Calculate direction angle from two vectors? - algorithm

Say I have two 2D vectors, one for an objects current position and one for that objects previous position. How can I work out the angular direction of travel?
This image might help understand what I'm after:

The direction vector of travel will be the difference of the two position vectors,
d = (x1, y1) - (x, y) = (x1 - x, y1 - y)
Now when you ask for the direction angle, that depends what direction you want to measure the angle against. Is it against the x axis? Go with Radu's answer. Against an arbitrary vector? See justjeff's answer.
Edit: To get the angle against the y-axis:
tan (theta) = (x1 -x)/(y1 - y)
the tangent of the angle is the ratio of the x-coordinate of the difference vector to the y-coordinate of the difference vector.
theta = arctan[(x1 - x)/(y1 - y)]
Where arctan means inverse tangent. Not to be confused with the reciprocal of the tangent, which many people do, since they're both frequently denoted tan^-1. And make sure you know whether you're working in degrees or radians.

If you're in C (or other language that uses the same function set) then you're probably looking for the atan2() function. From your diagram:
double theta = atan2(x1-x, y1-y);
That angle will be from the vertical axis, as you marked, and will be measured in radians (God's own angle unit).

Be careful to use atan2 to avoid quadrant issues and division by zero. That's what it's there for.
float getAngle(CGPoint ptA, CGPoint ptOrigin, CGPoint ptB)
CGPoint A = makeVec(ptOrigin, ptA);
CGPoint B = makeVec(ptOrigin, ptB);
// angle with +ve x-axis, in the range (−π, π]
float thetaA = atan2(A.x, A.y);
float thetaB = atan2(B.x, B.y);
float thetaAB = thetaB - thetaA;
// get in range (−π, π]
while (thetaAB <= - M_PI)
thetaAB += 2 * M_PI;
while (thetaAB > M_PI)
thetaAB -= 2 * M_PI;
return thetaAB;
However, if you don't care about whether it's a +ve or -ve angle, just use the dot product rule (less CPU load):
float dotProduct(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2) { return p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y; }
float getAngle(CGPoint A, CGPoint O, CGPoint B)
CGPoint U = makeVec(O, A);
CGPoint V = makeVec(O, B);
float magU = vecGetMag(U);
float magV = vecGetMag(V);
float magUmagV = magU * magV; assert (ABS(magUmagV) > 0.00001);
// U.V = |U| |V| cos t
float cosT = dotProduct(U, V) / magUmagV;
float theta = acos(cosT);
return theta;
Note that in either code section above, if one ( or both ) vectors are close to 0 length this is going to fail. So you might want to trap that somehow.

Still not sure what you mean by rotation matrices, but this is a simple case of getting an azimuth from a direction vector.
The complicated answer:
Normally you should pack a few conversion/utility functions with your 2D vectors: one to convert from X,Y (carthesian) to Theta,R (polar coordinates). You should also support basic vector operations like addition, substraction and dot product.
Your answer in this case would be:
double azimuth = (P2 - P1).ToPolarCoordinate().Azimuth;
Where ToPolarCoordinate() and ToCarhtesianCoordinate() are two reciprocal functions switching from one type of vector to another.
The simple one:
double azimuth = acos ((x2-x1)/sqrt((x2-x1) * (x2-x1) + (y2-y1) * (y2-y1));
//then do a quadrant resolution based on the +/- sign of (y2-y1) and (x2-x1)
if (x2-x1)>0 {
if (y2-y1)<0 { azimuth = Pi-azimuth; } //quadrant 2
} else
{ if (y2-y1)> 0 { azimuth = 2*Pi-azimuth;} //quadrant 4
else { azimuth = Pi + azimuth;} //quadrant 3


Generating a pixel-based spiral gradient

I have a program that creates pixel-based gradients (meaning it calculates the step in the gradient for each pixel, then calculates the colour at that step, then gives the pixel that colour).
I'd like to implement spiral gradients (such as below).
My program can create conic gradients (as below), where each pixel is assigned a step in the gradient according to the angle between it and the midpoint (effectively mapping the midpoint-pixel angle [0...2PI] to [0...1]).
It would seem to me that a spiral gradient is a conic gradient with some additional function applied to it, where the gradient step for a given pixel depends not only on the angle, but on some additional non-linear function applied to the euclidean distance between the midpoint and pixel.
