Below is the snippet of a shell script from a larger script. It removes the quotes from the string that is held by a variable. I am doing it using sed, but is it efficient? If not, then what is the efficient way?
temp=`echo $opt | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/' | sed 's/\(.*\)./\1/'`
echo $temp
Use tr to delete ":
echo "$opt" | tr -d '"'
NOTE: This does not fully answer the question, removes all double quotes, not just leading and trailing. See other answers below.
There's a simpler and more efficient way, using the native shell prefix/suffix removal feature:
echo "$temp"
${opt%\"} will remove the suffix " (escaped with a backslash to prevent shell interpretation).
${temp#\"} will remove the prefix " (escaped with a backslash to prevent shell interpretation).
Another advantage is that it will remove surrounding quotes only if there are surrounding quotes.
BTW, your solution always removes the first and last character, whatever they may be (of course, I'm sure you know your data, but it's always better to be sure of what you're removing).
Using sed:
echo "$opt" | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'
(Improved version, as indicated by jfgagne, getting rid of echo)
sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$opt"
So it replaces a leading " with nothing, and a trailing " with nothing too. In the same invocation (there isn't any need to pipe and start another sed. Using -e you can have multiple text processing).
If you're using jq and trying to remove the quotes from the result, the other answers will work, but there's a better way. By using the -r option, you can output the result with no quotes.
$ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | jq '.foo'
$ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | jq -r '.foo'
There is a straightforward way using xargs:
> echo '"quoted"' | xargs
xargs uses echo as the default command if no command is provided and strips quotes from the input, see e.g. here. Note, however, that this will work only if the string does not contain additional quotes. In that case it will either fail (uneven number of quotes) or remove all of them.
If you came here for aws cli --query, try this. --output text
You can do it with only one call to sed:
$ echo "\"html\\test\\\"" | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'
The shortest way around - try:
echo $opt | sed "s/\"//g"
It actually removes all "s (double quotes) from opt (are there really going to be any more double quotes other than in the beginning and the end though? So it's actually the same thing, and much more brief ;-))
The easiest solution in Bash:
$ s='"abc"'
$ echo $s
$ echo "${s:1:-1}"
This is called substring expansion (see Gnu Bash Manual and search for ${parameter:offset:length}). In this example it takes the substring from s starting at position 1 and ending at the second last position. This is due to the fact that if length is a negative value it is interpreted as a backwards running offset from the end of parameter.
A simple and elegant answer from Stripping single and double quotes in a string using bash / standard Linux commands only:
BAR=$(eval echo $BAR) strips quotes from BAR.
Based on hueybois's answer, I came up with this function after much trial and error:
function stripStartAndEndQuotes {
eval echo $cmd
eval echo "$1=$temp"
If you don't want anything printed out, you can pipe the evals to /dev/null 2>&1.
$ echo BAR
$ stripStartAndEndQuotes "BAR"
$ echo BAR
This is the most discrete way without using sed:
printf " quotes: %s\nno quotes: %s\n" "$x" "${x//\"/}"
echo $x
echo ${x//\"/}
quotes: "fish"
no quotes: fish
I got this from a source.
Linux=`cat /etc/os-release | grep "ID" | head -1 | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'`
echo $Linux
Simplest ways to remove double quotes from variables are
Linux=`echo "$Linux" | tr -d '"'`
Linux=$(eval echo $Linux)
Linux=`echo ${Linux//\"/}`
Linux=`echo $Linux | xargs`
All provides the Output without double quotes:
echo $Linux
I know this is a very old question, but here is another sed variation, which may be useful to someone. Unlike some of the others, it only replaces double quotes at the start or end...
echo "$opt" | sed -r 's/^"|"$//g'
If you need to match single or double quotes, and only strings that are properly quoted. You can use this slightly more complex regex...
echo $opt | sed -E "s|^(['\"])(.*)\1$|\2|g"
This uses backrefences to ensure the quote at the end is the same as at the start.
In Bash, you could use the following one-liner:
[[ "${var}" == \"*\" || "${var}" == \'*\' ]] && var="${var:1:-1}"
This will remove surrounding quotes (both single and double) from the string stored in var while keeping quote characters inside the string intact. Also, this won't do anything if there's only a single leading quote or only a single trailing quote or if there are mixed quote characters at start/end.
