How to get today's day of previous month in ruby? - ruby

Is there a built-in function to get the day in last month, same as today? Examples:
2010/05/02 -> 2010/04/02
2010/05/15 -> 2010/04/15
2010/05/31 -> 2010/04/30

You can subtract entire months with <<.
>> d = Date.parse('2010-05-31')
=> #<Date: 4910695/2,0,2299161>
>> d.to_s
=> "2010-05-31"
>> (d<<1).to_s
=> "2010-04-30"
More info

You could do this:
( - 1.month).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")

You can try using

You could for instance make a time object
old_time =
Then create a new time object based on that
new_time = Time.local(old_time.year, (old_time.month - 1),, old_time.hour, old_time.min, old_time.sec)
However, as deceze pointed out, what is the criterion for 5/31 becoming 4/30?
In irb, 4/31 'overflows' to 5/01.

Ruby's date class allows you to add, subtract days from a particular date.


Subtract Time from CSV using Ruby

Hi I would like to subtract time from a CSV array using Ruby
time[0] is 12:12:00AM
time[1] is 12:12:01AM
Here is my code
time_converted = DateTime.parse(time)
difference = time_converted[1].to_i - time_converted[0].to_i
p difference
However, I got 0
p time[0].to_i gives me 12
is there a way to fix this?
You can use Time#strptime to define the format of the parsed string.
In your case the string is %I:%M:%S%p.
%I = 12 hour time
%M = minutes
%S = seconds
%p = AM/PM indicator
So to parse your example:
require 'time'
time = %w(12:12:00AM 12:12:01AM)
parsed_time = { |t| Time.strptime(t, '%I:%M:%S%p').to_i }
parsed_time.last - parsed_time.first
=> 1
Use the Ruby DateTime class and parse your dates into objects of that class.

DateTime Ruby How to format correctly

My project is supposed to fetch specific values from multiple hashes a put those values in a text file. Ideally what I need my code to do is to have every date for the employees be seven days apart, so the text file would look something like this:
"Rachel Thorndike
Stacie Smith
What this is supposed to do is fetch employee's names and put the time of their "handoff" on the line under them. I looked online and found the DateTime that Ruby features but it looks like whatever I do isn't working. My code is this:
require 'date'
jsonUser["users"].each do |user|
somefile.puts user["user"]["summary"]
print 'Handoff Date + Time: '
parsed = DateTime.strptime(jsonUser["start"], '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')
utc = parsed.next_day(7).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')
puts utc
But terminal returns this code with an error 'strptime': invalid date (ArgumentError). Would anybody help me get this code to work the way I want to? Anything that points me to the right direction? With explanations, if it isn't too much.
Thank you so much!
I was able to get the iso8601 to appear under their name. My new code is
require 'date'
jsonUser["users"].each do |user|
somefile.puts user["user"]["summary"]
print 'Handoff Date + Time: '
parsed = DateTime.iso8601(jsonUser["start"])
utc = parsed.next_day(7).iso8601
somefile.puts utc
BUT the .next_day method isn't increasing by 7 days that I want too. Thought? I have only got one value that is appearing and that is going under every line. Its the value of jsonUser["start"] + 7 `2017-
This is what parse.next_day(7) gives me.
"Sr Chid
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00
Ash A
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00
Ven D
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00
Abhi S
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00"
The value of jsonUser["start"] is 2017-10-09T04:29:46-05:00 so the good thing is that it did increase by 7 but it only did it once.
Update for Amadan
require 'date'
date = DateTime.iso8601(jsonUser["start"])
jsonUser["users"].each do |user|
if user["user"]["self"] == nil
somefile.puts user["user"]["summary"].gsub(/\w+/, &:capitalize).gsub(/[.]/, ' ')
somefile.print 'Handoff Date + Time: '
date = date.next_day(7)
somefile.puts date.iso8061

Nicest way to turn "2015-03-18 22:00" into a Time object

I have three strings, pulled from a database:
"2015-03-18" (the date the event occurs)
"22:00" (the hour an event occurs)
"-05:00" (the UTC offset in the location the event occurs).
I want to combine these three strings to produce a Ruby Time object. I'm doing:
utc_offset = "-05:00"
airtime = "22:00"
airday = "2015-03-18"
year,month,day,hour,minutes = airday.split("-").map(&:to_i) + airtime.split(":").map(&:to_i),month,day,hour,minutes,0,utc_offset)
This works; I'm just wondering if it's the correct/standard/idiomatic/clearest way.
By using Time.parse
When ‘time’ is required, Time is extended with additional methods for
parsing and converting Times.
require 'time'
utc_offset = "-05:00"
airtime = "22:00"
airday = "2015-03-18"
time = Time.parse("#{airday} #{airtime} #{utc_offset}")
I think this is the way to do it.*airday.split("-"), *airtime.split(":"), 0, utc_offset)
How about this?
require 'time'
raw_time = '2015-03-18 22:00'
parsed_time = Time.strptime(raw_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # 2015-03-18 22:00:00 +0100

