Modify config file using bash script - bash

I'm writing a bash script to modify a config file which contains a bunch of key/value pairs. How can I read the key and find the value and possibly modify it?

A wild stab in the dark for modifying a single value:
sed -c -i "s/\($TARGET_KEY *= *\).*/\1$REPLACEMENT_VALUE/" $CONFIG_FILE
assuming that the target key and replacement value don't contain any special regex characters, and that your key-value separator is "=". Note, the -c option is system dependent and you may need to omit it for sed to execute.
For other tips on how to do similar replacements (e.g., when the REPLACEMENT_VALUE has '/' characters in it), there are some great examples here.

Hope this helps someone. I created a self contained script, which required config processing of sorts.
# Use this to set the new config value, needs 2 parameters.
# You could check that $1 and $2 is set, but I am lazy
function set_config(){
sudo sed -i "s/^\($1\s*=\s*\).*\$/\1$2/" $CONFIG
if [ ! -e "${CONFIG}" ] ; then
# Set default variable value
sudo touch $CONFIG
echo "myname=\"Test\"" | sudo tee --append $CONFIG
source $CONFIG
echo "${myname}" # SHOULD OUTPUT DEFAULT (test) ON FIRST RUN
echo "${myname}" # SHOULD OUTPUT Erl
set_config myname $myname # SETS THE NEW VALUE

Assuming that you have a file of key=value pairs, potentially with spaces around the =, you can delete, modify in-place or append key-value pairs at will using awk even if the keys or values contain special regex sequences:
# Using awk to delete, modify or append keys
# In case of an error the original configuration file is left intact
# Also leaves a timestamped backup copy (omit the cp -p if none is required)
cp -p "$CONFIG_FILE" "$CONFIG_FILE.orig.`date \"+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S\"`" &&
awk -F '[ \t]*=[ \t]*' '$1=="keytodelete" { next } $1=="keytomodify" { print "keytomodify=newvalue" ; next } { print } END { print "keytoappend=value" }' "$CONFIG_FILE" >"$CONFIG_FILE~" &&
echo "an error has occurred (permissions? disk space?)"

sed "/^$old/s/\(.[^=]*\)\([ \t]*=[ \t]*\)\(.[^=]*\)/\1\2$replace/" configfile

So I can not take any credit for this as it is a combination of stackoverflow answers and help from #bash channel but here are bash functions now to both set and read config file values:
# Usage: config_set filename key value
function config_set() {
local file=$1
local key=$2
local val=${#:3}
ensureConfigFileExists "${file}"
# create key if not exists
if ! grep -q "^${key}=" ${file}; then
# insert a newline just in case the file does not end with one
printf "\n${key}=" >> ${file}
chc "$file" "$key" "$val"
function ensureConfigFileExists() {
if [ ! -e "$1" ] ; then
if [ -e "$1.example" ]; then
cp "$1.example" "$1";
touch "$1"
# thanks to ixz in #bash on
function chc() { gawk -v OFS== -v FS== -e 'BEGIN { ARGC = 1 } $1 == ARGV[2] { print ARGV[4] ? ARGV[4] : $1, ARGV[3]; next } 1' "$#" <"$1" >"$1.1"; mv "$1"{.1,}; }
# Usage: local myvar="$(config_get myvar)"
function config_get() {
val="$(config_read_file ${CONFIG_FILE} "${1}")";
if [ "${val}" = "__UNDEFINED__" ]; then
val="$(config_read_file ${CONFIG_FILE}.example "${1}")";
printf -- "%s" "${val}";
function config_read_file() {
(grep -E "^${2}=" -m 1 "${1}" 2>/dev/null || echo "VAR=__UNDEFINED__") | head -n 1 | cut -d '=' -f 2-;
at first I was using the accepted answer's sed solution:
however if the value has a / char it breaks

in general it's easy to extract the info with grep and cut:
cat "$FILE" | grep "^${KEY}${DELIMITER}" | cut -f2- -d"$DELIMITER"
to update you could do something like this:
mv "$FILE" "$FILE.bak"
cat "$FILE.bak" | grep -v "^${KEY}${DELIMITER}" > "$FILE"
this would not maintain the order of the key-value pairs obviously. add error checking to make sure you don't lose your data.