Wrapped in a function:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Strip surrounding quotes from string [$1: variable name]
function strip_quotes() {
local -n var="$1"
[[ "${var}" == \"*\" || "${var}" == \'*\' ]] && var="${var:1:-1}"
str="'hello world'"
echo "Before: ${str}"
strip_quotes str
echo "After: ${str}"
My version
strip_quotes() {
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
local value=${!1}
local len=${#value}
[[ ${value:0:1} == \" && ${value:$len-1:1} == \" ]] && declare -g $1="${value:1:$len-2}"
The function accepts variable name(s) and strips quotes in place. It only strips a matching pair of leading and trailing quotes. It doesn't check if the trailing quote is escaped (preceded by \ which is not itself escaped).
In my experience, general-purpose string utility functions like this (I have a library of them) are most efficient when manipulating the strings directly, not using any pattern matching and especially not creating any sub-shells, or calling any external tools such as sed, awk or grep.
var1="\"test \\ \" end \""
echo before:
for i in var{1,2,3,4}; do
echo $i="${!i}"
strip_quotes var{1,2,3,4}
echo after:
for i in var{1,2,3,4}; do
echo $i="${!i}"
I use this regular expression, which avoids removing quotes from strings that are not properly quoted, here the different outputs are shown depending on the inputs, only one with begin-end quote was affected:
echo '"only first' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'
Output: >"only first<
echo 'only last"' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'
Output: >"only last"<
echo '"both"' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'
Output: >both<
echo '"space after" ' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'
Output: >"space after" <
echo ' "space before"' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'
Output: > "space before"<
STR='"0.0.0"' ## OR STR="\"0.0.0\""
echo "${STR//\"/}"
## Output: 0.0.0
There is another way to do it. Like:
echo ${opt:1:-1}
If you try to remove quotes because the Makefile keeps them, try this:
$(subst $\",,$(YOUR_VARIABLE))
Based on another answer:
I have a shell script with this code:
var=`hg st -R "$path"`
if [ -n "$var" ]; then
echo $var
But the conditional code always executes, because hg st always prints at least one newline character.
Is there a simple way to strip whitespace from $var (like trim() in PHP)?
Is there a standard way of dealing with this issue?
I could use sed or AWK, but I'd like to think there is a more elegant solution to this problem.
A simple answer is:
echo " lol " | xargs
Xargs will do the trimming for you. It's one command/program, no parameters, returns the trimmed string, easy as that!
Note: this doesn't remove all internal spaces so "foo bar" stays the same; it does NOT become "foobar". However, multiple spaces will be condensed to single spaces, so "foo bar" will become "foo bar". In addition it doesn't remove end of lines characters.
Let's define a variable containing leading, trailing, and intermediate whitespace:
FOO=' test test test '
echo -e "FOO='${FOO}'"
# > FOO=' test test test '
echo -e "length(FOO)==${#FOO}"
# > length(FOO)==16
How to remove all whitespace (denoted by [:space:] in tr):
FOO=' test test test '
FOO_NO_WHITESPACE="$(echo -e "${FOO}" | tr -d '[:space:]')"
# > FOO_NO_WHITESPACE='testtesttest'
# > length(FOO_NO_WHITESPACE)==12
How to remove leading whitespace only:
FOO=' test test test '
FOO_NO_LEAD_SPACE="$(echo -e "${FOO}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')"
# > FOO_NO_LEAD_SPACE='test test test '
echo -e "length(FOO_NO_LEAD_SPACE)==${#FOO_NO_LEAD_SPACE}"
# > length(FOO_NO_LEAD_SPACE)==15
How to remove trailing whitespace only:
FOO=' test test test '
FOO_NO_TRAIL_SPACE="$(echo -e "${FOO}" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
# > FOO_NO_TRAIL_SPACE=' test test test'
echo -e "length(FOO_NO_TRAIL_SPACE)==${#FOO_NO_TRAIL_SPACE}"
# > length(FOO_NO_TRAIL_SPACE)==15
How to remove both leading and trailing spaces--chain the seds:
FOO=' test test test '
FOO_NO_EXTERNAL_SPACE="$(echo -e "${FOO}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
# > FOO_NO_EXTERNAL_SPACE='test test test'
# > length(FOO_NO_EXTERNAL_SPACE)==14
Alternatively, if your bash supports it, you can replace echo -e "${FOO}" | sed ... with sed ... <<<${FOO}, like so (for trailing whitespace):
FOO_NO_TRAIL_SPACE="$(sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' <<<${FOO})"
There is a solution which only uses Bash built-ins called wildcards:
var=" abc "
# remove leading whitespace characters
# remove trailing whitespace characters
printf '%s' "===$var==="
Here's the same wrapped in a function:
trim() {
local var="$*"
# remove leading whitespace characters
# remove trailing whitespace characters
printf '%s' "$var"
You pass the string to be trimmed in quoted form, e.g.:
trim " abc "
A nice thing about this solution is that it will work with any POSIX-compliant shell.
