tools in masm for files io - windows

How can I operate on files in masm.
I mean using standard libraries included to microsoft (masm).
Or somethning available in windows without linkink libraries.

Start with the MASM32 site (it will provide you with the basic includes you need).
Use the Win32 API as your RTL (nothing to statically link).
For console IO, see the GetStdHandle call to get you started.
Use INVOKE to handle the Win32 parms call parameters.
Also remember that you can define local variables in a MASM function and MASM will generate all the BP relative addressing for you, as well as the entry and exit sequence. MASM (32-bit) has a number of very handy HLL features (that are broken in 64-bit MASM, btw).
Have fun!


Is StringCbPrintf (strsafe.h) part of the WinAPI?

I am not sure if StringCbPrintf and the include file strsafe.h where it is defined belong the the WinAPI. On one hand, Microsoft documents the function on its WinAPI sites and strsafe.h is under the Windows SDK directory structure which indicates (to me, at least) that it is indeed part of the WinAPI. On the other hand, strsafe.h includes stdio.h etc. which belong to the CRT. I was always under the impression that the WinAPI is completely independent from the CRT (but not vice versa). Possibly, my assumption about the relationship between WinAPI and CRT is wrong. Thus my question: is StringCbPrintf part of the WinAPI?
The StrSafe API is a bit strange because it does not have its own .DLL nor its own exported functions. I assume it was developed this way because it needed to support older versions of Windows that had already been released. It was created during the WinXP service pack security push:
During February and March 2002, all application development in
Microsoft stopped and developers took part in the Security Push
initiative. The goal was to check all code for possible security
vulnerabilities and fix those problems. One of the outcomes of the
Security Push was a library of safe string functions called
"strsafe.lib" with an associated header called "strsafe.h." This
library is available through the Platform SDK that can be downloaded
from the MSDN web site and is automatically installed as part of
Visual C++.NET 2003.
As far as I can tell, a copy of strsafe.h was also included with Writing Secure Code (Second Edition) by Michael Howard and David LeBlanc but I'm not sure if they are the original authors (David LeBlanc is the author of SafeInt):
You can find a copy of Strsafe.h in the companion content in the
folder Secureco2\Strsafe.
msvcrt.dll is basically a system file these days, only Windows 95 shipped without it. You are not supposed to use it as your C run-time but SDK code from Microsoft can probably use it without issues.
msvcrt.dll is now a "known DLL," meaning that it is a system
component owned and built by Windows. It is intended for future
use only by system-level components.
If you want to use msvcrt.dll as your C run-time as well then you must use the WDK for <= Windows 7 but when using the inline version of StrSafe.h, as long as you link to a .lib that contains the required vsnprintf type functions it should not really matter which CRT it comes from. There is also a StrSafe.lib file but Microsoft recommends that you use the inline version.
You are correct that the Windows API is supposed to be independent of the CRT but StrSafe also supports stdin functions like StringCbGetsA and they did not choose to separate those into a separate header for whatever reason. That combined with the need for a existing vsnprintf type function to do the actual work means that StrSafe is somewhat attached to the CRT even though it is meant to be used by all WinAPI developers.
There is probably no true answer to whether it is part of the WinAPI or not since it is a bit subjective. Since it is included with the SDK in the include folder one would assume that Microsoft believes it is a SDK/API component and not a CRT component.
If it's not implemented in Windows and exported from one of its DLLs (as e.g. CreateFile() or CloseHandle() from kernel32.dll), I'd say it's not part of the WinAPI, even if it ends up calling things that are implemented in Windows.

Printing in MASM without includes or DOS interrupts?

sorry if this is a basic question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere online.
I am learning assembly. Dev environment is VS2013 & MASM on Windows 7. I have a decent understanding of string manipulation and now I am trying to print a char to the console. The methods that I can find on the internet involve including MASM files, using MessageBoxA, or modifying the project settings to use DOS interrupts.
Including external files and modifying project settings are two things that I definitely don't want to do. MessageBoxA seems cool, but is there not a way to print to console in pure ASM? Thanks!
Windows is not DOS and has not been for a long time. Windows NT based versions does not allow you to write directly to hardware without a kernel driver.
If you don't care about Unicode then you just need to call GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) to get a handle to stdout and then use this handle with WriteFile.
Use WriteConsole to write Unicode strings if GetConsoleMode returns true.

How are Windows API calls made on Assembly Level?

I've written some high level interpreters and a simple byte code compiler and interpreter and I want to start making a powerful intermediate language for my small operating system.
It has its own API just like windows does, and the only thing which prevents me of starting this project is to know how these specific API calls (for example the win32 forms api) are being made on the assembly level.
Is there a way to see the assembly output of not optimized c code for example and look how exatly the calls are being made? Or any sources on the WWW?
Thanks in advance
Having C documentation for the API, and knowing the calling convention / ABI, should be enough to create asm that uses it. There's no "magic" needed (no inline syscall instructions or anything like that).
Much of the Win32 API is implemented in user-space DLLs, so API calls are no different from other library function calls. (i.e. an indirect CALL with a function pointer, if I recall correctly).
Often the library function implementation will involve a syscall to interact with the kernel (or for 32-bit code, maybe an int or sysenter, I'm not sure), but this interface is not documented and is not stable across different Windows versions.