I envisage that a solution would take the original (x, y) pixel coordinate and displace it by some amounts in the x and y axes resulting in a new coordinate (x2, y2). Then, for each pixel, I'd simply calculate the angle between the midPoint and its new displaced coordinate (x2, y2) and use this angle as the gradient step for that pixel. But it's this displacement function that I need help with... of course, there may be other, better ways.
Below is a simple white-to-black conic gradient. I show how I imagine the displacement would work, but its the specifics about this function (the non-linearity), that I'm unable to implement.
My code for conic gradient:
public void conicGradient(Gradient gradient, PVector midPoint, float angle) {
float rise, run;
double t = 0;
for (int y = 0, x; y < imageHeight; ++y) {
rise = midPoint.y - y;
run = midPoint.x;
for (x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x) {
t = Functions.fastAtan2(rise, run) + Math.PI - angle;
// Ensure a positive value if angle is negative.
t = Functions.floorMod(t, PConstants.TWO_PI);
// Divide by TWO_PI to get value in range 0...1
step = t *= INV_TWO_PI;
pixels[imageWidth * y + x] = gradient.ColorAt(step); // pixels is 1D pixel array
run -= 1;
By eye, it looks like after t = ... fastAtan2..., you just need:
t += PConstants.TWO_PI * Math.sqrt( (rise*rise + run*run) / (imageWidth * imageWidth + imageHeight * imageHeight) )
This just adds the distance from the center to the angle, with appropriate scaling.

Linear interpolation along a "Bresenham line"

I'm using linear interpolation for animating an object between two 2d coordinates on the screen. This is pretty close to what I want, but because of rounding, I get a jagged motion. In ASCII art:
Notice how it walks in a Manhattan grid, instead of taking 45 degree turns. What I'd like is linear interpolation along the line which Bresenham's algorithm would have created:
For each x there is only one corresponding y. (And swap x/y for a line that is steep)
So why don't I just use Bresenham's algorithm? I certainly could, but that algorithm is iterative, and I'd like to know just one coordinate along the line.
I am going to try solving this by linearly interpolating the x coordinate, round it to the pixel grid, and then finding the corresponding y. (Again, swap x/y for steep lines). No matter how that solution pans out, though, I'd be interested in other suggestion and maybe previous experience.
Bresenham's algorithm for lines was introduced to draw a complete line a bit faster than usual approaches. It has two major advantages:
It works on integer variables
It works iteratively, which is fast, when drawing the complete line
The first advantage is not a great deal, if you calculate only some coordinates. The second advantage turns out as a disadvantage when calculating only some coordinates. So after all, there is no need to use Bresenham's algorithm.
Instead, you can use a different algorithm, which results in the same line. For example the DDA (digital differential analyzer). This is basically, the same approach you mentioned.
First step: Calculate the slope.
m = (y_end - y_start) / (x_end - x_start)
Second step: Calculate the iteration step, which is simply:
i = x - x_start
Third step: Calculate the coresponding y-value:
y = y_start + i * m
= y_start + (x - x_start) * (y_end - y_start) / (x_end - x_start)
Here's the solution I ended up with:
public static Vector2 BresenhamLerp(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float percent)
if (a.x == b.x || Math.Abs(a.x - b.x) < Math.Abs(a.y - b.y))
// Didn't do this part yet. Basically, we just need to recurse
// with x/y swapped and swap result on return
Vector2 result;
result.x = Math.Round((1-percent) * a.x + percent * b.x);
float adjustedPercent = (result.x - a.x + 0.5f) / (b.x - a.x);
result.y = Math.Round((1-adjustedPercent) * a.y + adjustedPercent * b.y);
return result;
This is what I just figured out would work. Probably not the most beautiful interpolations, but it is just a 1-2 float additions per iteration on the line with a one-time precalculation. Works by calculating the number of steps on a manhattan matrix.