I have done this:
sed "s/^port=.*/port=$new_port/" "$CONFIG_FILE" > /yourPath/temp.x
mv /yourPath/temp.x "$CONFIG_FILE"
This will change port= to port=8888 in your config file if you choose 8888 as $1 for example.

Suppose your config file is in below format:
In your bash script, you can use:
if [ $CONFIG_DEBUG == "y" ]; then
$CONFIG_NUM, $CONFIG_NUM2, $CONFIG_DEBUG is what you need.
After your read the values, write it back will be easy:


Grep -rl from a .txt list

I'm trying to locate a list of strings from a .txt file, the search target is a directory of multiple .csv (locating which .csv contain the string)
I already find how to do it manually:
grep -rl doggo C:\dirofcsv\
The next step is to to it from a list of hundreds of terms.
I tried grep -rl -f list.txt C:\dirofcsv < print.txt but I only have the last term printed.. I want to have the results lines by lines.
I'm missing something but I don't know where.
I'm working on windows with a term emulator.
EDIT: I've found how to list the terms from a file.Now I need to see which terms have which result like " doggo => file2, file4" did I need to write a loop ?
Thanks community.
grep -rl -f list.txt C:\dirofcsv >> print.txt
You are looking to append lines to the print.txt file and so will need to use >> as opposed to > which will overwrite what is already in the file.
To get the output listed in the output required in your edited requirement, you can use a loop redirected back into awk:
awk '/^FILE -/ { fil=$3; # When the output start with "FILE -" set fil to the third space delimited field
next # Skip to the next line
{ arr[fil][$0]="" # Set up a 2 dimensional array with the search term (fil) as the first index and the name of the file the second
END { for (i in arr) { # Loop through the array
printf "%s => ",i; First print the search term in the format required
for (j in arr[i]) {
printf "%s,",j # Print the file name followed by a comma
printf "\n" # Print a new line
}' <<< "$(while read line # Read list.txt line by line
echo "FILE - $line"; Echo a marker for identification in awk
grep -l "$line" C:\dirofcsv ; # Grep for the line
done < list.txt)" >> print.txt
One liner:
awk '/^FILE -/ { fil=$3;next } { arr[fil][$0]="" } END { for (i in arr) { printf "%s => ",i;for (j in arr[i]) { printf "%s,",j } printf "\n" } }' <<< "$(while read line;do echo "FILE - $line";grep -l "$line" C:\dirofcsv done < list.txt)" >> print.txt
I think you meant to pass the command as:
grep -rl -f list.txt C:\dirofcsv >> print.txt
Give it a shot. It should take all patterns from list.txt line by line and search in the directory C:\dirofcsv for files with matching patterns and print their names to print.txt file.
Try this for printing without a loop (just like you asked in comments ;-)
One Line Answer
eval $(jq -Rsr 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0)) | reduce .[] as $line ([]; . + ["echo \($line) :; grep -rl \($line) \($dir); echo"]) | (join("; "))' --arg dir "$dir" < "$listfile")
Another solution, for explanation say:
unset li
readarray li -u <"$listfile"
quoted_commands="$(jq -R 'reduce inputs as $line ([]; . + ["echo \($line) :; grep -rl \($line) \($dir); echo"]) | (join("; "))' \
--arg dir $dir \
<<< $(echo; printf "%s" "${li[#]}"))"
eval $commands
Breaking down the command for better explaination in comments:
# read contents of listfile in li
unset li && readarray li -u <"$listfile"
# add the content to new list so that it prints the list elements in new-lines
# also add a newline at top as it will be discarded by jq (in this case only)
list="$(echo; printf "%s" "${li[#]}";)"
# pass jq command
quoted_commands="$(jq -R 'reduce inputs as $line
([]; . + ["echo \($line) :; grep -rl \($line) \($dir); echo"])
| (join("; "))' \
--arg dir $dir <<< "$list")"
# the elements are read with reduce filter and converted to JSON Array of corresponding commands to execute
# the commands for all elements of list are joined with join filter
# trim quotes to execute commands properly
commands=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<< "$quoted_commands")
# run commands
eval "$commands"
You may want to print the above variables. Take care to use quotes in echo/printf while doing so, i.e., echo "$variable".
Replacement of sed command:
echo "$commands"
I am now using the following implementations (though the dictionary implementation uses a for loop, the key : value implementation doesn't, and is a single line command):
# print an Associative bash array as a JSON dictionary
declare -n ref
for k in $(echo "${!ref[#]}")
printf '{"name":"%s", "value":"%s"}\n' "$k" "${ref[$k]}"
done | jq -s 'reduce .[] as $i ({}; .[$] = $i.value)'
# print the grep output in key : value format
function list_grep()
local listfile=$1
local dir=$2
eval $(jq -Rsr 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0)) | reduce .[] as $line ([]; . + ["echo \($line) :; grep -rl \($line) \($dir); echo"]) | (join("; "))' --arg dir "$dir" < "$listfile")
# print the grep output as JSON dictionary
function dict_grep()
local listfile=$1
local dir=$2
eval declare -A Arr=\($(eval echo $(jq -Rrs 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0)) | reduce .[] as $k ([]; . + ["[\($k)]=\\\"$(grep -rl \($k) tmp)\\\""]) | (join(" "))' --arg dir $dir < tmp/list.txt))\)
print_dict Arr
# call:
list_grep $listfile $dir
dict_grep $listfile $dir

