Finding a stable placement of an irregular (non-convex) shape - algorithm

Given an image of a 2-dimensional irregular (non-convex) shape, how would I able to compute all the ways in which it could lie stable on a flat surface? For example, if the shape is a perfect square rectangle, then it will surely have 4 ways in which it is stable. A circle on the other hand either has no stable orientation or every point is a stable orientation.
EDIT: There's this nice little game called Splitter (Beware, addictive game ahead) that seems close to what I want. Noticed that you cut a piece of the wood out it would fall to the ground and lay in a stable manner.
EDIT: In the end, the approach I took is to compute center of mass (of the shape) and compute the convex hull (using OpenCV), and then loop through every pair of vertices. If the center of mass falls on top of the line formed by the 2 vertices, it is deemed stable, else, no.

First find its center of mass (CM). A stable position is one in which the CM will be higher if you make a slight rotation. Now look at the hull, the smallest convex region that encloses the shape:
If the hull is a polygon, then a stable position is one in which the shape is resting on one of the sides, and the CM is directly over that side (not necessarily over the midpoint of the side, just somewhere over it.
If the hull has curves (that is, if the shape has curves which touch the hull), they must be give special treatment. The shape will be stable when resting on a curved edge iff the CM is directly above the lowest point of the curve, and the radius of the curve at that point is greater than the height of the CM.
A rectangle. The hull is simply the rectangle, and the CM is at the center. The shape is stable on each of the four sides.
A rectangle with the sides hollowed, but the corners still intact. The hull is still the original rectangle, and the CM is close to where it used to be. All four sides of the hull are still stable (that is, you can still rest the shape on any two corners).
A circle. The CM is in the center, the hull is the circle. There are no stable positions, since the radius of the curve is always equal to the height of the CM. Give it a slight touch, and it will roll.
An ellipse. The CM is at the center, the hull is the shape. Now there are two stable positions.
A semicircle. The CM is somewhere on the axis of symmetry, the hull is the shape. Two stable positions.
A narrow semicircular crescent. The hull is a semicircle, the CM is outside the shape (but inside the hull). Two stable positions.
(The ellipse position marked with an X is unstable, because the curvature is smaller than the distance to the centre of mass.)

note: this answer assumes your shape is a proper polygon.
For our purposes, we'll define an equilibrium position as one where the Center of Mass is directly above a point that is between the leftmost and rightmost ground-contact points of the object (assuming the ground is a flat surface perpendicular to the force of gravity). This will work in all cases, for all shapes.
Note that, this is actually the physical definition of rotational equilibrium, as a consequence of Newtonian Rotational Kinematics.
For a proper polygon, if we eliminate cases where they stand on a sole vertex, this definition is equivalent to a stable position.
So, if you have a straight downward gravity, first find the left-most and right-most parts of it that are touching the ground.
Then, calculate your Center of Mass. For a polygon with known vertices and uniform density, this problem is reduced to finding the Centroid (relevant section).
Afterwards, drop a line from your CoM; if the intersection of the CoM and the ground is between those two x values, it's at equilibrium.
If your leftmost point and rightmost point match (ie, in a round object), this will still hold; just remember to be careful with your floating point comparisms.
Note that this can also be used to measure "how stable" an object is -- this measure is the maximum y-distance the Center of Mass can move before it is no longer within the range of the two contact points.
EDIT: nifty diagram made hastily
So, how can you use this to find all the ways it can sit on a table? See:
The programmable approach
Instead of the computationally expensive task of rotating the shape, try this instead.
Your shape's representation in your program should probably have a list of all vertices.
Find the vertices of your shape's convex hull (basically, your shape, but with all concave vertices -- vertices that are "pushed in" -- eliminated).
Then Iterate through each of pair of adjacent vertices on your convex hull (ie, if I had vertices A, B, C, D, I'd iterate through AB, BC, CD, DA)
Do this test:
Draw a line A through the two vertices being tested
Draw a line perpendicular to A, going through CoM C.
Find the intersection of the two lines (simple algebra)
If the intersection's y value is in between the y value of the two vertices, it stable. If the y values are all equal, compare the x values.
That should do the trick.
Here is an example of the test being running on one pair of vertices:
If your shape is not represented by its vertices in your data structure, then you should try to convert them. If it's something like a circle or an ellipse, you may use heuristics to guess the answer (a circle has infinite equilibrium positions; an ellipse 4, albeit only two "stable" points). If it's a curved wobbly irregular shape, you're going to have to supply your data structure for me be able to help in a program-related way, instead of just providing case-by-case heuristics.

