configuration.
Here's a workaround if already checked the Create new solution configurations checkbox:
Open Explorer and navigate to the location of the solution for the project that is missing platforms.
Move the solution .sln file to a temorary location where Visual Studio won't locate it.
Open the .csproj file for the project that is missing platforms.
Click the Solutions Platform dropdown.
Click Configuration Manager...
In the table, Click the dropdown in the Platform column for the project and select , to add a new platform.
Click OK.
Repeat adding new platforms as needed.
Save the project.
Return the previously moved solution file back to where it was.
Reopen the combined project solution.
The above solution didn't quite work, but I did find a solution on a forum that worked. Described below is to set the builds to x64 for each project that was set to "Any CPU", but the steps would also work for x86.
Open the main solution. Unload each project with a conflict (not
Leave the solution open.
In Explorer, navigate to the
project folders and open the csproj file in Visual Studio.
In this
screwed up project, navigate to Build->Configuration Manager.
needed, "Add New" and set it to x64 and save.
Right-click the
project and set the build architecture to the new x64.
Save this,
but when you close the project in VS, do not save to the solution.
That's unnecessary.
Repeat for each project with a misaligned architecture.
Finally, in the original solution with all the offending projects,
reload each project.
Open the Build->Configuration Manager for the solution. Then, one by
one, reset "Any CPU" to the desired platform, in my case x64.
Save the changes for the solution and rebuild all. You should be OK,

Visual Studio 2010 F5 Debugging C++ is not Rebuilding

I have a Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate C++ project (not managed or .NET). When I press F5 (i.e., start debugging), I want it to save all the files, rebuild those that changed, link the whole thing, and then run. Instead, it appears to use the last build. Thus, when I try to step into a function or something, I get the following error:
Based on my research, I have verified these options, the first three of which are in the Options dialog (can be reached under "Debug->Options and Settings"):
"Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run" is checked. Some research indicated that it should be unchecked, but in my case I actually do only want it to rebuild the startup project. For what it's worth, I've tried unchecking it, with no effect.
"Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->On Run, when projects are out of date:" is set to "Always build".
"Debugging->Edit and Continue->Enable Edit and Continue" is checked, though it's greyed out.
In the Configuration Manager ("Build->Configuration Manager"), all solution configurations and platforms have their "Build" checkbox checked.
I have also tried deleting all Debug and Release directories as well as the .sdf and ipch directory.
For completeness, I suppose I should mention that I'm using precompiled headers, though I kinda doubt it matters.
[EDIT: I should note that it only seems to be one file (a .h file) that's doing it. I tried renaming it and recompiling, and also removing it from the solution and adding it back in, but it didn't work. ]
I was able to bring my solution back into the right state after deleting all .suo and .csproj.user files. Answer led to this solution. Hope this saves someone time.
I fell into this state after installing Ultimate over Professional and running profiling tools.
Once I had similar problem with my C# project and I think I have tried every possible suggestion available on internet but none worked and then this is what I have done:
Created an empty Project
Added startup function to verify that it does not show any error
Imported all my source code manually one by one
So, Yes, it was the solution. You already have done a lot so I would say you can get lucky by trying here and there however having a new project and importing your individual source file would be faster.
Another solution could be that switching the platform. I noticed that when I when to project properties, the new project I had just created had a platform of 'win32' and my other projects in the same solution had it set at x64. After I switched my project to x64, everything worked just fine. This worked for my interop(C,C+, C#) project and hopefully works for other projects as well.
I have successfully resolved it, try the following:
remove all temporary and intellisense files
remove all project from solution and then add them back(most important)
check projects 'Frameworks and References' to ensure they are valid

