How do I get a Mac ".command" file to automatically quit after running a shell script? - macos

In my shell script, my last lines are:
echo "$l" done
I have Terminal preference set to "When the shell exits: Close the window". In all other cases, when I type "exit" or "logout", in Terminal, the window closes, but for this ".command" file (I can double-click on my shell script file, and the script runs), instead of closing the window, while the file's code says "exit", what shows on the screen is:
$l done
[Process completed]
...and the window remains open. Does anyone know how to get a shell script to run, and then just automatically quit the Terminal window on completion?

I was finally able to track down an answer to this. Similar to cobbal's answer, it invokes AppleScript, but since it's the only window that I'd have open, and I want to run my script as a quick open-and-close operation, this more brutish approach, works great for me.
Within the ".command" script itself, "...add this line to your script at the end"
osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to quit' &

This worked perfectly for me.. it just closes that execution window leaving other terminal windows open
Just open Terminal and go to Terminal > Preferences > Settings > Shell: > When the shell exits: -> Close if the shell exited cleanly
Then just add exit; at the end of your file.

Use the 'Terminal > Preferences > Settings > Shell: > When the shell exits: -> Close if the shell exited cleanly' option mentioned above, but put
exit 0
as the last line of your command file. That ensures the script really does 'exit cleanly' - otherwise if the previous command doesn't return success then the window won't close.

Short of having to use the AppleScript solutions above, this is the only shell script solution that worked (exit didn't), even if abruptly, for me (tested in OS X 10.9):
echo "$l" done
killall Terminal
Of course this will kill all running Terminal instances, so if you were working on a Terminal window before launching the script, it will be terminated as well. Luckily, relaunching Terminal gets you to a "Restored" state but, nevertheless, this must be considered only for edge cases and not as a clean solution.

There is a setting for this in the Terminal application. Unfortunately, it is relative to all Terminal windows, not only those launched via .command file.

you could use some applescript hacking for this:
tell application "Terminal"
repeat with i from 1 to number of windows
if (number of (tabs of (item i of windows) whose tty is "/dev/ttys002")) is not 0 then
close item i of windows
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
replacing /dev/ttys002 with your tty

I'm using the following command in my script
quit -n terminal
Of course you have to have the terminal set to never prompt before closing.


Keep terminal open at the end of bash script

I'm trying to run a bash script from cmd. When I execute the script a new terminal is opened an immediately closed since there is some problem with it. Because its happening so fast I can't read the problem. I'm looking for a way to keep the terminal open once the script exits.
Go horribly Windows-y with this:
read -p "Press any key to continue" x
You can also put a $SHELL in a new line at the end of your script. The window will stay open, no matter from where you open your shell script (e.g. cmd / powershell / etc).
Add bash at the end of the script
It works for me.
to test a .sh script in windows cmd (assuming you have bash installed and in your path environment variable):
cd into parent directory,
type "bash" to enter bash console,
type "./",
type "exit" to exit bash console

Mac: gnome-terminal equivalent for shell script

I am trying to run a shell script in a MAC terminal. I want to open a new terminal window that will execute the script separate from the program that is running. In Fedora, there is a gnome-terminal command which lets me execute a script in another terminal shell.
Does anyone know an equivalent on MAX OSX and how to use it?
For example say I have a script and I want to call this from a program that is executing but in a separate terminal from the one which is currently executing the program.
I like DigitalTrauma's answer but I found for my use, this worked better
open -a
Thanks for the answers.
One way to do it is to use an xterm instead of a terminal window:
xterm -e
If you want the xterm to stay open after the script completes, use the -hold option to xterm.
But if you really need to do this in a terminal, you can do it with applescript:
tell application "Terminal"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "n" using command down
repeat while contents of selected tab of window 1 starts with linefeed
delay 0.1
end repeat
do script "" in window 1 -- make sure the path to your script is right
end tell
(Credit to the answer here

Check if there are any running processes in the current tab of terminal

I have a script that opens up as many terminal tabs as are devices plugged in, then it runs tests on those devices. I would like to clean up all the terminal tabs after my tests are done. I run some things in the background, and I don't know when each process will be done.
How can I check if there are process running in the current tab of terminal?
I plan to do a Command W in AppleScript to kill each terminal command after each tab of terminal has no running processes.
If you use AppleScript, you can check the busy property:
tell application "Terminal"
repeat with t in tabs of windows
if busy of t is false then
do script "exit" in t
end if
end repeat
end tell
exit closes a tab if you set "Preferences > Settings > Shell > When the shell exits" to "Close the window".
One simple solution would be to take each command that you're running in a terminal and append "; exit" (Without the quotes) to it.
For example, if one of your commands was "ls", you would change it to "ls; exit".
Unfortunately, this doesn't work if you want to leave the terminal windows up to see results of what's being displayed. That can be solved by outputting the results of the first commands to some file, though.
Again using the example of ls, you could run "ls >> testfile.txt; exit" to output the results of ls to a file, and then have the terminal window close after it finishes executing.
You can use "jobs" to check if there are any processes running in the background.

