Test Flash using Selenium RC - selenium-rc

I'm using selenium rc and i need to test flash. I need to click Allow button on Flash player.
I just need some help getting started?

Generally you can not do flash testing using selenium until and unless Selenium flash API is integrated to flash file with the help of flash developer.
You may check out one ready made flash file with selenium flash API integrated in the link below.
Hope this may help.
Thank you,


Selenium upload for MAC

I am learning Selenium Java Automation Testing. But I'm having trouble using AutoIT to upload files. As far as I know, AutoIT only supports Windows and not MAC, so you know which plugin should I use to upload for MAC? Help me, please, thanks so much!
No, AutoIT is not supporting Mac, and it's for windows.
Don't click the upload button.
you can set the filename on send_keys() and then click on the upload button
element = driver.find_element_by_id("fl_element_id");
driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div#fl_element_id span[name=upload]').click();

Monkey Talk ide (v1.0.30) there is no record button (Using fire fox)

I am a beginner in Monkey Talk. Kindly help me to start with it
I'm trying to use Monkey Talk for automation test. I installed it successfully. I connected it successfully with fire fox option.I am using fire fox v12.0 and windows xp with 2gb ram. In this ide there is no record button for recording user actions in fire fox. Can you please guide me. Thanks in advance.
I searched in gorrilla logic site but I din't get correct information...
Hi have you had a look at the monkeytalk user guide. it says firefox only in beta5 is that the version you are using
Can I test HTML5 web apps?
Yes, as of MonkeyTalk Beta5 we now support agents for iOS, Android, Flex, desktop web browsers (Firefox only in Beta5), and mobile web. So you can test HTML5 apps in both a desktop web browser and our bundled MTBrowser application.

Record and replay of GWT site using imacros is not working

Hope anyone has come across this. I have been using imacros plugin to record/replay web pages on firefox. It works very well except for GWT pages. For a GWT and smart gwt based webpage, imacros simply clicks on the row and does nothing.
Any suggestions or alternatives would be very helpful.
update: also tried dejaclick plugin for firefox which seems to work partially.
Try using Selenium if you are trying to automate testing. It also comes with a simple record/play firefox plugin.
Selenium Firefox plugin - http://seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/
Selenium 2 Driver by coding sample - http://c.gwt-examples.com/home/testing/selenium-testing

Simulate Download in Flash Builder

in Flash IDE we can compile our SWF and then click in View->Simulate Download but I can't see that option in Flash Builder, is not possible to simulate a download with Flash Builder?
I found a way from another user:
"I got the simulation I was looking for with a local web server and running Charles with bandwidth throttling…. But it would still be nice to get this result with Flex Builder"
But I was searching the way for simulating download from FB :(
Flash builder is not able to simulate download speeds. For that you will need a browser plugin..

Why isn't Selenium capturing my keystrokes?

I'm trying out the recorder of the latest Selenium IDE Firefox extension on win32/ff3.
On one page, currently I have to hit Enter to go to the next page, but it's not on a submit button, it's captured manually. This is not picked up by the recorder. I know I can enter it manually myself after recording, but why isn't this part of it?
From the Selenium FAQ:
"Not every event will be recorded by Selenium IDE. Usually the ones that won't be recorded are those that involve complex HTML and/or AJAX. We hope to improve this over time, but there will always be situations where the IDE can't record everything because it has to balance recording too little with too much."
Have you tried with a different browser? Does it happen the same in FF2, IE ?
Use the latest nightly version. I know that there are some problems with FF3.