Remove leading & trailing whitespace from a Bash variable (original source)
In order to remove all the spaces from the beginning and the end of a string (including end of line characters):
echo $variable | xargs echo -n
This will remove duplicate spaces also:
echo " this string has a lot of spaces " | xargs echo -n
Produces: 'this string has a lot of spaces'
Bash has a feature called parameter expansion, which, among other things, allows string replacement based on so-called patterns (patterns resemble regular expressions, but there are fundamental differences and limitations).
[flussence's original line: Bash has regular expressions, but they're well-hidden:]
The following demonstrates how to remove all white space (even from the interior) from a variable value.
$ var='abc def'
$ echo "$var"
abc def
# Note: flussence's original expression was "${var/ /}", which only replaced the *first* space char., wherever it appeared.
$ echo -n "${var//[[:space:]]/}"
Strip one leading and one trailing space
local trimmed="$1"
# Strip leading space.
trimmed="${trimmed## }"
# Strip trailing space.
trimmed="${trimmed%% }"
echo "$trimmed"
For example:
test1="$(trim " one leading")"
test2="$(trim "one trailing ")"
test3="$(trim " one leading and one trailing ")"
echo "'$test1', '$test2', '$test3'"
'one leading', 'one trailing', 'one leading and one trailing'
Strip all leading and trailing spaces
local trimmed="$1"
# Strip leading spaces.
while [[ $trimmed == ' '* ]]; do
trimmed="${trimmed## }"
# Strip trailing spaces.
while [[ $trimmed == *' ' ]]; do
trimmed="${trimmed%% }"
echo "$trimmed"
For example:
test4="$(trim " two leading")"
test5="$(trim "two trailing ")"
test6="$(trim " two leading and two trailing ")"
echo "'$test4', '$test5', '$test6'"
'two leading', 'two trailing', 'two leading and two trailing'
From Bash Guide section on globbing
To use an extglob in a parameter expansion
#Turn on extended globbing
shopt -s extglob
#Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a variable
x=${x##+([[:space:]])}; x=${x%%+([[:space:]])}
#Turn off extended globbing
shopt -u extglob
Here's the same functionality wrapped in a function (NOTE: Need to quote input string passed to function):
trim() {
# Determine if 'extglob' is currently on.
local extglobWasOff=1
shopt extglob >/dev/null && extglobWasOff=0
(( extglobWasOff )) && shopt -s extglob # Turn 'extglob' on, if currently turned off.
# Trim leading and trailing whitespace
local var=$1
(( extglobWasOff )) && shopt -u extglob # If 'extglob' was off before, turn it back off.
echo -n "$var" # Output trimmed string.
string=" abc def ghi ";
#need to quote input-string to preserve internal white-space if any
trimmed=$(trim "$string");
echo "$trimmed";
If we alter the function to execute in a subshell, we don't have to worry about examining the current shell option for extglob, we can just set it without affecting the current shell. This simplifies the function tremendously. I also update the positional parameters "in place" so I don't even need a local variable
trim() {
shopt -s extglob
set -- "${1##+([[:space:]])}"
printf "%s" "${1%%+([[:space:]])}"
$ s=$'\t\n \r\tfoo '
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt extglob
extglob off
$ printf ">%q<\n" "$s" "$(trim "$s")"
>$'\t\n \r\tfoo '<
$ shopt extglob
extglob off
You can trim simply with echo:
foo=" qsdqsd qsdqs q qs "
# Not trimmed
echo \'$foo\'
# Trim
foo=`echo $foo`
# Trimmed
echo \'$foo\'
I've always done it with sed
var=`hg st -R "$path" | sed -e 's/ *$//'`
If there is a more elegant solution, I hope somebody posts it.
