Step-by-step execution for Intel AT&T assembler? - debugging

I'm writing a compiler that converts source code (written in a small imperative programming language) to Intel AT&T 32-bit assembler.
I tend to spend a lot of time debugging, because of nasty offset-mistakes etc. in the generated code, and I would like to know if anyone knows of a tool to "walk through" the generated assembler code step-by-step, visualizing what's on the stack etc.
I use Ubuntu Linux as my development platform, and I'm comfortable with the terminal -- a GUI-program would be nice though. Does it exist? Or is there a good reason it doesn't (maybe the problem isn't so straightforward..?)
If you have good ideas for approaching debugging tasks in assembly code, I'll be glad to hear from you!

I like EDB (Evan's Debugger) on Linux. It has a nice, easy-to-use, QT4-based GUI. Its developer's goal is to make it similar to OllyDbg. And it's being actively maintained:
EDB on FreshMeat
I'm pretty sure it's installable through Synaptic on Ubuntu as well. Enjoy!

Is the end result of the compile process something that you can actually execute, and therefore examine in a debugger? If so the Data Display Debugger (ddd) might be useful.

My experience with debuggers such as Olly and EDB is quite sparse, so I wasn't able to solve my problem with those. I ended up
scattering calls around to a Debug function in the source code, nailing down bad register values
letting the compiler output HTML-formatted code with useful metadata for different iterations in the liveness analysis etc.


IDE Tool choice - cross platform x86 ASM debugging

I'm writing a teaching tutorial to teach university students and programming enthusiasts Compilation concepts on an x86.
I want an IDE tool like WinASM for them to be able to debug their work, but am aware that they may not all run Windows at home.
Is my best choice to target Jasmin? (Or have you got a better suggestion - and why?)
Another approach I've seen is to use a common teaching architecture (such as MIPS) and run it under emulation. For MIPS in particular, there are lots of interactive simulators (like SPIM), as well as full system emulators (like QEMU). The fact that the MIPS architecture is considerably simpler (and less register-starved!) than x86 is definitely a plus as well -- it means you can spend more time focusing on interesting compilation topics, rather than teaching the architecture.
This is another approach (although poor for debugging) - executing assembler inline in C++
A C repl that generates ASM - for learning about the assembler generated.
Also you could just rely on old gdb.
Have you ever considered an online debugging tool? There are a few of them out there. I personally like this asm debugger.

Configuring GCC with FreeRTOS and OpenOCD

I'm pretty sure this is possible but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm very new to building with GCC in general and I have never used FreeRTOS, but I'd like to try getting the OS up and running on a TI ARM Cortex MCU but with a slight twist: I'd like to get it up and running with Pascal. I'm curious:
Is this even possible to get work? If not, the next issues are kind of moot points.
From my Delphi days, I vaguely recall the ability to access functions in C libraries. I'm wondering if I would have access to the C routines in FreeRTOS.
If I use the GCC version (preferable) would I be able to debug using OpenOCD on the target? I'm not quite sure how debug symbols work and if it's more or less language agnostic (hopefully, in this case).
As kind of a bonus question a bit outside the scope of the original query, can I simulate FreeRTOS on an x86 processor (e.g. my development PC) for easier debugging during development? (With a Pascal program, of course..)
I haven't found any documentation on achieving this, so hopefully someone here can shed some light! Any resources would be most helpful. Like I said, I'm very new to this kind of development. I'm also open to suggestions if you think there is a better alternative.
FYI, my preferred host configuration would be something similar to:
Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)
Eclipse IDE for development, unit testing, and hopefully simulation / debugging
OpenOCD for target debugging
GNU Pascal + FreeRTOS on target
FreeRTOS is C source code, so like you say you would have to have some mechanism for linking C with your Pascal programs. Also, FreeRTOS relies on certain registers to be used for things like passing a parameter into a task (as a hypothetical example, the task might always expect the parameter to be in register R0) so you would have to ensure the ABI for the C compiler and the Pascal compiler was the same - or have your task entry in C then have it call a Pascal function (very nasty). Then there is the issue of interrupts, calling inline macros, etc. I would say this would be extremely difficult to achieve.
Both GNU Pascal and Free Pascal support linking to C (gcc) and ARM, as well as calling pascal code from C etc. Writing a header and declaring the prototypes with cdecl is all there is to it.
Macros are a bit bigger problem. Usually I just rewrite them to inline functions (what they should have been anyway). Except for the macro/header issue, the problems are more compiler specific functionality (which you also would have a problem with when porting from one C compiler to the next)
If you prefer TP/Delphi dialect, Free Pascal is the better choice.
I run my old Delphi code fine on my sheevaplug.
There is already an example for FreeRTOS/GCC/OpenOCD on a TI Cortex-M3 (was Luminary Micro Cortex-M3). Be aware though that this is a really old example and both the Eclipse and OpenOCD versions used are out of date.
Although there is an Eclipse project provided, the project is configured as a standard make (as opposed to a managed make) project, so there is a standard makefile that can be just as easily executed from the command line as from within Eclipse.

