complicated graphviz tree structure - ruby

I am trying to create a tree structure with graphviz. I am open to either writing the graphviz code by hand or using the ruby-graphviz gem for ruby. Given the below picture can anyone provide any insight on the necessary code? Ignore that the lines are not straight...they should be when graphviz builds the graph. I am open to having dots/points when lines intersect as well.
I have played with ruby-graphviz and the family tree class...this is getting me part of the way there but I really need all lines to be straight and intersect at right angles and the out-of-the-box code doesn't seem to do that.
The code should be generic enough to allow for the "C" box to have children as well and for there also to be more children under "A".
The colors are irrelevant...the examples can exclude any coloring.

A little late, I know, but I just wanted to show an other version without having to figure out the exact positions of each node.
digraph {
node[shape=box, color=lightblue, style=filled];
node[shape=none, color=none, style=solid];
i1[label="Item 1"];
i2[label="Item 2"];
i3[label="Item 3"];
node[label="", width=0, height=0];
edge[arrowhead=none, color=blue];
{rank=same; n2; n1; n3;}
n2; n1; n3;
A -> n1;
n2 -> n1 -> n3;
{rank=same; B; C;}
n2 -> B;
n3 -> C;
{rank=same; n4; D;}
B -> n4 -> D;
{rank=same; n6; n5; i1;}
D -> n5 -> i1;
n4 -> n6;
{rank=same; n7; E;}
n6 -> n7 -> E;
{rank=same; n8; i2;}
E -> n8 -> i2;
{rank=same; n9; i3;}
i2 -> n9 -> i3;
Straight lines are enforced by:
splines=false - say no to splines
invisible nodes (nodes n1, n2,... n9)
placing nodes on the same rank with rank=same
It's still some work to get the dot file right, but it beats imho calculating yourself the position of each node.
Output looks like this:
As long as C has no child nodes, you'd have to apply some more trickery (invisible nodes) to display it all the way to the right.
In order to get a more general solution for different graphs, some further adaptations will probably be needed (apply weight to vertical edges, or group nodes which have to be vertically aligned, or use subgraphs, ...).

As far as I know this requires a little work-around; I will only do it in Graphviz DOT language. I give you the solution first, then provide some explanations of how you can extend it.
This is the resulting figure:
This is the Graphviz code producing the figure:
graph atree {
Item1 [shape=none,label="Item 1",pos="2.2,1.1!"];
Item2 [shape=none,label="Item 2",pos="2.2,0.1!"];
Item3 [shape=none,label="Item 3",pos="2.9,-0.3!"];
A [shape=box,color=lightblue,style=filled,pos="2,3!"];
B [shape=box,color=lightblue,style=filled,pos="1,2.1!"];
C [shape=box,color=lightblue,style=filled,pos="3,2.1!"];
D [shape=box,color=lightblue,style=filled,pos="1.5,1.5!"];
E [shape=box,color=lightblue,style=filled,pos="1.5,0.5!"];
D0 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="2,2.5!",label=""];
D1 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="1,2.5!",label=""];
D2 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="3,2.5!",label=""];
D3 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="1,1.5!",label=""];
D4 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="1,0.5!",label=""];
D5 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="1.5,1.1!",label=""];
D6 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="1.5,0.1!",label=""];
D7 [style=invisible,fixedsize=true,width=0,height=0,pos="2.2,-0.3!",label=""];
A -- D0 -- D1 -- B -- D3 -- D4 -- E [color=blue];
E -- D6 -- Item2 -- D7 -- Item3 [color=blue];
D0 -- D2 -- C [color=blue];
D3 -- D -- D5 -- Item1 [color=blue];
If you put it in a file named you can get the resulting image file by using the command neato -Tpng > outfile.png.
Now a couple of comments on how it works: The code building the tree with A, B, C, D, E, Item1, Item2, Item3 is straightforward (the attributes merely set the colors and box styles). The trick to get the lines straight and orthogonal consists of 1) adding invisible nodes with zero size to the graph, and 2) positioning all objects in absolute coordinates on the canvas. The auxiliary nodes D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 are needed for step 1) and the pos="x,y!" options are needed for step 2). Note, that you need the ! sign at the end of the pos command since otherwise the positions would not be considered final and the layout would still get changed.
You can add additional nodes by first positioning a new node (by using the code for the nodes A ... Item3 as a template), adding an invisible, auxiliary node (with pos such that all connections to and from it are orthogonal) and then adding the connection to the graph via <StartingNode> -- <AuxiliaryNode> -- <NewNode>.