I'm sure this is not the most efficient algorithm, but it's an idea.
If you can order the verticles of the polygon (assuming it has a finite number of vertices), then just iterate over adjacent pairs of vertices and record the angle it rests at through some form of simulation. There will be duplicate orientations for it to sit on in the case of weird shapes, like stars, but you can accomodate for that by keeping track of the resting rotation.


How to compute the set of polygons from a set of overlapping circles?

This question is an extension on some computation details of this question.
Suppose one has a set of (potentially overlapping) circles, and one wishes to compute the area this set of circles covers. (For simplicity, one can assume some precomputation steps have been made, such as getting rid of circles included entirely in other circles, as well as that the circles induce one connected component.)
One way to do this is mentioned in Ants Aasma's and Timothy's Shields' answers, being that the area of overlapping circles is just a collection of circle slices and polygons, both of which the area is easy to compute.
The trouble I'm encountering however is the computation of these polygons. The nodes of the polygons (consisting of circle centers and "outer" intersection points) are easy enough to compute:
And at first I thought a simple algorithm of picking a random node and visiting neighbors in clockwise order would be sufficient, but this can result in the following "outer" polygon to be constructed, which is not part of the correct polygons.
So I thought of different approaches. A Breadth First Search to compute minimal cycles, but I think the previous counterexample can easily be modified so that this approach results in the "inner" polygon containing the hole (and which is thus not a correct polygon).
I was thinking of maybe running a Las Vegas style algorithm, taking random points and if said point is in an intersection of circles, try to compute the corresponding polygon. If such a polygon exists, remove circle centers and intersection points composing said polygon. Repeat until no circle centers or intersection points remain.
This would avoid ending up computing the "outer" polygon or the "inner" polygon, but would introduce new problems (outside of the potentially high running time) e.g. more than 2 circles intersecting in a single intersection point could remove said intersection point when computing one polygon, but would be necessary still for the next.
Ultimately, my question is: How to compute such polygons?
PS: As a bonus question for after having computed the polygons, how to know which angle to consider when computing the area of some circle slice, between theta and 2PI - theta?
Once we have the points of the polygons in the right order, computing the area is a not too difficult.
The way to achieve that is by exploiting planar duality. See the Wikipedia article on the doubly connected edge list representation for diagrams, but the gist is, given an oriented edge whose right face is inside a polygon, the next oriented edge in that polygon is the reverse direction of the previous oriented edge with the same head in clockwise order.
Hence we've reduced the problem to finding the oriented edges of the polygonal union and determining the correct order with respect to each head. We actually solve the latter problem first. Each intersection of disks gives rise to a quadrilateral. Let's call the centers C and D and the intersections A and B. Assume without loss of generality that the disk centered at C is not smaller than the disk centered at D. The interior angle formed by A→C←B is less than 180 degrees, so the signed area of that triangle is negative if and only if A→C precedes B→C in clockwise order around C, in turn if and only if B→D precedes A→D in clockwise order around D.
Now we determine which edges are actually polygon boundaries. For a particular disk, we have a bunch of angle intervals around its center from before (each sweeping out the clockwise sector from the first endpoint to the second). What we need amounts to a more complicated version of the common interview question of computing the union of segments. The usual sweep line algorithm that increases the cover count whenever it scans an opening endpoint and decreases the cover count whenever it scans a closing endpoint can be made to work here, with the adjustment that we need to initialize the count not to 0 but to the proper cover count of the starting angle.
There's a way to do all of this with no trigonometry, just subtraction and determinants and comparisons.

