Searching and replacing brackets in a string in Oracle 10G - oracle

I am currently developing a function that is meant to execute dynamically created SQL statements. This is done by concatenating the columns and fetching them via cursors. The problem is that when there is a function with a comma between its arguments, the concat concatenates the contents of the functions inclusive.
Is it possible to skip contents of every bracket found in a string using REGEXP_SUBTR or REGEXP_REPLACE?
Many thanks in advance for your prompt and kind suggestions.
-- strips out the select list
src_str := REGEXP_SUBSTR(v_sql, 'SELECT ([[:graph:]]+\ ?){1,1000000}/?');
-- Replace the commas in the select list with the concat symbol for concatenation
rep_str := REGEXP_REPLACE(src_str, ', ', p_dot);
-- Replace the select list with the replace string
v_query := REPLACE(v_sql, src_str, rep_str);
v_sql := select a, b, to_char(sysdate, 'dd/mm/yyyy') from demo;
p_dot := '||'',''||';
currently, it returns:
select a || ',' || b || ',' || to_char(sysdate || ',' || 'dd/mm/yyyy') from demo
but should return something like:
select a || ',' || b || ',' || to_char(sysdate, 'dd/mm/yyyy') from demo
Many thanks Rene, your query worked but I have one more question and here it is
for i in 1 .. p_arglist.count
-- Search for : in the query
src_sym := REGEXP_SUBSTR(v_query, ':[[:graph:]]+\ ?', i,i);
-- Replace the : with each value of p_arglist passed
v_querymult := REGEXP_REPLACE(v_query, src_sym , p_arglist(i),i,i);
end loop;
return v_query;
where p_arglist is a varchar2 varray
p_arglist := ('','2001')
Currently, it returns
and skips the first in the list which is the userid.
many thanks for your anticipated help

Have you thought about using DBMS_SQL, that should parse the SQL and allow you to bind variables.
See these links for further reading
Oracle Docs
Ask Tom Example

something like this should do if I understood your requirement correctly:
-- multiple replacements to accomodate for functions with more
-- than two parameters (and accordingly more than one comma)
src_str := regexp_replace(src_str, '(\([^)]+),', '\1##comma-in-function##');
src_str := regexp_replace(src_str, '(\([^)]+),', '\1##comma-in-function##');
src_str := regexp_replace(src_str, '(\([^)]+),', '\1##comma-in-function##');
-- replace the left-over commas
src_str := replace(src_str, ', ', p_dot);
-- turn commas within function call back to commas:
src_str := replace(src_str, '##comma-in-function##', ',');


Flag duplicate characters in a string

I'm using oracle apex and i'm trying to write a pl/sql statement that will flag duplicates in a string. For example the string 'P,T,P,C' has two occurrences of the letter 'P' so it should raise an error. After all my digging the closest I got to achieving this was by using REGEXP_LIKE, but my regular expression skills are sub par. If anyone can assist that would be much appreciated.
v_seccode varchar2(10) := 'P,T,P,C';
if regexp_like(v_seccode, '(P{2,}?|C{2,}?|W{2,}?|T{2,}?)') then
raise_application_error(-20001,'You can not have the same SEC code listed more than once!');
end if;
If your apex version is relatively recent you have access to the APEX_STRING API. Here is some code using that API, using same logic #Littlefoot showed in the other answer:
l_arr1 apex_t_varchar2;
l_arr2 apex_t_varchar2;
-- convert string to array with "," delimiter
l_arr1 := apex_string.split(:P1_SECCODE,',');
l_arr2 := l_arr1;
-- remove dupes from l_arr2
l_arr2 := l_arr2 MULTISET UNION DISTINCT l_arr2;
IF l_arr2 != l_arr1 THEN
return 'You can not have the same SEC code listed more than once!';
As you're using Apex, I suggest you create a validation within it. Code you posted suggests that you'd want to handle that elsewhere (process? Database trigger?).
Presuming that page item name is P1_SECCODE, validation - a PL/SQL function that returns error text - might look like this (read comments within code):
l_seccode varchar2(20);
-- Split P1_SECCODE into rows, fetch distinct values and aggregate them back.
-- If P1_SECCODE = 'P,T,P,C' then the L_SECCODE = 'P,T,C'
select listagg(distinct regexp_substr(:P1_SECCODE, '[^,]+', 1, level), ',')
within group (order by null)
into l_seccode
from dual
connect by level <= regexp_count(:P1_SECCODE, ',') + 1;
-- Now compare whether P1_SECCODE has the same number of commas as L_SECCODE.
-- If not, it means that P1_SECCODE contained duplicates so - return an error message
if regexp_count(:P1_SECCODE, ',') <> regexp_count(l_seccode, ',') then
return 'You can not have the same SEC code listed more than once!';
end if;
If your database version doesn't support distinct within listagg, then first fetch distinct values and then aggregate them:
l_seccode varchar2(20);
-- Split P1_SECCODE into rows, fetch distinct values and aggregate them back.
-- If P1_SECCODE = 'P,T,P,C' then the L_SECCODE = 'P,T,C'
with temp as
(select distinct regexp_substr(:P1_SECCODE, '[^,]+', 1, level), ',') val
from dual
connect by level <= regexp_count(:P1_SECCODE, ',') + 1
select listagg(val, ',') within group (order by null)
into l_seccode
from temp;
-- Now compare whether P1_SECCODE has the same number of commas as L_SECCODE.
-- If not, it means that P1_SECCODE contained duplicates so - return an error message
if regexp_count(:P1_SECCODE, ',') <> regexp_count(l_seccode, ',') then
return 'You can not have the same SEC code listed more than once!';
end if;
Given that your string can only have 4 possible letters PCWT, you could just use LIKE expressions along with a regular query:
FROM yourTable
string NOT LIKE '%C%C%' AND
string NOT LIKE '%W%W%' AND
string NOT LIKE '%T%T%';