Applescript to open Terminal window without sourcing ~/.bash_profile

I am trying to use Platypus to create an app launcher for an interactive command-line program on OSX 10.8. I want to be able to double-click on my application, and have a Terminal window open, running my program. The problem is that my Applescript, (borrowed from Octave, and adapted for Julia) launches a Terminal window and attempts to spit some commands into it, however I have a rather hefty ~/.bash_profile that interferes with this. Is there a way to get my Applescript to open a non-login shell, or not source ~/.bash_profile, etc?
Here's the script that Platypus runs:
# This is the startup procedure written as AppleScript to open a
# (if the is not already running) and start
# the Julia program.
# 20071007 removed: open -a /Applications/Utilities/
osascript 2>&1>/dev/null <<EOF
tell application "System Events" to set ProcessList to get name of every process
tell application "Terminal"
if (ProcessList contains "Terminal") or ((count of every window) is less than 1) then
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "n" using command down
end if
do script ("exec bash -c \"PATH=${ROOT}/julia/bin:${PATH} OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 FONTCONFIG_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/etc/fonts GIT_EXEC_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/libexec/git-core GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR=${ROOT}/julia/share/git-core exec '${ROOT}/julia/bin/julia'\"") in front window
end tell
# Quit the Julia.application immediately after startup (ie. quitting
# it in the taskbar) because once it is started it cannot be restarted
# a second time. If stays (eg. because of a crash) opened
# then restarting is not possible.
osascript 2>&1>/dev/null <<EOF
tell application "julia"
end tell
In general, you don't need a Terminal window to execute command line stuff. You would only use the Terminal if there was information you need to manually type in by hand. So you can probably just run the command using "do shell script" instead of "do script" in a Terminal window. Note that doing it this way won't use your bash profile file. So try this command all by itself in the applescript...
do shell script ("exec bash -c \"PATH=${ROOT}/julia/bin:${PATH} OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 FONTCONFIG_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/etc/fonts GIT_EXEC_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/libexec/git-core GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR=${ROOT}/julia/share/git-core exec '${ROOT}/julia/bin/julia'\"")
Then you can add your other applescript commands as needed, just don't use the Terminal and thus your bash profile won't be used.

Mac OS X: Bring (non-bundle) GUI applications to foreground when launched from the command line

When a GUI process is launched from the OS X terminal, the window shows up in the background, and you have to use command-tab to give it focus.
Is there a way to make the terminal automatically give such GUIs focus after they are launched?
For example (assuming gitk is installed):
% gitk
should launch the GUI and then switch to it.
Note: For several reasons, using open as this answer suggests is not a general solution.
Update: To better explain why the open method isn't satisfactory, here's a sample bash session (with witty commentary).
% cd /my_repo
% gitk
Waiting for the GUI to appear ... any day now ... oh wait -- it's already open. I just didn't notice because it opened a window BEHIND my terminal. I wonder how long I was going to sit here waiting....
% open gitk
The file /my_repo/gitk does not exist.
Ah, of course.
% which gitk
% open /usr/bin/gitk
What the ... it opened a new terminal window to run gitk, and it did so in my home directory, not /my_repo, so gitk complains that the current directory isn't actually a repository...
Do you need to invoke it synchronously? If not, you could start it asynchronously with & and then activate it with osascript -e 'tell application "gitk" to activate'.
If you are dealing with gitk specifically you can edit the gitk file to achieve this, I posted an answer on the apple stack exchange:
You can find the gitk file using the following command from the terminal
which gitk
In my gitk file I found a line that looks like the following near the top (line 3)
exec wish "$0" -- "$#"
I changed it to this
exec wish "$0" -- "$#" & exec osascript -e "tell application \"Wish\" to activate"
When I execute gitk from the command line the gitk window comes to the foreground, another side effect of this is that it executes asynchronously
You can wrap up #chris page's answer in a bash function and drop it in your .bashrc
function gitk() {
command gitk "$#"&
command osascript -e "delay .5" -e "tell application \"wish\" to activate"
There should be a way to get rid of the delay by looping and looking for 'wish' with a timeout.
NOTE: 'Wish' is the window title that shows up on my Mac for gitk.
