Oracle transaction read-consistency? - oracle

I have a problem understanding read consistency in database (Oracle).
Suppose I am manager of a bank . A customer has got a lock (which I don't know) and is doing some updating. Now after he has got a lock I am viewing their account information and trying to do some thing on it. But because of read consistency I will see the data as it existed before the customer got the lock. So will not that affect inputs I am getting and the decisions that I am going to make during that period?

The point about read consistency is this: suppose the customer rolls back their changes? Or suppose those changes fail because of a constraint violation or some system failure?
Until the customer has successfully committed their changes those changes do not exist. Any decision you might make on the basis of a phantom read or a dirty read would have no more validity than the scenario you describe. Indeed they have less validity, because the changes are incomplete and hence inconsistent. Concrete example: if the customer's changes include making a deposit and making a withdrawal, how valid would your decision be if you had looked at the account when they had made the deposit but not yet made the withdrawal?
Another example: a long running batch process updates the salary of every employee in the organisation. If you run a query against employees' salaries do you really want a report which shows you half the employees with updated salaries and half with their old salaries?
Read consistency is achieved by using the information in the UNDO tablespace (rollback segments in the older implementation). When a session reads data from a table which is being changed by another session, Oracle retrieves the UNDO information which has been generated by that second session and substitutes it for the changed data in the result set presented to the first session.
If the reading session is a long running query it might fail because due to the notorious ORA-1555: snapshot too old. This means the UNDO extent which contained the information necessary to assemble a read consistent view has been overwritten.
Locks have nothing to do with read consistency. In Oracle writes don't block reads. The purpose of locks is to prevent other processes from attempting to change rows we are interested in.

For systems that have large number of users, where users may "hold" the lock for a long time the Optimistic Offline Lock pattern is usually used, i.e. use the version in the UPDATE ... WHERE statement.
You can use a date, version id or something else as the row version. Also the virtual columm ORA_ROWSCN may be used but you need to read up on it first.

When a record is locked due to changes or an explicit lock statement, an entry is made into the header of that block. This is called an ITL (interested transaction list). When you come along to read that block, your session sees this and knows where to go to get the read consistent copy from the rollback segment.


Can a Oracle query done after a commit, return values prior to the commit when such commit is done with COMMIT_WRITE = NOWAIT?

I have a 3th party Java library that in a moment, gets a JDBC connection, starts a transaction, does several batch updates with PreparedStatement.addBatch(), executes the batch, commits the transaction and closes the connection. Almost immediately after (in the span of <10 milliseconds), the library gets another connection and queries one of the records affected by the update.
For the proper functioning of the library, that query should return the updated record. However, in some rare cases, I'm getting (using P6Spy) that the query is returning the record with its values before the update (and the library fails in some point forwards due to unexpected data).
I'm trying to understand why this would happen, and then I found that in my database (Oracle 19c) there is a parameter COMMIT_WAIT that basically gives the possibility that a call to a commit doesn't block until the commit is finished, obtaining an asynchronous commit. So I used the SHOW PARAMETERS to see the value of that parameter and I found out that COMMIT_WAIT is set up to NOWAIT (also, COMMIT_LOGGING was set up to BATCH).
I began to speculate if what was happening was that the call to commit() just started the operation (without waiting for it to finish), and perhaps the next query occurred while the operation was still in progress, returning the value of the record before the transaction. (The isolation level for all connections is Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED)
Can COMMIT_WAIT set up to NOWAIT cause that kind of scenario? I read that the use of NOWAIT has a lot of risks associated with it, but mostly they refers to things like loss of durability if the database crashes.
Changing the commit behavior should not affect database consistency and should not cause wrong results to be returned.
A little background - Oracle uses REDO for durability (recovering data after an error) and uses UNDO for consistency (making sure the correct results are always returned for any point-in-time). To improve performance, there are many tricks to reduce REDO and UNDO. But changing the commit behavior doesn't reduce the amount of logical REDO and UNDO, it only delays and optimizes the REDO physical writes.
Before a commit happens, and even before your statements return, the UNDO data used for consistency has been written to memory. Changing the commit behavior won't stop the changes from making their way to the UNDO tablespace.
Per the Database Reference for COMMIT_WAIT, "Also, [the parameter] can violate the durability of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions if the database shuts down unexpectedly." Since the manual is already talking about the "D" in ACID, I assume it would also explicitly mention if the parameter affects the "C".
On the other hand, the above statements are all just theory. It's possible that there's some UNDO optimization bug that's causing the parameter to break something. But I think that would be extremely unlikely. Oracle goes out of its way to make sure that data is never lost or incorrect. (I know because even when I don't want REDO or UNDO it's hard to turn them off.)

