Putting a variable name = value format in Ruby - ruby

I would like to add some debugs for my simple ruby functions and I wrote a function as below,
def debug(&block)
varname = block.call.to_s
puts "#{varname} = #{eval(varname,block)}"
debug {:x} #prints x = 5
debug {:y} #prints y = 5
I understand that eval is evil. So I have two questions.
Is there any way to write that debug method without using eval? If NO is there a preferred way to do this?
Is there any way to pass a list of arguments to this method? I would ideally prefer debug {:x, :y. :anynumOfvariables}. I could not quite figure out how to factor that into the debug method (i.e, to take a list of arguments)

Just use arrays. You can use the Array method to ensure that you will always have an array, even if someone passes in only a single value:
def debug(&block)
Array(block[]).each do |var| puts "#{var} = #{eval var.to_s, block}" end
x, y = 3, 5
debug {:x} # => "x = 3"
debug {[:x, :y]} # => "x = 3" "y = 5"
BTW: passing a block as the binding no longer works in Ruby 1.9. (Despite the fact that the documentation says it does work.) You have to explicitly call Proc#binding to get a Binding object for that Proc:
def debug(&block)
Array(block.()).flatten.each do |var|
puts "#{var} = #{eval var.to_s, block.binding}"
Fortunately, this already works in Ruby 1.8, so you can futureproof your code by including it.
An alternative would be to forgo the block altogether. I mean, you already force the user of the debug to use the unfamiliar idiom of passing arguments in the block instead of in parentheses. Why not force them to just pass the binding instead?
def debug(*vars, bnd)
vars.each do |var|
puts "#{var} = #{eval var.to_s, bnd}"
x, y = 3, 5
debug :x, binding # => "x = 3"
debug :x, :y, binding # => "x = 3" "y = 5"
This has the added flexibility that they can actually pass a different binding than the one at the callsite, e.g. if they want to actually debug a piece of code in a different piece of the application.
BTW: here's some fun with Ruby 1.9.2's parameter introspection (Proc#parameters):
def debug(&block)
block.parameters.map(&:last).each do |var|
puts "#{var} = #{eval var.to_s, block.binding}"
x, y = 3, 5
debug {|x|} # => "x = 3"
debug {|x, y|} # => "x = 3" "y = 5"

And how I must use those methods to get names and values of variables from each loop, to place them as keys and values of nested hash?
The *attributes array is passed as an method's parameter.
I want to iterate through it, and every variable's name use as a key to nested hash and variable's value as value.
I got this:
def get_varname(&block)
varname = block.call.to_s
return varname
def create_instance_hash(env_attrs_obj, *attributes)
if not env_attrs_obj.has_key?("instances")
env_attrs_obj["instances"] = ""
attributes.each do |attr|
attr_name = get_varname{:attr}
env_attrs_obj["instances"][attr_name] = attr
instance_nat_ip_pub = "ip_pub_addr"
instance_nat_ip_prv = "ip_addr"
instance_nat_ami = "AMI_NAME"
instance_nat_aws_ssh_key_id = "AWS_SSH_KEY_ID"
instance_nat_id = "instance_id"
env_hash = {}
create_instance_hash(env_hash, *[instance_nat_ip_pub, instance_nat_ip_prv, instance_nat_ami, instance_nat_aws_ssh_key_id, instance_nat_id])
def attrs_each_test(*attributes)
attributes.each do |attr|
puts get_varname{:attr}
And it outputs:
The error when I run this create_instance_hash:
Line 12:in `[]=': string not matched (IndexError)
from t.rb:12:in `create_instance_hash'
from t.rb:10:in `each'
from t.rb:10:in `create_instance_hash'
from t.rb:24
How I can correct this error and achieve my goal?


