Is it ok to call specifications from an aggregate factory for validation, or does that validation call belong in a unit test (DDD)? - validation

I have created a factory and a set of specifications to create and validate an aggregate root. Currently I have some tests for the factory that call the specifications on the product of the factory, but I'm wondering if that's enough. It might be better from a design perspective to couple the factory to the specifications of it's product, since they are closely interrelated.
If a specification for an aggregate root product is being used for validation, rather than for creation, does it make sense to call it from inside the factory?
Or is a unit test good enough?

The answer probably depends on how you are using your specifications, and whether the code is breaking a lot during the creation process.
Specifications can be used for almost anything you can think of. At a basic level specifications are merely controllable conditional statements encapsulated into objects. Wherever the code uses conditional logic one could probably refactor that logic into specifications, if the developer felt there was some justification.
There is nothing wrong with using specifications in the actual code, so long as it makes the code more usable, maintainable, or readable. There is also nothing wrong with creating specifications that are only used in tests. Specifications are simple objects, coupling code to specifications in one way or another doesn't seem to have much of a negative impact on maintenance or reusability due to the relative simplicity of most specifications.
If a specification for an aggregate
root product is being used for
validation, rather than for creation,
does it make sense to call it from
inside the factory?
Yes, but probably only if you are having trouble or a lack of confidence in the product of the factory.
Or is a unit test good enough?
Yeah calling a specification from a unit test can be good enough to prove the validity of a factory's product (at least in regard to what the specification covers). I don't often use specifications in my unit tests however, only when I'm having a tough time with something, or it's part of the logic that I'm testing.


TDD - Tests for introducing fields

I have some entity in my application called Offer. It has some fields like price, description and 3-4 more. As I'm learning TDD at the moment I don't want to introduce those fields without tests requiring them. The problem is field like title does not have any business meaning I can require so the test would be:
user creates offer with title "xyz"
assert that offer has title xyz
Is there any other way to introduce this kind of field. Should I even bother writing test for such case?
In TDD you write tests for functionality. In your case the field itself is not important. You want that an instance keeps an specific value. A test for this could be:
assertThat(sut.getProperty(), is(value)
But i would not write tests for this since there is no real functionality in it. You should have other tests which uses those properties and cover getter/setter for it. Exception is when getter/setter contains some kind of logic for example that a value has a upper limit.
The core aspect here: good OOP focuses on behavior not, on state. In other words: at least when talking about object oriented languages, you prefer to not expose fields to the outside of your class.
Instead you think in terms of behavior - aka methods. In that sense, the other answer is correct; you would rather create getter/setters and verify those.
One disclaimer here: if possible, avoid setters. Rather make sure that your fields are assigned exactly once (by the constructor). In other words: strive to write immutable classes.
Coming back to my initial point: how a "field" is implemented is an internal implementation detail. That is something that you do not want the outside world to know about - so that you are free to change the implementation if required!

Multiple Controllers appropriate with one entity in spring framework

I'm starting to develop website that use the spring framework.I have three controller.There are newCustomerController,editCustomerController and deleteCustomerController.These controllers are mapped with view that use for create update and delete, but I create only customer.
So, I would like to know.Is it appropriate to declare the controllers like this.
The answer to this question is subjective and maybe more a topic for However, there is something very spring related about it that I would like to comment.
There are a few principles that attempt at guiding developers of how to strike a good balance when thinking about designing the classes. One of those is the Single responsibility principle.
In object-oriented programming, the single responsibility principle
states that every class should have a single responsibility, and that
responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. All its
services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility
A catchier explanation is
A class or module should have one, and only one, reason to change.
However, its still often hard to reason about it properly.
Nevertheless, Spring gives you means for it (think of this statement as a poetic freedom of interpretation). Embrace constructor based dependency injection. There are quite a few reasons why you should consider constructor based dependency injection, but the part relevent to your question is adressed in the quote from the blog
An often faced argument I get is: “Constructors just get too verbose
if I have 6 or 7 dependencies. With fields only, this is fine”.
Awesome, you’ve effectively worked around a clear indicator that the
code you write is doing way too much. An increase in the number of
dependencies a type has should hurt, as it makes you think about
whether you should split up the component into multiple ones.
In other words, if you stick to constructor based injection, and your constructor turns a bit ugly, the class is most likely doing too much and you should consider redesigning.
The same works the other way around, if your operations are a part of the logical whole (like CRUD operations), and they use the same dependencies (now "measurable" by the count and the type of the injected deps) with no clear ideas of what can cause the operations to evolve independently of each other, than no reason to split to separate classes/components.
It should be better if you define one controller for Customer class and in that class you should have all methods related to customer operations (edit,delete,create and read).