Disabling the *.vshost.exe and miscellaneous files from being created on build

I found the following information about the Microsoft Visual Studio "extra" files:
What is the purpose of the vshost.exe file?
My question is, is there a way that I can NOT have the .pdb, .manifest and vshost.exe files from being made? Or are they absolutely necessary?
I just noticed that after debugging it, it's still showing up as a running process in my machine which worries me since I already closed it.
Switch to the Release configuration. Then Project + Properties, Debug tab, untick the "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" option. Build + Clean, you can delete anything that's left and it won't come back. That this option is turned on by default for the Release build is, arguably, a bit of a flaw but defensible.
The hosting process is a custom hosted version of the CLR. Exactly what it does is not well documented but it is related to configuring the security settings of the primary AppDomain. I've never heard anybody complain about battling CAS problems without it, but then it is unusual to turn it off and your app almost always runs in full trust when debugging from the IDE. It would matter if you build to a network share on early versions of .NET. The only thing that's obvious from disabling it is that anything you write with Console.Write in a gui style app will no longer appear in the Output window. It has nothing to do with speed as claimed in the highly upvoted answer in the link, the core framework DLLs are already resident in RAM since VS and MSBuild uses them.
Best thing to do is just not worry about it too much. A Setup and Deployment project will ignore it.
Regarding vshost files, at least in VS2010:
They are not generated on build, but on selection of build configuration (it will be generated in release when we select release for the first time) and on setting "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" to true. (As configuration debug and this option set to true are defaults, vshost.exe will be created in bin/debug on opening VS with target project by default.)
They are not cleaned on rebuilding or cleaning the project, but only manually when "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" is false if VS with that project is open. (And it won't be generated anymore when opening this project.)
If this flag option is true and VS with target project is opened, this file cannot be deleted as being used. Once when it is unchecked, vshost.exe can be immediately deleted.
Summary: Generating and removing these files is not related to build process.
Also, I may add that option "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" in referenced projects which are class libraries is not considered. This option is only considered for target project which generates executable file.

Start Debugging F5 doesn't automatically build

I used to have the environment optimized for c# but recently I have been doing a mostly c++ work. So after a format, I selected c++ instead. Once in a while I still do some c#/xna stuff so I installed xna as well. Problem is that visual studio does not behave anything like I remember it behaving when I had the environment optimized for c#. The run button no longer compiles the solution. Hell, compiling the solution does nearly nothing... I need to recompile for my changes to take effect. What the hell?
I have tried Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings, reinstalling xna and visual studio and still the F5 does not compile.
edit: Turns out that the projects were set to not compile under the configuration options. I never set this though. I found a forum with several people who had the same issue:
If you have a number of configurations, it's possible that the currently selected configuration doesn't have the project (you want to auto-build) in it.
For example.
The default configurations are DEBUG and RELEASE and all the projects (in the solution) are ticked against this.
But if you've manually un-ticked a project against one of these configurations OR you've manually added a new project and then un-ticked that project in the configuration .. Visual Studio won't compile those un-ticked projects.
So double check your configuration. (Right Click on the Solution name => Configuration Manager).
I hope this will fix your problem: Start debugging F5 does not build automatically, Visual Studio.
First check what should happen when you run a project. To do this, open Tools > Options, Projects and Solutions, Build and Run, and check that you have selected for the On Run, when projects are out of date option:
Make sure you have selected Always Build...
To change you settings:
Tools -> Import and Export Settings
Choose: Import selected environment settings
Save you settings if you want
You are then presented with a set of default settings to choose from (General, C++, C#)

How to determine why visual studio might be skipping projects when building a solution