Ah, and it does not yet catch the case when the line is vertical (dx = 0)
This is the naive bresenham, but the iterations could in theory only use integers as well. If you want to get rid of the float color value, things are going to get harder because the line might be longer than the color difference, so delta-color < 1.
void Brepolate( uint8_t* pColorBuffer, uint8_t cs, float xs, float ys, float zs, uint8_t ce, float xe, float ye, float ze )
float nColSteps = (xe - xs) + (ye - ys);
float fColInc = ((float)cs - (float)ce) / nColSteps;
float fCol = cs;
float dx = xe - xs;
float dy = ye - ys;
float fCol = cs;
if (dx > 0.5)
float de = fabs( dy / dx );
float re = de - 0.5f;
uint32_t iY = ys;
uint32_t iX;
for ( uint32_t iX = xs;
iX <= xe;
iX++ )
uint32_t off = surf.Offset( iX, iY );
pColorBuffer[off] = fCol;
re += de;
if (re >= 0.5f)
re -= 1.0f;
fCol += fColInc;
fCol += fColInc;

Draw a sphere using 3D pixels (voxels)

Can you suggest an algorithm that can draw a sphere in 3D space using only the basic plot(x,y,z) primitive (which would draw a single voxel)?
I was hoping for something similar to Bresenham's circle algorithm, but for 3D instead of 2D.
FYI, I'm working on a hardware project that is a low-res 3D display using a 3-dimensional matrix of LEDs, so I need to actually draw a sphere, not just a 2D projection (i.e. circle).
The project is very similar to this:
... or see it in action here.
One possibility I have in mind is this:
calculate the Y coordinates of the poles (given the radius) (for a sphere centered in the origin, these would be -r and +r)
slice the sphere: for each horizontal plane pi between these coordinates, calculate the radius of the circle obtained by intersecting said plane with the sphere => ri.
draw the actual circle of radius ri on plane pi using Bresenham's algorithm.
FWIW, I'm using a .NET micro-framework microprocessor, so programming is C#, but I don't need answers to be in C#.
The simple, brute force method is to loop over every voxel in the grid and calculate its distance from the sphere center. Then color the voxel if its distance is less than the sphere radius. You can save a lot of instructions by eliminating the square root and comparing the dot product to the radius squared.
Pretty far from optimal, sure. But on an 8x8x8 grid as shown, you'll need to do this operation 512 times per sphere. If the sphere center is on the grid, and its radius is an integer, you only need integer math. The dot product is 3 multiplies and 2 adds. Multiplies are slow; let's say they take 4 instructions each. Plus you need a comparison. Add in the loads and stores, let's say it costs 20 instructions per voxel. That's 10240 instructions per sphere.
An Arduino running at 16 MHz could push 1562 spheres per second. Unless you're doing tons of other math and I/O, this algorithm should be good enough.
I don't believe running the midpoint circle algorithm on each layer will give the desired results once you reach the poles, as you will have gaps in the surface where LEDs are not lit. This may give the result you want, however, so that would be up to aesthetics. This post is based on using the midpoint circle algorithm to determine the radius of the layers through the middle two vertical octants, and then when drawing each of those circles also setting the points for the polar octants.
I think based on #Nick Udall's comment and answer here using the circle algorithm to determine radius of your horizontal slice will work with a modification I proposed in a comment on his answer. The circle algorithm should be modified to take as an input an initial error, and also draw the additional points for the polar octants.
Draw the standard circle algorithm points at y0 + y1 and y0 - y1: x0 +/- x, z0 +/- z, y0 +/- y1, x0 +/- z, z0 +/- x, y0 +/- y1, total 16 points. This forms the bulk of the vertical of the sphere.
Additionally draw the points x0 +/- y1, z0 +/- x, y0 +/- z and x0 +/- x, z0 +/- y1, y0 +/- z, total 16 points, which will form the polar caps for the sphere.
By passing the outer algorithm's error into the circle algorithm, it will allow for sub-voxel adjustment of each layer's circle. Without passing the error into the inner algorithm, the equator of the circle will be approximated to a cylinder, and each approximated sphere face on the x, y, and z axes will form a square. With the error included, each face given a large enough radius will be approximated as a filled circle.
The following code is modified from Wikipedia's Midpoint circle algorithm. The DrawCircle algorithm has the nomenclature changed to operate in the xz-plane, addition of the third initial point y0, the y offset y1, and initial error error0. DrawSphere was modified from the same function to take the third initial point y0 and calls DrawCircle rather than DrawPixel
public static void DrawCircle(int x0, int y0, int z0, int y1, int radius, int error0)
int x = radius, z = 0;
int radiusError = error0; // Initial error state passed in, NOT 1-x
while(x >= z)
// draw the 32 points here.
public static void DrawSphere(int x0, int y0, int z0, int radius)
int x = radius, y = 0;
int radiusError = 1-x;
while(x >= y)
// pass in base point (x0,y0,z0), this algorithm's y as y1,
// this algorithm's x as the radius, and pass along radius error.