Laravel4: Will not using the repository pattern hurt my project in the long run?

I'm reading Taylor Otwell's book in which he suggests using the repository pattern. I get the theory behind it. That it's easy to switch implementations and decouples your code. I get the code too. And it is very nice to be able to switch by App::bind() with some other implementation. But I've been thinking for the last two hours how I should approach things for a new CRM I'm building. Almost no code yet but it might end up big.
I would prefer to simply use eloquent models and collection injected through the controller. That should make everything testable if I'm not mistaken.. . Allowing for mocks and such.
Does the repository pattern maybe offer any benefits towards scalability? In cases when more servers or resources are needed..
And why would anybody want to replace the Eloquent ORM once committed to its use? I mean most projects need a relational database. If I would build a UserRepositoryInterface and an implementation DbUserReponsitory, I cannot see when I would ever need or want to switch that with something else. This would count for most entities in my project (order, company, product, ...). Maybe to use another ORM to replace Eloquent? But I don't see myself doing this for this project.
Or am I missing something? My main concern is to have code that is readable and easy to test. Haven't really been testing that well up to now :)
It does not necessarily mean that ignoring the Repository pattern will give you headaches on the long run, but it certainly makes re-factoring code much easier thus you can easily write Test repositories and bind them with your controllers to easily test your business logic.
So even if it is not likely that you will replace Eloquent or any other part, encapsulating chunks of logic and operations in repositories will still be beneficial for you.
Dependency injection is nothing new in terms of design patterns, will it hurt your code, not necessarily. Will it hurt your ability to easily write / re-factor old code and swap it in easily... absolutely it will.
Design patterns exist as solutions to common problems. I would tell you straight away that ignoring the IoC container in Laravel and not dependency injecting will have a big impact on you later down the line if you're writing complex applications. Take for example that you may want different bindings based on request type, user role / group, or any other combination of factors, by swapping out the classes without impacting your calling code will be beyond invaluable to you.
My advice, do not ignore the IoC container at all.
As a sidenote, Service Providers are also your friend, I'd suggest you get well acquainted with them if you want to write great apps in Laravel 4.

Is the difference between different test doubles important?

