growl example windows 7 - growl

I grabbed the growl for .NET on this page
i ran the examples and nothing happened. Am i suppose to do something before running the example? I am using windows 7.

that project is an example of how to send a notification. in order for anything to happen, you also have to have something to receive the notification. in other words, you have to have Growl for Windows installed and running as well.


Show desktop notifications on Windows with Ruby

is there a way to display desktop notifications on Ruby when something happened? Something like notify-send. I saw one gem to do this with Ruby but I'm not sure if it works on Windows. Do I have to explicitly use C# to do this on Windows?

Run two APKs together - and have them detect each other

What I'm attempting to do is run Complete Linux Installer on a Chromebook through ARCwelder. The app runs as it should, but requires androidVNC and Android Terminal Emulator - both of which I've 'welded' to run and work as they should.
My problem is that the main app, Complete Linux Installer, will not detect the terminal app when it is running. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is. I'm beginning to think Google hasn't gone as far as allowing apps to communicate with each other through Chrome.
Complete Linux Installer Screenshot
If anyone knows why this happens, whether or not it's useless info, please let me know. There's not a lot on the web about welding APKs for Chrome - unless there's a forum dedicated to it that I've yet to discover. Also, I've read 29583906, but it doesn't say exactly how to combine the apps. Am I missing something?

How to set local notification on Mac OS X?

I'm writing an app for mac os x, and I have to display a notification every day, to remind users about something. The notification should appear even if the app isn't running, and I can't use push notification.
I guess the best solution would be local notification, just like on iOS. Also I know UILocalNotification is available on iOS only. But I think there should be an alternative solution.
Can anybody please point me in the right direction? Is it even possible? If yes, what is the best practice to do this?
Local notifications support, very similar to iOS local notifications, has been added in MacOS 10.8 (Mountain Lion). See MacOSX10.8/Frameworks/Foundation.Framework/NSUserNotification.h for more information. Quick usage example could be found here.
The notification should appear even if the app isn't running
Well, something will still have to be running to send the actual notification. Mostly helper programs are used for this (separate executable binaries that are added as launch agents or launch daemons). So I'm suggesting you create a daemon-like helper program that would be added as launch daemon on a per-user basis. You can also look at shared file list api to see how can it be added to user's login items.

SDL.Net application not working without SDL.NET SDK

I have a game that I have made in C# and it installs and runs as expected under Windows XP. However when I install it on a Windows 7 machine, then it either simply doesn't work (without any error message) or it gives a generic error message. Is there anything special that I have to do in order to be able to use SDL.Net with a Windows 7 computer?
UPDATE: I have just been informed that it doesn't even work on XP. Both XP machines I tried it on had SDL.NET installed (I didn't know that one of them already had it when I used it for testing). So pretty much if SDL.NET SDK is not installed on a computer my program doesn't work. Does anyone have some insight into what exactly needs to accompany my program from SDL in order to make it work properly? right now I have all the base SDL_*.dll and SdlDotNet.dll and Tao.Sdl.dll. More needed? Or is there some kind of SDL runtime that I have to install with my program in order to use it? I am really stuck with this one.
Have you tried running it as admin? I don't mean happening to be logged in as an admin account, I mean right click the exe and Run As Administrator? If you do that and don't get the error, then your problem will be quite easily solved, without requiring it to always Run As Admin.
Added every Dll including those that weren't explicitly needed and it now works. Apparently there are some hidden links between dll's that I didn't know about.

Windows hangs during headless build

We are trying to automate a build of one of our products which includes a step where it packages some things with WISE. At one point WISE pops up a window with a progress bar on it to show how it is doing. If one is connected to the machine with remote desktop the build works fine but if one is not connected the build stalls until you reconnect at which point the window opens and the build progresses. Does anybody know of a work around for this? Some way of tricking windows into believing that there is a desktop session connected?
Sorry for yet another guess - but I had a problem with a wise installer locking up. It was because WISE had installed a "font" and so broadcast a "system config changed" message. My DELL had a Dell utility running on it that had a message queue it wasn't reading from so the broadcast locked up the installer. WISE made a new version for me that did an async broadcast instead to fix the problem. It's possible that there's an app on your system that doesn't bother reading its msg queue when there is no desktop.
Finally the answer: check you have the latest patches for your WISE installer. In particular, look for patches that fix lock-ups related to the windowing system.
What version are you using? Looking at the feature set, it looks like their "std" version might be limited. Perhaps unattended installs require the Pro version?
That's just a guess....
Regardless, I wonder whether you could simply code up an auto-run task for the box that calls
CreateDesktop to pretend there's an interactive login?
I found a CreateDesktop example
that's about desktop switching, and an example about unattended installs -- you might be able to use one of them as a starting point to "fake out" WISE :)
It might be worth a try...