DrawCircle(x0, y0, z0, y, x, radiusError);
For a sphere of radius 4 (which actually requires 9x9x9), this would run three iterations of the DrawCircle routine, with the first drawing a typical radius 4 circle (three steps), the second drawing a radius 4 circle with initial error of 0 (also three steps), and then the third drawing a radius 3 circle with initial error 0 (also three steps). That ends up being nine calculated points, drawing 32 pixels each.
That makes 32 (points per circle) x 3 (add or subtract operations per point) + 6 (add, subtract, shift operations per iteration) = 102 add, subtract, or shift operations per calculated point. In this example, that's 3 points for each circle = 306 operations per layer. The radius algorithm also adds 6 operations per layer and iterates 3 times, so 306 + 6 * 3 = 936 basic arithmetic operations for the example radius of 4.
The cost here is that you will repeatedly set some pixels without additional condition checks (i.e. x = 0, y = 0, or z = 0), so if your I/O is slow you may be better off adding the condition checks. Assuming all LEDs were cleared at the start, the example circle would set 288 LEDs, while there are many fewer LEDs that would actually be lit due to repeat sets.
It looks like this would perform better than the bruteforce method for all spheres that would fit in the 8x8x8 grid, but the bruteforce method would have consistent timing regardless of radius, while this method will slow down when drawing large radius spheres where only part will be displayed. As the display cube increases in resolution, however, this algorithm timing will stay consistent while bruteforce will increase.
Assuming that you already have a plot function like you said:
public static void DrawSphere(double r, int lats, int longs)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i <= lats; i++)
double lat0 = Math.PI * (-0.5 + (double)(i - 1) / lats);
double z0 = Math.Sin(lat0) * r;
double zr0 = Math.Cos(lat0) * r;
double lat1 = Math.PI * (-0.5 + (double)i / lats);
double z1 = Math.Sin(lat1) * r;
double zr1 = Math.Cos(lat1) * r;
for (j = 0; j <= longs; j++)
double lng = 2 * Math.PI * (double)(j - 1) / longs;
double x = Math.Cos(lng);
double y = Math.Sin(lng);
plot(x * zr0, y * zr0, z0);
plot(x * zr1, y * zr1, z1);
That function should plot a sphere at the origin with specified latitude and longitude resolution (judging by your cube you probably want something around 40 or 50 as a rough guess). This algorithm doesn't "fill" the sphere though, so it will only provide an outline, but playing with the radius should let you fill the interior, probably with decreasing resolution of the lats and longs along the way.
Just found an old q&a about generating a Sphere Mesh, but the top answer actually gives you a short piece of pseudo-code to generate your X, Y and Z :
(x, y, z) = (sin(Pi * m/M) cos(2Pi * n/N), sin(Pi * m/M) sin(2Pi * n/N), cos(Pi * m/M))
Check this Q&A for details :)
procedurally generate a sphere mesh
My solution uses floating point math instead of integer math not ideal but it works.
private static void DrawSphere(float radius, int posX, int poxY, int posZ)
// determines how far apart the pixels are
float density = 1;
for (float i = 0; i < 90; i += density)
float x1 = radius * Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 180);
float y1 = radius * Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 180);
for (float j = 0; j < 45; j += density)
float x2 = x1 * Math.Cos(j * Math.PI / 180);
float y2 = x1 * Math.Sin(j * Math.PI / 180);
int x = (int)Math.Round(x2) + posX;
int y = (int)Math.Round(y1) + posY;
int z = (int)Math.Round(y2) + posZ;
DrawPixel(x, y, z);
DrawPixel(x, y, -z);
DrawPixel(-x, y, z);
DrawPixel(-x, y, -z);
DrawPixel(z, y, x);
DrawPixel(z, y, -x);
DrawPixel(-z, y, x);
DrawPixel(-z, y, -x);
DrawPixel(x, -y, z);
DrawPixel(x, -y, -z);
DrawPixel(-x, -y, z);
DrawPixel(-x, -y, -z);
DrawPixel(z, -y, x);
DrawPixel(z, -y, -x);
DrawPixel(-z, -y, x);
DrawPixel(-z, -y, -x);

Plot ellipse from rectangle

I have been looking all over the Web for a way to plot an ellipse from rectangle coordinates, that is, top-left corner (x, y) and size (width and height). The only ones I can find everywhere are based on the Midpoint/Bresenham algorithm and I can't use that because when working with integer pixels, I lose precisions because these algorithms use a center point and radials.
