Rockscroll or Metalscroll for Visual Studio 2010 (Minimap) - visual-studio-2010

Has any one found a replacement for Rockscroll or Metalscroll for Visual Studio 2010?
I miss it so much that I looked into making one my self but only have word highlighting working and a place holder scroll bar and seems to be much harder than I thought it would be. I'm happy to share what I got if someone is interested in helping.

The Productivity Power Tools extension for VS2010 just added an "Enhanced Scrollbar"!
To enable the minimap go to Tools->Options->Productivity Power Tools->Enhanced Scroll Bar and check "Full map mode". Optionally you can assign the background color and highlighted region.

Just tried ProgressiveScroll and it looks and feels like the original MetalScroll; it also works in Visual Studio 2012!

A user named Kryo at the "Sins of solar empire" forum have made a pretty good imitation of MetalScrollbar for VS 2010, called MetalMargin. Available here. Just installed it, and it seems to work pretty well, although highlight on double click is not yet implemented.

David Pugh released a version of his Structure Margin, which serves a similar purpose. His All Margins extension combines a bunch of the other smaller extensions in the same vein.
It's not exactly the same, but I find the structure margin to be an interesting way to visualize the entire code file.

I haven't tried it myself yet but AllMargins looks really nice. Whoops you already linked it Noah Richards. Sorry.

The code is also available for the OverviewMargin - I haven't tried it at all, but it may be a good place to start from if you want to roll your own.

Did You try RockMargin ?
This is useful

For anyone looking for a replacement for just the Highlighting part of RockScroll, the free plugin "Highlight all occurrences of selected word" does exactly that.


Disable suggestions list auto-resize on Visual Studio 2019?

In Visual Studio 2019, how can someone disable the auto-suggestion list being auto-resized?. This:
It is very very annoying when navigating through the suggested members and you miss-click the vertical scrollbar or another point inside the list due the width was auto-resized... this feature is not well-done for the visual sense of the human being, it is not productive for me.
I can understand the intention is to not occupy much visible area in the text editor when the list contains long member names but that logic is absurd because the list width will be sized to its maximum width if you want to pick that long member name, so... totally useless and annoying for me.
Disable suggestions list auto-resize on Visual Studio 2019?
I am afraid that you cannot get what you want in this issue so far. And VS IDE does not have such option to control it so far.
The purpose of the automatic adjustment of the scroll box is to facilitate the user to visually see the full name of the method and then confirm and use it. It is from the perspective of the convenience of developing code.
According to your needs, you need a better visual experience and the best suggestion is to add an option on VS IDE to force maintain the size. So we recommend that you could suggest your feature on our User Voice Forum
In addition, when you finish writing such feature, you can share the link here with us and anyone who is interested in this will vote for you so that it will get more attention from Microsoft.
Hope it could help you.

Better color coding for visual studio (2013)

I'm learning both Java and C# right now. I started with Java first, back in august. The class I'm using uses BlueJ as a compiler. BlueJ has this cool color coding, where it's not just key words or such, the background changes based on what exactly you're typing in.
(Because I'm terrible at explaining things, it looks like this:
It's made it so easy on my eyes. Now that I've started coding in C#, my eyes can't seem to adjust back to not having the colors. I find myself getting lost in where an if statement begins and ends, and end up having to put ridiculous amounts of space and comments between code to help me follow it better. Does Visual studio have any options to do this, or do I just have to suck it up and learn to adjust?
The colour coding is in the Fonts and Colors options. To get there select Tools/Options. In the dialog, select Environment/Fonts and Colors. For the code, you can set the options in the text editor but you can do it for all the other windows in visual studio too.
You can download an extension. In Visual studio code, click on the button that has four squares on the right hand side of the VS code's window. Then, in the search bar, search for "Bracket Pair Colorizer 2." This extension should aid your vision when looking at code. Here's an example
picture. Also, this extension is customizable, letting you add any color you'd like to resemble different types of lines of code.
To customize your extension, under the extension name you will find a settings dial, similar in shape to the windows settings logo. Click on that, and then click on "Extension settings". From there, you have access to many useful settings.
If this solution has solved or helped you, please mark it as an answer and upvote it. Thanks!

How do I change the blue borders in VS 2010?

I imported my old fonts and colors settings under environment, and my code looks the way I like it, but I don't see where to change the look of the blue border surrounding it.
If anyone knows where this is, please help me complete my usual post-install pimp my IDE routine...
Install the Visual Studio Color Theme Editor:
You cannot - there simply isnt any support for that. As MicTech said, this might appear in teh next version, or perhaps even the next SP for VS2010. Why? because it's not that hard, now that they've rewritten it in WPF (its not the WPF that makes it easier, its the rewritten architecture).

