Save PowerPoint 2007 as PowerPoint 2003 using Open Office SDK 2.0 - powerpoint

Is there anyway to use the Open Office SDK 2.0 to save a PowerPoint presention that you created using OOXML to a PowerPoint 2003 presentation? I know if you open a 2007 file and click Save As you have the option to save it as a PowerPoint 97 to 2003 document and I didn't know if I could do this grammatically using this SDK.
The reason I am asking this question is because I need to give the user the option to save data on a website in either Office 2007 or 2003 format. I much rather just use the same code to produce the document instead of having to have two code paths for PowerPoint 2003 and PowerPoint 2007.

Unfortunately, no. Open Office SDK 2.0 is built for and around System.IO.Packaging to work with the Open Document Format (the zip package that wraps up all the xml and other files for Office 2007, XPS, etc.) in processing the ECMA/ISO standard for Office 2007/2010 formats.


Developer Add-in does not appear on the ribbon - office word react, MacOs

I have followed every step in this guid given from microsoft. However, I'm using word instead fo excel ( I did try the excel also) and i'm not getting the command add-in in the ribbon. Though I can see the add-in pane. Again I did not change anything. So there is no point sharing any code.
react guide:
any idea why i'm not seeing the command?
It turned out that i had to update my office to the latest version (16 or higher)
Office Sample Git Pic

Developing Microsoft Word add-in for MAC

I have developed a small add-in for Microsoft Word 2011 in using VS2012. I would like to port the functionality to Mac users. Can you tell me how can it be done?
I have already read these posts:
Developing Word add-ins for Macintosh
VB macro or office addin for mac
But they are referring to Word 2008/2010 where it wasn't possible. I know that since Word 2011 it's possible to use VBA on Mac. But I cannot find any documentation how to use it - all links pointing to msdn/microsoft pages don't exist anymore (like the ones mentioned here: Where can I find the Mac Office 2011 developer details?).
Do you have any resources (documentation, tutorials, books) about the topic?
If it's not possible using I can switch to C#, but I haven't seen any posts about C# support for MS-office for mac.
The short answer is that you cannot use Visual Studio to develop add-ins for MS Word 2011 and you'll have to use VBA within Word. I assume in your question you mean in VS2012 not VBA (Visual Basic for Applications is the code written within the Office programs themselves and can't be written in VS). Since and C# use the .Net framework which is not available for OSX, it is not possible to use VS.
The best you can do is write your VBA code in a Word template (ie .dotm) that exposes your macro through a toolbar (you can't modify the hybrid ribbon in Office 2011). You'll probably also have to use AppleScript (or even C/Objective-c) to make up for some of the short falls in Mac VBA. Things like FileSystemObject, ActiveX controls don't exist and File Dialogs are limited so if possible you'll need to find AppleScript equivalents (which can easily be run from VBA).

Connection string not working when saving to 2007 format

I'm very confused with OleDB & Excel.
I've 2 files:
One is saved in Excel 2007
One is saved in Excel 2010
This is because some computers have 2007 and other 2010 version of Microsoft Excel.
In i use:
m_sConn1 = String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='{0}';Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1';", file)
When is do:
conn1 = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(m_sConn1)
With the save-in-2010 file i got 0 errors.
With the one saved in 2007 i got
"External table is not in the expected format"
Is this string connection for both versions? Should i use Interop instead? (because the file is auto generated using Interop Excel 12.0 and it works in 2007 & 2010).
I already installed 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components from
If i open the 2007 file in 2010 and save it, oleDB reads it ok.
It's a Bug already reported. Only Excel 2007 has this error and MS knows it but never addressed it.
This project can be only use w/ excel 2007.

Outlook scripting in C#?

I'm using Outlook 2010. Via the Developer ribbon, I see that I'm able to script Outlook using VBA. I'm also aware that you can create Outlook addins through COM that can pretty much have anything as their source language (C# / .NET included).
However, is there any way to actually code extensions to Outlook using built-in Outlook functionality using C#, rather than VBA? If not, are there any plans for Microsoft to allow this in future versions of Outlook?
I'm not sure what you mean by "built in" functionality. Addin can access anything VBA can access AFAIK.
Are you talking about converting the VBA editor to c sharp?

Please explain what an outlook add-in is

Can someone give me a quick explanation of when I would use Visual Studio 2008 Outlook 2007 Ad-In project type? and how would that compare to developing a bunch of outlook macros directly in outlook?
Basically, I want to have some sort of application read email (with attachments) from a pop3 email box, do some filtering/editing/validation of the subject/sender/content and then if certain conditions are met, save the attachments to a local file, and then add an entry into an SQL server database table (i.e. date/sender/subject/message).
Seems there are at least 10 different ways to do between an outlook macro and a VS Office Project, how do I pick?
I am not clear, if I create this solution as a Visual Studio outlook add-in, where does it run? Is it loaded into outlook, does it run as a separate process and communicates back and forth with outlook? if outlook is not running, does it start it?
An Outlook Add-on is a compiled component that uses the Outlook API to perform the tasks you need. A macro/VB script is an interpreted script that actually uses the same API. The add-on approach is better if you want to deploy your functionality.
When you work on an Outlook add-on in Visual Studio, you'll be creating a .NET component, which integrates into the Outlook application, which is written in C++ so uses COM. You'll have to be careful about managed/unmanaged types and releasing objects you retrieve from Outlook.
I have recently completed just such a tool, but I chose to use Add-in Express ( These guys provide a layer of abstraction over the [challenging] Outlook API and also provide some excellent support if you're stuck.
In my case, with Add-in Express, I "run" by setting Outlook as the application command to run, in the Project properties. Add-in Express sorts out the installation of the add-on within Outlook. So when I press "Run", Outlook starts and my add-in is displayed, which may be debugged in the normal fashion. I'm not sure how VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) works in this respect - or at least, I can't remember.
This is an example of an outlook add-in..
Personally, I don't see macros distributable.