Passing Ruby Hash into Classes

I ran into a study drill problem, and I couldn't figure it out.
Here's the link to the exercise. https://learnrubythehardway.org/book/ex40.html
Below are my work. On Study Drill 2, I passed in variables and it worked.
However, at study drill 3, I broke my code. I realized I wasn't passing in variable, but a hash. And because my class takes in 2 arguments, I couldn't figure out how to pass a dictionary as 2 arguments.
class Song
def initialize(lyrics, singer)
#lyrics = lyrics
#singer = singer
def sing_along()
#lyrics.each {|line| puts line}
def singer_name()
puts "The song is composed by #{#singer}"
def line_reader(lineNum)
line = #lyrics[lineNum-1]
puts "The lyrics line #{lineNum} is \"#{line}\"."
# The lyrics are arrays, so they have [] brackets
practiceSing = Song.new(["This is line 1",
"This is line 2",
"This is line 3"],"PracticeBand")
puts "." * 20
puts "\n"
# Variable for passing. Working on dictionary to pass the singer value.
lovingThis = {["Don't know if I'm right",
"but let's see if this works",
"I hope it does"] => 'TestingBand'}
# Everything after this line is somewhat bugged
# Because I was using a variable as an argument
# I couldn't figure out how to use dictionary or function to work with
practiceVariable = Song.new(lovingThis,lovingThis)
Here's the Output. What it should do is return the singer/band, and return requested lyrics line.
I'm new to coding, please advise how to pass hashes into classes?
How to pass lovingThis hash into Song.new() and read as 2 arguments?
you can pass hash to constructor of class in the same way as we pass any other variable, But for that you need to change your constructor definition to take variable number of arguments i.e def initialize(*args)
class Song
def initialize(*args)
if args[0].instance_of? Hash
#lyrics = args[0].keys.first
#singer = args[0].values.first
#lyrics = args[0]
#singer = args[1]
def sing_along()
#lyrics.each {|line| puts line}
def singer_name()
puts "The song is composed by #{#singer}"
def line_reader(lineNum)
line = #lyrics[lineNum-1]
puts "The lyrics line #{lineNum} is \"#{line}\"."
# The lyrics are arrays, so they have [] brackets
practiceSing = Song.new(["This is line 1",
"This is line 2",
"This is line 3"],"PracticeBand")
puts "." * 20
puts "\n"
# Variable for passing. Working on dictionary to pass the singer value.
lovingThis = {["Don't know if I'm right",
"but let's see if this works",
"I hope it does"] => 'TestingBand'}
practiceVariable = Song.new(lovingThis)

Function calls in hash come up empty in Ruby

I've been sifting through the prior questions and answers on stackoverflow, and I have gotten most of my question figured out. I figured out that I can't place a function call within a hash, without placing it within a proc, or a similar container.
What I'm ultimately trying to do is have a menu displayed, grab user input, and then iterate through the hash, and run the specified function:
def Main()
menu_titles = {"Answer1" => Proc.new{Choice1()}}
def Choice1()
puts "Response answer"
def Menu(menu_titles)
menu_titles.each_with_index do |(key, value),index|
puts "#{index+1}. #{key}"
user_input = 0
menu_titles.each_with_index do |(key, value), index|
if index.eql?(user_input)
The issue I'm having right now is that I'm not entering the functions that my hash calls for. Whether I use a return or a "puts", I either get a blank line or nothing at all. If anyone has other recommendations about my code, I'm all ears also. To be honest, I don't like using procs, but that's mostly because I don't entirely know how they work and where to use them.
Right now for my menus I have:
user_input = 1
if user_input == 1
Here's how I would refactor this:
class Menu
attr_reader :titles
# initialize sets up a hard-coded titles instance variable,
# but it could easily take an argument.
def initialize
#titles = {
"Answer1" => Proc.new{ puts "choice 1" },
"Answer2" => Proc.new{ puts "choice 2" }
# This is the only public instance method in your class,
# which should give some idea about what the class is for
# to whoever reads your code
def choose
# returns the index of the proc.
def display_for_choice
titles.each_with_index { |(key,value), index| puts "#{index + 1}. #{key}" }
gets.chomp.to_i - 1 # gets will return the string value of user input (try it in IRB)
# first finds the key for the selected index, then
# performs the hash lookup.
def proc_for_index(index)
If you're serious about Ruby (or object-oriented programming in general), I would highly recommend learning about the advantages of packaging your code into behavior-specific classes. This example allows you to do this:
menu = Menu.new
proc = menu.choose
#=> 1. Answer1
#=> 2. Answer2
2 #(user input)
#=> choice 2
And you could actually run it on one line:

Subclassing Ruby Hash, object has no methods of Hash?