Search string to match Data inside of all existing columns and rows from Views in Oracle SQL

The code below is looking for a string to match a column name. However I would like to search for a string to match Data (meaning, search on each existing column and row from all views - not column names). I want the results to show me all Views Names that contain that string on their Data. Hope this makes sense.
dbms_output.put_line('Owner View name');
dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------ -------------------------------');
for r in (
select v.owner, v.view_name, v.text
from all_views v
where v.owner <> 'SYS'
if lower(r.text) like '%my_String%' then
dbms_output.put_line(rpad(r.owner,31) || r.view_name);
end if;
end loop;
I suggest you at least review some of the Oracle documentation. Your statement "Oracle SQL... i am using Oracle SQL Developer" indicates a lack of understanding. So lets clear some of that up. You are actually using 3 separate software tools:
Oracle SQL - all access to data being stored in your Oracle database.
Oracle Pl/SQL - the programming language, which tightly integrates with but is still separate from SQL. This is the language in which your script is written.
Oracle SQL Developer - an IDE within which you develop, run, etc run your Pl/SQL scripts and/or SQL statements.
Now as for your script. The syntax is fine and it will run, successfully retrieving all non sys owned views and printing the names of those containing the specified search string. However, as it currently stands it'll never find a match. Your match statement attempts to match a lower case string to a string that contains the character 'S' (upper case). There will never be a match. Also, keep in mind that within LIKE the underscore (_) is a single character wild card. You may need to escape it as "like '%my_ ...'". With these in mind we come to:
The requirement to actually find the string in view columns completely changes things from your original query. Although the title does suggest that was actually the initial desire. What you want to accomplish is much more complex and cannot be done in SQL alone; it requires PL/SQL or an external language code. The reason is that you need run select but you don't know against what nor what columns nor even how many columns area needed. For that you need to identify the view, isolate the viable columns and generate the appropriate SQL dynamically then actually execute that sql and check the results.
Two approaches come to mind: Parse the view to extract the columns (something I would even consider doing in PL/SQL) or join ALL_VIEWS with ALL_TAB_COLUMNS (All table columns). That we'll do. The majority of the code will be constructing the SQL and the necessary error handling dynamic SQL essentially forces on you. I've created this a a procedure with 2 parameters: the target string, and the schema.
create or replace procedure find_string_in_view(
schema_name_in varchar2
, target_string_in varchar2
--- set up components for eventual execution
k_new_line constant varchar2(2) := chr(10);
k_base_statement constant varchar2(50) :=
q'!select count(*) from <view_name> where 1=1 and !' || k_new_line;
k_where_statement constant varchar2(50) :=
q'! <column_name> like '%<target>%' !' || k_new_line;
k_limit_statement constant varchar2(20) :=
' ) and rownum < 2';
k_max_allowed_errors constant integer := 3;
--- cursor for views and column names
cursor c_view_columns is
(select av.owner,av.view_name , atc.column_name
, lead(atc.column_name) over (partition by av.view_name order by atc.column_id) next_col
, lag(atc.column_name) over (partition by av.view_name order by atc.column_id) prev_col
from all_views av
join all_tab_columns atc
on ( atc.owner = av.owner
and atc.table_name = av.view_name
where av.owner = upper(schema_name_in)
and atc.data_type in
) ;
--- local variables
m_current_view varchar2(61);
m_sql_errors integer := 0;
m_where_connector varchar(2);
m_sql_statement varchar2(4000);
-- local helper function
function view_has_string
return boolean
l_item_count integer := 0;
execute immediate m_sql_statement into l_item_count;
return (l_item_count > 0);
when others then
dbms_output.put_line(rpad('-',61,'-') || k_new_line);
dbms_output.put_line('Error processing:: ' || m_current_view);
dbms_output.put_line('Statement::' || k_new_line || m_sql_statement);
m_sql_errors := m_sql_errors + 1;
if m_sql_errors >= k_max_allowed_errors
raise_application_error(-20199,'Maximun errors allowed reach. Terminating');
end if;
return false;
end view_has_string;
begin -- MAIN --
dbms_output.put_line('Owner View name');
dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------ -------------------------------');
for rec in c_view_columns
if rec.prev_col is null
m_current_view := rec.owner || '.' || rec.view_name;
m_sql_statement := replace(k_base_statement,'<view_name>',m_current_view);
m_where_connector := ' (';
end if;
m_sql_statement := m_sql_statement || m_where_connector
|| replace(k_where_statement,'<column_name>',rec.column_name);
m_where_connector := 'or' ;
if rec.next_col is null
m_sql_statement := replace(m_sql_statement,'<target>',target_string_in);
m_sql_statement := m_sql_statement || k_limit_statement;
if view_has_string
dbms_output.put_line(rpad(rec.owner,31) || rec.view_name);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end find_string_in_view;
select v.owner, v.view_name, v.text
from all_views v
where v.owner <> 'SYS' and lower(v.text) like '%my_String%'
one SQL do this?