The ellipse MUST be limited to the rectangle's coordinates, so if I feed it a rectangle where the width and height are 4 (or any even number), I should get an ellipse that completely fits in a 4x4 rectangle, and not one that will be 5x5 (like what those algorithms are giving me).
Does anyone know of any way to accomplish this?
Can you not get the width and height (divided by 2) and center of the rectangle then plug that into any ellipse drawing routine as its major, minor axis and center? I guess I'm not seeing the problem all the way here.
I had the same need. Here is my solution with code. The error is at most half a pixel.
I based my solution on the McIlroy ellipse algorithm, an integer-only algorithm which McIlroy mathematically proved to be accurate to a half-pixel, without missing or extra points, and correctly drawing degenerate cases such as lines and circles. L. Patrick further analyzed McIlroy's algorithm, including ways to optimize it and how a filled ellipse can be broken up into rectangles.
McIlroy's algorithm traces a path through one quadrant of the ellipse; the remaining quadrants are rendered through symmetry. Each step in the path requires three comparisons. Many of the other ellipse algorithms use octants instead, which require only two comparisons per step. However, octant-based methods have are notoriously inaccurate at the octant boundaries. The slight savings of one comparison is not worth the inaccuracy of the octant methods.
Like virtually every other integer ellipse algorithm, McIlroy's wants the center at integer coordinates, and the lengths of the axes a and b to be integers as well. However, we want to be able to draw an ellipse with a bounding box using any integer coordinates. A bounding box with an even width or even height will have a center on an integer-and-a-half coordinate, and a or b will be an integer-and-a-half.
My solution was to perform calculations using integers that are double of what is needed. Any variable starting with q is calculated from double pixel values. An even q variable is on an integer coordinate, and an odd q variable is at an integer-and-a-half coordinate. I then re-worked McIroy's math to get the correct mathematical expressions with these new doubled values. This includes modifying starting values when the bounding box has even width or height.
Behold, the subroutine/method drawEllipse given below. You provide it with the integer coordinates (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) of the bounding box. It doesn't care if x0 < x1 versus x0 > x1; it will swap them as needed. If you provide x0 == x1, your will get a vertical line. Similarly for the y0 and y1 coordinates. You also provide the boolean fill parameter, which draws only the ellipse outline if false, and draws a filled ellipse if true. You also have to provide the subroutines drawPoint(x, y) which draws a single point and drawRow(xleft, xright, y) which draws a horizontal line from xleft to xright inclusively.
McIlroy and Patrick optimize their code to fold constants, reuse common subexpressions, etc. For clarity, I didn't do that. Most compilers do this automatically today anyway.
void drawEllipse(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, boolean fill)
int xb, yb, xc, yc;
// Calculate height
yb = yc = (y0 + y1) / 2;
int qb = (y0 < y1) ? (y1 - y0) : (y0 - y1);
int qy = qb;
int dy = qb / 2;
if (qb % 2 != 0)
// Bounding box has even pixel height
// Calculate width
xb = xc = (x0 + x1) / 2;
int qa = (x0 < x1) ? (x1 - x0) : (x0 - x1);
int qx = qa % 2;
int dx = 0;
long qt = (long)qa*qa + (long)qb*qb -2L*qa*qa*qb;
if (qx != 0) {
// Bounding box has even pixel width
qt += 3L*qb*qb;
// Start at (dx, dy) = (0, b) and iterate until (a, 0) is reached
while (qy >= 0 && qx <= qa) {
// Draw the new points
if (!fill) {
drawPoint(xb-dx, yb-dy);
if (dx != 0 || xb != xc) {
drawPoint(xc+dx, yb-dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawPoint(xc+dx, yc+dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawPoint(xb-dx, yc+dy);
// If a (+1, 0) step stays inside the ellipse, do it
if (qt + 2L*qb*qb*qx + 3L*qb*qb <= 0L ||
qt + 2L*qa*qa*qy - (long)qa*qa <= 0L) {
qt += 8L*qb*qb + 4L*qb*qb*qx;
qx += 2;
// If a (0, -1) step stays outside the ellipse, do it
} else if (qt - 2L*qa*qa*qy + 3L*qa*qa > 0L) {
if (fill) {
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yc+dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yb-dy);
qt += 8L*qa*qa - 4L*qa*qa*qy;
qy -= 2;
// Else step (+1, -1)
} else {
if (fill) {
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yc+dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yb-dy);
qt += 8L*qb*qb + 4L*qb*qb*qx + 8L*qa*qa - 4L*qa*qa*qy;
qx += 2;
qy -= 2;
} // End of while loop
The image above shows the output for all bounding boxes up to size 10x10. I also ran the algorithm for all ellipses up to size 100x100. This produced 384614 points in the first quadrant. The error between where each of these points were plotted and where the actual ellipse occurs was calculated. The maximum error was 0.500000 (half a pixel) and the average error among all of the points was 0.216597.
