How do I go about adding a website to Silverlight - visual-studio

Say I had (foolishly) setup a Silverlight project in VS and failed to setup a supporting website at time of instantiation are there any steps I can take to add one retrospectively?
Many thanks.

Do the following:-
Add a new Web Application or Web Site to the existing solution.
Open the properties of the new Web Application, on the Silverlight tab select Add..., select the existing SL project in the project drop-down (already selected by default), Click Add.
Set the web app to be the startup project
Select the newly created test .aspx page that will have been created for you as the start page.
Now you are where you would have been had you opted to create the test web app when creating the solution.

The simplest solution might be to create a new solution with the supporting website project and copy your Silverlight project into that and carry on working in the new solution.
You could also copy the web project to your existing solution. In that case you'll need to change the name of the referenced .xap file.


Dynamics 365 - imported solution is not listed as an app

Why is the customer service app from the imported unmanaged solution not listed on the apps page?
Steps to reproduce
Created a new environment in
Imported the solution from GitHub to the new environment in
Clicked Publish all customizations
Browsed to https://[somethingdev]
I am following this guide on Youtube from
Expected result
That the imported solution is visible as a new app.
Actual result
The page only displays the default apps and not the new one that should be named CS.

How do I set a default static page for a ASP.Net Core Web API Project when start debug in VS2015?

I'm using VS 2015 and have a ASP.Net Core 1.1 Web API Project.
If I start debug it will launch Edge with the following url: http://localhost:XXXXX/api/values
I have since long removed this controller but it still tries to find it.
I have read the docs and made the appropriate changes to be able to show a static file.
In my wwwroot folder i have a Index.html file.
If i manually navigates to http://localhost:XXXXX the file is displayed.
My question is: How can I make VS2015 show my Index page when I start debugging.
I found the option when right clicking the project and selecting properties. Then under the tab Debug, enabled Launch URL and entered the value.
Edit Properties/launchSettings.json - it stores launch url which VS use.

AEM 6.2 How to switch from classic UI to Touch

How can we switch from classic UI to Touch UI in AEM 6.2. I see documentation to switch from touch ui to classic but not other way round.
Site Wide
In system console (http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr) there is an OSGi configuration for WCM Authoring UI Mode Service. You can change the property of Default authoring UI mode to TOUCH.
Per User
Login as the user, navigate to Projects (http://localhost:4502/projects.html/content/projects), select the user icon in the top right hand corner, select the settings icon, ensure that Authoring Mode has Touch-Optimized selected.
Other Items
You should also ensure the OSGi config for Day CQ Root Mapping has the property Target Path set to /projects.html
Here is a short cut to switch between the two UI modes:
Open any page from Site Admin by default it will load in Touch UI Mode. The URL will be say http://localhost:4502/cf#/content/test.html. Now to switch to classic UI you would write http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/test.html. Replace 'cf#' in the URL with 'editor.html'.
Three methods to do so are:-
[User Level]
[Global Level]Go to:-http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
and choose WCM Authoring UI Mode Service
using cf# or editor.html
If your site is :- http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx-outdoors/en.html
Classic UI :- http://localhost:4502/cf#/content/geometrixx-outdoors/en.html
Touch UI :- http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/geometrixx-outdoors/en.html
Reference Adobe AEM Community posts:-
I hope this will help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
Unfortunately, Classic UI has been more or less abandoned since 6.1 and won't likely be updated anymore as Adobe is trying to move away from ExtJS.
That said what you could do is add a custom button to the sidekick that would navigate to the TouchUI, which would involves adding the editor.html at the root of the URL of the page (and removing the #cf if it's there)
You can follow this link that gives an example on how to add a new function to the Classic UI sidekick.
Nate Yolles has produced a Chrome Extension that allows switching between modes amongst other things

Web API Project Template is missing from the "Add new project" dialog

I've encountered an issue regarding the Empty "ASP.NET Web API Project Template" extension (downloaded from here:
After I installed it, (with all instances of VS closed) I couldn't see it anywhere in the new project console:
As you can see, it's not present (although I know for sure it supposed to be there since I have it at work.
Furthermore, I can see it in the "Extensions and Update" menu:
And it is enabled.
I just don't understand what I did wrong.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You can find Web Api after u choose MVC 4 Web Application
1- Choose MVC 4 web application
2- from the inner window choose Web Api

Is my Visual Studio project a web application or a web site?

First of all, when to use what and the overall differences between them has already been answered before. But I couldn't find an answer to this question:
Where can I check if my Visual Studio project is a Web Application or a Web Site?
The easiest way to differentiate between Web Site and Web Application is to look at the project's icons.
Web Site
has an icon without the used language
displays its physical root path
does not have a Properties folder
Web Application
has an icon including the used language
displays the project's name
has a Properties folder
To find out more about the technical differences between them ...
ASP.NET Web Site or ASP.NET Web Application?
Personally, one tell tale sign for me is whether the project folder actually contains a project file, or not.
You can see the icons differ slightly in VS - a web application has a layered world->docs->language icon and a web site just consists of world->docs.
Also, once opened within VS, right-clicking will display Properties and Property Pages for web applications and web sites respectively; further, on clicking this option you will be greeted with a dialog for the former and MDI tabbed form for the latter - the latter also exposes more functionality to control pre and post build steps and so forth.
A a web application will also display Properties and References special folders as part of the project tree in the Solution Explorer, whereas a web site does not necessarily; unless manually created for some reason (but they still won't be special - web sites use the bin folder for their references).
I recently found out (painfully) that web applications do not support Profiles which is not fun. Web sites however do support them and make life much easier. I noticed here people saying there are no major differences. This one is quite major and can make your life difficult if you select to make a web application instead of a web site.
Web application and Web Site are VS templates, nothing more. I doubt you will find this information directly somewhere in project. You can try to go through template differences list and guess how this particular project was created.
For Web Site project, once run (F5) you can change the code in the code-behind, the solution will allow it and it will compile on the fly when saved.
A Web Application project, however, will not allow this. This is the simplest way of being able to tell between the two.