I was just reading Martin Fowler's post Mocks Aren't Stubs. He defines the different test doubles (or rather references Gerard Meszaros's xUnit patterns book):
Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they
are just used to fill parameter lists.
Fake objects actually have
working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes
them not suitable for production (an in memory database is a good
Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test,
usually not responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in
for the test. Stubs may also record information about calls, such as
an email gateway stub that remembers the messages it 'sent', or maybe
only how many messages it 'sent'.
Mocks are ... objects pre-programmed with expectations which form a
specification of the calls they are expected to receive.
Part one of my question would be, is this even authoritative? Is this language widely used and understood?
The second part of my question is that it seems that my mocking framework of choice, Mockito, makes it easy to blur the line, certainly between mocks and stubs.
Everything is called "mock". Either by calling the Mockito.mock() method or with a #Mock annotation, you use the word "mock" to create mocks, stubs, and sometimes dummies (if a simple "new" won't do). The exception is a "spy" which might be used to make something like a "fake", but can also be used to wrap your system under test.
Even if you didn't care about the name of the method to create a test double, the double can be verified (or not) and you can include a capture in the verification step, which seem to include some things that a stub would do (remembering calls that were made) and mocks (verifying that certain expected calls were made).
The reason I ask is that I try to name my doubles according to the four things I see above, but then get confused sometimes whether something really has the role of stub or a mock. So, is this a deficiency of Mockito, or is this just how things have evolved and the distinction is not really important?
Actually, it's a strength of Mockito. A Mockito mock is an object on which you can either "stub" the methods, or "verify" the methods, or both. (Doing both for the same method is kind of a code smell, but that's another topic). So a Mockito mock is both a "stub" (in the Martin Fowler sense) and a "mock" (in the Martin Fowler sense); but you don't have to use it as both. Usually, a Mockito mock will act as EITHER a "stub", OR as a "mock"; less often as both.
In some other mocking frameworks, you don't have quite this level of flexibility. If you want to do "verifying" on a mock, you also have to do "stubbing". In these frameworks, the mocks MUST act as both a "stub" and as a "mock". As far as I understand, one of the factors that motivated Szczepan Faber to create Mockito was a desire to be able to separate "stub" behaviour, and "mock" behaviour (in the strict Martin Fowler senses of both words).
The English word "mock" means "an imitation of lesser quality than the original". This is why even hand-rolled mocks (written without the aid of a framework like Mockito) are sometimes called mocks.
The language which Martin used is now a little bit out of date. He wrote it in the context of old mocking frameworks like JMock, before the "nice mocks" came along. In that era, mocks used to be strict; any interactions which hadn't been set up and weren't expected would fail.
Nowadays we tend to think of it a different way. If I'm a class, I have some other classes that I need to help me. They're either providing information, or doing some work for me - for instance, a repository might provide a list of employees, or save a new employee.
Mocks stand in for these collaborators, and we don't tend to use expectations on mocks any more. Instead, we set up mocks to provide information, then verify that they were asked to do any jobs that need to be done. Mockito was the first framework to work this way, and that's why the distinction is blurred - because whatever you're doing, you're mocking out a collaborator, and you no longer need to set up expectations. Moq works the same way in .NET.
Mockito's mocks by default don't even care if you use them and don't check (although you'll need to set up any information that they have to provide before-hand - the equivalent of a "stub").
Additionally, because Mockito provides "nice" mocks, you don't need to worry about setting expectations in case a dummy object is used somewhere - you can just use Mockito to create those, as well. And, just in case you want to add some simple behavior, Mockito lets you do callbacks easily on the arguments which are passed to it, so you can create "Fakes".
It doesn't really matter what they are - you're just mocking out a collaborating class, and the flexibility means that you don't need to worry about how you do that.
Early frameworks didn't provide this flexibility, hence Martin's differentiation, intended to help you use mocks appropriately. Hope this helps clarify things and explain why Mockito's flexibility isn't a deficiency, but - as David Wallace pointed out - a strength.
According to what I understand from Gerard Meszaros' X-Unit test patterns, a mock is a test-double that includes the functionality of a dummy, a stub and a spy. You can check out the actual comparison he draws about them in pg.742 of that book.
Also this article might throw some light on your question. This article clearly states that
"A mock is dynamically created by a mock library (the others are
typically produced by a test developer using code). The test developer
never sees the actual code implementing the interface or base class,
but can configure the mock to provide return values, expect particular
members to be invoked, and so on. Depending on its configuration, a
mock can behave like a dummy, a stub, or a spy."
Both the quote and the image were taken from this article. IMHO, a mock is intended to blur the line between a dummy, a stub and a spy.

What are your best practices when using an MVC-based web framework?