Is it possible to call the Windows API from Forth?

In C/C++, Windows executables are linked against static libraries that import DLL files containing Windows API procedures.
But how do we access those procedures from Forth code (e.g. GForth)? Is it possible at all?
I'm aware that there's Win32Forth capable of doing Win32 stuff, but I'm interested how (and if) this could be done in Forth implementations that lack this functionality from the box (yet do run on target OS and are potentially able to interact with it on a certain level).
What currently comes up to my mind is loading the DLL files in question and somehow locating the address of a procedure to execute - but then, execute how? (All I know is that Windows API uses the stdcall
convention). And how do we locate a procedure without a C header? (I'm very new to Forth and just a bit less new to C++. Please bear with me if my musings are nonsense).
In general case, to implement foreign functions interface (FFI) for dynamically loaded libraries in some Forth system as extension (i.e., without changing source code and recompilation), we need the dlopen and dlsym functions, Forth assembler, and intimate knowledge of the Forth-system organization and ABI.
Sometimes it could be done even without assembler. For example, though SP-Forth has FFI, foreign calls were also implemented in pure Forth as a result of native code generation and union of the return stack with the native hardware stack.
Regarding Gforth, it seems that in the version 0.7.9 (see releases) it doesn't have FFI for stdcall calling convention out of the box (it supports cdecl only), although it has dlopen and dlsym, and an assembler. So, it should be feasible to implement FFI for stdcall.
Yes, you could do this in Gforth according to its documentation. The biggest problem will be dealing with call backs, which the Windows API relies on rather heavily. There is an unsupported package to deal with this, see 5.25.6 Callbacks. I have not attempted this myself in Gforth, but the documentation looks adequate.
You might also want to check MPE's VFXForth. From their website:
Windows API Access
VFX Forth can access all the standard Windows API calls, as well as functions in any other DLLs. The function interface allows API calls to be defined by cut and paste from other language reference manuals, for example:
EXTERN: int PASCAL CreateDialogIndirectParam( HINSTANCE, void *,HWND, WNDPROC, LPARAM );
This is down the page a bit at VFX Forth for Windows.
As I do my Forth on Mac and Linux, I can't work through the Windows for Gforth to provide more detail, sorry.
Gforth 0.7.9 provides Windows API calls generated by Swig from the Windows header files. The C interface uses a wrapper library, which is compiled by the C compiler, to pass parameters from the Forth stack to the system functions; as the C compiler understands stdcall, and the header files declare Windows API as stdcall, this "just works".
As all pre-generated C bindings live in the directory "unix" (for historical reasons), include unix/win32.fs gives you the win32 part of the Windows API.
Callbacks in the event loop are still a problem, as Gforth is a Cygwin program, and Cygwin has its special event loop task... but I hope that problem can be fixed.

Windows GNU compiler suite without external dependencies

Are there any free, GCC-compatible suites for Windows that generate standalone executables without external dependencies?
Here are a few that do not fit the bill, ordered by undesirability, least to most:
Cygwin (Cygwin runtime DLLs)
DJGPP (NTVDM.EXE; not present on x64 platforms)
Right now I'm leaning towards (and using, albeit tentatively,) MinGW, as it does seem to be the "cleanest" approach. I still am not thrilled with the MSVCRT.DLL dependency, especially as I can and do have to deal with customers running pre-Win2K. (Windows 2000 was the first edition to ship with MSVCRT.DLL) Distributing MSVCRT with the application is not an option.
P.S.: I am aware that there is an attempt to create an MSVCRT replacement for MinGW, but it is still unstable/beta, and has limited functionality; not something I'd feel comfortable using for production applications.
P.P.S.: Answers to the effect of "MSCVRT is usually there anyway," or "Just package the redist" are not constructive answers. The question specifically asks how to AVOID dependencies, not ensure their presence.
To avoid MSVCRT with MinGW, use the following flags for the linker:
-nostdlib -Wl,--exclude-libs,msvcrt.a -Wl,-eWinMain
Notice that you have to declare a function named WinMain (you can also choose another name for it) which will be your main. You also can't use any of the standard functions like strlen, printf and friends. Instead, you must use the WinAPI equivalents like lstrcmp, wsprintf, etc.
You can see an example of this using SCons at:
I've used this for my project that also requires Windows 9x compatibility. This also has the nice side effect of having smaller executables. From your comments above, it seems you're looking for that too. If that's the case, there are even more tricks you can use in the file I linked above.
Microsoft has a table matching CRT functions to WinAPI at the following KB99456:
Win32 Equivalents for C Run-Time Functions (Web Archive)
More information on getting rid of CRT (although for VC, it can still help) at:
