Resharper 5 shortcuts & keyboard schemes - visual-studio

I am used to Finding Usages by hitting Shift-F12, but after switch to R# 5 on vs 2010 that one isn't obviously available.
I've got the keyboard scheme set to Visual Studio, as opposed to the only other choice which is R# v2/IntelliJ (the shortcut for usages in that scheme is Alt-F7).
Can anyone help me get back to Shift F12 through a R# setting?
I can use VS to set any keyboard command I want , of course. BUT in light of other buggy R# 5.0 behavior I am wondering why the old shortcut isn't there anymore.

Can't you update the VS keyboard mapping?
Tools -> Options -> Keyboard -> Search for command "ReSharper.FindUsages"


Smart Tag Shortcut - 2017 Community Mac

I'm using the 2017 Community Edition of Visual Studio, and I can't figure out how to toggle the "Smart Tag" feature (helper, auto-fix, suggestion tool).
It normally appears as a tiny square you can hover on, once first hovering over an error. This interaction is really annoying, and there should be a keyboard shortcut for it, but I can't find it.
The keyboard shortcuts that work in other versions of VS for Windows etc. don't work here. I also can't find any type of key binding under the settings for a "smart tag".
Picture Example: The small smart tag in VS 2017 for macOS
What you're looking for is "Quick Fix..."
You can use the shortcut option + return (also shown as ⌥ + ⏎)
You can modify the shortcut in Preferences -> Enviroment -> Key Bindings -> Refactoring -> Quick Fix..

Visual Studio 2015: Disable Control+Click Navigation

After upgrading to Visual Studio 2015, holding control while clicking on a symbol navigates to that symbol definition. In prior versions, this would instead select the entire word.
How can I disable the navigation event when CTRL + Click(ing) a symbol, so that it highlights the word?
I do have Resharper (Ultimate 9.2) installed. The configuration option under Environment -> Search & Navigation -> Go to Declaration on Control + Click in the editor is not checked.
All the search engine results make mention of this being a feature of the Productivity Power Tools extensions in previous versions of Visual Studio. I do not have that extension installed.
I found my solution in the "Options - Text Editor - General" settings. This was on VS 2017 thou.
To disable navigation to symbol definitions in VS2015,
this one worked for me.
With Resharper Ultimate 2016.3.1, I could fix the issue by disabling "Rich mouse navigation in the editor". It can be found in Resharper Options window, under Environment > Search & Navigation.
Maybe updating Resharper could solve the issue.
Also, Productivity Power Tools is not installed on my machine.
In vs 2017 this setting is available in Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> General -> Enable mouse click to perform Go to Definition.
You can uncheck it!
Go to ReSharper Options > Environment > Search & Navigation, then uncheck the following options:
Rich mouse navigation in the editor
Enable 'Smart go to declaration'
I finally solved it following the info I found on this page..
Ensure you are using Visual Studio as your resharper keyboard scheme.
Environment -> Keyboard & Menus
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
To stop the go to declaration, select it and input a new key short cut for it. In this image I have demonstrated that I changed this short cut to ctr num 1 and could not change it to ctr num 3. On testing crt click does not no take me to the declaration.
Find the shortcut you want to remove, in this case Edit.NavigateTo and remove.
An update for Productivity Power Tools + VS2017. Instead of having settings for this feature, a separate plugin gets installed. So after installing PPTs, you'll have a new extension called Ctrl+Click Go To Definition. Not sure why we need that tool considering it's baked into VS, but...
Anyway, Disabling that extension (plus the other things mentioned in other comments for VS and Resharper) fixed my ctrl+click woes.
To switch to the Visual C# keyboard mapping scheme
On the Tools menu, click Options.
Expand Environment, and then click Keyboard.
Select Visual C# 2005 from the Apply the following application
keyboard mapping scheme drop-down list.
or you can do
Keyboard: CTRL + W
also plugin can be used
Keyboard Shortcut Exporter
you can import/export keymapping file

How to reapply IntelliJ IDEA keyboard scheme?

A couple of days ago I resetted Visual Studio settings. All keyboard shortcuts were assigned to their default values. I applied IntelliJ IDEA scheme back but it seems like some Visual Studio shortcuts are not removed and some ReSharper shortcuts are not added.
I had to remove a bunch of Visual Studio shortcuts starting with Ctrl+E to make the ReSharper Ctrl+E shortcut work(same issues with Ctrl+R shortcuts and more). How can I make sure those unwanted shortcuts are removed?
Try the following in succession:
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard, and click Reset
for the default scheme.
Go to ReSharper > Options > Environment > Visual Studio
Integration, choose ReSharper 2.x or IntelliJ IDEA and click
Apply Scheme.
I ended up exporting keyboard settings from my computer at home. It seems like ReSharper can't apply its scheme back.

How does one set Visual Studio 2010 keyboard shortcuts comfortably, especially when using ReSharper?

In every Visual Studio.NET version you can set keyboard shortcuts using menu Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard and then find the command you want to assign a shortcut to by entering part of it in "Show commands containing".
For one thing, the listbox is ridiculously short and hard to navigate - is there an alternative?
Then, how do I find out the correct command name for a specific action?
Specifically, I'm using ReSharper 5.1 with Visual Studio 2010 and want to have the Alt + Enter shortcut back (it used to be there in older versions by default) that opens the ReSharper context menu when the cursor is over a curly underline ReSharper uses to highlight errors or warnings.
How do I find out the command name for that (except by an educated guess)?
The way I do this is to perform an action while recording a macro (using Tools / Macro / Record temporary macro).
When I have finished with the action, I look at the source code of the macro and it usually helps to find the correct command.
For example, I have just let R# add some magic through Alt-Enter, and the macro recorder has:
You can rebind all of the ReSharper shortcuts by using the ReSharper -> Options -> Visual Studio Integration page. Select a keyboard scheme and hit "Apply Scheme".

