Shell script not picking up password file... - shell

Running the below shell script seems to ignore the password file I'm feeding it. I'm continually prompted for it. If I enter it, the rest of the script goes without a hitch, but as I'm running it via cron, I really need to get it to read from the file... Any suggestions?
set -- $p
cd /var/sl/
for FILE in *.pgp;
gpg --passphrase "$pass_phrase" --output "$destination/$FILENAME" --decrypt "$FILE"
rm -f $FILE

Your problem lies in line 2:
What you are doing here is to run an "empty command" in a subshell, storing its output in the variable p. What you rather want to do though, is to run a command that outputs the contents of the password file to stdout. So:
p=$(cat <password.txt)
This will do the trick.

You probably need to specify a full path to the file. Or in your cron job, first cd to the directory containing that file.

Does --passphrase really exist? According to the manpage it doesn't, but the versions might be different.

Where is the password file? cron has a different PATH, which can cause scripts to behave differently when you run them yourself.
Possible solution one, put
cd `dirname $0`
at the top of the script, which would cd into the script's directory when it runs.
Possible solution two, try specifying the file directly with an absolute path:
gpg --passphrase-file /some/path/password.txt -o "$destination/$FILENAME" -d "$FILE"


Parent directory of a script

So I am a rookie in Linux and I need some help. I have to write a bash script in which I have to use the parent directory of the script to create a file there, wherever the script would be. It should look like this:
If my script it's in "/home/student/", I need to create, using an in-script command another file called txt in /home/. Any ideas please? Thank you.
There's a subtlety if you want to be able to run your script from anywhere.
eg: if your script is in /home/myHome/someDir/someOther, and you want to create a file in /home/myHome/someDir wherever you are when you run your script.
To solve it, you just need to first derive the directory where your script is.
It can be done using:
SCRIPT_DIRECTORY="$(dirname "$0")"
touch "$SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/../myFile.txt"
Edit: Actually it can be even more subtle, if you want to handle symlinks. ie: if the symlink /home/myHome/mySymlink points at your script, and is the one actually being called, then the previous script will consider /home/myHome/ instead of /home/myHome/someDir/someOther
To handle this case you can do
if [ -L "$0" ] && [ -x $(which readlink) ]; then
ACTUAL_SCRIPT_FILE="$(readlink -mn "$0")"
touch "$SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/../myFile.txt"
use .. to point to parent directory. So you could create a file using something like
MY_SCRIPTDIR="$(dirname $0)"
touch ${MY_SCRIPTDIR}/../abc.txt
From your command prompt or within shell script.
Unfortunately, the other answers either give you the current working directory instead of the directory the script is in, or they will not work if either the script or one of the directories along the way is a symbolic link rather than a real directory.
What will work is:
dirname $(readlink -f "$0")
"$0" is the name of the script as you type it in your command line. Quoting is important for the case it contains whitespace.
readlink will resolve any symbolic links along the way
dirname takes just the directory name from script's full path - it's better readable and safer for corner cases than manually looking for slashes etc.
Now, you will get the correct result even in a complex case: if your script is in /tmp and you create a symbolic link to it in /tmp/abc/, and your current directory will be /home and you run /tmp/abc/your-script, it will correctly output /tmp, not /home nor /tmp/abc.

Shell Script Not Finding File

Hello I am trying to write a simple shell script to use in a cronjob to copy a backup archive of website files to a remote server via FTP.
The script below works when I type the file name in by hand manually, but with the date and filename specified as a variable it returns that it can't find ".tar.gz" as if it is ignoring the first part of the filename.
I would be grateful if someone could tell me where I am going wrong.
NOW=$(date +"%F")
# set the local backup dir
cd "/home/localserver/backup_files/"
# login to remote server
ftp -n "**HOST HIDDEN**" <<END
cd "/backup_files"
put $FILE
This is because it is looking for a variable name NOW_website_files which does not exist, and thus the resulting file name evaluates to .tar.gz.
To solve it, do:
NOW=$(date +"%F")
^ ^
instead of
This way it will concatenate the variable $NEW to the _website_files.tar.gz text.
You could do this:
FILE=$(date +"%F_website_files.tar.gz")
instead of this:
NOW=$(date +"%F")
By the way, consider adding "bi" to your FTP script as you are clealy PUTting a binary file and you don't want CR/LF translation to occur in binary files...

Batch renaming files in OSX terminal

I'm trying to rename files e.g. screen-0001.tif to 0001.tif using the approach in this SO question:
for file in *.tif
echo mv "$file" "${screen-/file}"
fails to change anything. Grateful for an idea where I'm going wrong.
The easier, IMHO, way to do this is using Perl's rename script. Here I am using it with --dry-run so it just tells you what it would do, rather than actually doing anything. You would just remove --dry-run if/when you are happy with the command:
rename --dry-run 's/screen-//' *tif
'screen-001.tif' would be renamed to '001.tif'
'screen-002.tif' would be renamed to '002.tif'
'screen-003.tif' would be renamed to '003.tif'
'screen-004.tif' would be renamed to '004.tif'
It has the added benefit that it will not overwrite any files that happen to come out to the same name. So, if you had files:
And you did this, you would get:
rename 's/screen-//' *tif
'screen-001.tif' not renamed: '001.tif' already exists
rename is easily installed using Homebrew, using:
brew install rename
Two things:
You're echoing the commands and not actually executing them. I will do this when I do massive renames just to make sure that the command works correctly. I can redirect the output to a file, and then use that file as a shell script.
The substitution is wrong. There are two ways:
Left most filter ${file#screen-}.
Substitution: ${file/screen/}
The name of the environment variable always goes first. Then the pattern type, then the pattern
Here's how I would do this:
$ for file in *.tif
> do
> echo "mv '$file' '${file#screen-}'"
> done | tee # Build a shell script
$ vi # Examine the shell script and make sure everything is correct
$ bash # If all is good, execute the shell script.