Oracle Database Change Notification and ROWID's

Oracle's database change notification feature sends rowids (physical row addresses) on row inserts, updates and deletes. As indicated in the oracle's documentation this feature can be used by the application to built a middle tier cache. But this seems to contradict when we have a detailed look on how row ids work.
ROWID's (physical row addresses) can change when various database operations are performed as indicated by this stackoverflow thread. In addition to this, as tom mentions in this thread clustered tables can have same rowids.
Based on the above research, it doesn't seem to be safe to use the rowid sent during the database change notification as the key in the application cache right? This also raises a question on - Should database change notification feature be used to built an application server cache? or is a recommendation made to restart all the application server clusters (to reload/refresh the cache) when the tables of the cached objects undergo any operations which result in rowid's to change? Would that be a good assumption to be made for production environments?
It seems to me to none of operations that can potentially change the ROWID is an operation that would be carried out in a productive environment while the application is running. Furthermore, I've seen a lot of productive software that uses the ROWID accross transaction (usually just for a few seconds or minutes). That software would probably fail before your cache if the ROWID changed. So creating a database cache based on change notification seems reasonable to me. Just provide a small disclaimer regarding the ROWID.
The only somewhat problematic operation is an update causing a movement to another partition. But that's something that rarely happens because it defeats the purpose of the partitioning, at least if it occurred regularly. The designer of a particular database schema will be able to tell you whether such an operation can occur and is relevant for caching. If none of the tables has ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT set, you don't even need to ask the designer.
As to duplicate ROWIDs: ROWIDs aren't unique globally, they are unique within a table. And you are given both the ROWID and the table name in the change notification. So the tuple of ROWID and table name is a perfect unique key for building a reliable cache.

How to model data planning

I want to build a data model which supports:
Data history - store every change of data. This is not a problem:
Data planning - user should be able to prepare a record with validity sometime in the future (for example, I know that customer name changes from May so I prepare record with validity of 1st of May).
How can I do point 2?
How can I do these things together (points 1 & 2)
If you really need point 2 - and I would think very hard about this, because in my experience users will never use it, and you will be spending a lot of effort to support something no one will ever use - anyway, if you really need it, then:
Make no changes at all directly in the table. All changes go through history.
Behind the scenes, periodically you will run a batch updater. This goes through history, finds all unapplied changes (set a status flag in the history to be able to rapidly find them), and applies them, and it checks the date to make sure it is time to apply the change.
You are going to have to deal with merges. What if the user says: In one month my name changes. Then goes in a and changes their name effective today. You have a conflict. How do you resolve it? You can either prevent any immediate changes, until past ones are done (or at least all new changes have a date after the last unapplied one). Or you can change it now, and change it again in a month.
I think storing the change of data is handled in the background, Look into data warehousing and slowly changing dimensions in a Stored Procedure to handle new records and predecessors of those new records which will be known as "expired records". Once you allowed for SCD it's quite easy to find those historic expired records that you're after.

Can I substitute savepoints for starting new transactions in Oracle?

