capistrano is only run for servers matching - ruby

I am trying to write a capistrano task that will backup databases on multiple servers. The bash script that backs up the databases is on my local machine. However capistrano outputs this error message:
`backup' is only run for servers matching {}, but no servers matched
I am new to capistrano, is there some kind of setting I can set so that I can just run local commands.

Without a little more information, it's difficult to say exactly what the problem might be. It sounds to me like you're trying to run a bash script that's on your local computer on several remote servers. This is not something that Capistrano can do. It will run commands on remote servers, but only if the commands are present on those servers. If your bash script is something that needs to be run from the database server, you'll need to upload the script to those servers before running with with Capistrano. If, on the other hand, you're trying to run a script that connects to those servers itself, there's no reason to involve Capistrano. Running commands over an ssh connection is what it's designed for. If you could post the your Capfile, including the tasks you are trying to run, we might be able to give you more specific assistance.


How can I test a bash script for setting up a new machine

I have a couple bash scripts to automate the setup process for a new devices e.g. installing packages, configuring environment variables, etc.
I'm working on making the process more automated with autoexpect, and adding a few thing other things; however, it's difficult to test since every time I run the install script I have to manually go back an undo the changes that were made from running the script. Is there a way to run the scripts without actually installing anything so I can observe the behaviour for testing? something like the --dry-run option with rsync
for configuring your machine and being able to test this quickly and knowing you won't cause problems to your PC locally, create a VM using Virtual box or VMwWare player and then snapshot the VM so you can revert back to the state before you run the script, and then you can run your script on this VM, and check what configuration has been applied successfully.

How to automatically git pull and rebuild app on remote server when required?

When i want to update my app running on server, i should ssh to server, cd to app folder, execute git pull, then i should run npm build, next i should restart the server. How to automate this with bash script or something? Is it the case for which jenkins stands for (or some other tools)?.
But how to do this with simple bash script or something?
I dont need the rebuilding of an app every time i push to git, only when i need to update and restart everything.
Also it there a way if build take a lot of time notify me by email that build success?
For now eery time i do update for remote app, i should wait with open terminal when it builded and only then i can close the sshed terminal. Some time builds take a lot of time.
You can simply script those commands, and put that script on your server.
That way, all you need to do is to ssh to that server and call that script, which will execute those commands on demand.
Is it the case for which jenkins stands for (or some other tools)?
Not in this case, since it is purely on demand: you can execute the script through a simple ssh call, no need for Jenkins.

Where can I pull the server host name from if we can't store it in this script?

I noticed someone creating a bunch of scripts to run on GemFire clusters, where they have multiple copies of the same script where the only difference between the scripts is the server name.
Here is a picture of the Github repo
What the script looks like:
source /sys_data/gemfire/scripts/gf-common.env
# Start the servers
(ssh -n <SERVER_HOST_NAME_HERE> ". ${GF_INST_HOME}/scripts/ gf_cache1 start")
SERVER_HOST_NAME_HERE = the IP address or server name that the script was designed for, removed for the purposes of this questions.
I would like to create one script with a parameter for the server name. Problem is: I'm not exactly sure where the best location would be to store/retrieve the server ip/host name(s), and let the script reference it, any ideas? The number of cache servers will vary depending on environment, application, and cluster.
Our development pipeline should work like this ideally:
Users commit a file to GitHub repo
Triggers Jenkins job
Jenkins job copies file to each cache server, shuts down that server using the script, then runs the script. The number of cache servers can vary from cluster to cluster.
GemFire cache servers are updated with new file.
Went with the method suggested by #nos
Right now you have them hardcoded in each file it seems. So extract them to a separate file(s), loop through entries in that file and run for host in $(cat cache_hostnames.txt) ; ./ $host ; done and something similar for other kinds of services?
Placed the server names in a file, and looped through the file.
This project might be of interest:

Docker run script in host on docker-compose up

My question relates to best practices on how to run a script on a docker-compose up directive.
Currently I'm sharing a volume between host and container to allow for the script changes to be visible to both host and container.
Similar to a watching script polling for changes on configuration file. The script has to act on host on changes according to predefined rules.
How could I start this script on a docker-compose up directive or even from the Dockerfile of the service, so that whenever the container goes up the "watcher" can find any changes being made and writing to.
The container in question will always run over a Debian / Ubuntu OS and should be architecture independent, meaning it should be able to run on ARM as well.
I wish to run a script on the Host, not inside the container. I need the Host to change its network interface configurations to easily adapt any environment The HOST needs to change I repeat.. This should be seamless to the user, and easily editable on a Web interface running Inside a CONTAINER to adapt to new environments.
I currently do this with a script running on the host based on crontab. I just wish to know the best practices and examples of how to run a script on HOST from INSIDE a CONTAINER, so that the deploy can be as easy for the installing operator to just run docker-compose up.
I just wish to know the best practices and examples of how to run a script on HOST from INSIDE a CONTAINER, so that the deploy can be as easy for the installing operator to just run docker-compose up
It seems that there is no best practice that can be applied to your case. A workaround proposed here: How to run shell script on host from docker container? is to use a client/server trick.
The host should run a small server (choose a port and specify a request type that you should be waiting for)
The container, after it starts, should send this request to that server
The host should then run the script / trigger the changes you want
This is something that might have serious security issues, so use at your own risk.
The script needs to run continuously in the foreground.
In your Dockerfile use the CMD directive and define the script as the parameter.
When using the cli, use docker run -d IMAGE SCRIPT
You can create an alias for docker-compose up. Put something like this in ~/.bash_aliases (in Ubuntu):
alias up="docker-compose up; ~/"
I'm not sure if running scripts on the host from a container is possible, but if it's possible, it's a severe security flaw. Containers should be isolated, that's the point of using containers.

Running playbooks automatically

I am learning ansible recently and I am a hard time figuring out, how to configure ansible to run the playbooks on its own after a certain interval. ? Just like puppet does.
Ansible works in a different way compared to Puppet.
Puppet PULLS for configuration changes from a central place and applies changes on the remote host that asked for it.
Ansible by design works different. You PUSH the changes (from any control machine that has SSH access to remote hosts - usually your own computer) to remote hosts.
You can make Ansible work in pull mode also but it's not how Ansible was designed to be used.
You can see this answer for more information: Can't run Ansible in daemon-mode
If you would like the host to automatically run playbooks on itself (localhost) you would basically use ansible-pull script + crontab.
If you want to run the playbooks once after a certain interval, you can use the at command.
# Schedule a command to execute in 20 minutes as root.
- at: command="ls -d / > /dev/null" count=20 units="minutes"
Further information available on ansible official site.
This is what Ansible Tower is for. It'll run after being pinged on its API, by schedule, manually, and so on.