How to use variable with awk when being read from a file

I have a file with the following entries:
foop0* = host
bar* = fp
I would like to read the file and create 3 variables, the whole file name, host and fp (which stands for file_path_differentiator).
I am using read to take the first line and get my whole file name variable, I though I could then feed this into awk to grab the next two variables, however the first method of variable insertion creates an error and the second gives me all the variables.
I would like to loop each line, as I wish to use these variables to ssh to the host and grab the file
while read -r FILE
echo ${FILE}
host=`awk 'BEGIN { FS = "_" } ; { print $1 }'<<<<"$FILE"`
echo ${host}
path=`awk -v var="${FILE}" 'BEGIN { FS = "_" } ; { print $2 }'`
echo ${path}
done <zips_not_received.csv
Expected Result
Actual Result
/ : No such file or
bar2 bar1 bar2 bar1
You can do this alone with bash, without using any external tool.
while read -r file; do
[[ $file =~ (.*)_(.*)_.*\.zip ]] || { echo "invalid file name"; exit 1; }
echo "$file"
echo "$host"
echo "$path"
done < zips_not_received.csv
Managed to work a solution after posting...
while read -r FILE
echo ${FILE}
host=`echo "$FILE" | awk -F"_" '{print $1}'`
echo $host
path=`echo "$FILE" | awk -F"_" '{print $2}'`
echo ${path}
done <zips_not_received.csv
not sure on the elegance or its correctness as i am using echo to create variable...but i have it working..
Assuming there is no space or _ in your "file name" that are part of the host or path
just separate line before with sed, awk, ... if using default space separator (or use _ as argument separator in batch). I add the remove of empty line value as basic security seeing your sample.
sed 's/_/ /g;/[[:blank:]]\{1,\}/d' zips_not_received.csv \
| while read host path Ignored
echo "${host}"
echo "${path}"

Extract a line from a text file using grep?

I have a textfile called log.txt, and it logs the file name and the path it was gotten from. so something like this
basically the file name and its previous location. I want to use grep to grab the file directory save it as a variable and move the file back to its original location.
for var in "$#"
if grep "$var" log.txt
# code if found
# code if not found
this just prints out to the console the 2.txt and its directory since the directory has 2.txt in it.
Maybe flip the logic to make it more efficient?
while read prev
do case "$prev" in
*/*) f="${prev##*/}"; continue;; # remember the name
*) [[ -e "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "$prev";;
done < log.txt
That walks through all the files in the log and if they exist locally, move them back. Should be functionally the same without a grep per file.
If the name is always the same then why save it in the log at all?
If it is, then
while read prev
do f="${prev##*/}" # strip the path info
[[ -e "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "$prev"
done < <( grep / log.txt )
Having the file names on the same line would significantly simplify your script. But maybe try something like
# Convert from command-line arguments to lines
printf '%s\n' "$#" |
# Pair up with entries in file
awk 'NR==FNR { f[$0]; next }
FNR%2 { if ($0 in f) p=$0; else p=""; next }
p { print "mv \"" p "\" \"" $0 "\"" }' - log.txt |
Test it by replacing sh with cat and see what you get. If it looks correct, switch back.
Briefly, something similar could perhaps be pulled off with printf '%s\n' "$#" | grep -A 1 -Fxf - log.txt but you end up having to parse the output to pair up the output lines anyway.
Another solution:
for f in `grep -v "/" log.txt`; do
grep "/$f" log.txt | xargs -I{} cp $f {}
grep -q (for "quiet") stops the output