3D mesh direction detection

I have a 3D mesh consisting of triangle polygons. My mesh can be either oriented left or right:
I'm looking for a method to detect mesh direction: right vs left.
So far I tried to use mesh centroid:
Compare centroid to bounding-box (b-box) center
See if centroid is located left of b-box center
See if centroid is located right of b-box center
But the problem is that the centroid and b-box center don't have a reliable difference in most cases.
I wonder what is a quick algorithm to detect my mesh direction.
An idea proposed by #collapsar is ordering Convex Hull points in clockwise order and investigating the longest edge:
Another approach as suggested by #YvesDaoust is to investigate two specific regions of the mesh:
Count the vertices in two predefined regions of the bounding box. This is a fairly simple O(N) procedure.
Unless your dataset is sorted in some way, you can't be faster than O(N). But if the point density allows it, you can subsample by taking, say, every tenth point while applying the procedure.
You can as well keep your idea of the centroid, but applying it also in a subpart.
The efficiency of an algorithm to solve your problem will depend on the data structures that represent your mesh. You might need to be more specific about them in order to obtain a sufficiently performant procedure.
The algorithms are presented in an informal way. For a more rigorous analysis, math.stackexchange might be a more suitable place to ask (or another contributor is more adept to answer ...).
The algorithms are heuristic by nature. Proposals 1 and 3 will work fine for meshes whose local boundary's curvature is mostly convex locally (skipping a rigorous mathematical definition here). Proposal 2 should be less dependent on the mesh shape (and can be easily tuned to cater for ill-behaved shapes).
Proposal 1 (Convex Hull, 2D)
Let M be the set of mesh points, projected onto a 'suitable' plane as suggested by the graphics you supplied.
Compute the convex hull CH(M) of M.
Order the n points of CH(M) in clockwise order relative to any point inside CH(M) to obtain a point sequence seq(P) = (p_0, ..., p_(n-1)), with p_0 being an arbitrary element of CH(M). Note that this is usually a by-product of the convex hull computation.
Find the longest edge of the convex polygon implied by CH(M).
Specifically, find k, such that the distance d(p_k, p_((k+1) mod n)) is maximal among all d(p_i, p_((i+1) mod n)); 0 <= i < n;
Consider the vector (p_k, p_((k+1) mod n)).
If the y coordinate of its head is greater than that of its tail (ie. its projection onto the line ((0,0), (0,1)) is oriented upwards) then your mesh opens to the left, otherwise to the right.
Step 3 exploits the condition that the mesh boundary be mostly locally convex. Thus the convex hull polygon sides are basically short, with the exception of the side that spans the opening of the mesh.
Proposal 2 (bisector sampling, 2D)
Order the mesh points by their x coordinates int a sequence seq(M).
split seq(M) into 2 halves, let seq_left(M), seq_right(M) denote the partition elements.
Repeat the following steps for both point sets.
3.1. Select randomly 2 points p_0, p_1 from the point set.
3.2. Find the bisector p_01 of the line segment (p_0, p_1).
3.3. Test whether p_01 lies within the mesh.
3.4. Keep a count on failed tests.
Statistically, the mesh point subset that 'contains' the opening will produce more failures for the same given number of tests run on each partition. Alternative test criteria will work as well, eg. recording the average distance d(p_0, p_1) or the average length of (p_0, p_1) portions outside the mesh (both higher on the mesh point subset with the opening). Cut off repetition of step 3 if the difference of test results between both halves is 'sufficiently pronounced'. For ill-behaved shapes, increase the number of repetitions.
Proposal 3 (Convex Hull, 3D)
For the sake of completeness only, as your problem description suggests that the analysis effectively takes place in 2D.
Similar to Proposal 1, the computations can be performed in 3D. The convex hull of the mesh points then implies a convex polyhedron whose faces should be ordered by area. Select the face with the maximum area and compute its outward-pointing normal which indicates the direction of the opening from the perspective of the b-box center.
The computation gets more complicated if there is much variation in the side lengths of minimal bounding box of the mesh points, ie. if there is a plane in which most of the variation of mesh point coordinates occurs. In the graphics you've supplied that would be the plane in which the mesh points are rendered assuming that their coordinates do not vary much along the axis perpendicular to the plane.
The solution is to identify such a plane and project the mesh points onto it, then resort to proposal 1.