F12 no longer works in Visual Studio

This is driving me crazy. Ever since I installed ReSharper 4, F12 no longer seems to work. If you look at the all the ReSharper short cuts in the Goto sub menu Declaration doesn't have any assigned!
The only way I can go to declaration is by using Alt and ` and then selecting Declaration.
I have tried un-installing and re-installing ReSharper with no luck, I have also, in ReSharper option asked it to use the default Visual Studio Key Bindings but that doesn't to work either.
Interestingly, when I do use Alt and ` I actually get two entries for the Declaration option.
Has anyone come across this problem?
I am using Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
I ran into the same issue and resolved it by first resetting my Visual Studio keyboard mappings:
Tools > Options > Keyboard > Reset
Then going into the ReSharper options and applying the scheme:
Resharper > Options > Visual Studio Integration > Apply Scheme
For VS2017 onwards:
Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard > Reset
For Resharper 2017.2:
Resharper > Options > Environment > Keyboard & Menus > Keyboard Shortcuts > Apply Scheme
I have had a few occasions where Resharper and Visual Studio keybindings got mixed up and I had problems sorting them out.
If it is only one or two bindings you care about then you can change them by going to the
Tools->Customize->Keyboard menu option.
For ReSharper 8 and Visual Studio 2012:
Tools > Options > Keyboard > Reset
Then going into the ReSharper options and applying the scheme:
Resharper > Options > Environment > Keyboard & Menus > (Select Visual Studio under Keyboard Shortcuts) > Apply Scheme > Save
I had this problem and it was resolved by following the steps described in the picture:
Open Visual Studio Tabs on the path: Tools>>Options>>Keyboard
Open Visual Studio Tabs on the path: Resharper>>Options>>Keyboard & Menus and Do the following:
And Then Reopen the path above and do the following:
Finally, close the Visual Studio and open it.
I had this issue in VS2015 using Resharper 9.1.3, I tried Ryan's answer but it still didn't work.
After doing the steps Ryan outlined, I clicked F12 where Resharper asks What do you want to do?, I select Use Visual Studio commands. Still doesn't work.
Tools > Options > Keyboard > Select ReSharper.ReSharper_GotoNextHighlight from command list box
Change Shortcuts for selected command to F12 (Text Editor), click Remove and OK.
After this it works!
Try simple way to enable it, press Fn + Esc key of the keyboard.
It is possible that you have enabled Fn mode (Blue Keys) on your keyboard which overrides default behavior of functional keys including F12.
I had the same problem with VS2013 and Resharper 9. I have a code like this:
I then right-click on any of gridList and click Find Usages (or just use Shift+F12) but it says "Usages not found" even though it is just one line away! Sometimes VS restart would help, sometimes it wouldn't. It looks like clearing the cache of Reshaper helps though: Resharper -> Options -> Environment -> General -> Clear Caches. This needs VS to be restarted, but then it started working as expected.
My problem was that I couldn't use the command "Alt + F12" when trying to "peek definition" in Visual Studio. I found out through another forum-thread that it was Nvidia's GeForce Experience that overrides some of the "Alt" shortcuts and uses them for their functionalities with screen recordings etc.
What solved it for me, was going into the GeForce Experience settings and switch off the use of in-game overlay:
Alternatively, if you want to use the overlay, you can just change the short cut commands.
For ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3.3 and Visual Studio 2017:
Tools > Options > Tools > External Sources > Default Visual Studio Navigation > Save
I ran into this problem after an organizational change that caused my windows profile to change. I tried the solutions listed above, but nothing seemed to work.
Here is how I fixed it (brute force worked!)
NOTE: Steps listed are for VS 2012 and ReSharper 7.1.3
Uninstalled Re-Sharper
Exit visual studio, ensure the process devenv.exe is no longer there in the running processes (was there in my case and I had to do a "End Process Tree" from Task Manager)
Fired up VS 2012, and from the menu Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard selected Visual C# 2005 (or any other setting you love) and pressed Reset
Shutdown VS again (and ensure devenv.exe has been killed in Task manager)
Re-installed re-sharper
Best of luck!
These steps solved it for me:
Uninstall keyboard in Device Manager
Re-insert your keyboard usb
"Web Essentials"
Add or update visual studio "Web Essentials" You can find it at:
Menu>>Tools>>Extensions and Updates
I hope this will save your time. It worked for me.
ReSharper added a crap 'good' new thing that they now call a feature: Smart Go To Declaration. As dumb as it may sound, it comes enabled by default: crap 'good'.
The feature is described on the link provided from here but honestly at least it should've keep it disabled, not reinvent the wheel. It also tells you how to disable that crap 'good' feature.
Sometimes it has noting to do with Visual Studio at all. Be sure your keyboard has its function key setting of the keyboard itself to send the F12 function to Visual Studio. It is an easy thing to miss.
I had just installed Pulover’s Macro Creator and F12 was set as the global hotkey to pause a macro. It was intercepting the keypress before it had a chance to get to VS.
Solution is to change that hotkey to something else. I chose Ctrl-F12. The input box is on the top right of the Pulover window.
Update 2020. I had the same problem and also tried a lot of ways, but that was still didn't working... [VS 2015, ReSharper 2019.3.1]
But, like Andrius said:
Resharper -> Options -> Environment -> General -> Clear Caches. This needs VS to be restarted, but then it started working as expected.
Summary is: (try steps above) + Resharper..-> Clear Caches + VS restart. Hope this will be useful