Still another version using splines=ortho, which needs less hidden nodes and gives similar visual result.
digraph example {
node[shape=box, color=lightblue, style=filled];
node[shape=none, color=none, style=solid];
i1[label="Item 1"];
i2[label="Item 2"];
i3[label="Item 3"];
node[label="", width=0, height=0];
edge[arrowhead=none, color=blue];
n1; n2; n3; n4; n5;
{rank=same; B; C;}
A -> n1;
n1 -> B;
n1 -> C;
{rank=same; n2; D;}
B -> n2;
n2 -> D;
{rank=same; n3; i1;}
D -> n3;
n3 -> i1;
{rank=same; n4; E;}
n2 -> n4;
n4 -> E;
{rank=same; n5; i2;}
E -> n5;
n5 -> i2;
{rank=same; n6; i3;}
i2 -> n6;
n6 -> i3;


Make a Graphviz plot more square

I am trying to make plot of several disconnected graphs.
digraph {
// rankdir=RL
subgraph template {
node [shape=square]
edge [color=black]
subgraph top {
node [group=1]
subgraph bottom {
node [group=2]
C -> c
F -> f
subgraph s1 {
edge [color=red]
A -> a
B -> b1
D -> d1
E -> e1
G -> g1
H -> h1
subgraph s2 {
edge [color=blue]
A -> b1
B -> a
D -> d2
E -> e2
G -> g2
H -> h2
subgraph s3 {
edge [color=green]
A -> a
B -> b1
D -> d2
E -> e3
G -> g3
H -> h1
subgraph s4 {
edge [color=purple]
A -> b1
B -> a
D -> e1
E -> e2
G -> g4
H -> h1
subgraph s5 {
edge [ color=orange]
A -> b1
B -> a
D -> d5
E -> e1
G -> g5
H -> h1
subgraph s6 {
edge [ color=brown]
A -> a
B -> b1
D -> d1
E -> e6
G -> g6
H -> h1
subgraph s6 {
edge [ color=tan]
A -> a
B -> b2
D -> d2
E -> e6
G -> g6
H -> h1
This creates a short, wide graph.
I would like to have a taller, narrower graph. For example, moving the F, G and H trees under the A-E nodes would be good.
I tried size, which just made the nodes bigger or smaller.
I tried ratio, which stretched the graph but did not move nodes around.
I tried using group and/or rankdir, but neither did what I wanted.
I have mostly tried using fdp, but also tried dot.
I am happy with a solution that either automatically moves the nodes around or requires me to manually move them.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this?
Here are two ways:
make each top-level cluster a stand-alone graph.
run each graph through dot -Tdot myfileX.gv >
use gvpack ( to combine the individual files into one combo graph
run the combo graph through neato -n2 -Tpng >mycombo.png (see
gvpack -array_ib1 myfiles*.dot |neato -Tpng -n2 >oooo.png
use invisible edges to connect the nodes from one cluster to another a->C. Unfortunately, this quickly becomes tedious, trying to get all the nodes to line up as you want.

Graphviz enforce ordering between nodes of different levels

I have the following graph:
digraph {
stylesheet = "..."
subgraph cluster {
b; c; g;
{rank=same; b; g;}
a -> b;
b -> c;
c -> d;
c -> e;
f -> c;
{rank=same; a; f;}
Is there any way to force/encourage the edge f -> c to pass between nodes b and g? I've tried a number of different strategies and graphviz refuses to both:
keep b and g within the border, and
allow g to appear of to the side and not interfere with the rest of the graph.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Indeed, the dot algorithm does not want to route the f->c edge as you want. However, the neato edge routing algorithm produces a closer result. So we use dot to position the nodes and neato -n to route the edges. Like so:
dot -Tdot myfile.gv >
neato -n -Tpng >myfile.png
Using this input:
digraph {
stylesheet = ""
nodesep=.5 // optional
subgraph cluster {
c; g
{rank=same; b; g;}
f -> g [style=invis]
f:se -> c:nw [constraint=false]
a -> b;
b -> c;
c -> d;
c -> e;
(Close enough?)

How to use edge as constraint when drawing graph but not when computing rank

I have a dot graph, and I am using the constraint=false because for some of the edges, I don't want the edge to affect the rank of the nodes. Unfortunately, it appears that this means that the dot engine doesn't use that edge for layout of nodes within a rank, and it also seems to do a worse job at routing the edge itself. For example, see this graph:
digraph G {
subgraph G1 {
a1 -> b1
d1 -> b1
b1 -> c1
a1 -> c1 [constraint=false]
subgraph G2 {
a2 -> b2
d2 -> b2
b2 -> c2
a2 -> c2
see online
the a1 -> c1 edge could be routed left of the b1 node, but isn't. I don't want a1 -> c1 to be used for computing rank.
Is there a way to get the "best of both worlds" here? I.e. a way to get the better layout (like the a2 -> c2 edge) but not use the edge for computing rank?
I don't know a way to not use a edge for ranking, but use it for the layout (without affecting the ranking). Edges with constraint=false seem to be laid out after the placement of the nodes is determined.
What's left are some "hacks", not sure whether they are applicable in a generic manner for all of your use cases.
For example, if you make sure that the nodes linked with such an edge are mentioned before the others, the resulting layout is - at least in this example - improved:
subgraph G1 {
d1, a1;
a1 -> b1
d1 -> b1
b1 -> c1
a1 -> c1 [constraint=false]

How can I cross out a node in Graphviz?