Point in polygon on Earth globe

I have a list of coordinates (latitude, longitude) that define a polygon. Its edges are created by connecting two points with the arc that is the shortest path between those points.
My problem is to determine whether another point (let's call it U) lays in or out of the polygon. I've been searching web for hours looking for an algorithm that will be complete and won't have any flaws. Here's what I want my algorithm to support and what to accept (in terms of possible weaknesses):
The Earth may be treated as a perfect sphere (from what I've read it results in 0.3% precision loss that I'm fine with).
It must correctly handle polygons that cross International Date Line.
It must correctly handle polygons that span over the North Pole and South Pole.
I've decided to implement the following approach (as a modification of ray casting algorithm that works for 2D scenario).
I want to pick the point S (latitude, longitude) that is outside of the polygon.
For each pair of vertices that define a single edge, I want to calculate the great circle (let's call it G).
I want to calculate the great circle for pair of points S and U.
For each great circle defined in point 2, I want to calculate whether this great circle intersects with G. If so, I'll check if the intersection point lays on the edge of the polygon.
I will count how many intersections there are, and based on that (even/odd) I'll decide if point U is inside/outside of the polygon.
I know how to implement the calculations from points 2 to 5, but I don't have a clue how to pick a starting point S. It's not that obvious as on 2D plane, since I can't just pick a point that is to the left of the leftmost point.
Any ideas on how can I pick this point (S) and if my approach makes sense and is optimal?
Thanks for any input!
If your polygons are local, you can just take the plane tangent to the earth sphere at the point B, and then calculate the projection of the polygon vertices on that plane, so that the problem becomes reduced to a 2D one.
This method introduces a small error as you are approximating the spherical arcs with straight lines in the projection. If your polygons are small it would probably be insignificant, otherwise, you can add intermediate points along the arcs when doing the projection.
You should also take into account the polygons on the antipodes of B, but those could be discarded taking into account the polygons orientation, or checking the distance between B and some polygon vertex.
Finally, if you have to query too many points for that, you may like to pick some fixed projection planes (for instance, those forming an octahedron wrapping the sphere) and precalculate the projection of the polygons on then. You could even create some 2d indexing structure as a quadtree for every one in order to speed up the lookup.
The biggest issue is to define what we mean by 'inside the polygon'.
On a sphere, every polygon (as long as the lines are not intersecting) defines two regions of the sphere. Both regions are equally qualified to be called the inside of the polygon.
Consider a simple, 1-meter on a side, yellow square around the south pole.
You can think of the yellow area to be the inside of the square OR you can think of the square enclosing everything north of each line (the rest of the earth).
So, technically, any point on the sphere 'validly' inside the polygon.
The only way to disambiguate is to select which side of the polygon you want. For example, define the interior to always be the area to the right of each edge.

Subdivided icosahedron - how to find the nearest vertex to an arbitrary point

I have an application that creates an approximation to sphere by subdividing an icosahedron. The Cartesian vertex coordinates are converted to spherical coordinates so that all vertices sit on the surface of a unit sphere.
What I need to do next is find the nearest vertex to an arbitrary point on the surface of the sphere. I have come up with two simple algorithms...
Brute force search - will be OK for a small number of vertices, but will be excessive for finer subdivisions.
Sorted / Indexed search - sort the vertices into some form of order by azimuth and inclination and then create a rough index to speed up a brute force search by limiting its scope.
I was wondering if there was a more subtle, and hopefully higher performing algorithm that I can use instead of one of the two above.
Update 1: I have just recalled that for another part of the application the vertices store information about their neighbours. My new algorithm is
Pick an arbitrary start vertex. Find which of its neighbours has a smaller distance to the point to locate. Use this neighbour as the new start vertex. Repeat until none of the vertex's neighbours has a smaller distance to the point. This vertex is the closest to the point.
Scanning through the responses, I think I may be off base, but what you're after is simple. I think.
Since you're dealing with just points that sit on the sphere, you can just drop a line from the vertex to the center of the sphere, drop another line from the arbitrary point to the center and solve for the angle created between them. Smaller is better. The easiest and cheapest way I think would be the dot product. The angle basically falls out of it. Here's a link about it:
For testing them, I would suggest picking a vertex, testing it, then testing its neighbors. It SHOULD always be in the direction of the smallest neighbor (angle should always decrease as you get closer to the vertex you're after)
Anyhow, I hope that's what you're after.
Oh, and I came across this page while looking for your subdivision algorithm. Hard to find; if you could post a link to it I think it would help out a lot more than just myself.
One of possible solutions is to build BSP tree for vertices:
If the icosahedron has one vertex at the north pole and the opposite vertex at the south pole then there are 2 groups each of 5 vertices which are in planes parallel to the equator. With a little geometry I figure that these planes are at N/S 57.3056° (decimals, not dd.mmss). This divides your icosahedron into 4 latitude zones;
anything north (south) of 28.6528° is closest to the vertex at the nearer pole;
anything between the equator and north (south) 28.6528° is closer to one of the 5 vertices in that zone.
I'm working this as a navigator would, arcs measured in degrees and denoted north and south; if you prefer a more mathematical convention you can translate this all to your version of spherical coordinates quite easily.
I suspect, though I haven't coded it, that checking the distance to 5 vertices and selecting the nearest will be quicker than more sophisticated approaches based on partitioning the surface of the sphere into the projections of the faces of the icosahedron, or projecting the points on the sphere back onto the icosahedron and working the problem in that coordinate system.
For example, the approach you suggest in your update 1 will require the computation of the distance to 6 vertices (the first, arbitrarily chosen one and its 5 neighbours) at least.
It doesn't matter (if you only want to know which vertex is nearest) whether you calculate distances in Cartesian or spherical coordinates. However, calculation in Cartesian coordinates avoids a lot of calls to trigonometric functions.
If, on the other hand, you haven't arranged your icosahedron with vertices at the poles of your sphere, well, you should have !

