compatible dll file for - cocoa

i have an application in MS Visual studio that uses, can any one knows the compatible dll for the same in Mac OS X so that the file zipped in Mac OS X application could be opened with the same

I don't know anything about but if you want to zip/unzip files in Cocoa you could try this Google framework.


How to open Finder on Mac using .NET MAUI with Mac Catalyst

I'm using .NET MAUI and I need to open Finder for a specific folder (not picking a folder, I just want users to be able to see where files are stored). In Windows I use this:
But I can't find the equivalent for Mac Catalyst.

Compile OSX app on Windows with Xamarin

I have a Xamarin Mac app I've been handed to make some changes. I've got everything working correctly as far as Windows Visual Studio Xamarin connecting to Mac Xamarin -- the Mac ssh agent works and whatnot.
However, how do I compile the app? When I build it on Windows, it generates an .exe file. Is something supposed to be generated on the Mac side, too? Or do I take that .exe file and somehow package it into an OSX app?
I was trying to stay in my Windows environment to do the coding and building as much as possible.
Thank you.
You will need to compile/package/debug it on macOS.
The build process is performed locally on Windows, generating IL assemblies that cannot be used for running or debugging apps, and it doesn't create application bundles.
macOS Apps
Mac apps can be opened and compiled in Visual Studio to check for errors, however to debug or create a working executable the project must currently be built on a Mac. This limited support for Mac projects allows for easier code sharing in Visual Studio between iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac apps.

Debugging using Xcode

This question might be trivial or duplicate.
I am on Mac OS X. I have an exe (.app for Mac OS X) compiled using makefile without Xcode.
I want to debug this application using Xcode. (Application can be debugged as it is compiled using -g option).
Now, I want to debug this exe using Xcode. How to do this in Xcode?
In Windows using Visual Studio, I can open exe under Visual Studio using "devenv application" and then debug.
How can this be achieved in Mac OS X system?
I am using Xcode 4.4.
I did in following way:
Create an empty project under Xcode.
Under Product > New Scheme, add a scheme.
Under Run, choose the exe or application.
Now, put the break points and run the exe.

Debugging MonoMac apps using Mono Tools and Visual Studio

If a MonoMac app has been compiled on MonoDevelop, can it be remotely debugged via Mono-tools (or anything else) on Visual Studio running on a Windows machine?
Several library assemblies are compiled on Windows .NET and copied over to a Mac. Their symbols are then converted from .pdb to mono's .mdb format using pdb2mdb.
The final executable that references the libraries is compiled on MonoDevelop on a Mac. This produces the .app bundle that contains the plist, xibs and the referenced library assemblies.
This app can currently be run and debugged on Mac using MonoDevelop.
Question: Is there a way to remotely debug the app using Visual Studio?
Mono-tools seems to be a good starting point, but it seems to require that the entire app be compiled in Visual Studio. This is not possible with a MonoMac app.
Looked for the sources for mono-tools but could not find any. Also could not find a third party solution for this scenario.

Deploy Qt application on MAC with Qt framework

I developed one Qt application in Mac using Qt creator,Its working fine on my development machine.Then I copied the project output from my build directory to a new machine without Qt framework,but its not working in that machine, Do I need to install any frame work for running Qt application in Mac. How I can include qt framework in my application when deploying the project output?
Make sure to have read Developing Qt Applications for Mac OS X.
See Qt for macOS - Deployment specifically, and Qt for macOS generally.
The binary will be in your Debug or Release folder and it will be as .app
(.app extension may be hidden )
make sure you copy that and it should work fine as the binary has all its dependencies packed together
