vbscript xml problem - vbscript

I have this vbscript that calls a web service written in .net 2010.
I'm getting an error at the last line. Can't figure it out.
This is the webservice:
Dim xmlDOC
Dim bOK
Dim J
Dim ImagePathLeftCar, ImagePathRightCar
Dim CarIDLeft, CarIDRight
Dim ShortTitleLeftCar, ShortTitleRightCar
Dim DescriptionLeftCar, DescriptionRightCar
Dim PriceLeftCar, PriceRightCar
Set HTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Set xmlDOC =CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
HTTP.Open "GET","http://www.kollelbaaleibatim.com/services/getinfo.asmx/GetFronpageInfo", false
HTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
dim xmldoc2
set xmldoc2 = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmldoc2.async = False
bOK = xmldoc2.load(HTTP.responseXML)
if Not bOK then
response.write( "Error loading XML from HTTP")
end if
response.write( xmldoc2.documentElement.xml)'Prints a good looking xml
ShortTitleLeftCar = xmldoc2.documentElement.selectSingleNode("LeftCarShortTitle").text 'ERROR HERE

This isn't a VBScript issue, it is an xpath issue. xmldoc2.documentElement.selectSingleNode("LeftCarShortTitle") will try find the "LeftCarShortTitle" element as a child of the root....which in your case won't work as there are various levels before this i.e. <string><Root><FrontpageData>.
Update your xpath to be:
This will traverse the descendants of the document and should find the node your looking for.


vsto - VB - find last cell from column in outlook addin

How do you search for the last empty cell in an excel sheet from a vsto outlook addin?
I have the following code (not compiling)
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Dim ExcelApp As New Excel.Application
Dim ExcelWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim ExcelWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet= ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Dim ExcelRange As Excel.Range = ExcelWorkSheet.Range("A1","A600")
Dim currentFind As Excel.Range = Nothing
Dim firstFind As Excel.Range = Nothing
currentFind = ExcelRange.Find("*", , Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, False)
While Not currentFind Is Nothing
' Keep track of the first range you find.
If firstFind Is Nothing Then
firstFind = currentFind
' If you didn't move to a new range, you are done.
ElseIf currentFind.Address = firstFind.Address Then
Exit While
End If
currentFind = ExcelRange.FindNext(currentFind)
End While
I have updated it according to Scott Holtzman's comments but now I get an error message: HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
The code does not have the correct hierarchy according to the Object Model.
You cannot define a Range object without first defining a Worksheet object, which needs a Workbook object before it can be defined.
Try this:
Set ExcelApp = New Excel.Application
Dim ExcelWorkbook as Excel.Workbook
Set ExcelWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("myPath") 'actually opens a workbook to work with
Dim ExcelWorksheet as Excel.Worksheet
Set ExcelWorksheet = ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets("mySheet")
Dim currentFind As Excel.Range = Nothing
Dim firstFind As Excel.Range = Nothing
Dim Fruits As Excel.Range = ExcelWorksheet.Range("A1", "A200")
Set currentFind = Fruits.Find("apples", , Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, False)
Set currentFind = Fruits.FindNext(currentFind)
SOLVED: I have the following code (now compiling!)
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Dim ExcelApp As New Excel.Application
Dim ExcelWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim ExcelWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet= ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = ExcelWorkSheet.Columns(1).Find("*", , , , Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious).Row
ExcelWorkSheet.Range("A" & LastRow).Select()
My error was in the actual property library choice. Beware to choose:
XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious

Why Doesn't This URL Work in IXMLHttpRequest Object?

I built some code to retrieve stock data from Yahoo as a CSV file, and it works fine. When I change the URL to the perfectly legal version that recalls minutewise data from Google instead, it fails on the
objHTTP.open "GET", strURL, False
The following code shows both URLs, although obviously only the final one is called. Both URLs work when posted into the address bar of a browser.
Can anyone explain why the call to Google's page won't Open?
option explicit
Dim objHTTP
dim strURL
dim objFile
dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
strURL = "http://real-chart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=UPRO&a=04&b=21&c=2016&d=04&e=31&f=2016&g=d&ignore=.csv"
strURL = "www.google.com/finance/getprices?q=UPRO&i=60&p=20d&f=d,c,v,k,o,h,l&df=cpct&auto=0&ei=Ef6XUYDfCqSTiAKEMg"
objHTTP.open "GET", strURL, False
msgbox objHTTP.responseText
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile _
("Yahoo.csv", 2)
objFile.Write objHTTP.ResponseText
You are missing http:// from the broken URL. When I added this, I got response data.