Calculating the difference between durations with milliseconds in Ruby

TL;DR: I need to get the difference between and as HH:MM:SS:ms
What I need:
Here's a tricky one. I'm trying to calculate the difference between two timestamps such as the following:
In: 00:00:10.520
Out: 00:00:23.720
Should deliver:
Diff: 00:00:13.200
I thought I'd parse the times into actual Time objects and use the difference there. This works great in the previous case, and returns 00:0:13.200.
What doesn't work:
However, for some, this doesn't work right, as Ruby uses usec instead of msec:
In: 00:2:22.760
Out: 00:2:31.520
Diff: 00:0:8.999760
Obviously, the difference should be 00:00:8:760 and not 00:00:8.999760. I'm really tempted to just tdiff.usec.to_s.gsub('999','') ……
My code so far:
Here's my code so far (these are parsed from the input strings like "0:00:10:520").
tin_first, tin_second = ins.split(".")
tin_hours, tin_minutes, tin_seconds = tin_first.split(":")
tin_usec = tin_second * 1000
tin =, 1, 1, tin_hours, tin_minutes, tin_seconds, tin_usec)
The same happens for tout. Then:
tdiff =
For the output, I use:
Is there any faster way to do this? Remember, I just want to have the difference between two times. What am I missing?
I'm using Ruby 1.9.3p6 at the moment.
Using Time:
require 'time' # Needed for Time.parse
def time_diff(time1_str, time2_str)
t = Time.parse(time2_str) - Time.parse(time1_str) )
(t - t.gmt_offset).strftime("%H:%M:%S.%L")
out_time = "00:00:24.240"
in_time = "00:00:14.520"
p time_diff(in_time, out_time)
#=> "00:00:09.720"
Here's a solution that doesn't rely on Time:
def slhck_diff( t1, t2 )
ms_to_time( time_as_ms(t2) - time_as_ms(t1) )
# Converts "00:2:22.760" to 142760
def time_as_ms( time_str )
re = /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?/
parts = time_str.match(re)
# Converts 142760 to "00:02:22.760"
def ms_to_time(ms)
m = ms.floor / 60000
"%02i:%02i:%06.3f" % [ m/60, m%60, ms/1000.0 % 60 ]
t1 = "00:00:10.520"
t2 = "01:00:23.720"
p slhck_diff(t1,t2)
#=> "01:00:13.200"
t1 = "00:2:22.760"
t2 = "00:2:31.520"
p slhck_diff(t1,t2)
#=> "00:00:08.760"
I figured the following could work:
out_time = "00:00:24.240"
in_time = "00:00:14.520"
diff = Time.parse(out_time) - Time.parse(in_time)"%H:%M:%S.%L")
# => "01:00:09.720"
It does print 01 for the hour, which I don't really understand.
In the meantime, I used:"00:%M:%S.%L")
# => "00:00:09.720"
Any answer that does this better will get an upvote or the accept, of course.
in_time = "00:02:22.760"
out_time = "00:02:31.520"
diff = (Time.parse(out_time) - Time.parse(in_time))*1000
puts diff
8760.0 millliseconds
Time.parse(out_time) - Time.parse(in_time) gives the result in seconds so multiplied by 1000 to convert into milliseconds.

Simplest way to display each hour of the day in Ruby

I have a calendar screen where I want to display the hours of the day like this:
Being a total Ruby noob, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out the simplest way to display this.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# without using actual `Date` objects ...
p ["12:00am"] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00am"}.to_a +
["12:00pm"] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00pm"}.to_a
["12:00am", "1:00am", "2:00am", "3:00am", "4:00am", "5:00am", "6:00am",
"7:00am", "8:00am", "9:00am", "10:00am", "11:00am", "12:00pm", "1:00pm",
"2:00pm", "3:00pm", "4:00pm", "5:00pm", "6:00pm", "7:00pm", "8:00pm",
"9:00pm", "10:00pm", "11:00pm"]
Or using actual DateTime objects and %I:%M%p as format:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "Date"
for hour in 0..23 do
d =, 1, 1, hour, 0, 0)
p d.strftime("%I:%M%p")
Which would print:
You could generate these like this:
array = ['12:00am'] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00am"} + ['12:00pm'] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00pm"}
or simply write out the array (this is more efficient):
array = ["12:00am", "1:00am", "2:00am", "3:00am", "4:00am", "5:00am", "6:00am", "7:00am", "8:00am", "9:00am", "10:00am", "11:00am", "12:00pm", "1:00pm", "2:00pm", "3:00pm", "4:00pm", "5:00pm", "6:00pm", "7:00pm", "8:00pm", "9:00pm", "10:00pm", "11:00pm"]
You can then print these however you want, eg.
array.each do |el|
puts el