Right now the process that we're using for inserting sets of records is something like this:
(and note that "set of records" means something like a person's record along with their addresses, phone numbers, or any other joined tables).
Start a transaction.
Insert a set of records that are related.
Commit if everything was successful, roll back otherwise.
Go back to step 1 for the next set of records.
Should we be doing something more like this?
Start a transaction at the beginning of the script
Start a save point for each set of records.
Insert a set of related records.
Roll back to the savepoint if there is an error, go on if everything is successful.
Commit the transaction at the beginning of the script.
After having some issues with ORA-01555 and reading a few Ask Tom articles (like this one), I'm thinking about trying out the second process. Of course, as Tom points out, starting a new transaction is something that should be defined by business needs. Is the second process worth trying out, or is it a bad idea?
A transaction should be a meaningful Unit Of Work. But what constitutes a Unit Of Work depends upon context. In an OLTP system a Unit Of Work would be a single Person, along with their address information, etc. But it sounds as if you are implementing some form of batch processing, which is loading lots of Persons.
If you are having problems with ORA-1555 it is almost certainly because you are have a long running query supplying data which is being updated by other transactions. Committing inside your loop contributes to the cyclical use of UNDO segments, and so will tend to increase the likelihood that the segments you are relying on to provide read consistency will have been reused. So, not doing that is probably a good idea.
Whether using SAVEPOINTs is the solution is a different matter. I'm not sure what advantage that would give you in your situation. As you are working with Oracle10g perhaps you should consider using bulk DML error logging instead.
Alternatively you might wish to rewrite the driving query so that it works with smaller chunks of data. Without knowing more about the specifics of your process I can't give specific advice. But in general, instead of opening one cursor for 10000 records it might be better to open it twenty times for 500 rows a pop. The other thing to consider is whether the insertion process can be made more efficient, say by using bulk collection and FORALL.
Some thoughts...
Seems to me one of the points of the asktom link was to size your rollback/undo appropriately to avoid the 1555's. Is there some reason this is not possible? As he points out, it's far cheaper to buy disk than it is to write/maintain code to handle getting around rollback limitations (although I had to do a double-take after reading the $250 pricetag for a 36Gb drive - that thread started in 2002! Good illustration of Moore's Law!)
This link (Burleson) shows one possible issue with savepoints.
Is your transaction in actuality steps 2,3, and 5 in your second scenario? If so, that's what I'd do - commit each transaction. Sounds a bit to me like scenario 1 is a collection of transactions rolled into one?

Is there a way to peek inside of another Oracle session?

I have a query editor (Toad) looking at the database.
At the same time, I am also debugging an application with its own separate connection.
My application starts a transaction, does some updates, and then makes decisions based on some SELECT statements. Because the update statements (which are many and complex) are not committed yet, the results my application gets from its SELECT are not the same as what I get if I run the same statement in Toad.
Currently I get around this by dumping the query output from the app into a text file, and reading that.
Is there a better way to peek inside another oracle session, and see what that session sees, before the commit is complete?
Another way to ask this is: Under Oracle, can I enable dirty reads between only two sessions, without affecting anyone else's session?
No, Oracle does not permit dirty reads. Also, since the changes may not have physically been written to disk, you won't find them in the data files.
The log writer will write any pending data changes at least every three seconds, so you may be able to use the Log Miner stuff to pick it out from there.
But in general, your best bet is to include your own debugging information which you can easily switch on and off as required.
It's not a full answer I know, but while there are no dead reads, there are locks that can give you some idea what is going on.
In session 1 if you insert a row with primary key 7, then you will not see it when you select from session 2. (That would be a dirty read).
However, if you attempt an insert from session 2 using the primary key of 7 then it will block behind session 1 as it has to wait and see if session 1 will commit or rollback. You can use "WAIT 10" to wait 10 seconds for this to happen.
A similar story exists for updates or anything that would cause a unique constraint violation.
Can you not just set the isolation level in the session you want to peak at to 'read uncommitted' with an alter session command or a logon trigger (I have not tried this myself) temporarily?
What I prefer to do (in general) is place debug statements in the code that remain there permanently, but are turned off in production - Tom Kyte's debug.f package is a useful place to start -