VBA code using XMLHttpRequest always returns #VALUE! in Excel

I'm trying to get the address in
That's the ("//Location/Name")
The code is :
Function FindALocationByPoint(Lat As String, Lon As String, BingMapsKey As String) As String
Dim myRequest As XMLHTTP60
Dim uu As String
uu = "https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/" & Lat & "," & Lon & "?o=xml&key=" & BingMapsKey
Set myRequest = New XMLHTTP60
myRequest.Open "POST", uu, 0
FindALocationByPoint = myRequest.readyState
(I know the final line should be FindALocationByPoint = myRequest.responseXML.SelectNodes("//Location/Name").Item(0).Text) That will also return #VALUE! I think the main problem is the unsuccessful connection to the website.
Then the cell=FindALocationByPoint(K2,L2,$W$4)will return#VALUE!
If I delete myRequest.send then the cell will return 1, which means server connection established, right?
Then, why adding myRequest.send will return #VALUE! ?
Any Guidance?
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I've working with this for two days.
If I change the URL and set uu equals another Geocoding website, there is no problem.
So is there something wrong with the website?(Microsoft Bing)
But I must use Bing, how to deal with this?
Ajax is not the problem here. You can load and use the long path to access:
Option Explicit
Public Sub test()
Const URL As String = "https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/40.6718266667,-73.7601944444?o=xml&key=AqF-lvBxcTAEbhY5v0MfOHxhplD5NyaznesQ1IA5KS_RNghU1zrDiYN704mlrc8A"
Dim sResponse As String, xmlDoc As Object 'MSXML2.DOMDocument60
With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", URL, False
sResponse = .responseText
End With
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") 'New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
With xmlDoc
.validateOnParse = True
.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
.async = False
If Not .LoadXML(sResponse) Then
Err.Raise .parseError.ErrorCode, , .parseError.reason
End If
Dim a As IXMLDOMElement
Set a = .LastChild.LastChild.FirstChild.LastChild.FirstChild.FirstChild
Debug.Print a.nodeTypedValue
End With
End Sub
If you execute the following script, it wll print you the same addresse twice dug out from different nodes. Let me know if this is what you expected or I got you wrong.
Sub GetAddress()
Const URL$ = "https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/40.6718266667,-73.7601944444?o=xml&key=AqF-lvBxcTAEbhY5v0MfOHxhplD5NyaznesQ1IA5KS_RNghU1zrDiYN704mlrc8A"
Dim xmlDoc As Object, elem$, elemAno$
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", URL, False
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.LoadXML .responseXML.XML
End With
elem = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Location/Name")(0).Text
elemAno = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Address/FormattedAddress")(0).Text
Debug.Print elem, elemAno
End Sub

VBScript error with temperature parsing

So I have been trying to parse the temperature from weather.com and have managed to do it, but now I am stuck trying to save the temperature to a file (temperature.txt). I feel like this should work but it returns the error:
Line: 11 Char: 1 Error: Type mismatch: 'Write' Code: 800A000D
This is my code please help!!!
Dim nm, em, FSO, oFile
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = false
Set temp = xmlDoc.selectsinglenode ("/weather/dayf/day/part/t")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = FSO.OpenTextFile("temperature.txt", 2, True)
Set oFile = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
To further the answer since I was having an issue with your node I tried something like this
Dim nm, em, FSO, oFile
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = false
Set temp = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode ("/weather/cc/tmp")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = FSO.OpenTextFile("temperature.txt", 2, True)
Set oFile = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
While checking the type of temp it keep returning Nothing. I went to look at the XML file via the link and I couldnt follow "/weather/dayf/day/part/t" you had there ( Might be because I'm in Canada and was getting redirected). Either way I updated the node you were looking for to "/weather/cc/tmp" and outputted the .text to the file. As of right this moment the contents of my text file are 79
Set temp = xmlDoc.selectsinglenode ("/weather/dayf/day/part/t")
assigns a (node) object to temp (great variable name, btw). The .Write method of the TextStream object can't serialize objects, it can write only strings. So .Write the node's XML content:
oFile.Write temp.xml
(and loose those ())

Error when creating MS Excel docs with VB 2010

I'm having some trouble with looping and creating MS Excel docs, code snippet below
Private Sub selectedRowsButton_Click( _
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles selectedRowsButton.Click
Dim selectedRowCount As Integer = _
If selectedRowCount > 0 Then
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim objexcel As New Excel.Application
Dim i As Integer
Dim FACode As Integer
Dim Sitename As Integer
Dim Sitecode As Integer
Dim Address As Integer
Dim City As Integer
Dim State As Integer
Dim ZIP As Integer
FACode = 1
Sitename = 5
Sitecode = 2
Address = 6
City = 7
State = 9
ZIP = 10
Dim xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
xlWorkbook = objexcel.Workbooks.Open("template path")
For i = 0 To selectedRowCount - 1
objexcel.Visible = True
objexcel.Range("B2").Value = DataGridView1.SelectedCells(Sitename).Value.ToString()
objexcel.Range("B3").Value = DataGridView1.SelectedCells(Sitecode).Value.ToString()
objexcel.Range("B5").Value = DataGridView1.SelectedCells(FACode).Value.ToString()
Dim thisfile As Object
thisfile = objexcel.Range("B5").Value & "." & _
objexcel.Range("B3").Value & "." & "otherstring" & "." & "otherstring2" & "." & ".xls"
With objexcel
xlWorkbook.SaveAs(Filename:="c:\test\" & thisfile)
'~~> Close the Excel file without saving
End With
Next i
End If
I'm getting the error Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC for the statement
objexcel.Range("B2").Value = DataGridView1.SelectedCells(Sitename).Value.ToString()
IF I select only one row of my DataGrid before creating the program works fine, it is when I select multiple rows that this error occurs. Since I'm creating the program specifically for multiple row selections I'm stumped as to where I've gone wrong. Any help or pointers appreciated, Thanks!
Two things
You have declared objexcel As Excel.Application so you shouldn't use objexcel.Range("B2").Value. Use xlWorkbook.Range("B2").Value. Change it everywhere in your code.
You cannot use SaveAs like that. See the snapshot below. If you want to save as xls file then you have to use FileFormat:=56
See this code example
'~~> Save As file
xlWorkbook.SaveAs(Filename:="c:\test\" & thisfile, FileFormat:=56)
If you do not specify the file format then you will get an error message when you open the file after opening.
You might want to look at this link on how to automate Excel from VB.Net
Topic: VB.NET and Excel
Link: http://www.siddharthrout.com/vb-dot-net-and-excel/
I am not too sure what you exactly are trying to do with the DGV. Like Sean mentioned you are not incrementing the values. If you can post a snapshot of how your DGV looks and how your Excel file should look after the export then we can help you in a much better way :)