Debugging Assembly Code (Intel 8086)

I'm in an Assembly class focusing on the intel 8086 architecture (all compiling / linking / execution comes from running DOS on win7 via DOS-Box).
I've finished programming the latest assignment, but as I have yet to program any program successfully the first time through, I am now stuck trying to debug my code.
I have visual studio 2010 and was wondering if there was some built in feature that would help me debug my assembly code, specifically, I'm looking to track the value of a variable.
Failing that, instructions pointing to a DOS-Box debugger (and instructions!) would be much appreciated. (I think I've been able to run codeview debug, but I couldn't figure out how to do what I was looking for).
You are generating 16-bit code, you have to break into a museum to find better tooling. Try Borland's, maybe the debugger included with Turbo C.
Yes, indeed, you can use the debugger in VS to examine pretty much everything. Irvine's site has a section specifically on using the debugger here. You can examine registers, use the watch window, etc. He also has a guide for highlighting asm keywords if you need that.
Edit: as Hans pointed out, if you are using 16-bit instead of 32-bit protected, you'll need different tools. There are several choices, listed here.
Borland's tools for DOS were called tasm, tlink, and tdebug.

Assembly Programming on Mac

I am on a Mac with Snow Leopard (10.6.3). I hear that the assembly language I work with has to be valid with the chipset that you use. I am completely new to this I have a basic background in C and Objective-C programming and an almost strong background in PHP. I have always wanted to see what assembly is all about.
The tutorial I'll be looking at is by VTC [link].
What I want to know is: are the tutorials that I'm about to do compatible with the assembly version on the Mac that I have?
I am completely new to this language although I do recall studying some of it way, way back in the day. I do have Xcode and what I'm wondering is what kind of document would I open in Xcode to work with assembly and does the Mac have a built in hex editor (when it comes time to needing it)?
The assembly language you use is not dependent on your OS but rather your CPU's instruction set. Judging by your Mac version, I'd say you are using an Intel processor - so you would want to learn x86 or amd64 assembly.
A good way to pick up assembly is to get yourself an embedded device to play with.
TI has some nice, inexpensive devkits to play with. I've poked around with the Chronos kit ($50) which has digital watch with a programmable MSP430 microcontroller with a wireless link to your computer. It's pretty sweet.
Update: I forgot to mention the Arduino. It's a pretty nifty open platform with tons of interesting peripherals and projects online.
An assembly language is instruction architecture specific. Chips are an instantiation of an instruction architecture.
In my opinion, you are best served by getting TextWrangler and directly compiling with gcc.
The file extension you are looking for is .s.
Assembly, for any processor, will be more or less the same in concept. However, the complexity varies between processors. From what I see in your site, you'd be doing x86 assembler, (x86 being the instruction set all consumer-line Intel processors use, which recent Macs and all PCs use) which can turn out to be fairly complex, but not overwhelming if you learn by steps.
XCode works with plain text files, I believe. Hex Fiend for your hex editing needs, if you come across them.
Do keep in mind, Assembly is extremely low-level. No ifs, whiles, or in fact any control loop save for "do operation and GOTO if results in (not) zero/equal" (unless your assembler provides them as syntactic sugar, which kind of beats the purpose, in my opinion). PHP knowledge will be at most tangentially useful. You C knowledge should serve you well, though.
The linked tutorials look like they use NASM, which is included with Macs. However, system calls are usually different on different platforms (they're very different between Mac and Linux), and without seeing the tutorials, it's hard to know whether they'll target different platforms (I'd guess not, though). A better bet might be to install SPIM and to learn MIPS assembly, which is more straightforward than x86 anyways.

How to learn advanced C debugger usage?

How to learn advanced debugging techniques?
I am a C/Unix programmer, and as such rely on a good C debugger. I know Sun^WOracle mdb on Solaris, GNU gdb on Linux. I feel comfortable setting breakpoints, examining memory structures and such.
Yet, I know that those tools are way more powerful than that. Macros, custom walkers and I don't know what else. The learning curve on the other hand is very steep, as those tools sometimes seem to be arcane magic.
Any good texts? Practice problems? Other tips?
The GDB Pocket Reference is worth it's weight in diamonds, rubies, or something way lighter than gold. I use it all the time.
The online docs are also useful, but I actually like having a book on my desk.
Depends on the platform is great but I assume from the gdb you aren't on windows
