Vetical and Horizontally Align an image in a box - image

The problem:
I have a set width and height image Lets say height:160px; width:200px; with an image in each box.
The image can vary in size but I need a solution that will always center the image vertically and horizontally within the box no matter what it's size.
Horizontal doesn't seem to be a problem by using margin: 0 auto but vertical is proving difficult. I have tried vertical align: center but this doesnt appear to work either
Any help is appriciated

center is not a valid value for vertical-align (you're probably confusing it with middle). Still, vertical-align isn't the correct method here and is often a misunderstood property. I've recommended the following site a few times and it should help you, too:


Xcode 8 Auto Layout Constraints not working as expected. Very basic setup with centering plus an issue with pins. Video attached

I am having trouble getting a grasp on how auto-layout constraints work. In theory, one should be able to add a label to the storyboard, then assign a horizontal centre constraint and it should be centred on all devices, correct? However, when I do that, it does NOT stay centred UNLESS I also add a vertical spacing constraint. However, if I test the app it IS centred (without the vertical spacing constraint). This is causing me great confusion.
Secondly, if I add a text input, expand it to full width, then add pin the left and right side, it does NOT maintain the pins in other views. And instead there is this dotted box inside a solid orange line box which is centred, but the element itself is not.
I am at a loss please help. I have attached a video of me doing it in Xcode. Both issues are in there First the centring issue, next to the pinning issue. Thank you!
-- Red lines mean Constraints are ambiguous. Yellow means warning, Its show you the runtime demonstration of view.
View need four constraint to satisfy its full position.
x, y, width and height
When you give only center horizontally constraint, this is not enough you have to specify the y position as well. Label get its width and height from its text length and text font size.
Though constraints are ambiguous and in preview you are not getting correct result but once you give center constraint, it will be center at runtime.
Run the app and it should be in center horizontally.

iText - Image border width changes based upon image

I'm adding borders to various images in a .pdf document. The borders all have the same width, but in the .pdf the borders have different widths. It is more pronounced as the width of the border increases.
Also, is there a way to move the border outside of the image, so that it is not covering any of the image using the methods of the image class? I realize I can first put a filled rectangle and then add the image on top of the rectangle as an option. Just curious as to if this can be done with methods from the Image class.
Here is the code snippet;
canvas = pdfw.getDirectContent();
image = Image.getInstance("a.JPG");
image = Image.getInstance("b.jpg");
I fear you'll have to work with the workaround you described.
There are two ways to define a border for an image:
This is the default. This is what you have (even though you aren't calling the method explicitly).
In this case, the thickness of the border is distributed in a way that half of the line width is inside the rectangle and half of the line width is outside of the rectangle. Maybe that's what's causing the effect that the difference you notice is more pronounced as the border width increases.
Then there is:
Now the borders will be drawn inside the area needed for the image. This is useful for tables (both PdfPCell and Image are subclasses of the Rectangle class where these methods are defined), but I fear it doesn't help you in the case of images.
So your best chance is to add the border using a workaround.

Image sprite slide on hover - responsive?

I want to show another image on hover and due to the layout of the homepage I need to use sprite to do it. I've got it working fine, but I'm using fixed width and height for the container.
You can see my JSFiddle here:
The problem arises when I want to make it responsive. I can use max-width: 100%, but what about the height?
OK, this solution is based on the known fact that some properties like padding-top and margin-top, when given values in percentage, are calculated based on the width of an element rather than its height.
Making an element “as high” as required by the known dimensions of a responsive image can be done by using padding-top – I used a value of 66.54% here based on your image’s dimensions (half the image height divided by the width, times 100) to span the container element up to the required height.
Now normally to display the upper half of an image first, and then the second half on hover, I would use absolute positioning – but we can’t use top here, since a value in percentage for that property would be based on the height. But luckily, as already mentioned, margin-top is one of those properties where percentage is calculated based on the width – so we can use margin-top: -66.54% here to “pull” the image up over its container’s padding first to show its upper half, and then double that (margin-top: -133.1%) to pull it up even further on hover, to show its lower half.

maintaining correct aspect ratio on full screen height image

I have two divs with width of 30% and 70% and fixed height as height:100vh; Because the project needs to have the slider to be always the height of the screen you are looking at.
But I cant seem to figure out how to fix the aspect ratio of the images? As you can see in the test link that the images are narrow?
here is the link : [broken link removed]
note that this is the prototype that I am building so its still ugly as **** :)
and sorry im not too good at coding (still learning)
Your image is stretching because you've set both the width and height to 100%, so the browser is making the image width fit the div width (which is thinner than the aspect ratio of your image).
The quick fix is to amend your CSS as follows:
.cycle-slideshow img {
width: auto;
height: 100vh;
This tells the browser to set the height to 100% and then resize the width accordingly to keep the image the correct aspect ratio.
Although, you may want some fall back for if the browser window is much wider than it is tall, as then you'll see the edge of the image.

Use 8 individual border images instead of border-image in CSS

I've been provided with 8 individual images (top left, top, top right etc) for a border around the main (fixed width) content box. If I was given a single image, I'd use border-image.
What's the best way to use the 8 images? Divs with absolute positioning? Or is it such a pain I should just combine them into one?
What's so hard about combining the images into one? It has numerous other advantages, like reducing the number of HTTP requests the client needs to make, for example.
An alternative is to use CSS3's multiple background image feature, where you'd set each image as a layer in your box.
Eric Myer used a technique whereby (just to explain technique) the image was a little circle. Then, that was the background graphic in four separate divs each abs positioned in the corners of a containing div w/relative position. Background position was changed for each and a regular border was used for the straight lines in effect getting rounded corners. The circle had to be filled with white or whatever bckgrnd color you used.
This way, one could expand. You still need to have the height expand should changes occur, right?
I'd make one for the top and bottom and a third that repeats on the Y for the middle, that way your box will expand if content is added. Height that is.