With Bash's extended pattern matching features enabled (shopt -s extglob), you can use this:
{trimmed##*( )}
to remove an arbitrary amount of leading spaces.
You can delete newlines with tr:
var=`hg st -R "$path" | tr -d '\n'`
if [ -n $var ]; then
echo $var
# Trim whitespace from both ends of specified parameter
trim () {
read -rd '' $1 <<<"${!1}"
# Unit test for trim()
test_trim () {
local foo="$1"
trim foo
test "$foo" = "$2"
test_trim hey hey &&
test_trim ' hey' hey &&
test_trim 'ho ' ho &&
test_trim 'hey ho' 'hey ho' &&
test_trim ' hey ho ' 'hey ho' &&
test_trim $'\n\n\t hey\n\t ho \t\n' $'hey\n\t ho' &&
test_trim $'\n' '' &&
test_trim '\n' '\n' &&
echo passed
There are a lot of answers, but I still believe my just-written script is worth being mentioned because:
it was successfully tested in the shells bash/dash/busybox shell
it is extremely small
it doesn't depend on external commands and doesn't need to fork (->fast and low resource usage)
it works as expected:
it strips all spaces and tabs from beginning and end, but not more
important: it doesn't remove anything from the middle of the string (many other answers do), even newlines will remain
special: the "$*" joins multiple arguments using one space. if you want to trim & output only the first argument, use "$1" instead
if doesn't have any problems with matching file name patterns etc
The script:
trim() {
local s2 s="$*"
until s2="${s#[[:space:]]}"; [ "$s2" = "$s" ]; do s="$s2"; done
until s2="${s%[[:space:]]}"; [ "$s2" = "$s" ]; do s="$s2"; done
echo "$s"
mystring=" here is
something "
mystring=$(trim "$mystring")
echo ">$mystring<"
>here is
This is what I did and worked out perfect and so simple:
the_string=" test"
the_string=`echo $the_string`
echo "$the_string"
If you have shopt -s extglob enabled, then the following is a neat solution.
This worked for me:
text=" trim my edges "
trimmed=${trimmed##+( )} #Remove longest matching series of spaces from the front
trimmed=${trimmed%%+( )} #Remove longest matching series of spaces from the back
echo "<$trimmed>" #Adding angle braces just to make it easier to confirm that all spaces are removed
<trim my edges>
To put that on fewer lines for the same result:
text=" trim my edges "
trimmed=${${text##+( )}%%+( )}
# Strip leading and trailing white space (new line inclusive).
[[ "$1" =~ [^[:space:]](.*[^[:space:]])? ]]
printf "%s" "$BASH_REMATCH"
# Strip leading white space (new line inclusive).
[[ "$1" =~ [^[:space:]].* ]]
printf "%s" "$BASH_REMATCH"
# Strip trailing white space (new line inclusive).
[[ "$1" =~ .*[^[:space:]] ]]
printf "%s" "$BASH_REMATCH"
# Strip leading and trailing white space (new line inclusive).
printf "%s" "$(rtrim "$(ltrim "$1")")"
# Strip leading and trailing specified characters. ex: str=$(trim "$str" $'\n a')
if [ "$2" ]; then
[[ "$1" =~ ^["$trim_chrs"]*(.*[^"$trim_chrs"])["$trim_chrs"]*$ ]]
printf "%s" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# Strip leading specified characters. ex: str=$(ltrim "$str" $'\n a')
if [ "$2" ]; then
[[ "$1" =~ ^["$trim_chrs"]*(.*[^"$trim_chrs"]) ]]
printf "%s" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# Strip trailing specified characters. ex: str=$(rtrim "$str" $'\n a')
if [ "$2" ]; then
[[ "$1" =~ ^(.*[^"$trim_chrs"])["$trim_chrs"]*$ ]]
printf "%s" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# Strip leading and trailing specified characters. ex: str=$(trim "$str" $'\n a')
printf "%s" "$(rtrim "$(ltrim "$1" "$2")" "$2")"
Building upon moskit's expr soulution...