Oracle PL/SQL - wildcard replacements with empty strings

To give you a little heads up. I am fairly new to the PL/SQL world.
Most of the text below is just to give you a little context.
Also, I have to use a function to generate the text on the fly. It is not an option to write the text into the db.
Anyway, I am working on a set of functions that will generate strings.
function f_nlg_concat(p_id in number) return varchar2 as
l_id number;
l_text_schaden varchar2(4000);
l_id := p_id;
l_text := f_nlg(l_id);
l_text := f_nlg_replace(l_text, l_id);
The above function is the one that concatinates all the strings. For this example I will only use one text (l_text). The l_text will be provided by the function:
Now where it gets interesting is the second function:
This function basically queries via dynamic sql to find the right replacements for the wildcard. There are alot of wildcards.
A text might look like:
'I am a text with this <wildcard>.'
A view provides the right wildcard replacement. I am able to identify the right replacement by iterating over all the columns of the view by using this dynamic sql:
for cur in (SELECT atc.column_name
FROM all_tab_cols atc
WHERE lower(table_name) like 'v_nlg_wildcards'
AND owner = 'ME') loop
/*check if exist*/
l_query1 := 'select count(' || cur.column_name ||
') from ME.v_nlg_wildcards nw where =' ||
execute immediate l_query1
into l_wildcard;
if l_wildcard = 1 then
l_query2 := 'select ' || cur.column_name ||
' from ME.v_nlg_wildcard nw where =' ||
execute immediate l_query2
into l_baustein;
l_text := replace(l_text,
'<' || lower(cur.column_name) || '>',
end if;
end loop;
It works all perfect as long as there are wildcards to find. I case there is a NULL the replace wont work obviously.
But have you had any familiar cases in where you had to replace wildcards with empty strings?
Any ideas on how to still do the replacements?
So that there'll be no wildcards left in the text.
The whole text should still look like there is not wildcard left. The sentences are partly written that an empty replacement would fit as well.
Thank y'all in advance.