Notepad++ like search highlighting in VisualStudio

Notepad++ has a neat feature that combines search and highlighting. When you select a word, it is highlighted wherever else it shows up on the page, so it is an implicit search, which I find very very useful.
Is there a way to get that into VS?
I would also be interested in having these highlightings stick so that I can highlight more than one keyword (using different bgcolor of course), and even have all these keywords get highlighted automatically on the newer pages I open after making them stick. Now that would be really cool!
Check out this question and the related answers:
How to highlight occurrences of a search term in text in Visual Studio?
Visual Studio 2010 will introduce a feature called "Highlight References" for symbols in C# and Visual Basic and it will behave as you describe. The "sticky" highlight however is not supported yet (in 2010).
The same feature is also available in Eclipse. Very useful.
Sara Ford has a post on her blog about making a custom editor. Might be a good starting point for investigating writing your own addin or editor for achieving your goal.

Visual Studio identical token highlighting

I coded a Mancala game in Java for a college class this past spring, and I used the Eclipse IDE to write it. One of the great (and fairly simple) visual aids in Eclipse is if you select a particular token, say a declared variable, then the IDE will automatically highlight all other references to that token on your screen. Notepad++, my preferred Notepad replacement, also does this.
Another neat and similar feature in Eclipse was the vertical "error bar" to the right of your code (not sure what to call it). It display little red boxes for all of the syntax errors in your document, yellow boxes for warnings like "variable declared but not used", and if you select a word, boxes appear in the bar for each occurrence of the word in the document.
A screenshot of these features in action:
After a half hour of searching, I've determined that Visual Studio cannot do this on its own, so my question is: does anyone know of any add-ins for 2005 or 2008 that can provide either one of the aforementioned features?
Being able to highlight the current line your cursor is on would be nice too. I believe the add-in ReSharper can do this, but I'd prefer to use a free add-in rather than purchase one.
There is a RockScroll alternative called MetalScroll which is essentially the same thing with a few tweaks and improvements.
Also there is a small and simple WordLight plug-in that only highlights the identical tokens.
Both are open source and support code folding which is nice.
Imho, the bar next to the scroll bar in Eclipse is a lot more elegant solution than the scroll bar replacement of RockScroll/MetalScroll. Unfortunately I couldn't find any VS plug-ins that do it the Eclipse way, so I just stick with WordLight.
Check following addins
Productivity Power Tools- Displays error in scrollbar and
Highlight selected word
In a different question on SO (link), someone mentioned the VS 2005 / VS 2008 add-in "RockScroll". It seems to provide the "error bar" feature I was inquiring about in my question above.
EDIT: RockScroll also does the identical token highlighting that I was looking for! Great!
Old question but... Visual Studio 2010 has this feature built-in, at last.
The highlight functionality is conveniently implemented in VisualAssist.
In my opinion, they are both must-have.
1) Highlight identifier under editing caret:
Options -> Advanced -> Refactoring -> Automatically highlight references to symbol under cursor
2) Highlight search result - in all windows. Works for RegExps!
Options -> Advanced -> Display -> Highlight find results
About RockScroll: It doesn't highlight the identifiers. It only highlights the same string in the source code! If there are similar identifier declared : ex. _test and test, and test is highlighted it will highlight the string "test" in variable _test too! And it will also highlight the same string in a method called "sometesting()". So it isn't exactly like eclipse and doesn't work for me.
The automatic highlight is implemented in Visual Assist as the refactoring command "Find References". It highlights all occurences of a given variable or method, but that's not automatic (binded to a keyboard shortcut on my computer).
Here is an exmaple:
DevExpress CodeRush does this when you press TAB when the cursor is in an identifier, you can then tab through all the highlighted instances. There's also a DXCore plugin (the foundation upon which CodeRush/Refactor Pro are built) that does current-line highlighting.
In VS 2017, this can be solved by installing the Match Margin plugin.
It appears to be part of the Productivity Power Tools (which might be worth looking at for other features), but surprisingly, installing PPT didn't solve the problem for me, I had to install Match Margin separately.
The "error bar" functionality is provided in JetBrains ReSharper. I'm not sure if it does highlighting of references to the currently selected identifier.
For selected word(s) highlight function only, there is also StickyHighlight.
StickyHighlight supports Visual Studio 2010 & 2012.