I would like to indicate that a node should be there, but is currently lacking in the process.
Intuitively I would like to cross it out as shown in below image (now done manually in Paint):
Is there a node attribute in Graphviz that I can use for this?
I can't find an attribute or node shape to do what you want, but here are two ways to do it:
build an image outside of Graphviz (with the text and the X) and use the image attribute to use the image as the node (yes, a pain if you want to do this frequently):
b [image="myB.png"]
For every X'd out node, add 2 new edges from .ne to .sw and .nw to .se (see below) Each with this (new) attribute: straightline=1. Then run this command:
dot -Tdot Xout2.gv |gvpr -f straightline.gvpr -c | neato -n2 -Tpng >out.png
Where this is straightline.gvpr:
int i, n;
string pt[int];
double x1, y1, x2, y2, xI1, yI1, xI2, yI2;
n=split($.pos, pt, " ");
for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
if (match(pt[i],"e,")>=0){
print ("// BEFORE: ", pt[i]);
print ("// AFTER: ", pt[i]);
for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
if (match(pt[i],"s,")>=0){
sscanf (pt[0], "%f,%f", &x1, &y1);
sscanf (pt[n-1], "%f,%f", &x2, &y2);
$.pos=sprintf("%s %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %s", pt[0], xI1, yI1, xI2, yI2, pt[n-1]);
From this input:
digraph X{
graph [outputorder=edgefirst]
b [ label="X me"]
a -> b -> c
a -> d
d -> c
e -> f
g -> i -> k
edge [color="#ff000080" penwidth=2] // note translucent color
b:ne -> b:sw [straightline=1]
b:se -> b:nw [straightline=1]
edge [color="green" penwidth=2]
e:n -> e:s [straightline=1]
f:w -> f:se [straightline=1]
edge [color="orange" penwidth=2]
g:n -> g:se [dir=back straightline=1]
edge [color="blue" penwidth=2]
g:n -> g:sw [dir=back straightline=1]
i:e -> i:w [dir=none straightline=1]
k -> k:s [dir=both straightline=1]
Sorry, convoluted, but it works.
While the answer of sroush gives me the exact output I need, it requires that I understand how to introduce gvpr in my workflow which will take a bit of time.
In the meantime I came up with a dot only approach, which approximates crossing out a node sufficiently for my purpose.
In below graph I would like to cross out the node Some process:
digraph graphname {
node [fillcolor="lightblue3", style="filled"]
b [label="Some\nprocess"]
a -> b -> c
a -> d -> c
{rank=same a;d}
To do so I change:
the nodestyle of the Some process node to have a diagonal hard gradient
use a HTML-like label to strikethrough the text
Make the fontcolor and node outline a shade of gray
digraph graphname {
node [fillcolor="lightblue3", style="filled"]
node [fillcolor="lightblue3;0.5:white", style="filled", fontcolor="gray50", color="gray50", gradientangle=100]
b [label=<<s>Some<br/>process</s>>]
a -> b -> c
a -> d -> c
{rank=same a;d}

Graphviz Vertical Ordering

I have a set of GraphViz nodes such that:
digraph {
But B, C, and D happen sequentially in time!
It would be great if there was some way to indicate the vertical level each node should appear upon (where the number of levels may be unknown beforehand).
Does anyone have thoughts on how to accomplish this?
One option to have a node display on a different rank (vertical level) than an other node is to add invisible edges.
Assigning those nodes the same group indicates graphviz to lay them out in a straight line if possible.
For example:
digraph g{
A -> B;
A -> C;
A -> D;
An other option is to have one vertical line of (invisible) nodes, then force the same rank by defining the nodes of the same rank within the same subgraph with rank=same:
digraph g{
{rank=same; l1[style=invis, shape=point]; A;}
{rank=same; l2[style=invis, shape=point]; B;}
{rank=same; l3[style=invis, shape=point]; C;}
{rank=same; l4[style=invis, shape=point]; D;E;F;}
A -> B;
A -> C;
A -> D;
