This is probably pretty straightforward but I'm stuck for hours...
I don't a code example but I'll keep it simple.
My app looks into a folder and checks if STL files exist based on a selectizeinput.
Then, it plots the STL without an issue.
However, the amount of STL in the folder is scarce compared to the selectize options.
My goal is to have an if statement that outputs the STL if there an STL file (so far, so good...) and outputs a 2D image (something like 404 file not found).
I looked at rgl documentation and this last part (2D image) is where I can't seem to figure out how to plot it...
Hopefully I was clear and someone can point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
Here is an example of code to clarify
# Load filenames in STL folder
stl_files <- list.files("~www/STL/", pattern = ".stl", full.names = F)
if (is.null(input$slider1) || length(input$slider1) < 1 || input$slider1 == F || input$slider1 == "$0" || (paste0(input$slider1[1],".stl") %in% stl_files) == F ){
output$"3D-plot_1" <- renderRglwidget({
# here I would like to plot a 2D image in case the stl file does not exit and this where I'm stuck.
} else {
# Create STL Plot
output$"3D-plot_1" <- renderRglwidget({
stl_1 <- readSTL(con = paste0("~www/STL/", input$slider1, ".stl"), ascii = F, plot = F)
stl_centered_1 <- scale(stl_1, center = T, scale = F)
rgl::triangles3d(stl_centered_1, aspect = "iso", col = "grey")
scene1 <- scene3d()
I am working on drawing graphs on the terminal itself from inside a go code.I found this ( in golang. And used this( to draw graph in my code.
Problem is this , as we can see in the code( ), they are passing g0,g1,g2,g3 all together in the end "termui.Render(g0, g1, g2, g3, g4)".
In my case I don't know how many gauges to draw before hand so I used a list to store gauge objects and then tried to pass list to render.
But it creates only one gauge.
This is how I am appending elements in the list.
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
g0 := termui.NewGauge()
g0.Percent = i
g0.Width = 50
g0.Height = 3
g0.BorderLabel = "Slim Gauge"
chartList = append(chartList, g0)
what I am getting is a gauge for i=4 only. when I am doing termui.Render(chartList...)
Am I doing something wrong?
PS - I have modified question based on the answer I got in this question.
Here is a good read on Variadic Functions
Take a look at the function signature of Render,
func Render(bs ...Bufferer) {
All you need to do is
assuming chartList is a []Bufferer
You are only seeing one because they are stacking on top of one-another. To see this add
g0.Height = 3
g0.Y = i * g0.Height // <-- add this line
g0.BorderLabel = "Slim Gauge"
From a quick review of the project, it appears there are ways for auto-arranging that have to do with creating rows (and probably columns). So you might want to explore that, or you will need to manually position your elements.
I'm reading in 3d arrays, subtracting all of them from one of them, and trying to save the results as the same type of arrays. They are all equal sizes to each other, 1888x3520x6.
Here is the piece of code that I have:
[FileName,PathName,FilterIndex] = uigetfile('*.x3d*','MultiSelect','on');
numfiles = size(FileName,2);
entirefile1 =fullfile(PathName,FileName{1})
Im1 = x3dread(entirefile1);
for j = 2:numfiles
entirefile2 =fullfile(PathName,FileName{j})
Im2 = x3dread(entirefile2);
J = num2str(j);
strcat('ImDelta', J);
ImDelta = imsubtract(Im1, Im2);
I see that I'm creating a character sring by using strcat. But I'm not making it into a new file name. Only one file is resulting at the end of the loop.
(x3dread function is similar to "load" for working with images, only it is specifically written to handle the type of the 3dimention files that I have.)
Any help is appreciated. I'm just a beginner.
I have a load of data in 100 .sdf files (labelled 0000.sdf to 0099.sdf), each of which contain a still image, and I'm trying to produce a .gif from these images.
The code I use to plot the figure are (in the same directory as the sdf files):
q = GetDataSDF('0000.sdf');
I've attempted to write a for loop that would plot the figure and then save it with the same filename as the sdf file but to no avail, using:
for a = 1:100
fh = imagesc(');
frm = getframe( fh );
% save as png image
saveas(fh, 'current_frame_%02d.jpg');
EDIT: I received the following errors when trying to run this code:
Error using hg.image/get
The name 'Units' is not an accessible property for an instance of class 'image'.
Error in getframe>Local_getRectanglesOfInterest (line 138)
if ~strcmpi(get(h, 'Units'), 'Pixels')
Error in getframe (line 56)
[offsetRect, absoluteRect, figPos, figOuterPos] = ...
Error in loop_code (line 4)
frm = getframe( fh );
How do I save these files using a for loop, and how do I then use those files to produce a movie?
The reason for the error is that you pass an image handle to getframe, but this function excpects a figure handle.
Another problem is that you always load the same file, and that you saveas will not work for gifs. (For saving figures as static images, maybe print is the better option?)
I tried to modify my own gif-writing loop so that it works with your data. I'll try to be extra explicit in the comments, since you seem to be starting out. Remember, you can always use help name_of_command to display a short Matlab help.