I am debugging someone else's work and the solution is quite large. When I try to build the entire thing, several projects within the solution don't build and just skip. Viewing the output window during the build process says:
1>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: pr1lib ------
How can I determine why these builds were skipped? I am unable to find additional output.
This is with VS2008 and the solution is comprised of c# and c++ code.
Right click the solution, choose Properties and then Configuration Properties. Here you can choose which projects to build.
See Kdt's comment: ... when I looked in configuration properties ... the project build target was configured for "Mixed Platforms" while the solution was set to build "Any CPU".
*When this problem happened to me, The main project only had 'Any CPU' and it set the child dll to 'any CPU' too, however, I'd deleted that profile and left only 'x86'. Picking x86 for just the dll make it start working
Build, rebuild, and clean operations were being skipped. Unloading and reloading didn't help, and neither did restarting Visual Studio.
Once I removed the project from the solution and added it back, it is no longer skipped. To remove it, in Solution Explorer, right-click the project > Remove > OK. To add it back, in Solution Explorer, right-click the solution > Add > Existing Project and select your project
I just had the same problem- "unload project" and "reload project" solved the issue !
Restarting Visual Studio did the trick
If the confixguration is x64 and the x64 compiler isn't installed it will skip the project.
My solution is the same as mentioned previously: Delete -> Add existing project
But this solution implies that references between projects get gone
To avoid re-adding references: and in case if you use version-control system like GIT or TFS or whatever, it is possible to acheve goal with the following steps:
Make shure that all the changes are commited / checked-in before the operation
Go through all projects deletting them from solution and adding-existing them
Notice that the .sln file has changed
Keep the new .sln file, but undo the changes to all the .cspoj files with the version-control system
I had a weird one that may be worth documenting amongst the other possibilities here..
I'd added a Shared Project to my solution, with code that was used in two or three of the other projects. As you're aware - Shared Projects are just code, and not really a project in the traditional sense.. You can't 'build' a shared project, it's just code that is embedded into the other projects, and then built there.
But somehow my solution file had been updated as if the shared project was it's own thing that needed building. I'm guessing then that any time I was trying to build and I hadn't changed the code in the shared project, then it figured 'nothing has changed, skip those builds'
I found the shared project in the solution.sln file like:
Project("{D954291E-2A0B-460D-934E-DC6B0785DB48}") = "Api.Common", "Api.Common\Api.Common.shproj", "{EC580471-D78A-4509-AC46-BD565553AD60}"
..which is fine. What isn't fine is that this project also appeared in the GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution like:
{EC580471-D78A-4509-AC46-BD565553AD60}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{EC580471-D78A-4509-AC46-BD565553AD60}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{EC580471-D78A-4509-AC46-BD565553AD60}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{EC580471-D78A-4509-AC46-BD565553AD60}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
I removed those four lines from my .sln file, and now things seem happy again
The visual studio 2008 , it can be because 64 bit compiler wouldn't have installed.
Control Panel --> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 professional --> [double click]
On Visual Studio Dialog
Next --> Add/ remove Features --> (Under) Visual C++ --> (select) x64 compiler and Tools
The first thing you need to do is diagnose why the build is skipping projects. So to get a detailed build output change the verbosity to detailed in the following place in Visual Studio.
Problem exists in VS 2010 as well; of the proposed solutions: editing build config, cleaning, changing/re-changing target framework, do NOT work. But unloading and reloading the project does.
I've just had this issue, and was able to resolve it by removing the hidden .vs folder in the topmost folder. After restarting Visual Studio everything worked again.
Hey, just fixed this one. Thought it might help. You most likely didn't install corresponding compilers along with the visual studio. This happened to me today - by default, VS 2008 installer doesn't install x64 C++ compiler.
If you have SP1, uninstall it before changing VS installation. When done, install SP1 again.
Close visual studio
Open the sln file with notepad
delete all of the things like this :
{B546C55D-9321-4FC0-B25C-46844222BEBE}.Debug with
Fakes|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug with Fakes|x86 (there will be a bunch of
them) the file visual studio and all better
Go to the build menu and choose "configuration manager". This will show which projects are configured to build in your selected configuration.