"Escaping" nightmare

I have been trying to put the following into a bash script:
scp /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Spiceworks/data/configurations/LA_$(date +%F)-firewall-5520 "sf-mlawler#\ -\ Security/Firewalls"
...which works as expected via command line.
When I try to place it in a script, I'm obviously going to have to double escape the spaces, anything else? I'm unable to have success with the multitude of variations I've tried.
I would think:
scp /cygdrive/c/Program\\ Files\\ \(x86\)/Spiceworks/data/configurations/LA_\$(date\ +%F)-firewall-5520 "sf-mlawler#\\ \\-\\ Security/Firewalls"
...would work, but it doesn't. Any suggestions, before I go grey and bald? Thanks
I wont waste the space with all variations I've tried, but I will say I have tried escaping almost everything and basically nothing and many in between with no success. When I receive a "No such file or Directory" I obviously escape until the file actually resolves, but even when I do not get a path error, the command is not successfully completing.
I do understand this is quite a specific case, but I imagine it will help others in the future: escaping spaces, in a bash script, using embedded expect (I have tested with a #!/bin/bash shebang and the embedded expect using expect -c ' .... ' as well as #!/usr/bin/expect using a simple spawn scp command with no change.
EDIT (Based on responses):
I should have mentioned I have tried quoting it...
Quoting the first (host) part gives me the error
can't read "(date +%F)": no such variable
while executing
"spawn scp "/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Spiceworks/data/configurations/LA_$(date +%F)-firewall-5520" "sf-mlawler#" is not a variable, it is a function giving me the current date in the format year-month-day
Quoting the destination section without escaping anything gives me the error
scp: ambiguous target
The same command that worked on your bash shell should work the same in your bash script. You shouldn't and cannot escape it twice.
If it doesn't work, make sure you're testing the script from the same terminal, ensure that the script contents and your command is identical, then paste the output from your terminal when you do:
$ scp /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Spiceworks/data/configurations/LA_$(date +%F)-firewall-5520 "sf-mlawler#\ -\ Security/Firewalls"
(successful scp output here)
$ cat testscript
(testscript contents here, should be identical to above scp command)
$ bash testscript
(unsuccessful script/scp output here)
Just stick it in quotes and stop hitting yourself, as #that_other_guy said, you cannot, and shouldn't try and escape twice, wherever you got that idea, disregard it as a source of information. (my guess is it came from "thin air")
scp "/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Spiceworks/data/configurations/LA_$(date +%F)-firewall-5520" "sf-mlawler# - Security/Firewalls"
You could even give yourself some helpers:
export PROGFILESx86="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)"
export SPICEWORKS_CONFIGS="${PROGFILESx86}/Spiceworks/data/configurations"
(add them to .bashrc, exec it.) and then do:
scp "${SPICEWORKS_CONFIGS}/LA_$(date +%F)-firewall-5520" "sf-mlawler# - Security/Firewalls"
I'd also be concerned the the files you are attempting to scp actually exist, wrap it up in a condition to verify they're there, it only makes sense when you're auto-generating a filename.
firewall_config="${SPICEWORKS_CONFIGS}/LA_$(date +%F)-firewall-5520"
if [ -e "${firewall_config}" ]
scp "${firewall_config}" "sf-mlawler# - Security/Firewalls"
echo "File doesn't exist: ${firewall_config}"
Since you've updated your question, it's obviously the date call that's giving you the biggest problem, again, indirection saves you doing bizarre escape-char-yoga, just get the result into a var and use that.
fw_date=$(date +%F)

Using a filename with spaces with scp and chmod in bash

Periodically, I like to put files in the /tmp directory of my webserver to share out. What is annoying is that I must set the permissions whenever I scp the files. Following the advice from another question I've written a script which copies the file over, sets the permissions and then prints the URL:
scp "$1" SERVER:"/var/www/tmp/$1"
ssh SERVER chmod 644 "/var/www/tmp/$1"
echo "URL is: http://SERVER/tmp/$1"
When I replace SERVER with my actual host, everything works as expected...until I execute the script with an argument including spaces. Although I suspect the solution might be to use $# I've not yet figured out how to get a spaced filename to work.
It turns out that what is needed is to escape the path which will be sent to the remote server. Bash thinks the quotes in SERVER:"/var/www/tmp/$1" are related to the $1 and removes them from the final output. If I try to run: Screen\ shot\ 2010-02-18\ at\ 9.38.35\ AM.png
Echoing we see it is trying to execute:
scp SERVER:/var/www/tmp/Screen shot 2010-02-18 at 9.38.35 AM.png
If instead the quotes are escaped literals then the scp command looks more like you'd expect:
scp SERVER:"/var/www/tmp/Screen shot 2010-02-18 at 9.38.35 AM.png"
With the addition of some code to truncate the path the final script becomes:
# strip path
scp "$fullpath" SERVER:\"/var/www/tmp/"$filename"\"
echo SERVER:\"/var/www/tmp/"$filename"\"
ssh SERVER chmod 644 \"/var/www/tmp/"$filename"\"
echo "URL is: http://SERVER/tmp/$filename"
The script looks right. My guess is that you need to quote the filename when you pass it into your script: "filename with spaces"
Or escape the spaces: filename\ with\ spaces
the easier way without worrying about spaces in file names, (besides quoting) is to rename your files to get rid of spaces before transferring. Or when you create the files, don't use spaces. You can make this your "best practice" whenever you name your files.