The solution I found to this problem was to draw the closest smaller ellipse with odd dimensions, but pulled apart by a pixel along the even length dimension, repeating the middle pixels.
This can be done easily by using different middle points for the quadrants when plotting each pixel:
DrawPixel(midX_high + x, midY_high + y);
DrawPixel(midX_low - x, midY_high + y);
DrawPixel(midX_high + x, midY_low - y);
DrawPixel(midX_low - x, midY_low - y);
The high values are the ceil'ed midpoint, and the low values are the floored midpoint.
An image to illustrate, ellipses with width 15 and 16:

How to calculate an angle from three points? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Lets say you have this:
P1 = (x=2, y=50)
P2 = (x=9, y=40)
P3 = (x=5, y=20)
Assume that P1 is the center point of a circle. It is always the same.
I want the angle that is made up by P2 and P3, or in other words the angle that is next to P1. The inner angle to be precise. It will always be an acute angle, so less than -90 degrees.
I thought: Man, that's simple geometry math. But I have looked for a formula for around 6 hours now, and only find people talking about complicated NASA stuff like arccos and vector scalar product stuff. My head feels like it's in a fridge.
Some math gurus here that think this is a simple problem? I don't think the programming language matters here, but for those who think it does: java and objective-c. I need it for both, but haven't tagged it for these.
If you mean the angle that P1 is the vertex of then using the Law of Cosines should work:
+ P132 - P232) / (2 *
P12 * P13))
where P12 is the length of the segment from P1 to P2, calculated by
sqrt((P1x -
P2x)2 +
(P1y -
It gets very simple if you think it as two vectors, one from point P1 to P2 and one from P1 to P3
a = (p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y)
b = (p1.x - p3.x, p1.y - p3.y)
You can then invert the dot product formula:
to get the angle:
Remember that just means:
a1*b1 + a2*b2 (just 2 dimensions here...)
The best way to deal with angle computation is to use atan2(y, x) that given a point x, y returns the angle from that point and the X+ axis in respect to the origin.
Given that the computation is
double result = atan2(P3.y - P1.y, P3.x - P1.x) -
atan2(P2.y - P1.y, P2.x - P1.x);
i.e. you basically translate the two points by -P1 (in other words you translate everything so that P1 ends up in the origin) and then you consider the difference of the absolute angles of P3 and of P2.
The advantages of atan2 is that the full circle is represented (you can get any number between -π and π) where instead with acos you need to handle several cases depending on the signs to compute the correct result.
The only singular point for atan2 is (0, 0)... meaning that both P2 and P3 must be different from P1 as in that case doesn't make sense to talk about an angle.
Let me give an example in JavaScript, I've fought a lot with that:
* Calculates the angle (in radians) between two vectors pointing outward from one center
* #param p0 first point
* #param p1 second point
* #param c center point
function find_angle(p0,p1,c) {
var p0c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c.x-p0.x,2)+
Math.pow(c.y-p0.y,2)); // p0->c (b)
var p1c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c.x-p1.x,2)+
Math.pow(c.y-p1.y,2)); // p1->c (a)
var p0p1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1.x-p0.x,2)+
Math.pow(p1.y-p0.y,2)); // p0->p1 (c)
return Math.acos((p1c*p1c+p0c*p0c-p0p1*p0p1)/(2*p1c*p0c));
Bonus: Example with HTML5-canvas
Basically what you have is two vectors, one vector from P1 to P2 and another from P1 to P3. So all you need is an formula to calculate the angle between two vectors.
Have a look here for a good explanation and the formula.