Pass an array to bind variables

I have a table that contains queries, for example:
select text from queries;
1 select item from items where item_no between :low_item_no and :high_item_no and description <> :irellevant
The queries already contains the place holders for the bind variables.
The values themselves exists in variables table:
select * from vars;
1 1 low_item_no 100
2 2 high_item_no 300
3 3 irellevant_desc old
I have a package that takes the query and execute it with
execute immediate statement
but how do I bind those variables?
I don't know how much variables I have in such query, it's not static.
I wish to have a way to do something like that:
Execute immedaite my_query_str using v_array_of_vars;
Until now I don't know of a way to do something like that, only with list of variables for example:
Execute immedaite my_query_str using v_1, v_2, v_3;
I don't think you can do this with execute immediate as too much is unknown at compile time, so you'll have to use the dbms_sql package instead.
Here's a quick demo that gets the query and variables based on a common query ID. This assumes that the values in actually match the bind variable names in queries.text, and I haven't included any checks or error handling for that or other potential issues, or dealt with multiple select-list items or data types - just the basics:
my_query_str queries.text%type;
my_cursor pls_integer;
my_result pls_integer;
my_col_descs dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
my_num_cols pls_integer;
my_item items.item%type;
select text into my_query_str from queries where query_id = 42;
-- open cursor
my_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
-- parse this query
dbms_sql.parse(my_cursor, my_query_str, dbms_sql.native);
-- bind all variables by name; assumes bind variables match
for r in (select name, value from vars where query_id = 42) loop
dbms_output.put_line('Binding ' || || ' || with <' || r.value ||'>');
dbms_sql.bind_variable(my_cursor,, r.value);
end loop;
my_result := dbms_sql.execute(my_cursor);
dbms_output.put_line('execute got: ' || my_result);
dbms_sql.describe_columns2(my_cursor, my_num_cols, my_col_descs);
dbms_sql.define_column(my_cursor, 1, my_item, 30); -- whatever size matches 'item'
-- fetch and do something with the results
while true loop
my_result := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(my_cursor);
if my_result <= 0 then
end if;
dbms_sql.column_value(my_cursor, 1, my_item);
dbms_output.put_line('Got item: ' || my_item);
end loop;
You don't seem to really need an array; but if you wanted to you could create and populate an associative array as name/value pairs and then use that fir the binds.
This is just a starting point; you may have to deal with an unknown number and/or types of columns being returned, though if that's the case processing them meaningfully will be a challenge. Perhaps you need to return the result of the query as a ref cursor, which is even simpler; demo using the SQL*Plus variable and print commands:
var rc refcursor;
my_query_str queries.text%type;
my_cursor pls_integer;
my_result pls_integer;
select text into my_query_str from queries where query_id = 42;
-- open cursor
my_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
-- parse this query
dbms_sql.parse(my_cursor, my_query_str, dbms_sql.native);
-- bind all variables by name; assumes bind variables match
for r in (select name, value from vars where query_id = 42) loop
dbms_output.put_line('Binding ' || || ' || with <' || r.value ||'>');
dbms_sql.bind_variable(my_cursor,, r.value);
end loop;
my_result := dbms_sql.execute(my_cursor);
dbms_output.put_line('execute got: ' || my_result);
:rc := dbms_sql.to_refcursor(my_cursor);
print rc
Notice you don't close the cursor inside the PL/SQL block in this scenario.
You could also convert to a ref cursor and then fetch from that within your procedure - there's a bulk-collect example in the docs - but again you'd need to know the number and types of the select-list items to do that.

Oracle Apex Flash Chart not displaying label

I am building stacked column 3d Flash chart in Oracle Apex. it is based on the PL/SQL returning SQL query. PL/sql is required to capture all types of properties and count number of instances in database connected to those properties. The code is :
l_qry VARCHAR2(32767);
v_id NUMBER;
v_resort VARCHAR2(80);
l_qry := 'SELECT ''fp=&APP_ID.:802::app_session::::P5_SEARCH_MONTH:''||TO_CHAR(E.ENQUIRED_DATE,''MON-YY'')||'':'' link,';
l_qry := l_qry || ''' ''||TO_CHAR(E.ENQUIRED_DATE,''MON-YY'')||'':'' label,';
--Loop through the resorts and add a sum(decode...) column with column alias
FOR r1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT a.resort_id FROM enquiry a, resort b where a.resort_id IS NOT NULL and a.resort_id = and =1)
select name into v_resort
from resort
where id = r1.resort_id;
What happens now PLSQL is loping through all resorts and counts them. this solution does work to certain degree however after value returned I want to have label with name of resort taken from v_resort. It is where main difficulty is
l_qry := l_qry || 'sum(decode(resort_id,''' || r1.resort_id ||''',1,0)) test,';
l_qry := l_qry || 'sum(decode(resort_id,''' || r1.resort_id ||''',1,0)) '|| v_resort||',';
First line will display 'test' label when you hover over the columns just fine. However the the second one with '|| v_resort ||' will cause issue with not displaying back any results... it is not giving #no_data_found# message but just blank field..
The rest of the code :
--Trim off trailing comma
l_qry := rtrim(l_qry, ',');
--Append the rest of the query
l_qry := l_qry || ' from ENQUIRY E,resort r
and e.enquiry_channel like '''||:P5_CHANNEL||'''
and trunc(e.created) >= '''||:P5_DATE_FROM||'''
and trunc(e.created) <= '''||:P5_DATE_TO||'''
and e.ENQUIRED_DATE > '''||:P5_DATE_FROM||'''
and ((NVL(:P5_AVAILABLE,''A'')=''A'') or ('''||:P5_AVAILABLE||'''=AVAILABLE))
and e.resort_id =
and ((resort_id = '''||:P6_RESORT||''') or ('''||:P6_RESORT||''' like ''0''))
I tired '|| v_resort ||' , '''||v_resort||''' . Any other ideas how to create value of label to be taken from v_resort which holds resort name ?
Try "'||v_resort||'"
You have to use a quoted identifier since v_resort can be any string and there are many rules for unquoted names.