% Define a variable that holds the frames per second your "movie" should have
gif_fps = 24;
% Define string variable that holds the filename of your movie
video_filename = 'video.gif';
% Create figure 1, store the handle in a variable, you'll need it later
fh = figure(1);
for a = 0:99
% Prepare file name so that you loop over the data
q = GetDataSDF(['00' num2str(a,'%02d') 'sdf']);
% Plot image
% Force Matlab to actually do the plot (it sometimes gets lazy in loops)
% Take a "screenshot" of the figure fh
frame = getframe(fh);
% Turn screenshot into image
im = frame2im(frame);
% Turn image into indexed image (the gif format needs this)
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
% If first loop iteration: Create the file, else append to it
if a == 0;
imwrite(imind,cm,video_filename,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf);
One more note: When the size of the data is the same for each plot, it makes sense to only use the plot(or in this case, imagesc) command once, and in later loop iterations replace it with a set(ah,'Ydata',new_y_data) (or in this case set(ah,'CData','), where ah is a handle of the plot axes (not the plot figure!). This is orders of magnitude faster than creating a whole new plot in each loop iteration. The downside is that the scaling (here, the color-scaling) will be the same for each plot. But in every case that I have worked on so far, that was actually desirable.
I would like to create an animation which enables the user to go backward and forward through the steps of simulation.
An animation has to simulate the iterative process of channel decoding (a receiver receives a block of bits, performs an operation and then checks if the block corresponds to parity rules. If the block doesn't correspond the operation is performed again and the process finally ends when the code corresponds to a given rules).
I have written the functions which perform the decoding process and return a m x n x i matrix where m x n is the block of data and i is the iteration index. So if it takes 3 iterations to decode the data the function returns a m x n x 3 matrix with each step is stired.
In the GUI (.fig file) I put a "decode" button which runs the method for decoding and there are buttons "back" and "forward" which have to enable the user to switch between the data of recorded steps.
I have stored the "decodedData" matrix and currentStep value as a global variable so by clicking "forward" and "next" buttons the indices have to change and point to appropriate step states.
When I tried to debug the application the method returned the decoded data but when I tried to click "back" and "next" the decoded data appeared not to be declared.
Does anyone know how is it possible to access (or store) the results of the functions in order to enable the described logic which I want to implement in Matlab GUI?
Ultimately, this is a scoping of variables problem.
Global variables is rarely the right answer.
This video discusses the handles structure in GUIDE:
This video discusses sharing of variables between GUIs and could apply to a single GUI problem also.
The trick is to use nested functions so that they share the same workspace. Since I already started with an example in your last question, now I'm simply adding GUI controls to enable going forward/backward interactively, in addition to play/stop the animation:
function testAnimationGUI()
%# coordinates
t = (0:.01:2*pi)'; %# 'fix SO syntax highlight
D = [cos(t) -sin(t)];
%# setup a figure and axis
hFig = figure('Backingstore','off', 'DoubleBuffer','on');
hAx = axes('Parent',hFig, 'XLim',[-1 1], 'YLim',[-1 1], ...
'Drawmode','fast', 'NextPlot','add');
axis(hAx, 'off','square')
%# draw circular path
line(D(:,1), D(:,2), 'Color',[.3 .3 .3], 'LineWidth',1);
%# initialize point
hLine = line('XData',D(1,1), 'YData',D(1,2), 'EraseMode','xor', ...
'Color','r', 'marker','.', 'MarkerSize',50);
%# init text
hTxt = text(0, 0, num2str(t(1)), 'FontSize',12, 'EraseMode','xor');
animation = false;
hBeginButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[1 1 30 20], ...
'String','<<', 'Callback',#beginButton_callback);
hPrevButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[30 1 30 20], ...
'String','<', 'Callback',#previousButton_callback);
hNextButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[60 1 30 20], ...
'String','>', 'Callback',#nextButton_callback);
hEndButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[90 1 30 20], ...
'String','>>', 'Callback',#endButton_callback);
hSlider = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Style','slider', 'Value',1, 'Min',1,...
'Max',numel(t), 'SliderStep', [10 100]./numel(t), ...
'Position',[150 1 300 20], 'Callback',#slider_callback);
hPlayButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[500 1 30 20], ...
'String','|>', 'Callback',#playButton_callback);
hStopButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[530 1 30 20], ...
'String','#', 'Callback',#stopButton_callback);
%#----------- NESTED CALLBACK FUNCTIONS -----------------
function beginButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
function endButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
function nextButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
i = i+1;
if ( i > numel(t) ), i = 1; end
function previousButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
i = i-1;
if ( i < 1 ), i = numel(t); end
function slider_callback(hObj, eventdata)
i = round( get(gcbo,'Value') );
function playButton_callback(hObj, eventdata)
animation = true;
while animation
i = i+1;
if ( i > numel(t) ), i = 1; end
function stopButton_callback(hObj, eventdata)
animation = false;
function updateCircle(idx)
set(hSlider, 'Value', rem(idx-1,numel(t))+1) %# update slider to match
set(hLine,'XData',D(idx,1), 'YData',D(idx,2)) %# update X/Y data
set(hTxt,'String',num2str(t(idx))) %# update angle text
drawnow %# force refresh
if ~ishandle(hAx), return; end %# check valid handle
You might find the slider functionality a bit buggy, but you get the idea :)