Parsing .ini file in bash

I have a below properties file and would like to parse it as mentioned below. Please help in doing this.
.ini file which I created :
I am looking for a solution in which ini file should be parsed like
[Machine1]app = version1
[Machine2]app = version1
[Machine2]app = version2
[Machine3]app = version1
[Machine3]app = version3
$ awk '/\[/{prefix=$0; next} $1{print prefix $0}' file.ini
How it works
/\[/{prefix=$0; next}
If any line begins with [, we save the line in the variable prefix and then we skip the rest of the commands and jump to the next line.
$1{print prefix $0}
If the current line is not empty, we print the prefix followed by the current line.
Adding spaces
To add spaces around any occurrence of =:
$ awk -F= '/\[/{prefix=$0; next} $1{$1=$1; print prefix $0}' OFS=' = ' file.ini
[Machine1]app = version1
[Machine2]app = version1
[Machine2]app = version2
[Machine3]app = version1
[Machine3]app = version3
This works by using = as the field separator on input and = as the field separator on output.
I love John1024's answer. I was looking for exactly that. I have created a bash function that allows me to lookup sections or specific keys based on his idea:
function iniget() {
if [[ $# -lt 2 || ! -f $1 ]]; then
echo "usage: iniget <file> [--list|<section> [key]]"
return 1
local inifile=$1
if [ "$2" == "--list" ]; then
for section in $(cat $inifile | grep "\[" | sed -e "s#\[##g" | sed -e "s#\]##g"); do
echo $section
return 0
local section=$2
local key
[ $# -eq 3 ] && key=$3
# This awk line turns ini sections => [section-name]key=value
local lines=$(awk '/\[/{prefix=$0; next} $1{print prefix $0}' $inifile)
for line in $lines; do
if [[ "$line" = \[$section\]* ]]; then
local keyval=$(echo $line | sed -e "s/^\[$section\]//")
if [[ -z "$key" ]]; then
echo $keyval
if [[ "$keyval" = $key=* ]]; then
echo $(echo $keyval | sed -e "s/^$key=//")
So given this as file.ini
then the following results are produced
$ iniget file.ini --list
$ iniget file.ini Machine3
$ iniget file.ini Machine1 app
$ iniget file.ini Machine2 app
Again, thanks to #John1024 for his answer, I was pulling my hair out trying to create a simple bash ini parser that supported sections.
Tested on Mac using GNU bash, version 5.0.0(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0)
You can try using awk:
awk '/\[[^]]*\]/{ # Match pattern like [...]
a=$1;next # store the pattern in a
NF{ # Match non empty line
gsub("=", " = ") # Add space around the = character
print a $0 # print the line
}' file
Excellent answers here. I made some modifications to #davfive's function to fit it better to my use case. This version is largely the same except it allows for whitespace before and after = characters, and allows values to have spaces in them.
# Get values from a .ini file
function iniget() {
if [[ $# -lt 2 || ! -f $1 ]]; then
echo "usage: iniget <file> [--list|<section> [key]]"
return 1
local inifile=$1
if [ "$2" == "--list" ]; then
for section in $(cat $inifile | grep "^\\s*\[" | sed -e "s#\[##g" | sed -e "s#\]##g"); do
echo $section
return 0
local section=$2
local key
[ $# -eq 3 ] && key=$3
# This awk line turns ini sections => [section-name]key=value
local lines=$(awk '/\[/{prefix=$0; next} $1{print prefix $0}' $inifile)
lines=$(echo "$lines" | sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*/=/g')
while read -r line ; do
if [[ "$line" = \[$section\]* ]]; then
local keyval=$(echo "$line" | sed -e "s/^\[$section\]//")
if [[ -z "$key" ]]; then
echo $keyval
if [[ "$keyval" = $key=* ]]; then
echo $(echo $keyval | sed -e "s/^$key=//")
done <<<"$lines"
For taking disparate sectional and tacking the section name (including 'no-section'/Default together) to each of its related keyword (along with = and its keyvalue), this one-liner AWK will do the trick coupled with a few clean-up regex.
ini_buffer="$(echo "$raw_buffer" | awk '/^\[.*\]$/{obj=$0}/=/{print obj $0}')"
Will take your lines and output them like you wanted:
+++ awk '/^\[.*\]$/{obj=$0}/=/{print obj $0}'
++ ini_buffer='[Machine1]app=version1
A complete solution to the INI-format File
As Clonato, INI-format expert said that for the latest INI version 1.4 (2009-10-23), there are several other tricky aspects to the INI file:
character set constraint for section name
character set constraint for keyword
And lastly is for the keyvalue to be able to handle pretty much anthing that is not used in the section and keyword name; that includes nesting of quotes inside a pair of same single/double-quote.
Except for the nesting of quotes, a INI-format Github complete solution to parsing INI-format file with default section:
# syntax: ini_file_read <raw_buffer>
# outputs: formatted bracket-nested "[section]keyword=keyvalue"
local ini_buffer raw_buffer hidden_default
# somebody has to remove the 'inline' comment
# there is a most complex SED solution to nested
# quotes inline comment coming ... TBA
raw_buffer="$(echo "$raw_buffer" | sed '
s|[[:blank:]]*//.*||; # remove //comments
s|[[:blank:]]*#.*||; # remove #comments
t prune
/./!d; # remove empty lines, but only those that
# become empty as a result of comment stripping'
# awk does the removal of leading and trailing spaces
ini_buffer="$(echo "$raw_buffer" | awk '/^\[.*\]$/{obj=$0}/=/{print obj $0}')" # original
ini_buffer="$(echo "$ini_buffer" | sed 's/^\s*\[\s*/\[/')"
ini_buffer="$(echo "$ini_buffer" | sed 's/\s*\]\s*/\]/')"
# finds all 'no-section' and inserts '[Default]'
hidden_default="$(echo "$ini_buffer" \
| egrep '^[-0-9A-Za-z_\$\.]+=' | sed 's/^/[Default]/')"
if [ -n "$hidden_default" ]; then
echo "$hidden_default"
# finds sectional and outputs as-is
echo "$(echo "$ini_buffer" | egrep '^\[\s*[-0-9A-Za-z_\$\.]+\s*\]')"
The unit test for this StackOverflow post is included in this file:

bash Shell: lost first element data partially

Using bash shell:
I am trying to read a file line by line.
and every line contains two meaning full file names delimited by "``"
file:1 image_config.txt
Shell Script
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
IFS='``' read -r -a array <<< "$line"
if [ "$line" = "" ]; then
echo lineempty
echo $file$hash;
output=$(ffmpeg -v warning -ss 2 -t 0.8 -i $file -vf scale=200:-1 -gifflags +transdiff -y $hash);
echo $output;
# echo ${array[0]}${array[1]}${array[2]}
done < "$filename"
first time executed successfully but when loop executes second time.
variable file lost bbbbb from bbbbb.mp4
and following output comes out
Output :
user#domain [~/public_html/Videos]$ sh
.mp4: No such file or directory
Please check out Bash FAQ 89 - I'm using a loop which runs once per line of input but it only seems to run once; everything after the first line is ignored? which seems to be helpful in your case.
There is no point in using the same character twice in IFS.
Is enough.
Check out this:
IFS=\`\` read -ra arr <<< "$var"
printf '<%s>\n' "${arr[#]}"
As you can see, arr[0] is abc, arr[1] is empty and arr[2] is def, and not arr[0] is abc and arr[1] is def as one might expect.
Taken from the IFS wiki of Greycat and Lhunath Bash Guide :
The IFS variable is used in shells (Bourne, POSIX, ksh, bash) as the input field separator (or internal field separator). Essentially, it is a string of special characters which are to be treated as delimiters between words/fields when splitting a line of input.
Here is how you could do differently, avoiding a read in the read:
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
if [ "$line" = "" ]; then
echo lineempty
file=$( echo ${line} | awk -F \` ' { print $1 } ' )
hash=$( echo ${line} | awk -F \` ' { print $3 } ' )
echo $file$hash;
output=$(ffmpeg -v warning -ss 2 -t 0.8 -i $file -vf scale=200:-1 -gifflags +transdiff -y $hash);
echo $output;
done < "$filename"
