GBA ROM Programming Language - rom

Does anyone know what language ROMs (such as GBA ROMs) are coded in? I'd also like to know if there would be a simplistic way to decompile these ROMs.

GBA games can be programmed in any language, as long as it compiles to ARM assembly.
They're usually written in C++.
If you're interested in writing your homebrew games, see here.

I think you've misunderstood what ROMs are. They're not the actual executables (or what they would be on the original platform), rather they are image files that contains the executables. They can be written in many different languages.
See this wiki page for more info:


Is it possible to view the source of a mac app?

Would be usefull to see how things work but not sure on the legality of it
Most Mac apps are written using Cocoa in Objective-C; which, while it is a compiled language, means that there is a fair bit of information left over that could be used by a decompiler.
I'm not sure if there are a lot of decompilers out there that leverages this information, at least I haven't heard of any.
However, there are also another option; F-Script.
F-Script can be used to attach to an executable and explore its interfaces, while not as good as source, it can give you a pretty clear idea of how the executable is built, and how it operates.
As for the legality issue:
IANAL, but as far as I know, reverse-engineering for the purposes of compatibility is legal in many jurisdictions, and I can't imagine that decompiling an executable to look at its code is illegal, unless the specific EULA specifically prohibits it.
Edit: WRT Steam specifically, it is probably NOT written in Cocoa, but C# with some manner of .NET compatibility layer; and it's probably not a good place to start if you want to learn how to make applications for Mac OS X.
By far, the best Mac OS X disassembler I've used is Hopper available here:
It will also convert the assembly to C pseudo code as best it can. It will generate code flow diagrams with blue lines (true blue, love it) for true and red for false paths.
It's The Mac OS reverse engineering tool. There are even Youtube videos that will show you how to use it.
If it's an open-source app, yes. Otherwise it's possible through decompilation but the output will be a real pain in the ass to look at. If you just want the protocols and the interfaces of categories and classes, have a look at class-dump.
I'm not aware of a nib decompiler.
Whether decompilation is legal: ask a lawyer. This may (and probably does) differ per jurisdiction.
Is it possible to view the source of a mac app?
Realistically, no. Sure, you might be a able to use a decompiler to get a peek, but the kind of output you'll get won't be easy to read. If you're asking this question, this route probably isn't going to be helpful to you.
Specifically interested in GUI and how the steam app for mac works
It's a good bet that it works about the same way that most other applications work. It might use custom controls to look different from a typical application that mostly uses the standard Cocoa controls. But underneath, just about any GUI application written for MacOS X will use the run loops, responder chain, and view hierarchy that Cocoa provide. The main exceptions would be applications that are built mostly using an alternate framework like OpenGL or WebKit.
Figure out what, specifically, the Steam application does that you'd like to do. Take a look at the tools that Cocoa provides to see if you can figure it out yourself; if not, ask about it here.

Assembly Programming on Mac

I am on a Mac with Snow Leopard (10.6.3). I hear that the assembly language I work with has to be valid with the chipset that you use. I am completely new to this I have a basic background in C and Objective-C programming and an almost strong background in PHP. I have always wanted to see what assembly is all about.
The tutorial I'll be looking at is by VTC [link].
What I want to know is: are the tutorials that I'm about to do compatible with the assembly version on the Mac that I have?
I am completely new to this language although I do recall studying some of it way, way back in the day. I do have Xcode and what I'm wondering is what kind of document would I open in Xcode to work with assembly and does the Mac have a built in hex editor (when it comes time to needing it)?
The assembly language you use is not dependent on your OS but rather your CPU's instruction set. Judging by your Mac version, I'd say you are using an Intel processor - so you would want to learn x86 or amd64 assembly.
A good way to pick up assembly is to get yourself an embedded device to play with.
TI has some nice, inexpensive devkits to play with. I've poked around with the Chronos kit ($50) which has digital watch with a programmable MSP430 microcontroller with a wireless link to your computer. It's pretty sweet.
Update: I forgot to mention the Arduino. It's a pretty nifty open platform with tons of interesting peripherals and projects online.
An assembly language is instruction architecture specific. Chips are an instantiation of an instruction architecture.
In my opinion, you are best served by getting TextWrangler and directly compiling with gcc.
The file extension you are looking for is .s.
Assembly, for any processor, will be more or less the same in concept. However, the complexity varies between processors. From what I see in your site, you'd be doing x86 assembler, (x86 being the instruction set all consumer-line Intel processors use, which recent Macs and all PCs use) which can turn out to be fairly complex, but not overwhelming if you learn by steps.
XCode works with plain text files, I believe. Hex Fiend for your hex editing needs, if you come across them.
Do keep in mind, Assembly is extremely low-level. No ifs, whiles, or in fact any control loop save for "do operation and GOTO if results in (not) zero/equal" (unless your assembler provides them as syntactic sugar, which kind of beats the purpose, in my opinion). PHP knowledge will be at most tangentially useful. You C knowledge should serve you well, though.
The linked tutorials look like they use NASM, which is included with Macs. However, system calls are usually different on different platforms (they're very different between Mac and Linux), and without seeing the tutorials, it's hard to know whether they'll target different platforms (I'd guess not, though). A better bet might be to install SPIM and to learn MIPS assembly, which is more straightforward than x86 anyways.