I had a similar thing just happen to me. I'm not sure what the problem was, but it would not Clean, Build, Rebuild, etc. I am operating in Visual Studio 2017 and wanted a netstandard2.0 assembly. The issue for me was that somehow the project type was incorrect, maybe I started from a netcoreapp class library, something like that, stuck in the Solution file, I do not recall. Anyway, I backed up the project, created a new netstandard class library project, and factored in the backed up bits, and that fixed it for me. HTH someone.
i updated to 15.9.11 , ... after some builds, same problem:most projects are skipped (which build a second ago without problems). Unloading/reloading the solution helps always in my case, but it will happen again soon.
I have no idea why... except a big bug in VS2017
I checked configuration manager , all checkmarks are set to build.
Maybe, it has something to do with nuget packages, but that is just a guess
The solution has only c++/vcxproj, no csproj. 64 and 32 are installed both
This happened to me in VS 2019, and the solution was to simply restart visual studio.
My build configuration was never modified.
I checked-in my project to source control from one computer and downloaded it to another and it will not build properly there. It will skip building projects and didn't even create the master \Debug folder for outputs.
The solution (VS2019) is to right click on solution and select Configuration Manager.
I saw the build checkbox was not checked for two projects that I was building (shown below). I don't know why they were unchecked but checking them and building project worked!
Right click on solution ->Remove then Add the existing project, this worked for me.
Had the same problem, found out that the project setting was for Itanium CPU, changing it to Intel fixed it.
Was running into the same problem with VS2005, all the configurations were correct .
It was even skipping the Clean project command.
Finally Unloading /Reloading did the magic.
Right click on Solution at at your solution explorer, then, click on Property at bottom of the menu. In the property windows, click on Configuration Properties -> Configuration on the left pane, you will see the list of projects on right pane, make sure Build check box is checked in the popup window.
If your solution contains a NuGet project (*.nuproj) file, try unloading it and then rebuilding your solution.
This worked for me after none of the above worked.
I had similar problem, I had one project which could not load in solution explorer due to some reason. When I loaded that project it worked like a charm.
I find that sometimes when you have target platform as set to lets say x86 in your solution and in your projects the project does not actually always had it selected.
To double check go to the project properties and see if you can select that platform in the Build->Platform setting if you can not then you will need to go to the configuration manager and create that configuration.
I had this problem with some Windows CE projects on a new PC. "Unload project" and "Reload project" appeared to fix the problem, but actually Visual Studio had simply switched to a different platform and built that.
It turned out that although my WinCE platform was shown as the active platform, Visual Studio didn't "really" see it. The solution was to reinstall the WinCE SDK with administrator priveleges:
Make sure Visual Studio 2008 is not running.
Open a “Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt” as Administrator. On Windows 7 just right click the short cut and pick the “Run as administrator” option.
Enter the following command: msiexec /log SDKInstallLog.txt /package <the path to your .msi file>
When asked if you wish to do a custom or complete install pick custom, and instruct the installer to omit the installation of the documentation (this step was not necessary in my case; in fact I just asked it to "repair" the existing installation.)
VS 2008 will skip x64 targets if you don't have the x64 compiler installed. VS 2008 does not by default. Kind of a duh, thing.
I had a very similar issue after generating a project from a decompiler from Telerik, then trying to recompile it. The project was skipped whenever I tried to rebuild it. Tried a lot of the suggestions above, but for me, it was the .NET Framework selected in the project properties.
Right-click project in solution file, select properties, application tab, change target framework from 4.0 to 3.5.
Then, rebuild, and I got a bunch of assembly reference missing errors, which makes sense since I haven't added references to them yet.
I update one small update of Visual Studio 2017 and then the installer reminds me to restart my computer,but I did not restart.When I build my project or solution in Visual Studio 2017,I meet the same above problem.I guess the update maybe the key,so I restart my computer,I did it.:>
I had this problem in Visual Studio 2017 15.9.4 and after some searching and putting some time I found out that in my solution the .csproj file of one of projects got corrupted after merging in TFS. (I could build other projects by unloading the problematic project from solution).
How I resolved my problem was that I compared the .csproj file before and after the merge and do fix that. And by fix I mean since my own project's type was .netStandard I removed unnecessary lines including Configuration PropertyGroup, all and others in the new .csproj file to make it similar to previous .netstandard-style version.