Area of Intersection of Two Rotated Rectangles

I have two 2D rectangles, defined as an origin (x,y) a size (height, width) and an angle of rotation (0-360°). I can guarantee that both rectangles are the same size.
I need to calculate the approximate area of intersection of these two rectangles.
The calculation does not need to be exact, although it can be. I will be comparing the result with other areas of intersection to determine the largest area of intersection in a set of rectangles, so it only needs to be accurate relative to other computations of the same algorithm.
I thought about using the area of the bounding box of the intersected region, but I'm having trouble getting the vertices of the intersected region because of all of the different possible cases:
I'm writing this program in Objective-C in the Cocoa framework, for what it's worth, so if anyone knows any shortcuts using NSBezierPath or something you're welcome to suggest that too.
To supplement the other answers, your problem is an instance of line clipping, a topic heavily studied in computer graphics, and for which there are many algorithms available.
If you rotate your coordinate system so that one rectangle has a horizontal edge, then the problem is exactly line clipping from there on.
You could start at the Wikipedia article on the topic, and investigate from there.
A simple algorithm that will give an approximate answer is sampling.
Divide one of your rectangles up into grids of small squares. For each intersection point, check if that point is inside the other rectangle. The number of points that lie inside the other rectangle will be a fairly good approximation to the area of the overlapping region. Increasing the density of points will increase the accuracy of the calculation, at the cost of performance.
In any case, computing the exact intersection polygon of two convex polygons is an easy task, since any convex polygon can be seen as an intersection of half-planes. "Sequential cutting" does the job.
Choose one rectangle (any) as the cutting rectangle. Iterate through the sides of the cutting rectangle, one by one. Cut the second rectangle by the line that contains the current side of the cutting rectangle and discard everything that lies in the "outer" half-plane.
Once you finish iterating through all cutting sides, what remains of the other rectangle is the result.
You can actually compute the exact area.
Make one polygon out of the two rectangles. See this question (especially this answer), or use the gpc library.
Find the area of this polygon. See here.
The shared area is
area of rectangle 1 + area of rectangle 2 - area of aggregated polygon
Take each line segment of each rectangle and see if they intersect. There will be several possibilities:
If none intersect - shared area is zero - unless all points of one are inside the other. In that case the shared area is the area of the smaller one.
a If two consecutive edges of one rectactangle intersect with a single edge of another rectangle, this forms a triangle. Compute its area.
b. If the edges are not consequtive, this forms a quadrilateral. Compute a line from two opposite corners of the quadrilateral, this makes two triangles. Compute the area of each and sum.
If two edges of one intersect with two edges of another, then you will have a quadrilateral. Compute as in 2b.
If each edge of one intersects with each edge of the other, you will have an octagon. Break it up into triangles ( e.g. draw a ray from one vertex to each other vertex to make 4 triangles )
#edit: I have a more general solution.
Check the special case in 1.
Then start with any intersecting vertex, and follow the edges from there to any other intersection point until you are back to the first intersecting vertex. This forms a convex polygon. draw a ray from the first vertex to each opposite vetex ( e.g. skip the vertex to the left and right. ) This will divide it into a bunch of triangles. compute the area for each and sum.
A brute-force-ish way:
take all points from the set of [corners of
rectangles] + [points of intersection of edges]
remove the points that are not inside or on the edge of both rectangles.
Now You have corners of intersection. Note that the intersection is convex.
sort the remaining points by angle between arbitrary point from the set, arbitrary other point, and the given point.
Now You have the points of intersection in order.
calculate area the usual way (by cross product)