If you are thinking of P1 as the center of a circle, you are thinking too complicated.
You have a simple triangle, so your problem is solveable with the law of cosines. No need for any polar coordinate tranformation or somesuch. Say the distances are P1-P2 = A, P2-P3 = B and P3-P1 = C:
Angle = arccos ( (B^2-A^2-C^2) / 2AC )
All you need to do is calculate the length of the distances A, B and C.
Those are easily available from the x- and y-coordinates of your points and
Pythagoras' theorem
Length = sqrt( (X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2 )
I ran into a similar problem recently, only I needed to differentiate between a positive and negative angles. In case this is of use to anyone, I recommend the code snippet I grabbed from this mailing list about detecting rotation over a touch event for Android:
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
float x = e.getX();
float y = e.getY();
switch (e.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
//find an approximate angle between them.
float dx = x-cx;
float dy = y-cy;
double a=Math.atan2(dy,dx);
float dpx= mPreviousX-cx;
float dpy= mPreviousY-cy;
double b=Math.atan2(dpy, dpx);
double diff = a-b;
this.bearing -= Math.toDegrees(diff);
mPreviousX = x;
mPreviousY = y;
return true;
Very Simple Geometric Solution with Explanation
Few days ago, a fell into the same problem & had to sit with the math book. I solved the problem by combining and simplifying some basic formulas.
Lets consider this figure-
We want to know ϴ, so we need to find out α and β first. Now, for any straight line-
y = m * x + c
Let- A = (ax, ay), B = (bx, by), and O = (ox, oy). So for the line OA-
oy = m1 * ox + c ⇒ c = oy - m1 * ox ...(eqn-1)
ay = m1 * ax + c ⇒ ay = m1 * ax + oy - m1 * ox [from eqn-1]
⇒ ay = m1 * ax + oy - m1 * ox
⇒ m1 = (ay - oy) / (ax - ox)
⇒ tan α = (ay - oy) / (ax - ox) [m = slope = tan ϴ] ...(eqn-2)
In the same way, for line OB-
tan β = (by - oy) / (bx - ox) ...(eqn-3)
Now, we need ϴ = β - α. In trigonometry we have a formula-
tan (β-α) = (tan β + tan α) / (1 - tan β * tan α) ...(eqn-4)
After replacing the value of tan α (from eqn-2) and tan b (from eqn-3) in eqn-4, and applying simplification we get-
tan (β-α) = ( (ax-ox)*(by-oy)+(ay-oy)*(bx-ox) ) / ( (ax-ox)*(bx-ox)-(ay-oy)*(by-oy) )
ϴ = β-α = tan^(-1) ( ((ax-ox)*(by-oy)+(ay-oy)*(bx-ox)) / ((ax-ox)*(bx-ox)-(ay-oy)*(by-oy)) )
That is it!
Now, take following figure-
This C# or, Java method calculates the angle (ϴ)-
private double calculateAngle(double P1X, double P1Y, double P2X, double P2Y,
double P3X, double P3Y){
double numerator = P2Y*(P1X-P3X) + P1Y*(P3X-P2X) + P3Y*(P2X-P1X);
double denominator = (P2X-P1X)*(P1X-P3X) + (P2Y-P1Y)*(P1Y-P3Y);
double ratio = numerator/denominator;
double angleRad = Math.Atan(ratio);
double angleDeg = (angleRad*180)/Math.PI;
angleDeg = 180+angleDeg;
return angleDeg;
In Objective-C you could do this by
float xpoint = (((atan2((newPoint.x - oldPoint.x) , (newPoint.y - oldPoint.y)))*180)/M_PI);
Or read more here
You mentioned a signed angle (-90). In many applications angles may have signs (positive and negative, see If the points are (say) P2(1,0), P1(0,0), P3(0,1) then the angle P3-P1-P2 is conventionally positive (PI/2) whereas the angle P2-P1-P3 is negative. Using the lengths of the sides will not distinguish between + and - so if this matters you will need to use vectors or a function such as Math.atan2(a, b).
Angles can also extend beyond 2*PI and while this is not relevant to the current question it was sufficiently important that I wrote my own Angle class (also to make sure that degrees and radians did not get mixed up). The questions as to whether angle1 is less than angle2 depends critically on how angles are defined. It may also be important to decide whether a line (-1,0)(0,0)(1,0) is represented as Math.PI or -Math.PI
Recently, I too have the same problem... In Delphi
It's very similar to Objective-C.