I'm creating a object of hash in order to write a little script that reads in a file a line at a time, and assigns arrays into my hash class. I get wildly different results depending if I subclass Hash or not, plus using super changes things which I don't' understand.
My main issue is that without subclassing hash ( < Hash) it works perfectly, but I get no methods of Hash (like to iterate over the keys and get things out of it.... Subclassing Hash lets me do those things, but it seems that only the last element of the hashed arrays is ever stored.... so any insight into how you get the methods of a subclass. The Dictionary class is a great example I found on this site, and does exactly what I want, so I'm trying to understand how to use it properly.
filename = 'inputfile.txt.'
# ??? class Dictionary < Hash
class Dictionary
def initialize()
#data = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
def [](key)
def []=(key,words)
#data[key] += [words].flatten
# super(key,words)
listData = Dictionary.new
File.open(filename, 'r').each_line do |line|
line = line.strip.split(/[^[:alpha:]|#|\.]/)
puts "LIST-> #{line[0]} SUB-> #{line[1]} "
listData[line[0]] = ("#{line[1]}")
puts '====================================='
puts listData.inspect
puts '====================================='
print listData.reduce('') {|s, (k, v)|
s << "The key is #{k} and the value is #{v}.\n"
If anyone understands what is going on here subclassing hash, and has some pointers, that would be excellent.
Running without explicit < Hash:
./list.rb:34:in `<main>': undefined method `reduce' for #<Dictionary:0x007fcf0a8879e0> (NoMethodError)
That is the typical error I see when I try and iterate in any way over my hash.
Here is a sample input file:
listA billg#microsoft.com
listA ed#apple.com
listA frank#lotus.com
listB evanwhite#go.com
listB joespink#go.com
listB fredgrey#stop.com
I can't reproduce your problem using your code:
d = Dictionary.new #=> #<Dictionary:0x007f903a1adef8 #data={}>
d[4] << 5 #=> [5]
d[5] << 6 #=> [6]
d #=> #<Dictionary:0x007f903a1adef8 #data={4=>[5], 5=>[6]}>
d.instance_variable_get(:#data) #=> {4=>[5], 5=>[6]}
But of course you won't get reduce if you don't subclass or include a class/module that defines it, or define it yourself!
The way you have implemented Dictionary is bound to have problems. You should call super instead of reimplementing wherever possible. For example, simply this works:
class Dictionary < Hash
def initialize
super { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
d = Dictionary.new #=> {}
d['answer'] << 42 #=> [42]
d['pi'] << 3.14 #=> [3.14
d #=> {"answer"=>[42], "pi"=>[3.14]}
If you want to reimplement how and where the internal hash is stored (i.e., using #data), you'd have to reimplement at least each (since that is what almost all Enumerable methods call to) and getters/setters. Not worth the effort when you can just change one method instead.
While Andrew Marshall's answer
already correct, You could also try this alternative below.
Going from your code, We could assume that you want to create an object that
act like a Hash, but with a little bit different behaviour. Hence our first
code will be like this.
class Dictionary < Hash
Assigning a new value to some key in the dictionary will be done differently
in here. From your example above, the assignment won't replace the previous
value with a new one, but instead push the new value to the previous or to
a new array that initialized with the new value if the key doesn't exist yet.
Here I use the << operator as the shorthand of push method for Array.
Also, the method return the value since it's what super do (see the if part)
def []=(key, value)
if self[key]
self[key] << value
return value # here we mimic what super do
super(key, [value])
The advantage of using our own class is we could add new method to the class
and it will be accessible to all of it instance. Hence we need not to
monkeypatch the Hash class that considered dangerous thing.
def size_of(key)
return self[key].size if self[key]
return 0 # the case for non existing key
Now, if we combine all above we will get this code
class Dictionary < Hash
def []=(key, value)
if self[key]
self[key] << value
return value
super(key, [value])
def size_of(key)
return self[key].size if self[key]
return 0 # the case for non existing key
player_emails = Dictionary.new
player_emails["SAO"] = "kirito#sao.com" # note no << operator needed here
player_emails["ALO"] = "lyfa#alo.com"
player_emails["SAO"] = "lizbeth#sao.com"
player_emails["SAO"] = "asuna#sao.com"
player_emails.size_of("SAO") #=> 3
player_emails.size_of("ALO") #=> 1
player_emails.size_of("GGO") #=> 0
p listData
#=> {"SAO" => ["kirito#sao.com", "lizbeth#sao.com", "asuna#sao.com"],
#=> "ALO" => ["lyfa#alo.com"] }
But, surely, the class definition could be replaced with this single line
player_emails = Hash.new { [] }
# note that we wont use
# player_emails[key] = value
# instead
# player_emails[key] << value
# Oh, if you consider the comment,
# it will no longer considered a single line
While the answer are finished, I wanna comment some of your example code:
filename = 'inputfile.txt.'
# Maybe it's better to use ARGF instead,
# so you could supply the filename in the command line
# and, is the filename ended with a dot? O.o;
File.open(filename, 'r').each_line do |line|
# This line open the file anonimously,
# then access each line of the file.
# Please correct me, Is the file will properly closed? I doubt no.
# Saver version:
File.open(filename, 'r') do |file|
file.each_line do |line|
# ...
end # the file will closed when we reach here
# ARGF version:
ARGF.each_line do |line|
# ...
# Inside the each_line block
line = line.strip.split(/[^[:alpha:]|#|\.]/)
# I don't know what do you mean by that line,
# but using that regex will result
# ["listA", "", "", "billg#microsoft.com"]
# Hence, your example will fail since
# line[0] == "listA" and line[1] == ""
# also note that your regex mean
# any character except:
# letters, '|', '#', '|', '\.'
# If you want to split over one or more
# whitespace characters use \s+ instead.
# Hence we could replace it with:
line = line.strip.split(/\s+/)
puts "LIST-> #{line[0]} SUB-> #{line[1]} "
# OK, Is this supposed to debug the line?
# Tips: the simplest way to debug is:
# p line
# that's all,
listData[line[0]] = ("#{line[1]}")
# why? using (), then "", then #{}
# I suggest:
listData[line[0]] = line[1]
# But to make more simple, actually you could do this instead
key, value = line.strip.split(/\s+/)
listData[key] = value
# Outside the block:
puts '====================================='
# OK, that's too loooooooooong...
puts '=' * 30
# or better assign it to a variable since you use it twice
a = '=' * 30
puts a
p listData # better way to debug
puts a
# next:
print listData.reduce('') { |s, (k, v)|
s << "The key is #{k} and the value is #{v}.\n"
# why using reduce?
# for debugging you could use `p listData` instead.
# but since you are printing it, why not iterate for
# each element then print each of that.
listData.each do |k, v|
puts "The key is #{k} and the value is #{v}."
OK, sorry for blabbering so much, Hope it help.