Is There a Way to Tell What Language Was Used for a Program?

I have a desktop program I downloaded and installed. It runs from an .exe file.
Is there some way from the .exe file to tell what programming language was used to write the program?
Are there any tools are available to help with this?
What languages can be determined and which ones cannot?
Okay here are two of the sort of things I'm looking for:
Tips to Determine Whether an App is Written in Delphi or Not
This "IsDelphi" program by Bruce McGee will find all applications built with Delphi, Delphi for .Net or C++ Builder that are on your hard drive.
I use WinDowse (a small freeware utility written in Delphi) to spy the windows of the program.. for example if you look at the "Class" TabSheet you can discover the "Class" Name of the control..
For example:
TFormXX, TEditYY, TPanelZZZ for delphi apps
WindowsForms10.XXXX.yyy, for .NET apps
wxWindowsXXX for wxWindows apps
AfxWndXX for MFC/VC++ apps (I think)
I think this is the fastest way (although not the most accurate) to find information about apps..
I understand your curiosity.
You can identify Delphi and C++ Builder apps and their SKU by looking for a couple of specific resources that the linker adds. Specifically RC Data\DVCLAL and RC DATA\PACKAGEINFO. The XN Resource Editor makes this a lot easier, but it might choke on compressed EXEs.
EXE compressors complicate things a little. They can hide or scramble the contents of the resources. Programs compressed with UPX are easy to identify with a HEX editor because the first 2 sections in the PE header are named UPX0 and UPX1. You can use the app to decompress these.
Applications compiled with .Net aren't difficult to detect. Recent versions of Delphi even include an IsAssembly function, or you could do a little spelunking in the PE header. Check out the IsManaged function in IsDelphi.
Telling which .Net language was used is trickier. By default, VB.Net includes a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic, and VCL.Net apps included Borland specific references. However, VCL.Net is defunct in favour of Delphi Prism, and you can add a reference to the VB assembly to any managed language.
I haven't looked at some of the apps that use signatures to identify the the compiler, so I don't know how well they work.
I hope this helps.
First, look to see what run time libraries it loads. A C program won't normally load Visual Basic's library.
Also, examine the executable for telltale strings. In most executables, this is near the end. If the program uses string constants, there might be a clue in how they are stored.
A good disassembler, plus of course an excellent understanding of the underlying CPU architecture, can often help you identify the runtime libraries that are in play. Unless the exe has been carefully "stripped" of symbols and/or otherwise masked, the names of symbols seen in runtime libraries will often provide you with programming-language hints, because different languages' standards specify different names, and vendors of compilers and accompanying runtime libraries usually respect those standards pretty closely.
Of course, you won't get there without knowledge of the various possible languages and their library standards -- and if the code's author was intent to mask the information, that's not too hard for them to do, either.
If you have available a large set of samples from known compilers, I should think this would be an excellent application for machine learning. I believe so-called "supervised learning" is relevant here. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about the topic—only that I have heard some impressive results presented at conferences.
You might dig through the proceedings of the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering to see if anyone else is interested in this problem.
Assuming this is an application for Windows...
Does Reflector recognize it as a .NET assembly? Then it's MSIL, 99% either VB or C#, but you'll likely never know which, nor does it matter.
Does it need an intrepreter (like Java?)? Then it's Java (or whatever the interpreter is.)
Check what runtime DLLs it requires.
Does it require the VB runtime dlls? Congratulations, VB from VisualStudio 6.0 or earlier.
Does it require the Delphi dlls? Congratulations, Delphi.
Did you make it this far? C/C++. Assume C++ unless it requires msys or cygwin dlls, in which case C has maybe a 25% chance.
Congratulations, this should come out correct for the vast majority of Windows software. This probably doesn't actually help you though, as a lot of the same things can be done in all of these languages.
IDA Pro Free ( may be helpful. Even if you don't understand assembly language, if you load the EXE into IDA Pro then its initial progress output might (if there are any telltale signs) include its best guess as to which compiler was used.
Start with various options to dumpbin. The symbol names, if not carefully erased, will give you all kinds of hints as to whether it is C, C++, CLR, or something else.
Other tools use signatures to identify the compiler used to create the executable, like PEiD, CFF Explorer and others.
They normally scan the entry point of the executable vs the signature.
Signature Explorer from CFF Explorer can give you an understanding of how one signature is constructed.
It looks like the VC++ linker from V6 up adds a signature to the PE header which youcan parse.
i suggest PEiD (freeware, closed source). Has all of Delphi for Win32 signatures, also can tell you which was packer used (if any).

