SVN Committing is broken since today - windows

When committing changes to already existing files I receive the following error messages since today, although no one did change anything I know of at the server or client side.
The server is running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586). We're using use mod_dav_svn 1.6.4 in apache 2.2.13. The svn server is running behind a reverse-proxy whose settings are also said to have not changed.
Me and the persons who also do have the problem also are using Tortoise svn on windows as client.
Updating and creating new files also works without problems.
mod_dav_svn close_stream: error closing write stream [500, #2]
Can't open file '/var/lib/svn/repos/project/db/transactions/1744-1gq.txn/next-ids': No such file or directory [500, #2]
mod_dav_svn close_stream: error closing write stream [500, #2]
Can't open file '/var/lib/svn/repos/project/db/transactions/1744-1gr.txn/node.c-293.0-1732': No such file or directory [500, #2]
Could not MERGE resource "/repos/project/!svn/act/48c175a7-c2dc-624d-a16d-c50c9a4f1679" into "/repos/project/folder/branches/CR008/folder/folder/WebContent/custom/webtop/admin2". [409, #0]
An error occurred while committing the transaction. [409, #2]
Can't open file '/var/lib/svn/repos/project/db/transactions/1744-1gs.txn/props': No such file or directory [409, #2]
I also checked for disk space and restarted the svn server and run svnadmin recover. What else could I try?

The problem occured due to an http proxy server which was between the reverse proxy and the client. As soon as it got deactivated SVN worked again :-).

I'd check into those "no such file or directory" messages and see if they're true. These error log things are often true!

This problem is d'nt copy all directories
sudo mkdir repodir/db/transactions
sudo mkdir repodir/db/txn-protorevs
sudo chmod 775 repodir/db -R
sudo chgrp www-data repodir/db -R

If this was a reverse proxy issue using 'BrowserMatch "SVN" redirect-carefully' in your Apache configuration should solve the problem.


"Unable to write to the configuration file." Error with Magento Connect Manager

After migrating my Apache server from Ubuntu 14.04 to CentOS 7, I started experiencing these permission errors.
On the Magento Connect Manager login page, I'm hit with an error message and unable to login:
Unable to write to the configuration file.
The error remained even after I set the permission for every file and folder to 0777.
I then deleted the .cfg files in the "downloader" folder. Now the error message has become:
Settings has not been loaded. Used default settings Config file does not exists please save Settings Unable to write to the configuration file.
After login/logout, restarting the Apache server and even the entire host, the error remained. The error logs did not record anything at all.
On Debian 8.6 with Magento- the chown following command:
chown www-data:www-data var/brute-force.ini
enable right to write and unlock the access to Magento Connect Manager
SELinux was preventing Apache from writing to the directory.
I used the following command to enable it:
chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html -R

Need help setting up a git server on windows

i'm trying to set up a git server on Windows, but i'm having some issues getting it all to work.
I have locally created a normal repository, and remotely i created a bare repository. On the local repository i added a single text file and committed it, but when I try to push it into the remote repository I always get the following message:
fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: fata
I searched SO and other sources, and most of them suggest it's an issue regarding command echos. I'm using freeSSHd as a SSH solution (remote repository is hosted on a windows server), and I tried to use both the git bash and the windows CMD as a command shell.
I start CMD with /Q to disable echoing and /K to change directory to a directory where repositories are located, so I don't think that would be a problem.
Using the remote desktop, i can clone the repository to a folder next to it, and using the git bash locally i can access the SSH shell and also clone the repository in the same way. But using git clone ssh://<address>:/myRepo.git I always get the above message (The SSH's working folder is the same where the repository is located). Does anyone have any idea what's going on? How can I see what command is triggering the error, and how can I see the full error message?
I also met the same error using freeSSHd as a ssh solution for git server on Windows. I couldn't find a solution for a whole day and gave up. :(
Later I found another powerful ssh server from Bitvise called WinSSHD worked well. It has free version for personal use. I suggest you to switch to it. Though I'd also like to know if there's a fix to the error we both met.
To setup ssh server with WinSSHD is quite simple, and you can add virtual accounts with private/public key access.
The key part is to setup the ssh access for git server. Please follow the steps of the blog here.
It should work well for Windows git client. For Mac, you may meet an error as follows. No such file or directory
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
To fix it, you need to create the two files and in your git bin directory (GIT_PATH/bin or GIT_PATH/libexec/git-core configured in system environment variable PATH) in your git server.
The content of
git-upload-pack.exe $*
The content of
git-receive-pack.exe $*

openshift DIY, 503 error after deleting and adding again testrubyserver.ruby file

I am trying openshift DIY cartridge. I use a windows system to manage the server from command line. I managed to run a simple html5 website. I have deleted the testrubyserver.ruby file from the webpage folder for test purposed and then added it again to my webfolder. Now i have 503 error. No restart, no stop, no start helps. I am stuck in 503. Does anyone know what to do? How can I make the testrubyserver.ruby run again?
Solved my problem. I checked the log file in the folder: app-root / logs. There I found out that
nohup: failed to run command `/..//testrubyserver.rb': Permission denied
I change in filezilla the permissions for the file from rw to rwx to execute it. Restarted the server and then it worked.
I do not know if this is the right approach. At least it makes my app running again.

Tortoise Bazaar commit password

I've recently set up a Bazaar repo on my FTP server (only access I have to back end, please don't go into reasons why I shouldn't use FTP).
I have managed to get everything working with short cuts such that I can include user and pass in the ftp URL:
Though I am trying to set up script that I can commit from a local directory with a batch file. The issue is I still require to put in the password everytime.
bzr commit "E:\Ryan - Backup\Other\test" -m batched
I had a crack at using the authentication.conf file but it either didn't work for me in this situation or I was doing it wrong. I placed the file in the .bzr folder so it was located at:
E:\Ryan - Backup\Other\Test\.bzr\authentication.conf
With the contents being:
# Identity on
Am I doing something wrong or would I have to create a plugin to do what I am after.
P.S End result was to run a batch at startup and shut down so I could sync file updates between my computers.
UPDATE: I also tried the
guide that describes the location of:
for the authetication.conf file, this didn't work either
UPDATE 2: Placing the authentication.conf into the:
Worked fine and I just ended up using checkout and push for syncing and no manually password typing was required!

Mercurial reported error number 255: abort: Resource busy

Using MacHG I get this message:
"Mercurial reported error number 255:abort: Resource busy"
I'm trying to push changes across a local network from my mac to a SMB mounted shared directory. It was working earlier today for 2 pushes and a clone.
I have read all the forums about lock files and symlinks and that SMB supports symlinks for the file locking to work.
Also there are no .hg/store/lock or .hg/wlock files for me to delete to resolve the locking scenario.
EDIT: After trying CIFS as the protocol for mounting the share it would appear CIFS is now reporting the same issue/error message...
After repeating tests of:
Switching from SMB to CIFS
performing a verify on each repository.
Closing MacHG on all computers involved.
Closing XCode on all computers involved
Restarting all computers involved
It would seem the only solution that was consistent is to NOT map to a networked share folder...
The above link is a really great guide on getting a simple intranet share happening.
You'll need to edit the .hg/hgrc file so that it includes the following lines:
Then in our situation we created a startup script (batch file for windows in our case) for when the server turned on to make sure it performed the following:
taskkill /f /im hg.exe /t
cd pathtorepository\MyProject
hg serve -d -p <portnumber1>
cd pathtosecondproject\MySecondProject
hg serve -d -p <portnumber2>
Visit the mercurial wiki or search SO for more details on setting up hg serve if you requre secure connections and authentication