how do i pass a block to a method whose name ends with equals sign?

this sounds weird doesn't it?
class Dummy
def foo=(value); end
Dummy.new.foo = 1 { |x| x } # => syntax error
Dummy.new.foo=(1) { |x| x } # => syntax error
i tried every permutation of blanks, parenthesis, commas; no luck. i'm puzzled. i never suspected methods ending with '=' were special. is it a bug? is it intended? if intended, why? is it documented? where? please share insight.
ps. ruby is 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-darwin11.0.1]
The syntax sugar for methods ending in = does make it special. You can still do things like pass multiple arguments to that method, or pass a block, but not in any pretty or convenient manner:
class Foo
def bar=(a,b=nil)
p [a,b]
if block_given?
yield "hi"
puts "No block"
f = Foo.new
f.bar = 42
#=> [42, nil]
#=> No block
f.bar = 42, 17
#=> [[42,17], nil]
#=> No block
f.send(:bar=,42,17) do |x|
puts "x is #{x.inspect}"
#=> [42, 17]
#=> x is "hi"
Another way in which these methods are special is that when called with the syntax sugar they evaluate to the right hand value, not the return value of the method:
class Foo
def bar=(a)
return 17 # really explicit
f = Foo.new
x = (f.bar = 42)
p x
#=> 42
x = f.send(:bar=,42)
p x
#=> 17
It's not so much that the methods themselves are special, but more to do with how Ruby deals with assignments (like foo = bar). First the right hand side is evalulated, then the left hand side is evaluated and the appropriate action is taken. If the left hand side is an object attribute, then the appropriate setter method is called.
So in your example:
Dummy.new.foo = 1 { |x| x }
First ruby tries to evalulate 1 { |x| x }, which is what causes the syntax error.
Dummy.new.foo=something doesn't actually mean "call the method named foo=", but actually means something more like "evalualate something, and then determine what `Dummy.new.foo is, and if it looks like an object attribute, add = to the name and call that method". This is why Dummy.new.foo= and Dummy.new.foo = both work the same way.
You can call these methods using send, and can pass a block with this:
Dummy.new.send "foo=", 2 do
puts "HI"
This is because with send you can explicitly name the method you want to call.
Of course the end result is that methods ending in = seem to have some "special" behaviour you need to be aware of, but it might be useful to understand what's actually going on.

'pass parameter by reference' in Ruby?

In Ruby, is it possible to pass by reference a parameter with value-type semantics (e.g. a Fixnum)?
I'm looking for something similar to C#'s 'ref' keyword.
def func(x)
x += 1
a = 5
func(a) #this should be something like func(ref a)
puts a #should read '6'
Btw. I know I could just use:
a = func(a)
You can accomplish this by explicitly passing in the current binding:
def func(x, bdg)
eval "#{x} += 1", bdg
a = 5
func(:a, binding)
puts a # => 6
Ruby doesn't support "pass by reference" at all. Everything is an object and the references to those objects are always passed by value. Actually, in your example you are passing a copy of the reference to the Fixnum Object by value.
The problem with the your code is, that x += 1 doesn't modify the passed Fixnum Object but instead creates a completely new and independent object.
I think, Java programmers would call Fixnum objects immutable.
In Ruby you can't pass parameters by reference. For your example, you would have to return the new value and assign it to the variable a or create a new class that contains the value and pass an instance of this class around. Example:
class Container
attr_accessor :value
def initialize value
#value = value
def func(x)
x.value += 1
a = Container.new(5)
puts a.value
You can try following trick:
def func(x)
x[0] += 1
a = [5]
func(a) #this should be something like func(ref a)
puts a[0] #should read '6'
Fixnum objects have immediate value. This means that when they are assigned or
passed as parameters, the actual object is passed, rather than a reference to
that object.
Also Ruby is pass by value.
However, it seems that composite objects, like hashes, are passed by reference:
fp = {}
def changeit(par)
par[:abc] = 'cde'
p fp