GUI Libraries for D

What is the current status of GUI programming with D Language? Are the language developers planning include GUI in the standard library?
The List (compiled from answers)
DWT (SWT binding)
GtkD (GTK binding)
wxD (wxWidgets binding)
QtD (Qt binding)
The most mature one is DWT, a port of SWT to D. There's also DFL and a whole host of bindings to GUI libraries written in other languages. Most of these aren't that mature yet, but DWT is. However, one thing to keep in mind is that D2 is on the horizon, so you might want to check whether the library is likely to be ported to D2 quickly.
I doubt that any of these will be included in the standard library anytime soon. The "official" standard library, Phobos, has a fairly minimalist attitude. The "unofficial" standard library, Tango, is not so minimalist, but still has a more systems programming bent to it. BTW, what's the difference if it's not in the standard library? I can see why this would be important for small, miscellaneous pieces of functionality where the effort to find, install, etc. a library for each one is significant compared to the amount of functionality the library adds, but not for big stuff like GUIs.
You might want to check out wxd, a wxWindows library for D.
It sounds like what you want.
From site ( from FAQ ):
I found to:
There are a list of GUI libraries and the status of them.
Finally, from
There are a list of projects in groups.
One of group is named "Libraries-GUI".
I think there is a full list of GUI libraries for D language.
I think DWT looks like the most mature currently usable solution, especially if you need cross platform. As for a gui being included in the standard library, it is stated previously that it won't happen, neither for Phobos nor Tango.
Hybrid looks interesting (never tried that though). If you are a java dev then DWT is the natural migration from swt but otherwise I would recommend DFL. Have a look at the dsource list too and scroll down to GUI-Libraries.
I think it's a good thing that gui libraries are separate from standard library.
There is also on the works a binding for QT. Not useful at the moment, but it seems that is being done by QT engineers.
DWT now is not on dsource but on bitbucket: DWT2

Nintendo DS homebrew with Ada?

Note: I know very little about the GCC toolchain, so this question may not make much sense.
Since GCC includes an Ada front end, and it can emit ARM, and devKitPro is based on GCC, is it possible to use Ada instead of C/C++ for writing code on the DS?
Edit: It seems that the target that devKitARM uses is arm-eabi.
devkitPro is not a toolchain, compiler or indeed any software package. The toolchain used to target the DS is devkitARM, one of the toolchains provided by devkitPro.
It may be possible to build the ada compiler but I doubt very much if you'll ever manage to get anything useful running on the DS itself. devkitPro will certainly never provide an ada compiler as part of the packages we produce.
Yes it is possible, see my project and build the cross compiler as per my script. You would then be able to target NDS using Ada. I have build a basic RTS as well which will provide you with local exception handling.
And #Martin Beckett, why do think Ada is aimed squarely at DoD stuff? They dropped the mandate years ago and Ada is easily usable for any project, you do realise that Ada is a general purpose programming language don't you?
(Disclaimer: I don't know Ada)
You might be able to build devKitPro to use Ada, however, the pre-provided binaries (at least for OS X) do not have Ada support compiled in.
However, you will probably find yourself writing tons of C "glue" code to interface with the various hardware registers and the like.
One thing to consider when porting a language to the nintendo DS is the relatively small stack it has (16KB). There are possible workarounds such as swapping the SRAM stack content into DRAM (4MB) when stack gets full or just have the whole stack in DRAM (assumed to be auwfully slow).
And I second Dre on the fact that you'll have to provide yourself glue between the Ada library function you'd like to use and existing libraries on the DS (which are hopefully covering most of the hardware stuff).
On a practical plane, it is not possible.
On a theoretical plane, you could use one custom Ada parser (I found this one on the ANTLR site, but it is quite old) in order to translate Ada to C/C++, and then feed that to devkitpro.
However, the effort of building such translator is probably going to be equal (if not higher) to creating the game itself.