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
var ARect: TRect;
AWidth, AHeight: Integer;
ABasePoint: TPoint;
AAngle: Extended;
FCenter := Point(Width div 2, Height div 2);
AWidth := Width div 4;
AHeight := Height div 4;
ABasePoint := Point(FCenter.X+AWidth, FCenter.Y);
ARect := Rect(Point(FCenter.X - AWidth, FCenter.Y - AHeight),
Point(FCenter.X + AWidth, FCenter.Y + AHeight));
AAngle := ArcTan2(ClickPoint.Y-Center.Y, ClickPoint.X-Center.X) * 180 / pi;
AngleLabel.Caption := Format('Angle is %5.2f', [AAngle]);
Canvas.MoveTo(FCenter.X, FCenter.Y);
Canvas.LineTo(FClickPoint.X, FClickPoint.Y);
Canvas.MoveTo(FCenter.X, FCenter.Y);
Canvas.LineTo(ABasePoint.X, ABasePoint.Y);
Here's a C# method to return the angle (0-360) anticlockwise from the horizontal for a point on a circle.
public static double GetAngle(Point centre, Point point1)
// Thanks to Dave Hill
// Turn into a vector (from the origin)
double x = point1.X - centre.X;
double y = point1.Y - centre.Y;
// Dot product u dot v = mag u * mag v * cos theta
// Therefore theta = cos -1 ((u dot v) / (mag u * mag v))
// Horizontal v = (1, 0)
// therefore theta = cos -1 (u.x / mag u)
// nb, there are 2 possible angles and if u.y is positive then angle is in first quadrant, negative then second quadrant
double magnitude = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
double angle = 0;
if(magnitude > 0)
angle = Math.Acos(x / magnitude);
angle = angle * 180 / Math.PI;
if (y < 0)
angle = 360 - angle;
return angle;
function p(x, y) {return {x,y}}
function normaliseToInteriorAngle(angle) {
if (angle < 0) {
angle += (2*Math.PI)
if (angle > Math.PI) {
angle = 2*Math.PI - angle
return angle
function angle(p1, center, p2) {
const transformedP1 = p(p1.x - center.x, p1.y - center.y)
const transformedP2 = p(p2.x - center.x, p2.y - center.y)
const angleToP1 = Math.atan2(transformedP1.y, transformedP1.x)
const angleToP2 = Math.atan2(transformedP2.y, transformedP2.x)
return normaliseToInteriorAngle(angleToP2 - angleToP1)
function toDegrees(radians) {
return 360 * radians / (2 * Math.PI)
console.log(toDegrees(angle(p(-10, 0), p(0, 0), p(0, -10))))
there IS a simple answer for this using high school math..
Let say that you have 3 points
To get angle from point A to B
angle = atan2(A.x - B.x, B.y - A.y)
To get angle from point B to C
angle2 = atan2(B.x - C.x, C.y - B.y)
Answer = 180 + angle2 - angle
If (answer < 0){
return answer + 360
return answer
I just used this code in the recent project that I made, change the B to P1.. you might as well remove the "180 +" if you want
well, the other answers seem to cover everything required, so I would like to just add this if you are using JMonkeyEngine:
as that is what I came here looking for :)
Atan2 output in degrees
PI/2 +90
| |
| |
PI ---.--- 0 +180 ---.--- 0
| |
| |
-PI/2 +270
public static double CalculateAngleFromHorizontal(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY)
var atan = Math.Atan2(endY - startY, endX - startX); // Angle in radians
var angleDegrees = atan * (180 / Math.PI); // Angle in degrees (can be +/-)
if (angleDegrees < 0.0)
angleDegrees = 360.0 + angleDegrees;
return angleDegrees;
// Angle from point2 to point 3 counter clockwise
public static double CalculateAngle0To360(double centerX, double centerY, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
var angle2 = CalculateAngleFromHorizontal(centerX, centerY, x2, y2);
var angle3 = CalculateAngleFromHorizontal(centerX, centerY, x3, y3);
return (360.0 + angle3 - angle2)%360;
// Smaller angle from point2 to point 3
public static double CalculateAngle0To180(double centerX, double centerY, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
var angle = CalculateAngle0To360(centerX, centerY, x2, y2, x3, y3);
if (angle > 180.0)
angle = 360 - angle;
return angle;
