Source Safe Command line - Get all changed files since label - visual-sourcesafe

I would like to do a 'GET' (From the command line, ss.exe) of files that has been added/changed since a label, and place them in say C:\temp\db
I have files a.cs, b.cs, c.cs currently
If I label my project version1.0
then add files 10.cs,11.cs,12.cs and 13.cs
I would like my GET to get 10, 11, 12 and 13...
Let me know if this is possible!
I have tried:
ss GET "$/xyz/parentproject/project" -GLc:\temp\db\ -Vl~"proj 3.2.27" -I-N


"No module named sets" ren'py

ok, I'm translating a game, a visual novel called "katawa shoujo", to be
precise the beta of this game which is not in Spanish
I got the beta files and moved them to ren'py (where it was created) but when running it inside ren'py I get this error:
File "C:\Users\Anthony\Desktop/game/ui_ingamemenu.rpy", line 1, in script
File "C:\Users\Anthony\Desktop/game/ui_ingamemenu.rpy", line 1, in script
File "C:\Users\Anthony\Desktop/game/ui_ingamemenu.rpy", line 2, in <module>
ImportError: No module named sets
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/", line 326, in bootstrap
File "renpy/", line 515, in main
File "C:\Users\Anthony\Desktop/game/ui_ingamemenu.rpy", line 1, in script
File "C:\Users\Anthony\Desktop/game/ui_ingamemenu.rpy", line 1, in script
File "renpy/", line 923, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
File "renpy/", line 2235, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "C:\Users\Anthony\Desktop/game/ui_ingamemenu.rpy", line 2, in <module>
ImportError: No module named sets
Sat Sep 25 20:22:04 2021"
I suppose that the error is in the files of the program by the address of folders that it marks:
```While running game code:
File "C:\Users\Anthony\Desktop/game/ui_ingamemenu.rpy", line 1, in script"
but it marks that the user is "anthony" but my user is "A" ... I am very lazy with names xd
I don't have much experience so I would like you to help me, thank you
by the way, I use Atom to edit the scripts
If you need the files, I leave a download link for these:
I would enter the file it is mentioning and remove the line importing set. I'm guessing this is a very old beta, right? In updated versions of Python you no longer need to import the "set" library, since it's automatically included (can be seen here).
If you don't have prior programming experience: Open the file named "ui_ingamemenu.rpy". On line 1 there should be a line that says "import sets". Just delete that. However, it's hard to know the exact issue without knowing the files you're working with.
Renpy doesn't display errors all at once, though; it stops at the first one it detects. So once you fix this, more may appear.
Buena suerte :)
A few things could cause this:
There could be something wrong with the name of one of your folders. Maybe a special symbol or character in the name of the folders?
Older versions of Python demanded you to import a library name sets, but this is now included in the standard library and can generate that error. Browse the code and look for something like: from sets import Set as set. If you find, delete or comment out this line. You can use ctrl + f to open the search bar.

How to set Crtrl+r to execute commands in Rstudio

How can I set RStudio to use Ctrl+R (in addition to Ctrl+Enter) to execute commands? suggests editing the "rstudio_bindings.json" file, but I can't find the file. gives instructions to add using from the menu options. I tried to add "Ctrl+Enter|Ctrl+R" as suggested in the first link but this is not accepted. At the bottom of the page it describes how the bindings are saved at ~/.R/rstudio/keybindings/rstudio_commands.json or ~/.R/rstudio/keybindings/editor_commands.json. I cannot find either of these files.
How can I do this?
R version 3.4.2
RStudio Version 1.1.383
Windows 7
Following advice from,
you have to edit the file ~/.R/rstudio/keybindings/rstudio_bindings.json with
"executeCode" : "Ctrl+Enter|Ctrl+R"
These directories and file already existed on Ubuntu, however, neither the file nor any of the directories existed on my Windows partition. So needed to create the nested directories .R/rstudio/keybindings, and then create the json file shown above, and save it as rstudio_bindings.json.
(aside: Windows didn't like trying to name a new folder of .R (the leading dot gave problems), but you can get round this by naming .R. , as the trailing dot is removed from here )

How to use im2rec in MXnet to create my own dataset

In windows 10, I followed the step-by-step MXnet tutorial to use to create a dataset. I created a image list file like this:
integer_image_index \t label_index \t path_to_image
Next, I modified .txt to .lst.
Finally, I executed the command:
python --exts '.jpg' --train-ratio 0.41 --test-ratio 0.49 --recursive=True --pack-label=True D:\CUB_200_2011\data\image_label.lst D:\CUB_200_2011\CUB_200_2011\image
It is shown that "read no error", but the files created by the command like .lst and .rec are 0K, there is empty. I don't know why.
Please tell me what mistakes I made. will print
read none error:(filename)
for any file that it can't load for whatever reason. Maybe some of the files you list aren't there or are empty? Or maybe the base path you've specified is wrong -- I notice you have the folder name CUB_200_2011 twice.

svn:how to get the changed files within specific date?

I want to make a stat via svn,and the input and output like this:
input:svn url,statDate,endDate
person1 20Lines
persion2 30Lines
eg: 2014-12-01 2014-12-10
I use the shell script,and my idea like follows:
1.svn co the whole project
2.get the changed files within a specific date based on the giving url
3.use the command 'svn blame [file url]' get the changed infos by person
but now I don't know how to get the changed files in a directory within a specific date
please give me any ideas,thanks!
You don't want to use svn status, as this only shows if a file has changed in the working copy, whereas you are looking for commit info. You can, however, use
svn log -vq -r {2014-12-01}:{2014-12-10}
for your purposes. The -v adds information on the changed paths, the -q suppresses the commit message and only shows the changed paths.
You can then parse this output for the changed paths, user, and revision, and then use svn diff to find out for a given path how many lines were changed by that user in the specified revision.

Visual SourceSafe 6: Resetting all working folders

I've got a few old sourcesafe repositories which I want to delete. Before deleting them, I want to get the latest version of all code out recursively and then archive this code.
Various projects within the repositories have "working code" folders set which means that when I recursively get everything, code goes everywhere.
I'm trying to find a way to clear all working folders from a repository.
I've tried:
looking through Tools->Options
looking at the "set working folder" dialog
looking at the "get multiple" dialog (but not closely enough - see answer below)
looking into the behind-the-scenes file structures for anything obvious I could nuke
Alternatively, if there's a way of backing the code of the repository up which frees it from requiring sourcesafe to view, that would also be good.
<Edit>Although the below actually does what I stated I wanted, there is an easier way to accomplish getting the latest version of code in the structure it appears in in the repository, which is to tick the "Build Tree (override working folders)" in the "Get Multiple" dialog.</Edit>
OK, worked it out. In the sourcesafe file structure, there is a folder called "users", within this will be your windows username, within this will be a ss.ini file.
Editing ss.ini to remove any entries which are in square brackets (and the text immediately under these sections) got rid of all working folder information for me. Note: It may also have lost some other information, but this is of no concern to me as I need only to get the latest version of code.
Example extract of file:
... more file above here ...
Preview_Rect (TQPC0137) = 321, 215, 703, 524, 1024, 768
Viewer_Font (TQPC0222) = Courier, 10, 400,, 0
Dft_Report_Type = 2
PrjFilesRpt_IncFiles = Yes
PrjFilesRpt_NamesOnly = No
... remove these sections below ...
Dir (PC0222) = C:\WORKING CODE
... more file after this (but, in my instances, all the same type of stuff ...