# Strip leading and trailing white space (new line inclusive).
printf "%s" "`expr "$1" : "^[[:space:]]*\(.*[^[:space:]]\)[[:space:]]*$"`"
# Strip leading white space (new line inclusive).
printf "%s" "`expr "$1" : "^[[:space:]]*\(.*[^[:space:]]\)"`"
# Strip trailing white space (new line inclusive).
printf "%s" "`expr "$1" : "^\(.*[^[:space:]]\)[[:space:]]*$"`"
# Strip leading and trailing white space (new line inclusive).
printf "%s" "$(rtrim "$(ltrim "$1")")"
Use AWK:
echo $var | awk '{gsub(/^ +| +$/,"")}1'
You can use old-school tr. For example, this returns the number of modified files in a git repository, whitespaces stripped.
MYVAR=`git ls-files -m|wc -l|tr -d ' '`
This will remove all the whitespaces from your String,
/ replaces the first occurrence and // all occurrences of whitespaces in the string. I.e. all white spaces get replaced by – nothing
I would simply use sed:
function trim
echo "$1" | sed -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/^[ \t]*//g;s/[ \t]*$//g;p;}'
a) Example of usage on single-line string
string=' wordA wordB wordC wordD '
trimmed=$( trim "$string" )
echo "GIVEN STRING: |$string|"
echo "TRIMMED STRING: |$trimmed|"
GIVEN STRING: | wordA wordB wordC wordD |
TRIMMED STRING: |wordA wordB wordC wordD|
b) Example of usage on multi-line string
string=' wordA
wordC '
trimmed=$( trim "$string" )
echo -e "GIVEN STRING: |$string|\n"
echo "TRIMMED STRING: |$trimmed|"
wordC |
c) Final note:
If you don't like to use a function, for single-line string you can simply use a "easier to remember" command like:
echo "$string" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//'
echo " wordA wordB wordC " | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//'
wordA wordB wordC
Using the above on multi-line strings will work as well, but please note that it will cut any trailing/leading internal multiple space as well, as GuruM noticed in the comments
string=' wordAA
>four spaces before<
>one space before< '
echo "$string" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//'
>four spaces before<
>one space before<
So if you do mind to keep those spaces, please use the function at the beginning of my answer!
d) EXPLANATION of the sed syntax "find and replace" on multi-line strings used inside the function trim:
sed -n '
# If the first line, copy the pattern to the hold buffer
# If not the first line, then append the pattern to the hold buffer
# If the last line then ...
$ {
# Copy from the hold to the pattern buffer
# Do the search and replace
s/^[ \t]*//g
s/[ \t]*$//g
# print
There are a few different options purely in BASH:
line=${line##+([[:space:]])} # strip leading whitespace; no quote expansion!
line=${line%%+([[:space:]])} # strip trailing whitespace; no quote expansion!
line=${line//[[:space:]]/} # strip all whitespace
line=${line//[[:space:]]/} # strip all whitespace
line=${line//[[:blank:]]/} # strip all blank space
The former two require extglob be set/enabled a priori:
shopt -s extglob # bash only
NOTE: variable expansion inside quotation marks breaks the top two examples!
The pattern matching behaviour of POSIX bracket expressions are detailed here. If you are using a more modern/hackable shell such as Fish, there are built-in functions for string trimming.
I've seen scripts just use variable assignment to do the job:
$ xyz=`echo -e 'foo \n bar'`
$ echo $xyz
foo bar
Whitespace is automatically coalesced and trimmed. One has to be careful of shell metacharacters (potential injection risk).
I would also recommend always double-quoting variable substitutions in shell conditionals:
if [ -n "$var" ]; then
since something like a -o or other content in the variable could amend your test arguments.
Here's a trim() function that trims and normalizes whitespace
function trim {
echo $*
echo "'$(trim " one two three ")'"
# 'one two three'
And another variant that uses regular expressions.
function trim {
local trimmed="$#"
if [[ "$trimmed" =~ " *([^ ].*[^ ]) *" ]]
echo "$trimmed"
echo "'$(trim " one two three ")'"
# 'one two three'
This does not have the problem with unwanted globbing, also, interior white-space is unmodified (assuming that $IFS is set to the default, which is ' \t\n').