A few general questions to those who are well-versed in developing web-based applications.
Question 1:
How do you avoid the problem of "dependency carrying"? From what I understand, the first point of object retrieval should happen in your controller's action method. From there, you can use a variety of models, classes, services, and components that can require certain objects.
How do you avoid the need to pass an object to another just because an object it uses requires it? I'd like to avoid going to the database/cache to get the data again, but I also don't want to create functions that require a ton of parameters. Should the controller action be the place where you create every object that you'll eventually need for the request?
Question 2:
What data do you store in the session? My understanding is that you should generally only store things like user id, email address, name, and access permissions.
What if you have data that needs to be analyzed for every request when a user is logged in? Should you store the entire user object in the cache versus the session?
Question 3:
Do you place your data-retrieval methods in the model itself or in a separate object that gets the data and returns a model? What are the advantages to this approach?
Question 4:
If your site is driven by a user id, how do you unit test your code base? Is this why you should have all of your data-retrieval methods in a centralized place so you can override it in your unit tests?
Question 5:
Generally speaking, do you unit test your controllers? I have heard many say that it's a difficult and even a bad practice. What is your opinion of it? What exactly do you test within your controllers?
Any other tidbits of information that you'd like to share regarding best practices are welcome! I'm always willing to learn more.
How do you avoid the problem of "dependency carrying"?
Good object oriented design of a BaseController SuperClass can handle a lot of the heavy lifting of instantiating commonly used objects etc. Usage of Composite types to share data across calls is a not so uncommon practice. E.g. creating some Context Object unique to your application within the Controller to share information among processes isn't a terrible idea.
What data do you store in the session?
As few things as is humanly possible.
If there is some data intensive operation which requires a lot of overhead to process AND it's required quite often by the application, it is a suitable candidate for session storage. And yes, storage of information such as User Id and other personalization information is not a bad practice for session state. Generally though the usage of cookies is the preferred method for personalization. Always remember though to never, ever, trust the content of cookies e.g. properly validate what's read before trusting it.
Do you place your data-retrieval methods in the model itself or in a separate object that gets the data and returns a model?
I prefer to use the Repository pattern for my models. The model itself usually contains simple business rule validations etc while the Repository hits a Business Object for results and transformations/manipulations. There are a lot of Patterns and ORM tools out in the market and this is a heavily debated topic so it sometimes just comes down to familiarity with tools etc...
What are the advantages to this approach?
The advantage I see with the Repository Pattern is the dumber your models are, the easier they are to modify. If they are representatives of a Business Object (such as a web service or data table), changes to those underlying objects is sufficiently abstracted from the presentation logic that is my MVC application. If I implement all the logic to load the model within the model itself, I am kind of violating a separation of concerns pattern. Again though, this is all very subjective.
If your site is driven by a user id, how do you unit test your code base?
It is highly advised to use Dependency Injection whenever possible in code. Some IoC Containers take care of this rather efficiently and once understood greatly improve your overall architecture and design. That being said, the user context itself should be implemented via some form of known interface that can then be "mocked" in your application. You can then, in your test harness, mock any user you wish and all dependent objects won't know the difference because they will be simply looking at an interface.
Generally speaking, do you unit test your controllers?
Absolutely. Since controllers are expected to return known content-types, with the proper testing tools we can use practices to mock the HttpContext information, call the Action Method and view the results to see they match our expectations. Sometimes this results in looking only for HTTP status codes when the result is some massive HTML document, but in the cases of a JSON response we can readily see that the action method is returning all scenario's information as expected
What exactly do you test within your controllers?
Any and all publicly declared members of your controller should be tested thoroughly.
Long question, longer answer. Hope this helps anyone and please just take this all as my own opinion. A lot of these questions are religious debates and you're always safe just practicing proper Object Oriented Design, SOLID, Interface Programming, DRY etc...
Regarding dependency explosion, the book Dependency Injection in .NET (which is excellent) explains that too many dependencies reveals that your controller is taking on too much responsibility, i.e. is violating the single responsibility principle. Some of that responsibility should be abstracted behind aggregates that perform multiple operations.
Basically, your controller should be dumb. If it needs that many dependencies to do its job, it's doing too much! It should just take user input (e.g. URLs, query strings, or POST data) and pass along that data, in the appropriate format, to your service layer.
Example, drawn from the book
We start with an OrderService with dependencies on OrderRepository, IMessageService, IBillingSystem, IInventoryManagement, and ILocationService. It's not a controller, but the same principle applies.
We notice that ILocationService and IInventoryManagement are both really implementation details of an order fulfillment algorithm (use the location service to find the closest warehouse, then manage its inventory). So we abstract them into IOrderFulfillment, and a concrete implementation LocationOrderFulfillment that uses IInventoryManagement and ILocationService. This is cool, because we have hidden some details away from our OrderService and furthermore brought to light an important domain concept: order fulfillment. We could implement this domain concept in a non-location-based way now, without having to change OrderService, since it only depends on the interface.
Next we notice that IMessageService, IBillingSystem, and our new IOrderFulfillment abstractions are all really used in the same way: they are notified about the order. So we create an INotificationService, and make MessageNotification a concrete implementation of both INotificationService and IMessageService. Similarly for BillingNotification and OrderFulfillmentNotification.
Now here's the trick: we create a new CompositeNotificationService, which derives from INotificationService and delegates to various "child" INotificationService instances. The concrete instance we use to solve our original problem will delegate in particular to MessageNotification, BillingNotification, and OrderFulfillmentNotification. But if we wish to notify more systems, we don' have to go edit our controller: we just have to implement our particular CompositeNotificationService differently.
Our OrderService now depends only on OrderRepository and INotificationService, which is much more reasonable! It has two constructor parameters instead of 5, and most importantly, it takes on almost no responsibility for figuring out what to do.
