TextMate - must-have Bundles and Plugins for web dev - macos

Just curious what experienced Textmate users can't live without in the program. I just ran the trial and bought the program so I'm trying to get a sense of how others might setup their development environment for web development.
Also, based on the fact that I just bought the program, I am going to guess that TM2 will come out next week. Yes, that's right, next week. Unfortunately, because of my luck, it will not be a free upgrade...upgrades will cost more.

Well if anyone is new to TextMate, you need to install the "Get Bundles" Bundle--a GUI to the TextMate SVN and git Bundle repositories. More detail on installing the 'Get Bundles' Bundle in an answer to a different question on SO.
I think this is the easiest way to not only view all available Bundles but also to update them on your own rig.
As of five minutes ago, Get Bundles counts 793 total TM Bundles available either in the Official TM SVN Repository or on the TM git Repository.
Once you have that, you can "go shopping"--so for instance if you're a web developer then you can quickly see that there are (at least):
six different Bundles for CSS
(including the official TM CSS Bundle
that comes pre-installed)
six Bundles for Django
six Bundles for HTML, etc.
Of course, the Web Dev framework with the largest TM user base is RoR; i quickly counted a dozen different RoR Bundles though i am sure there are more.
I use several TM Plug-ins:

I use E a pc version of textmate and I'd be lost without html zen-coding and they have versions for textmate. Highly recommended.

What kind of web development do you do? I have noted, on a previous SO thread, some good bundles for Ruby on Rails development.


Team Development of HTML5 PhoneGap App

First, I don't know if this is the right place to make this question but, I don't see any other place where to put it.
I would like to know how could I develop a mobile HTML5 App (using PhoneGap) with another friend, without need to have a copy of the project in more than one PC.
Could I somehow host the Code on a FTP Server and then we both could work on it for example, on Eclipse?
You need to look into using a source control system of some kind. Source control comes in many flavors, but in general it allows software developers to sync code between many servers, and allows developers to work concurrently without breaking each other's environments (imagine I have to take a component offline for many hours to code on it, but other people rely on it to do their work).
The two most common source control solutions are SVN and Git. Both of these work on Mac/Linux/PC and are documented thoroughly online.
without need to have a copy of the project in more than one PC.
How should that be possible? When want to view view something on your local computer, you must have it available on your local computer. But I think I know what you are looking for, three suggestions:
Use a cloud-based IDE. Cloud9 for example is one of the best. However, all of them tend to be slow and buggy.
Just synch the files between your computers. One of the best hosted services is Dropbox, or you can install ownCloud on your own Server.
Use a version control system. This is pretty common for software development as you can easily reproduce who made which change when and why. The best option is git and Github for hosting.
I know this is months late, but check out Adobe's Phonegap Build. Build and deploy in the cloud. They also allow you to assign a development team.

Magento: Are there stats on install base (by version) for module developers?

As the question states, I am preparing to deploy my first couple modules on the Magento Connect store and want to make sure I am targeting the best versions. Testing on 1.3 is proving to be a bit of a pain, and if only a few people use that version I would rather spend the time making the modules better!
Google hasn't helped as yet, though I think the keywords I use are getting picked up as other more specific technical questions (Google Base, for example).
Does this information exist? What about your personal experience? For me, I have only encountered installations below 1.5 Community (1.10 Enterprise) for upgrade projects. I haven't personally encountered a client that is on 1.4 and plans to stay on 1.4.
There are a signification amount of people who have older versions and wont upgrade because of the complexity and the amount of modification they have done to their stores.
Most people right now who are on community version seem to be on 1.5 or 1.6, but if you want to test older versions just download from the archive install locally and see if it works for the older versions.
Here is a link to the downloadable versions of magento, in case you decide to test on those older versions:
http://www.magentocommerce.com/download - click released archived tab at the top

How to keep track of bug progress and feature request in web development projects?

I am trying to find the best way to maintain a bug tracker and feature/upgrade requests for clients on web development projects. Ideally it would be an open source system we can have installed on a sub domain of our site.
This will then allow each client to login and add bugs/features/upgrade which we can hopefully keep track of.
I have been trying to use and implement trac but it just feels too "techy" and a little too complex for setup.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Just to clarify, we do want a system to install on our servers, the trouble with trac is the install process in relation to what you get and how clients feel about it is a little poor. But if something is awesome but has a complex setup, that isn't a problem...
Mantis is another. Simple UI.
If you have Linux boxes, trac is much easier to install. Config takes a bit, but wasn't a problem in my experience.
I've heard good things about FogBugz. :)
If you don't want to install it yourself they have a hosted solution also.
Have you taken a look a Bugzilla? Not sure if it meets all your needs but it is free but you can get paid support. It's an open source project AFAIK.

why does xampp not come with xdebug?

xdebug is widely used by developers and since xampp is meant to be used in development environment i wonder why it doesnt come with xdebug installed?
so annoying to have to do it manually all the time.
For one thing, some people might prefer the Zend debugger.
For another, XAMPP is a free product; the maintainers aren't getting paid for their work, so features aren't driven by user desires. If you want the feature, request it or (better yet) offer to add it. This is basically the same as the answer to "Why doesn't open source project X have feature Y?"

CouchDB on Windows?

I started exploring CouchDB and I am interested in following:
Is there or will there be a Windows install?
If there is, is there a shared hosting provider that offers CouchDB?
Not knowing much about it, can it be somehow embedded in my application or bin deployed (don't laugh).
The most reliable source is the CouchDB download page
There are several places offering CouchDb hosting. Besides Cloudant, you can use most Infrastructure-as-a-Service parties like Google, AWS, etc.
This question was asked (and answered) elsewhere on StackOverflow here and here.
There's a Windows version now, available on CouchIO (http://www.couch.io/get) blog.
Download & Unzip
Double-Click bin\couchdb
There's been a fully compatible Windows build of CouchDB shortly after every source release, since the initial 1.0.0 release over 18 months ago. You can get this directly from the Apache CouchDB mirrors http://couchdb.apache.org/ now.
NB the embedded test suite is actually for developer testing; due to subtle timing constraints not all tests will pass first time round on every machine. In the next release of CouchDB, the tests will be done outside the browser which will be both simpler and more robust.
Please up-vote this so we have the right information to hand.
Since this question was posted, there is a Windows download available at https://couchdb.apache.org/ .