It reads up to the first newline (and doesn't include it) or the end of string, whichever comes first, and strips away any mix of leading and trailing space and \t characters. If you want to preserve multiple lines (and also strip leading and trailing newlines), use read -r -d '' var << eof instead; note, however, that if your input happens to contain \neof, it will be cut off just before. (Other forms of white space, namely \r, \f, and \v, are not stripped, even if you add them to $IFS.)
read -r var << eof
To remove spaces and tabs from left to first word, enter:
echo " This is a test" | sed "s/^[ \t]*//"
var=' a b c '
trimmed=$(echo $var)
This is the simplest method I've seen. It only uses Bash, it's only a few lines, the regexp is simple, and it matches all forms of whitespace:
if [[ "$test" =~ ^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]].*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*$ ]]
Here is a sample script to test it with:
test=$(echo -e "\n \t Spaces and tabs and newlines be gone! \t \n ")
echo "Let's see if this works:"
echo "----------"
echo -e "Testing:${test} :Tested" # Ugh!
echo "----------"
echo "Ugh! Let's fix that..."
if [[ "$test" =~ ^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]].*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*$ ]]
echo "----------"
echo -e "Testing:${test}:Tested" # "Testing:Spaces and tabs and newlines be gone!"
echo "----------"
echo "Ah, much better."
Removing spaces to one space:
(text) | fmt -su
Assignments ignore leading and trailing whitespace and as such can be used to trim:
$ var=`echo ' hello'`; echo $var
Python has a function strip() that works identically to PHP's trim(), so we can just do a little inline Python to make an easily understandable utility for this:
alias trim='python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write("'
This will trim leading and trailing whitespace (including newlines).
$ x=`echo -e "\n\t \n" | trim`
$ if [ -z "$x" ]; then echo hi; fi
Bash seems to remove trailing newlines from the output of subshells. For instance:
$ echo "Newline: '$(echo $'\n')'"
will produce the output
Newline: ''
Does anyone know a workaround or a way to prevent this truncation from happening?
If all you need is just a newline in a variable:
If you need to retain the newline, you can do this (which you show in your own answer):
f () { echo "hello"; }
output=$(f; echo "x")
echo "'$output'"
Resulting in:
After some more experimentation I found a workaround using shell variables. Basically, I make sure that the output does not end in a newline, then I strip off the added text later
output="$(echo $'\n'x )"
echo "Newline: '$output'"
This gives the proper output
Newline: '
You can use the -e option to enable interpretation of backslash escapes and do it all with one echo.
$ echo -e "Newline: '\n'"
will produce the output
Newline: '
I am trying to pass in a string containing a newline to a PHP script via BASH.
message=$(svnlook log $REPOS -r $REV)
changed=$(svnlook changed $REPOS -r $REV)
/usr/bin/php -q /home/chad/www/mantis.localhost/scripts/checkin.php <<< "${message}\n${changed}"
When I do this, I see the literal "\n" rather than the escaped newline:
blah blah issue 0000002.\nU app/controllers/application_controller.rb
Any ideas how to translate '\n' to a literal newline?
By the way: what does <<< do in bash? I know < passes in a file...
echo -e "${message}\n${changed}" | /usr/bin/php -q /home/chad/www/mantis.localhost/scripts/checkin.php
where -e enables interpretation of backslash escapes (according to man echo)
Note that this will also interpret backslash escapes which you potentially have in ${message} and in ${changed}.
From the bash manual:
Here Strings
A variant of here documents, the format is:
The word is expanded and supplied to the command on its standard input.
So I'd say
the_cmd <<< word
is equivalent to
echo word | the_cmd
... <<< "${message}${newline}${changed}"
The <<< is called a "here string". It's a one line version of the "here doc" that doesn't require a delimiter such as "EOF". This is a here document version:
... <<EOF
in order to avoid interpretation of potential escape sequences in ${message} and ${changed}, try concatenating the strings in a subshell (a newline is appended after each echo unless you specify the -n option):
( echo "${message}" ; echo "${changed}" ) | /usr/bin/php -q /home/chad/www/mantis.localhost/scripts/checkin.php
The parentheses execute the commands in a subshell (if no parentheses were given, only the output of the second echo would be piped into your php program).
It is better to use here-document syntax:
cat <<EOF
copy $VAR1 $VAR2
del $VAR1
You can use magical Bash $'\n' with here-word:
cat <<< "copy $VAR1 $VAR2"$'\n'"del $VAR1"
or pipe with echo:
{ echo copy $VAR1 $VAR2; echo del $VAR1; } | cat
or with printf:
printf "copy %s %s\ndel %s" "$VAR1" "$VAR2" "$VAR1" | cat
Test it:
env VAR1=1 VAR2=2 printf "copy %s %s\ndel %s" "$VAR1" "$VAR2" "$VAR1" | cat