Is anyone aware of an Object Manager Enterprise plugin for Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio

I'm using DB4O on a new project I'm playing with and it would help me no end if I was able to use the Object Manager Enterprise utility. I understand it's only available as a VS plugin, so does anyone know whether such a plugin is / will be available for Visual Studio 2010, or is there another way to get the utility?

Currently there's no Object Manager version available for Visual Studio 2010. =(
A few suggestions for alternatives:
When you still have Visual Studio 2008 or 2005 installed, you can use the existing Object Manager for these versions.
You can use LINQPad for db4o as suggested here on SO. However this only works together when you load your domain model into LINQPad
You could use the Object Manager plugin for Eclipse. This version is distributed with the Java-version of db4o. So you need to download Eclipse and the java-db4o distribution. However this version of the Object Manager doesn't fully understand the .NET types, so some object are correctly displayed.

OME will be available for VS2010 when we introduce .Net 4.0 support.
Meanwhile you can try to install the OME that comes with db4o .Net 3.5 package and change the configuration file OMAddin.AddIn from "%mydocuments%\Visual Studio 2008\Addins\" to "%mydocuments%\Visual Studio 2010\Addins\" (if this folder doesn't exist just create it)
Then, open OMAddin.AddIn and change the line:
Now after starting VS 2010 OME should work and you should be able to see its toolbar (I have this procedure with VS 2010 beta2 and it worked).


ClosedXML is not compatible with .NETCoreApp 1.1

I'm trying to add ClosedXML and iText7 to my .NETCore project for school. But every single time I try to install these packages I get the same error:
One or more packages are incompatible with .NETCoreApp,Version=v1.1.
Does anyone know a solution for this problem? I work with Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Edition. Or does anybody has a suggestion to generate Excels and pdfs with .NET Core?
As you can see, ClosedXML depends on .NETFramework 4.0.
Right-click on the startup project and click properties. In the application tab, click the Target framework dropdown and .NET Framework >= 4.5. You will lose the cross platform compatibility.
I personally haven't found an ideal export/import solution for excel files but maybe this might work for you:

Porting Visual Studio VSPackage to SSMS 2012 or 2014

I recently discovered an extension for visual studio that allows you to specify a watermark for the code window. This extension can be found on github here.
As part of a small project I am attempting to get it to work on SQL Server Management Studio. While Microsoft doesn't officially support extending SSMS - they also do not discourage it. Those are their words, not mine.
Looking into the extension\application sub folder under SSMS for SQL Server 2014 it is obvious that Microsoft uses VSPackage to include their own extensions to the Isolated Shell version of Visual Studio that SSMS is built on top of. The manifests appear to be version 1 manifests however.
These show up in the following location on my own box:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Extensions\Application
Looking for assistance in verifying if this extension can be modified to work with SSMS. I have modified the package manifest in a variety of ways - including rewriting the package as a version one style package and manifest. I can see the package registered under the pkgdef guid that VSIX generates. It says it has been installed. No error messages are thrown, but no image appears either.
Does the Isolated Shell and more specifically, the code window utilized by SSMS to develop and execute TSQL support adornments such as the ones used by this package? Does SSMS support version 2 manifests and VSPackages?
Any advice on how to modify this package to get it to work is appreciated.
My own attempts are further documented here:
Looks like there was an official Connect answer on this:
In 2012 and 2014 the old "Addin" mechanism needs to be used, and as of 2016 (general release) the new "VSPackage" mechanism needs to be used (ref: )

Convert SharePoint 2010 Solution to 2013 and Visual Studio 2012

I am trying to convert a SharePoint 2010 solution (custom web parts, content types, lists, event receivers, etc.) developed in Visual Studio 2010 to SharePoint 2013 and Visual Studio 2012. When I open the project in VS 2012, it converts a couple of the project files but won't compile because of reference issues.
I copied the DLLs (mostly Microsoft.SharePoint..., although I needed to copy the Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.dll too) that were causing issues from my 2010 server to the 2013 server and fixed the references. However, the Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.dll still gives me compiler errors claiming "Error 203 The type or namespace name 'Office' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?)" when visual studio has no problem with the namespace and finds the SecureStoreProvider class inside it just fine.
I've also tried to change the target framework from 3.5 to 4 and only see "Install other frameworks..." in the target framework dropdown.
I'm sure that others have dealt with this, but have been unsuccessful in framing the right google search query. I'm relatively new to SharePoint in general and any help would be appreciated.
I was able to get my solution upgraded from a 2010 project to 2013 using the following. Note that this will update your solution to use the new 2013 API. It is possible to update just the project file but still run in 2010 mode.
First edit your .csproj file (for c#).
Modify the target framework to this:
Add this a node for the office version, I put mine directly below the TargetFrameworkVersion tag
Update references
Reload the project and update your referenced assemblies. If you haven't specified a specific version they should already be referencing the v15 (SharePoint 2013) assemblies.
Do a find replace for to This updates any references on your pages, layouts, and master pages to the v15 assemblies.
Change calls
Change any calls to SPUtility.GetGenericSetupPath() to SPUtility.GetVersionedGenericSetupPath()
Check each file to do a check for any hive references. You'll need to add a /15/ to these. EG: _layouts/ to _layouts/15/
Open the package "folder" in visual studio then update the properties for that package to use version 15.
Clean up
Finally do a compile clean up any missed items. Deploy your solution and make sure to test thoroughly.

How to find dbcontext template in Visual Studio 11

I'm using database first approach to create a model with entity framework. In VS2010 after the model was generated I always choose a different code generation template (right click on diagram "Add new code generation item") then, in the dialog box, choose "DbContext Generator". This will instruct VS to generate POCO classes instead of the, very complex, standard class. When I tried to do the same in the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview I can't find the template "DbContext Generator" in the dialog.
How can I add the dbcontext template to the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview?
I saw I can use nuget but I'm unable find it when I do a search.
Can you add the Entity Framework Power Tools via the Extension Manager? Then in a class library, you can right-click and "Reverse Engineer Code First". That will pull your database in and create everything you need (no need for EDMX and TT files). You will need to have EF 4.1 installed or have added the EntityFramework NuGet package to your project before running reverse engineer.
I don't have VS 11 installed here, so can't check if the tools will install (I'm also not sure whether these features are being rolled into 11) but anyway will work great in 2010 as I frequently use it.
In February Microsoft release a dbContext Generator that works on Visual Studio 11 Beta.
The link to download this generator is:
Hope it helps.

How to set the default .Net framework version for projects in visual studio 2010

How do you set the default framework version for new projects in Visual Studio 2010?
The easiest way I know of is the following
File -> New Project
Select the Framework you want
Create the project
From then on the new project dialog will default to the framework you selected in step #2.
I know that this is a very old question but I needed the answer to it several times now and I keep searching for it. So, I will share my experience here and hopefully in the future I would not need to search for it too long and those who are looking for the same can find it too. I just tested it with Visual Studio 2015. Open the registry hive HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\NewProjectDialog and look for the value FxVersion (REG_SZ type). For me it used to be 4.6.1 and I changed it to 4.6.2. Now when I create a new projects they target .NET v.4.6.2 by default.
