Website Listing Commonly Used Ruby Gems, Including Alternatives - ruby

I know that I've seen this site before, but cannot remember it for the life of me. Basically, it is a listing of commonly used gems, like XML parsing or ORM libraries. For the ORM case, it lists ActiveRecord, DataMapper, and the like, stating the advantages and disadvantages of each. Does anyone know what this site is? I've googled and have not been able to find it.

You have ruby-toolbox for that
You know only information about their activity on github. But it's interesting.


Github use ruby on rails?

I know uses Rails.
But what template language does Github use? And what css framework does Github use?
Yes, Github uses Ruby on Rails.
When asked about the technology stack that they use to Sam Lambert, Director of technology he said:
MySQL is our core data store that we used for storing all data that powers the site as well as the metadata around the users. We also use Redis a little bit for some non-persistent caching, and things like memcached.
C, Shell, Ruby — quite a simple, monolithic stack. We’re really not an overcomplex shop, we don’t intend to try and drop new languages for every small project.
Here's a link to see the projects that power Github.
The original question was somewhat confusing and seemed to conflate Github with Rails. My answer below aimed to clarify the difference. The changes/clarifications made to the question later (after I posted my answer) have lead to the answer below to no longer respond to the question as (now) posted, but I cannot delete the answer as it has been marked as accepted...
It's hard to tell from the wording, but I think you're confused about several languages/tools that are found in Rails. Maybe this will help:
Git ( a version control tool ( used frequently in Rails projects. It's used to manage the source code in your projects (versions, branches with different functions, etc.)
Github ( is a place you can store source code that is managed with Git
the default language used in Rails views is called ERB (introduction example here:
rails 3.1 uses Sass to create CSS files by default (
Those are the languages you've mentioned having trouble with, and they're a portion of the languages you'll need to familiarize yourself with if you want to use Rails to its full extent.
You can learn more about Rails online (for example:,, or with books ( and are 2 good books. The first one is easier for beginners, the second one goes into more detail and is for more advanced readers).
It appears github has moved towards converting their monolith from rails into microservices made in other languages. Doubtful rails is completely out of the picture IMHO.

CodeIgniter - modular?

I'm building several sites that need similar "modules." For example, the sites may have the exact same login system, forum, etc.
Is there a way I could build these modules once and just "drop" them in these various sites? Some of the challenges I see:
Keeping the code consistent in the various sites. Any changes made to a module should propagate to all of the sites using that module. I guess I need a way to upgrade?
Database: these functionality need to work as part of a bigger application. Maybe the module needs to define relationships with other tables in its respective site.
I'm sure there are more problems. I think I should be looking at this:, but I don't have any experience with it.
So, I'm looking for solutions, suggestions, or more problems to this idea.
You can create and use third party packages by adding them to the third party folder (which is new for CI 2). There is not much about it in the docs, but i found this.
You can autoload the third party packages in the autoload file. Packages can have their own controllers, models, views etc.
Interestingly, Phil Sturgeon wrote a bit ( about packages not being modules (in the strict sense of the term), but you could probably use third party packages for what you need.
I would write them as libraries and use Git submodules to manage each module. Phil Sturgeon actually just wrote a great post about doing this in CodeIgniter.
If you're not using version control, I can't see an easy way to sync across all of your applications. Yes, HMVC will let you break apart your application into actual modules, but it won't help in syncing those modules across your applications.
Here is my question about 'Database communication in modular software'
that you may find useful.
I'm little bit familiar with Drupal, and as a modular application, I think it can be taken as good example of how relationships between modules should be defined.
Here is one good post about art-of-separation-of-concerns
I would like to hear if you have run into some concrete challenges, solutions and references concerning modular design in CI.

What's the best way to do Ruby gemspec creation and dependency management?

Over the last few months, there have been a number of rapid developments in the state of Ruby dependency management and gem creation, to the point where I've been having trouble keeping up with everything.
If I'm writing a new gem, what's the best tool for me to use to create my gemspec? Are there disadvantages of using this tool over competitors?
I've used Bundler a few times on applications and for me it's been a lifesaver. Is the consensus that it is suitable for use with production apps? Are there quirks or idiosyncracies people should be aware of?
Links to resources you've used and have found helpful would also be much appreciated.
I don't have much experience with this, but here are some resources I've found helpful:
Stuff to look into:
I haven't used any of them for real work (but toyed around with both of them and liked Jeweler better)

Ruby web spider & search engine library

I'm looking for a Ruby library or gem (or set of gems) which will not only do spidering, but also collect the data into, say, a database, and allow basic searches on the data (i.e. a typical web search).
I've found several spidering libraries, so that part seems well covered (I was going to try Anemone first), but I can't find anything that will take the spidered data and allow querying on it. For lack of an existing one, I was going to write something myself with Anemone.
Any suggestions?
That blog post might give you some pointers. Also, look into ferret for the search part.
there is a ruby gem may help you:
There are lots of great stuff on

A couple of questions on the architecture of Ruby

I am primarily a fluent .NET developer (as can be seen from the amount of posts and threads I make about .NET), but I thought it would be good to learn RoR.
In doing so, I have a few questions about the architecture of the language (Ruby) and the framework (RoR):
1) In .NET, every object is derived from System but inherits System.Object. So when I type System., I get a list of namespaces and then in those namespaces, classes and more namespaces.
Does Ruby not have this sort of hierarchy?
2) In some cases, I don't get the intellisense. For example, I wrote the class as outlined here ( but in the line recipients, nothing comes up when I type "user.".
Any idea why?
Dave Thomas (Pragmatic Programmers) has an excellent screencast series on the Ruby object model/metaprogramming. We watched this in a local Ruby user's group. The series isn't free, but it's not expensive either. You might want to check out the free preview to see if you think it is worth your time.
And to give you an answer. Yes, everything in Ruby derives from Object. You can find the docs on this at Look for the Object class.
I'm not sure why you aren't getting intellisense, partly because you haven't specified your IDE. It's possible that you can't because you've added the method dynamically and no intellisense is available.
If we compare .NET to Rails then yes, there is this kind of hierarchy there. And in general, you can achieve this kind of hierarchy in any Ruby application via using modules.
I guess it's because of Ruby's dynamic nature.
Ruby is a pure OO language meaning that everything from classes to objects derive from the Object class.
Download NetBeans. There is full intellisense support for Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Intellisense support probably won't get you what you think it will get you. Because Ruby is a dynamic language, Intellisense, or code completion, is difficult. What you will find is that either the drop down is so flooded with possible completions as to be useless. Or in your case nothing at all.
It's not 100% useless, but I have never found it terribly valuable.
